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Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 10


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Sitting in a chair next to me drinking her beer, she casually said, "Before you freak out I was hungry and ordered a Meat Lover's pizza."

I nearly choked on my beer, "My gawd Ava," I chuckled, " I believe you could live on pizza."

She giggled, "It's the perfect food, and it's good hot or cold, and for breakfast, lunch or dinner."

"I'll make sure you exercise extra hard in the morning," chuckled. I still wondered if she had found the vibrator and note I packed it in the bottom of her luggage.

Friday June 24th


I woke up early despite Lee and I staying up talking, eating pizza and watching a Netflix movie. It was fun and relaxing, just enjoying each other's company. I wondered if last night in the hotel if that was the last time he and I would have sex. I hoped not, but I sure wasn't going to push it, since he was going to see Sandy.

I had not unpacked my bag since we got home last night. I had just slept in my panties and Lee's red t-shirt. I thought I might as well unpack and separate my dirty clothes so I could wash them before going to Lisa's this afternoon. Lee had packed my bag and had used a hotel laundry bag to put my dirty clothes in which included my red bikini panties that he had stuffed in my mouth.

I giggled thinking about how many times he made me cum. Smiling I removed the robe and gown which he had folded neatly since they were not dirty. At the bottom was a hotel hand towel and I picked it up and felt something in the folded towel. The blue vibrator and the remote control fell out on the bed.

I giggled out loud and picked it up along with the note. Holding it in my hand I turned it on, a low buzz sound you could barely hear, but I watched in amazement the dildo shape vibrated and the top 2" thrust up and down, while the flap attached that fit against my clit vibrated. I played with the settings from 1 to 10 and burst out laughing. Oh yeah, I thought this would come in handy.

Looking at the clock it was only 5:45 a.m. Lee had said last night he was going to go for a run this morning and he trusted me to do my 30 minutes of exercise today on my own. Especially since I promised him I would, and was going to work hard to learn to defend myself.

I quickly dressed in my new white Whitney pocket legging and top that showed off my midriff. Lacing up my new Nike running shoes I ran downstairs to see if Lee had left already. No he was in the kitchen peeling a banana, dressed in gym shorts, t-shirt and running shoes.

"Hey, do you care if I run with you?" I smiled at him. He paused for a minute then grinned, "I'm surprised you're up this early."

"I just want to show you I'm all in, and besides I wanted to spend time with before you leave later this morning," I smiled and grabbed a banana and started peeling it.

"Sure," he grinned as he ate his banana, "nice outfit by the way," as he looked me up and down. "Just be sure and keep up I only have 30 minutes."

"No problem old man," I giggled and ate my banana.

At 6:45 I came dragging myself back in the house. Lee was sitting at the kitchen table drinking water. A grin on his face, he chuckled, "Not bad, but you'll get better."

"You didn't tell me we were going to run on the beach, then up and down the stairs on the bridge over the highway," I groaned as I flopped down in a chair.

Standing he got me a bottle of water, bent and kissed the top of my head. "Get a cool shower and then eat something. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," I huffed, "I'm proud I made it back to the house." Making him laugh.

The morning seemed to pass quickly. I was doing laundry, Lee was packing for his trip. About 10 a.m. the door bell rang and I rushed to the front door. UPS guy had a package for me I had to sign for. Just as I shut the door Lee walked up.

"Is that for me?" he asked.

There was sense in lying to him, so I opened the small package and showed him. He smirked, "Just be careful using that, I understand why you want it, but be extremely careful."

"I know, I had one I made back home, but it was not near this good," I grinned and pulled my current I Iowa license out and showed him to compare. "It looks just like my real Iowa license it just makes me 21, you can't tell the difference. I will get my Alabama license and use it, but if I get carded I'll show this fake Iowa license," I giggled.

"Just promise me you won't drink and drive," he said in a stern voice, "call an Uber if you can't reach me or someone you trust."

Lee's phone rang, before I could respond. Holding up a finger to hush me, he pulled his phone out and answered, "Good morning Arnold, it's good to hear from you, hopefully with good news."

"Hold just a minute and let me put you on speaker, Ava is standing right here," he said with a big grin on his face.

Arnold's deep voice was loud and clear, "Congrats Ava, I just got a call and they said I should be the one to give you the good news. You scored 1520 on the SAT. The gentleman that administered the test was quite impressed with you."

