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Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 10


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As we were loading the bags in the trunk of her car she hugged me, "Thank you for buying all this, but I feel bad you are spending all this money on me."

Hugging her back, "Remember, all this is for me as much as you," I chuckled, "believe me I will get my money's worth just seeing you all sexed up."

When we pulled up in front of the Lion's Den she started fidgeting and getting nervous. There were only a couple of cars parked in the lot, so there probably were not many customers in the store this time of day.

"Come on it doesn't look like they are busy and I know what I'm looking for and it won't take but a few minutes," as I held her car door open for her. Finally taking my hand she came out of the car and held it tightly as we made it inside the store.

There was an older lady, probably early fifties behind the counter. Dark hair, lots of make-up, to hide her wrinkles. She was taking money from a middle aged man for a roll of tokens for the video machines in the back room. As soon as he had his tokens he headed back through a door and disappeared.

She looked up and smiled at us. She probably would look prettier if she toned down the make-up and didn't have a nose ring. But she was friendly and asked if she could be of help.

"We're looking for dildos and vibrators," I smirked, making Sandy blush and scoot closer to me. The lady smiled and said, "We just got in some new toys I have in the glass counter over behind you, if you see something you like I'll unlock the cabinet for you."

Sandy stayed by my side looking around nervously at all the items in the store. Her eyes wide as I pointed at the life-like dildo behind the glass case. It was 6" inches long, with a veined shaft, thicker than average, with a suction cup.

"Oh my gosh, it looks real," her voice low almost a whisper.

I chuckled, "That's the one we are getting, it should fit your pussy and keep you happy when we are not together."

The lady clerk walked up about that time, "Here's a new vibrator I just unpacked you might be interested in, a G-Kiss Vibrator, thinking of getting one for myself," she chuckled, "for those nights my hubby is not home." Handing it toward Sandy.

Sandy's face was scarlet red, as she took it in her hand without thinking. She looked at it, then up at me with a soft giggle and nodded her head, letting me know she wanted it.

"We'll take it and the dildo plus a jar of lube. I think that is all we need today," I grinned.

She rang us up and handed the bag to Sandy instead of me, grinning at Sandy, "Honey, it looks like you gotta keeper, hang on to him, and enjoy the toys."

Sandy just smiled and nodded her head and was anxious to get out the door.

She handed me her keys and said, "You drive....I can't believe we just did that. I've never used these kinds of things before."

"I'll gladly teach you," I growled and kissed her. "Now let's get home I can't wait to lick and kiss parts of your body I never got around to tasting last night."

We stopped on the way home. she said she liked pizza, which made me smile and think of Ava. It turns out Sandy likes Pepperoni with extra jalapenos on top, one I used to like but had not had in a long time. That and a six pack of Corona we went home and carried everything up to her apartment.

She seemed more relaxed, and when we got home she carried her VS and Lion's Den purchases to her room, while I got paper plates out for the pizza and opened two beers. When she came back from her bedroom she had taken her shoes off and was barefoot.

"You sure you're okay with us having pizza?" She asked.

"Sure," I chuckled, "my sister could live on it I believe. Her favorite is Meat Lovers and every time I turn around we order it. Plus I used to eat Pepperoni topped with jalapenos it's nice having it again."

"Her and I would probably get along well then," she giggled, "it's something that's good for breakfast, lunch or dinner."

"Now you really sound like her," I laughed, as we sat down on the couch to eat.

"Do you have a picture of her? I think it's sweet your helping her and you and her have a close relationship. I would have liked having a sibling, especially after losing my parents."

Thank God I had some photos on my phone of Ava I could show her. My photos were organized in albums for that reason. "Sure lets eat first, then I'll show you."

When we finished eating, I told her to stay seated, I would get rid of the plates and empty pizza box and grab us another beer. As I came back with the beers, she smiled, "I'm going to miss being waited on when you leave," she giggled.

"I certainly hope there are other things you miss about me," I winked and wiggled my eyebrows in a wicked way.

"That too," she grinned. "Now show me a picture of your sister?"

I showed her several pictures of Ava. One she was wearing her white skinny jeans, another in a red dress, and one in her one piece red bathing suit and bucket hat, and red sunglasses.

"Oh my gawd, she is gorgeous," Sandy smiled, "I wish I looked half that good."

