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Bug Control: Full Invasion

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The bugs counter attack.
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Karen arrived late to work. She was sitting at her desk, unable to focus on the report that she had to deliver later that day. Her pussy was dripping wet and she couldn't understand why. When she woke up this morning, she had felt strangely aroused, but she took care of the "problem" while she bathed, masturbating to a satisfying orgasm.

Now, three hours later, she felt even hornier. Karen wondered what the hell was going on with her body.

The distracted woman got startled when she heard a soft voice whispering in her ear. She couldn't recognize whose voice it was, but it certainly made her pussy twitch so hard that she soaked her panties and the fabric of the chair she was sitting on.

That sweet whisper traveled through her ear canal and filtered into her brain, pushing aside any other thought that got in the way. Those words were not a suggestion... they were a command that should be obeyed without question.

"Follow me, darling," Deborah said.

Always looking straight ahead, Karen stood up and followed Deborah, the new intern, into the bathroom.

The short walk from her desk to the bathroom took long enough for Karen to regain a bit of consciousness. Deborah was standing right in front of her, leaning back on the sink, looking beautiful and seductive. The astounded woman was confused beyond words. She was not a lesbian, but her sexual attraction towards Deborah was irresistible. And her voice... she was not hearing Deborah's voice in her mind; she was hearing it in her soul.

The new intern had arrived to the office a few days ago and Karen didn't like it at all. Deborah was just as beautiful as she was and she didn't want to compete for the guy's attention. She could get away with a lot in the office just by flirting with her boss or her coworkers.

But at this moment, she was the one being seduce and she felt absolutely powerless. More so when she heard Deborah's next command...

"Get down on your knees and eat my pussy."

Karen hesitated for a second, only to realize that she was already on her knees. Deborah's pussy was a few centimeters from her face and her scent was intoxicating. The hypnotized woman leaned forward and licked. Deborah tasted wonderful! Karen began to wonder if she had always been a lesbian but she didn't know it. Everything was so puzzling.

What is wrong with me? Why am I doing this?... God! She tastes so fucking good!! Karen thought.

Karen considered making a pause and talk with Deborah about this odd situation, but that would mean detaching her lips from Deborah's pussy and that was unthinkable.

Deborah felt Karen's tongue caressing her clitoris, then reaching deep into her pussy. It was obvious that the woman working between her legs was no expert, but her eagerness compensated her inexperience.

As an instinctive response to her increasing arousal, Deborah could feel her inner organs shifting and preparing. The beautiful woman closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and when she opened them again, they had changed. Her pupils looked alien, elongated like a lizard's.

The alien woman felt a strong contraction on her pelvis and then she gushed abundantly into Karen's mouth.

Karen felt the fluid filling her mouth and got startled, but instead of pulling away, she spread her lips wider apart and swallowed. The special mixture of chemicals filtered through the delicate membranes of Karen's skin and assaulted her brain.

The woman's eyes rolled back from the sudden rush of pleasure.

Karen's world began to spin. Despite being of her knees, she couldn't remain vertical and tilted backwards until her head touched the ground.

Deborah knew exactly what was going to happen next and couldn't wait for it. Her pussy twitched violently and repeatedly while something wonderful began to unfold within her womb.

The alien woman also knew that she had to act quickly and removed Karen's pants while she was barely conscious. This was the first time that Deborah used her pussy fluids to subdue a woman and didn't know how long she had.

Karen was lying flat on the hard floor of the bathroom while Deborah pulled off her pants but she felt as if she was floating on a cloud. It was very difficult to focus on anything and she was more confused than ever. Deep in the back of her mind, Karen was aware that she was having sex with another woman and this was both scary and extremely arousing.

Deborah is going to lick my pussy... I... I want it...

Karen heard Deborah's soft moans, mixed with squelching sounds. She could had never imagined that the source of this strange sound was a large, thick appendage emerging between her lover's thighs.

Karen opened her eyes wide when she felt a thick, wet object penetrating her pussy. She was expecting Deborah's warm tongue and instead she was being fucked by a massive cock!