I didn't much after that I was bouncing up and down pumping my fists in the air. Lee hugged me trying to calm me down, as he talked with Arnold.

"That's fantastic news Arnold, I really appreciate your help. I think Ava wants to speak to you," motioning for me to say something.

"Arnold I'm so excited,I don't know how to thank you enough. I'm glad I didn't let you down."

Arnold chuckled loudly, "I'm sure you'll be hearing from the Dean of Admissions in the near future. Call me if you have any questions or I can help in any way."

"I will Arnold, and thanks so much for your help. Bye."

As soon as I hung up Lee he bear hugged me, "God that's the best news, we will celebrate as soon as I get back," he chuckled.

I was on cloud nine, but the reminder of him leaving hurt, but I didn't let on. I smiled and hugged him back. Lee had really turned my life around and I owed him big time.

"I've got to call and tell Mom and Dad, plus Lisa," I giggled.

"Go ahead," he chuckled, "I need to finish packing."


As I finished packing I was looking forward to seeing Sandy, but hated that I was leaving after Ava got such good news, and I wasn't going to be able to be here and celebrate with her.

I had decided to use an Uber to the airport instead of driving my car. As the Uber app showed he was a few minutes away I carried my bag downstairs. I packed as little as possible since it was just for the weekend and didn't want to have to mess around with checked bags.

I was leaving earlier than I needed too but wanted to make sure I had plenty of time. Now was not the time to screw up and miss my flight. I could grab a bite to eat and a drink in the airport bar.

Ava had been busy calling and telling our parents and Lisa about the news. As I sat my bag down by the front door she came rushing downstairs and barreled into and hugged me.

"I'm going to miss you," her voice low, as she hugged me, "I have something for you but you can't open it until you get to the airport. Promise me," she grinned and handed me a sealed envelope with Lee Gardner written on the front.

"Is a pinky swear good enough," I chuckled.

"Good enough," she giggled and held out her pinky finger, sealing the promise.

On the ride to the airport I talked to the driver. It helped to pass the time. A young man that was a big Roll Tide fan. He did most of the talking going on about how great Coach Nick Saban was. Couldn't argue with him there. I for sorrow for the guy that had to follow him.

Arriving at the airport I gave him a nice tip then headed to the lounge for a drink, and to find out what was in the envelope Ava gave me. Taking a drink of my beer, I pulled the envelope out of the side flap of my bag. I chuckled softly as I opened the envelope and unfolded the paper inside.


Your mission if you decide to accept, is to seduce Sandy Johnson and learn all her secrets. If possible get her to relocate to Orange Beach, Alabama. If so, our secret agent, known only as Ava, will assist you in any way needed to win her over.

By the way, Agent Ava is busy right now. Something about a blue object she found in the bottom of her luggage. She assured us she would be available later for whatever you need.


I got tickled and laughed out loud, causing the bartender and other patrons to look over at me. The bartender grinned, "Sounds like someone got some good news."

"Better than good news," I chuckled. "Bring me a cheeseburger, and by then I'll need another beer." As I drank my beer, waiting on my cheeseburger, I chuckled to myself. Ava was probably right now using her new blue toy, knowing I had arrived at the airport. Damn I hope the cameras are capturing those images.

The flight arrived right on time in Albuquerque. I grabbed my bag from the overhead storage and hurried off the plane. Sandy was waiting, watching the crowd coming off the plane. I spotted her first, standing there looking beautiful. Dressed in a nice white cotton linen shift dress with a V neck and 3/4 length sleeves, brown ankle boots with a 3" heel. Her blonde shoulder length hair frames her face, wearing a beaded necklace made of dark brown, light brown and white beads hanging around her slender neck. Her gray eyes met mine and the brightest smile lit up her face, as she started walking toward me.

I just stood there staring at her. She was even more beautiful in person. I wasn't sure if I should kiss her or just hug her since we had never met in person. I didn't need to make a decision, she rushed up and hugged me and kissed my cheek, "Welcome to New Mexico. I'm so glad you came," she smiled at me making my heart race.

Holding her by the shoulders I smiled at her, "Just give me a minute to look at you," I chuckled, "I've pictured this moment numerous times and I mean it, you're even beautiful and gorgeous in person,'" making her blush.