Putting my phone away, I pulled her into my lap, "That's another thing I never want to hear, you putting yourself down and comparing yourself to her or any other woman," my voice was low and husky, as I cupped her face with both hands. "Do it again and I will spank your bottom. You're a beautiful, smart and sexy woman."

In a soft voice she looked up at me, as she straddled my lap, "Sorry...."

"There you go again," I growled, and pushed her over where she was laying across my lap, "Smack, smack," I spanked her bottom.

She was so surprised she didn't react at first, until my hand came down on her bottom, then she squealed after the first blow, 'Ooooohh," the second blow hit and she shouted louder "Ouch...!"

I hadn't hit her very hard, it just sounded like it and she was wearing jeans. It startled her more than anything. I chuckled, and rubbed her bottom, "You know you have a perfect ass, especially for spanking," as I groped her ass and kneaded her butt cheeks. I heard a little moan escape her lips.

"I think you like having your butt spanked, you sure love having it rubbed," I said in a low guttural voice as I continued to play with her ass.

She finally giggled softly, and tried to push herself up off the couch and my lap, I shoved her back down, "Did I tell you to get up," holding one hand on her back the other still rubbing her cute ass. "If you want up, I want to hear you say please Sir."

"She mumbled, "Please Sir....may I get up."

I laughed and pulled her back up straddling me, "Now let me hear you say it, say I am a beautiful sexy woman."

"You aren't serious, you want me to say I'm beautiful?" she murmured.

"Either say like you mean it or I'll jerk your pants down and spank your bare bottom," I told her in an authoritative tone.

Her eyes widened and she opened and closed her mouth, then finally looked me in the eye and said, "I am a beautiful woman."

"Now you're doing so well following orders, get in your room and put on that white pleated babydoll outfit with the thong panties," I grinned and kissed her forehead.

"Yes Sir," she giggled and took off to her bedroom.

I groaned as I adjusted my dick, that was tenting my pants. I grinned thinking there was a part of Sandy that was dying to have someone take charge, she obviously enjoyed sex and her marriage had not given her what she needed. She said that she never had an orgasm from penetration, that explained her being so good at oral sex.

Her body craved orgasms and the only way she got them was by them having oral sex with her ex.

I was determined to make her mind, even if she didn't want to have anal sex, which she said she refused with her husband. He must have started realizing he was gay and was desperate to fuck her ass instead of her pussy. With her ass in the air and him behind her he could sink his dick in her ass, close his eyes and pretend he was fucking some guy. When she refused, that was the straw that broke the camels back. It must have been when he started searching for another gay man and looking at gay porn on the internet that I discovered when I was hired.

Well I could give up anal sex if I could have Sandy, I told myself as I took off my clothes except my boxers. As I walked back to her bedroom, I knew I had to convince her we were meant to be together, and at the same time to submit to me as my submissive. So far I hadn't really shown her my dominant side, I would have to play it by ear and not scare her off.

Motherfuck! As I walked in the bedroom she was standing in front of the mirror over the dresser brushing out her hair, dressed in the white pleated babydoll outfit. Her arms up as she brushed her silky strands of hair, causing the bottom of the nightie to lift showing me a side view of her voluptuous ass, her tits straining the lacy bra cups, her nipples pebbled.

My dick was pushing upward trying to escape my boxers, as I stood open mouthed staring at her. Her head turned toward me as she laid the brush down and a smile lit up her face. Her eyes were on my eyes for a second then drifted down to the bulge in my boxers, making her smile even more. She was happy she was pleasing me.

Thank goodness I brought my phone with me. "Don't move," I growled in a low voice that sounded gravelly, "I need a picture of this. Damn you are so fucking sexy and beautiful I want a picture I can frame and put on my nightstand," as I snapped several photos.

Her face brightened and she turned toward me giving a full frontal view as I snapped another picture of her. Laying my phone down I closed the distance between us and scooped her up in my arms, her hands going around my neck, my hands gripping her fleshy ass cheeks. Our lips meet and we kissed passionately, our tongues pushing back and forth into each other's mouth.

She whimpered as we kissed her legs locking around me, her thong covered cunt against my rigid member. Sitting down on the end of the bed with her wrapped around me we broke the kiss, both of us breathing hard. "God let me look at you," as I leaned my head back and looked at her firm tits that were rising and falling as she gasped for air, her lips swollen from the hard kiss.