Deborah was able to move the appendage like a fifth limb. She just had to think where she wanted it to go and the tip would bend and twist on the right direction.

Deborah's ovipositor had millions of nerve endings all along its surface so she could feel the same level of pleasure fucking somebody than being fucked herself. Both girls gasped and moaned loudly while the appendage penetrated the first ten centimeters. There were several more to go.

The shock of being fucked by such a large cock helped Karen to regain some awareness. Wanting to know what was happening between her legs, she lifted her torso and looked down.

"Oh God!!" she exclaimed.

The astonished woman gasped again when saw a tentacle protruding from Deborah's pussy and penetrating hers. This appendage looked very much alive, glistening and twitching like a giant worm. Karen thought about pushing this monstrous thing away but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

And if the tentacle wasn't scary enough, what happened next was even worse. Deborah noticed that Karen was too awake and too scared, even though she wasn't fighting back. Deborah wasn't taking any chances and decided to reinforce Karen's enthrallment. She bent forward, opened her mouth and another tentacle, tiny compared to the first one, emerged between her lips.

Before Karen could react in any way, the small tentacle pierced into her ear and began to vibrate incredibly fast, emitting waves that resonated inside the woman's skull.

Immediately after, Karen couldn't move or even make a sound. At the same time, the sensation in her pussy intensified. The ovipositor was penetrating deeper inside of her and it felt wonderful. Somewhere in the farthest corner of her brain, she still believed that she was in danger, but this idea was becoming less important with every passing second.

After a couple of minutes, even that small, renegade thought was vanished from her brain. Karen stared into Deborah's eyes with an empty mind and a full pussy. This felt right. Submitting to... master?... felt right. The void in her brain was slowly filled with images of herself being fucked by giant bugs. Her cunt twitched around the tentacle. She saw herself climaxing over and over until losing consciousness, only to wake up and climax again. She wanted that life, but to get there, she needed to obey.

While Deborah sent all the right ideas into Karen's mind, she felt her most precious cargo sliding within the ovipositor, down through her tight vaginal cavity and out of her pussy lips. The alien woman moaned and struggled to maintain the small tentacle in place.

Deborah's ovipositor was like an extension of her pussy, with the same nerve endings that produced incredible joy. She could feel the giant egg moving one centimeter at a time, expanding her tube and sending waves of bliss up her spine.

This enhanced pleasure was transmitted through the tentacle into Karen's brain and the woman's pussy twitch as well, mimicking Deborah's. It was like feeling bliss within bliss. Karen couldn't understand what was happening but she definitely embraced it.

It took several minutes for the egg to glide the entire length of the ovipositor, but eventually it reached Karen's crotch.

Upon feeling her pussy lips expanding even wider to receive the egg, the woman's eyes rolled back from utter bliss. Through the mental images that Deborah was sending, Karen could see the giant ovoid penetrating her body as it really happened. It was mind-blowing.

At last, the extreme pleasure became more that Karen could endure and she exploded in the strongest orgasm of her life. She wanted to stay connected to Deborah's mind, but her blissful spams were so violent that it was impossible.

Her pussy gushed forcefully while she arched her back and her legs shivered rapidly out of control. Her eyes were mostly white and her brain was just a mushy mass of orgasmic waves that bounced within her skull. If being a sex slave meant feeling like this, she didn't want to be anything else for the rest of her life.


Three weeks before, in a cabin hidden in the mountains...

The humanoid, half human, half insect, was sitting on a couch watching Deborah. Violet was sitting by his side, also watching her daughter.

"Our daughter is ready," the humanoid said with slurred words.

"We shall see, my love." Violet responded.

Deborah was keeling on the bed and there was another woman lying beside her. Even though she was only a few weeks old, the humanoid's offspring looked like a full grown woman. Deborah was looking down at the entranced prisoner, which slowly moved her hips, but not discernible sound could be heard. Suddenly, the silence was broken by Deborah's firm command... "Giovanna... sit up".