Grabbing my hand, "Come on let's get out of here you're bound to be hungry, and I know a place on the way to my apartment I think you'll like," she giggled and squeezed my hand.

I was hungry, but my mind was on other things, like eating her instead of Mexican food. However I didn't want to screw things up. The food was good and I like spicy food, but I didn't like it when the owner greeted us at the door and hugged Sandy. He was an older man and seemed happy to see her. I felt better when he turned to me and said, "You must be Lee I've heard so much about," making Sandy blush again.

When we were seated she was still blushing, "'ve been talking about me," I grinned.

"I've been coming here forever, and the last few weeks he said he was happy to see me smiling again. I might have mentioned you, and last week I told him you were coming to visit," her voice was low, not a whisper.

Reaching across and taking her hand in mine, my thumb rubbing her knuckles, "Several people back home know about you and would like to meet you, maybe I can get you to come visit soon," my voice low and husky.

By 8 o'clock we were finished and back at her apartment. I grabbed my bag out of the back seat and followed her into her apartment building. As soon as the door to her apartment opened her cat, Tab, came stalking cautiously toward us.

"Tab baby," Sandy spoke softly, "come here and meet Lee," as she squatted down.

I reached inside a zipper pocket on my bag and pulled out a 4" diameter orange ball, that had holes in it where when rolled around treats would spill out. Leaning over I rolled it easily toward the cat. At first he backed up and arched his back, then when a treat fell out he pounced on it.

Sandy died laughing and looked up at me, "I think you just made friends with him." Standing up she blushed, "I guess I need to show you where to put your things," she mumbled in a nervous voice.

I knew she had 2 bedrooms but was using one for an office. leaving her room as the only one with a bed. Trying to put her at ease, I smiled, "I can just set my bag and briefcase in your office," with a nod of my head toward the couch, "and sleep on the couch."

"No," she quickly responded, her voice low, "sorry I'm just're the first man...",

I interrupted her by pulling her to me and placed a soft kiss on her lips, then cupped her face with my hands, "No need to be nervous, I feel we know each other, maybe we need to have that drink you promised," I chuckled softly, "and relax."

Her apartment, when you crossed the threshold you were in the living area, on the right an L shaped area was the kitchen with a counter separating it from the living room. A hall ran down from the far side of the living room, a bath on the right just what would be behind the kitchen. The left side of the hall held two bedrooms.

She finally relaxed and smiled, "Put your things in the bedroom, the last door on the left, and I'll get some glasses."

Tossing my bag and laptop in her room, I grinned looking at her bed remembering her masturbating for me while I watched. Tonight hopefully I would be the one making her cum.

Returning to the living room, she had a bottle of Single Barrell Jack Daniels whiskey sitting on the coffee table and two glasses. The bottle had been opened and a little had been obviously consumed. Picking the bottle up I poured two fingers of whiskey for myself. Just as I lifted it to my lips Sandy walked in from the kitchen with a plate of cream cheese sausage balls and cubes of cheddar cheese.

"I hope this is okay, I fixed the sausage balls earlier and just zapped them in the microwave," she giggled softly, "I'm not used to entertaining."

I smiled at her, "I didn't realize you were a whiskey drinker."

Setting the plate down on the coffee table and taking a seat next to me, she grinned, "Well in one of our talks, I don't remember if it was a facetime call or Zoom call, I saw a bottle of this," picking up the bottle, "sitting behind you. I thought I would buy it and I decided to try some myself. It was good and I liked it, certainly different from Vodka or Tequlia," she giggled. Pouring herself a small portion she lifted her glass to bump her glass to mine. "Cheers, to new beginnings," and we both chugged down the smooth oak, spicy flavor.

"To new beginnings," my voice was low and husky, as I pulled her to me with my left arm and kissed her. Sitting my glass down with my lips still on hers, I reached for her hand still holding her glass and sat it down. Arms wrapped around each other and we continued kissing.

I couldn't resist, I had been waiting too long for this moment. I pulled her into my lap her straddling me. Our tongues battled back and forth in a passionate kiss, until we both pulled back to catch our breath. "Oh gawd....I do long," she whimpered resting her forehead against mine.