"I feel like I'm in heaven with a beautiful angel in my arms," I groaned, as I bent my head and sucked on her breasts through the lacy cups.

She thrust her chest out as I moved from one breasts to the other. "Oh Lee.... you make me feel things I've never felt before....take me, use me, make me yours," she moaned, her hands in my hair.

"You are mine Sandy," I growled, "and as much as I love the outfit this top has got to come off." As she helped me tug it up and over her head and toss it. Now she only had on the thong and I could feast on her tits and nipples, while squeezing and kneading the soft cheeks of her ass.

She whimpered and moaned running her fingers through my hair as I sucked, licked, and chewed on her soft titty flesh and hard nipples. She had a small hickey on her neck from the night before, she was getting another tonight on the other side. At least for a few days she would wear my mark.

As I molested her breasts she wiggled and squirmed trying to hump my cock. "Oh gawd Lee....this is torture......take me now." she pleaded.

"You need to learn....I'm the boss in the bedroom," I chuckled softly, as I moved up the hollow of her neck and sucked hard on the soft sweet skin. Marking the other side of her neck.

"You....you are gonna make me cum......" she squealed as her legs locked tighter around me.

"Cum for me," I murmured as I licked up the side of her slender neck and whispered in her ear. "I'm gonna make you cum so many times you'll beg me to stop, then I'll make you come again."

"Cuummminnnnggg..." she moaned loudly throwing her head back, her hands gripping my neck as her orgasm rolled through her making her shiver and jerk.

I chuckled in her ear, "Don't cum again without permission....or I'll spank your bottom," as I laid back and rolled over laying her down on the bed. She was moaning and panting, her legs hanging off the end of the bed. Moving off the bed on the floor between her legs, I was glad the lights were on, as I admired her body. Her thong was soaked making me lick my lips as I pulled the thong down and off her body.

I buried my head between her thighs and licked up and down her slit, lapping up her juices. "So wet....."I moaned, as I tongue fucked her, "such a pretty pussy....I may stay here with my head buried in your cunt....all night."

Her thighs wrapped around my head as she squealed and begged me to stop. "Please.....I.......oh pl..please...I'm gonna cummmmm...I can't....stop it."

As I sucked hard on her sensitive clit,she went off screaming, "LEE..LEE..Oh me...... " as she bucked and writhed, bathing my mouth and chin in more of her juices. Her thighs were quivering until they finally went limp. She moaned softly as she came down from her orgasm, "Oh me.....ohhh..ohhh....no...more."

I chuckled softly, "You came without permission...now you have to be punished." As I pushed her up the bed and flipped her over on her stomach. She was so exhausted, she didn't resist as I placed her on the bed head down, ass up in the air.

"SMACK..SMACK," spanking each cheek of her ass. "Ohh shit...," she groaned. Rubbing gently the fleshy cheeks of her ass, "Such a pretty red ass, you've got to learn to control your orgasms or I'll make sure you can't sit down," I growled at her.

"Don't move," I ordered her. No response from her except a soft moan. "Smack," I swatted her ass dead center, "Answer me and say Yes Sir."

"OHH...Yes Sir," she moaned loudly.

She stayed in position while I quickly got the fake cock and lubed it up. She was laying there moaning, her eyes shut as I admired her pink ass where I spanked her.

Positioning myself behind her she couldn't see what I was doing. She moaned as I ran the head of the fake cock up and down her wet slit. She was so wet I probably didn't need to lube the fake cock, but I wanted to make sure it slid inside her easily.

"I think it's time you got fucked," my voice low and husky, "I want hear you say Yes Sir."

She murmured softly, "Yes Sir."

The suction cup made for a nice handhold as I slowly pushed the 6" fake cock into her wet cunt. Her juices were dripping from her pussy as I slowly pushed the cock inside her, not stopping until it was buried inside her. It was smaller than my dick so I knew she would have no trouble taking all of it.

She still had her eyes closed as she moaned softly, "Oh gawd...feels so good."

My dick was leaking and about to explode as I looked down at the fake cock buried inside her. I had to use my free hand to squeeze the base of my shaft to keep from cumming. I slowly pulled the fake cock out, until just the head was inside her.