Cupping her face with both hands I held her where we were looking eye to eye, "Sandy, I need to tell you...I'm not going to beat around the bush. I feel strongly about you and I have ever since the first time I heard your voice. That sounds crazy I know....but I think I'm falling in love with you."

"Lee," she moaned, "the way I feel scares me, but yes I have strong feelings for you."

"Sandy," I groaned, "you don't have to tell me you love me right now, I'm being honest so you'll know where I'm coming from. I intend to make love to you, fuck you, lick every inch of you and do everything I can to make you mine."

She hugged me tightly burying her head in my neck, I smell her vanilla scented perfume. "Lee these feelings I have really scare me, we live so far can ever make this work," her voice was almost a whimper, then I felt a wetness against my neck.

Gripping her shoulders I pulled her up, she was straddling my lap where I could see her face. A few tear drops were running down her cheeks, cupping her face in my hands I used my thumbs to wipe away her tears, "No more tears, we're going to make this work."

I was about to kiss her, and my competition picked that exact moment to jump up on the couch, and purred and pawed at Sandy's arm for attention. She giggled softly, "Oh Tab," and reached her hand over and rubbed his head making him curl up and lay his head on her leg, purring more. While rubbing Tab she looked at me, "Guess I should have taken Madeline up on her offer to cat-sit," she giggled. "If you don't mind I'll call Madeline to come and get Tab, she lives here in the apartment building."

"Whatever makes you happy Sandy," I smiled at her and reached a hand over to rub Tab's head. He hissed, and drew back making Sandy pick him up, "Stop that Tab, that's rude, and he brought you a nice toy and treat," she scolded him. Getting up she carried Tab into the kitchen while I poured myself another drink. First time I ever got cock blocked by an animal, I chuckled to myself.

Sandy walked back in the living room with her phone up to her ear, "You sure you don't mind? Thanks and it'll give you a chance to meet Lee," she laughed softly.

Sitting down on the couch she poured herself a drink, "She'll be right down, she lives one floor up. She moved in a couple weeks ago to get away from her parents," she giggled. "I think she loves Tab as much as I do and jumped at the chance to take him for the weekend."

"I look forward to meeting her, especially since she has been so much help to you. Sorry Tab took a dislike to me, I'll need to up my game to win him over," I chuckled.

"Oh he's just jealous, he's in the kitchen eating sardines I gave him, so he's content now," she laughed and took a sip of her drink.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in," shouted Sandy.

Madeline walked in smiling from ear to ear, "Before you ask Sandy, I contacted that customer that was a pain in the ass and got him straightened out. As a matter of fact he even gave me the name of someone that might be interested in doing business with us."

I like her immediately, she seemed like a take charge individual. Rising from the couch I stepped toward her with an out stretched hand, "Pleasure meeting you Madeline, I've heard great things about you," giving her my best smile.

She was about the same height as Sandy, leaner, I'd guess about 29-24-33, brown hair and eyes. Grinning and shaking my hand, "Same here, she" pointing to Sandy, "can't shut up talking about you Lee. So do me a favor and keep her occupied this weekend. I don't want to see or hear from her again until Monday morning," she giggled.

Sandy had gotten up off the couch blushing, "You know you don't have to blurt out everything I share with you," her voice playful, but I felt she was trying to shut down Madeline before she said something else.

"Madeline can I offer you a drink?" pointing to the bottle sitting on the coffee table.

Sandy spoke up, "Let me fix her a Screwdriver she's not much into whiskey."

"Okay thanks," Madeline responded, "but don't fix it too strong and I'll just have one and get out of your hair." She winked at me as Sandy went to the kitchen to fix the Screwdriver.

Making herself at home Madeline sat down in a chair across from the couch and popped a sausage ball in her mouth. Looking over her shoulder toward the kitchen, she turned back to me and grinned. In a whisper, "She needs a good fucking, all she does is work. I'm assuming you really like her, I mean who flies across the country for a piece of ass. Especially a hunk like you," she giggled softly.

Smiling back at her, "You're right, I do really like her. As a matter of fact I think I'm falling in love with her. I know that sounds crazy, falling in love with a person you've only talked to on the phone or video chat. But it is what it is," I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, taking a drink of whiskey.

"What are you two talking about," Sandy smiled as she handed Madeline her drink. "You better not be telling him lies about me," gently slapping Madeline on the arm, before taking a seat next to me.

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