"You can cum all you want now," I groaned, as I plunged the fake cock back inside her slick tunnel. "Oh yes..yes....oh gawd yes..fuck me...." she moaned loudly as I pumped into her rapidly. I could feel her clench down the fake cock like she was about to cum. I yanked it out and pitched it aside and she moaned and her eyes opened realizing she was empty. Before she knew what was happening I lined up and rammed my cock all the way balls deep inside her. If she was going to cum on a cock it was going to be mine!

"OH FUCK......FUCK," she screamed loudly, her eyes wide open, her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly.

Squeezing her hips I pounded in and out of her, she grunted as I bottomed out in her.

"Oh gawd,,,,ugh......oh my....ugh....I'm.......ugh...gonna cum...UGH...oh shit..." she whimpered and went to make strange sounds as her cunt clamped down on my dick and she went off like a roman candle.

I could feel her vagina spasm and soaking my cock in more of her hot juices as I jack hammered into her. Leaning down using my hands to hold me up I licked the shell of her ear and whispered, "I'm gonna fill you up with so much cum.....you'll be leaking my sperm out of your pretty pussy for a week," I grunted as I felt her core muscles clamp down on my shaft and she came again and collapsed on on the bed taking me with her.

As I pumped into her a couple more times my balls drew up and I growled loudly, "FUCK..FUCK.....as I buried my cock deep inside her and stiffened and blasted at least six loads of cum deep in her cunt.

As I rolled off her trying to catch my breath, I pulled her to me. She moaned softly as she settled in the crook of my right arm, her head resting on my chest, her right arm and leg draped across me.

We both lay there for several minutes, trying to get oxygen in our lungs. My right hand on her ass, her tits pressed into me. Finally getting my breathing under control I kissed the top of her head and ran my hand from her ass up and down her spine. She shivered and trembled as the finger tips of her right hand played with the hair on my chest.

"Lee," she mumbled softly, "I've never cum so hard in my life......and I don't know why, but your spanking made me want you even more."

"I believe it's because you have a submissive steak in you, and that's why I felt this connection to you from the first few times we talked. Submissive women like for someone to take control, especially in the bedroom, and I intend to do that and control all your orgasms," my tone of voice was firm as I used my left hand to tilt her head up and make look at me. Now that we were eye to eye, I softened my voice, "Look me in the eye and tell me that's what you want and I promise I'll always make sure you for several orgasms every day.....when I say you can," I teased her.

She smiled and surprised me by saying, "Madeline warned me about you and I told her she was crazy. She said from things I told her you sounded like a Dom, then explained to me what that meant. Is it true?" She was smiling at me waiting for an answer, which told me she wasn't scared of the idea, in fact seemed intrigued by it.

I chuckled, "That's why you kept Madeline from talking too much when she was here, and asked what we were talking about when you gave her her drink."

She giggled, "I love her to death, but I never know what's going to come out of her mouth. You still haven't answered my question are you what they call a Dom?"

"Yes I am, and now you need to tell me honestly if that is a problem for you?" I stared at her holding my breath that she wouldn't say it was a problem.

She paused for a minute, to me it seemed like forever, then she grinned shyly, "It sounds kind of scary, but you make me feel things I've never felt before, so no I don't have a problem with you being in control. Until you I never had intercourse except in a missionary position."

I placed a soft kiss on her lips to shut her up, I'd heard all I needed to make my heart race and my dick swell up, "As your Dom you submit to me in all things related to sex, but you'll always have a safe word to use if don't want to do something...such as anal sex or other things," my voice was husky

Her eyes widened at the mention of anal sex, which I expected, but I wanted her to know that was on the menu but she could always say no. It wasn't a deal breaker for me where Sandy was concerned. Her breath caught and she sighed, then murmured in a quiet voice, "Teach me more Lee....I'm willing to submit to you."

Those words were not out of her mouth good,before I was on her, kissing her hard and worshiping every inch of her body.

The whole night was spent licking and kissing every inch of her sexy body. She squirmed and squealed when I parted her ass cheeks and licked her crinkled hole, but I made no effort to penetrate her dark tunnel. I would save that for later when I was sure she was prepared properly with butt plugs.

She especially enjoyed the new purple G-Kiss vibe I bought her. Like the perfect sub she laid back and played with her nipples as instructed while I used the vibe to tease her pussy and clit. "Don't cum without permission," I ordered her, and she tried but couldn't hold back, Oh gawd...too much....cummminnngg," she cried out.


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