With stiff movements and always staring forward, Giovanna sat up on the bed, obeying Deborah's command. The alien woman had been "singing" to Giovanna for hours in a high pitch frequency, barely detectable by the human ear, and now she was completely hypnotized. Giovanna felt a strange arousal building in her loins but it was not her place to question about its origin. Her only job was to obey.

'You will go to my father and let him fuck you. He is sitting on the couch. You must obey," Deborah said.

"I must obey. I will let him fuck me," Giovanna whispered.

When Giovanna was brought to the cabin, with the single purpose of testing Deborah's abilities, she had been unconscious and had not seen yet all the otherworldly orgies that were taking place around the house. Most importantly, she hadn't seen the master. To all the girls in the house, he was their only reason to live, but to an average non-converted human, he was a monster; an insect with the body of a man. He had a green exoskeleton and the head of a mantis. Sending Giovanna to fuck him was the ultimate test of obedience.

Giovanna walked around the bed and stood in front of the humanoid. In the back of her mind, she sensed that there was something wrong with him and she had doubts about following through with her instructions.

Then Giovanna looked down at his crotch and the size of his cock almost pulled her out of entrancement. It was huge! She heard Deborah repeating the command and her pussy twitched. She had to obey.

"Sit on his cock!" Deborah commanded.

"Please fuck me," Giovanna pleaded with a sensual voice.

"This is amazing! She is begging you to fuck her," Violet said to her master with astonishment.

So far the test was going great. Without saying a spoken word, Deborah had been able to hypnotize the young woman to the point that she was willing to have sex with a monster. Deborah's high frequency voice was working perfectly. Now it was time to test more of her abilities.

Giovanna took the final step forward and the humanoid grabbed her by the waist. He turned her around, aimed his cock at her anus and pulled her down, slowly but steadily. Giovanna grunted when she felt the fat phallus stretching her sphincter and penetrating deeply into her body. The enthralled woman squirted from the sheer pleasure of being fucked in the ass. She couldn't possible know that she had been conditioned to feel only pleasure, otherwise she would be screaming in pain.

Violet watched with jealousy as her master fucked the newly recruited woman. Usually new arrivals had to earn their right to fuck the boss, but today Giovanna was an exception.

Deborah knew by instinct that her role in the experiment was not over. She approached the mating couple and stood tight in front of them, then she spread her legs. Something was happening inside of her. Her inner organs were churning and twisting. Then she felt her pussy being filled from within and she moaned loudly.

The alien woman almost climaxed when her pussy lips spread apart, allowing passage to a thick, greenish tentacle. It was at this moment that she understood what it meant to be a fully grown fertile woman, like her mother and the others.

Deborah felt the ovipositor projecting further from her vaginal cavity and she imagined it penetrating Giovanna's pussy. The woman's thought was transmitted to the appendage which moved accordingly. A moment later it was a couple of centimeters away from the slave's pussy lips and ready for penetration.

Having a fat cock already lodged in her ass, Giovanna felt as if the entire world was entering her vaginal cavity when the ovipositor penetrated her body. It felt so wonderful and so overwhelming.

Deborah learned that the pleasurable sensation intensified greatly the moment her ovipositor entered Giovanna's pussy. The alien woman felt the fat appendage stretching her own pussy lips apart and also felt Giovanna's pussy twitching around her 'cock', as if the ovipositor was her own sensitive phallus fucking somebody's pussy while fucking herself. It was mind-bending.

When both girls were firmly connected by the ovipositor, Deborah felt it. Her first egg! The large ovoid had been growing inside of her womb for a couple of days and now it was ready to be implanted inside of a host. She was creating life! All the other girls in the cabin only served as carriers of eggs that were implanted inside of them. Deborah was beginning to understand how different and how important she was.

Giovanna had no idea of what was happening between her legs but she had never felt so much pleasure in her life. She knew that there was a fat cock buried in her ass and another one in her pussy. Then she felt something else. Her pussy lips stretched to the limit, followed by her vaginal tract and ultimately her womb. This overwhelming stimulation was more than she could take and the enthralled woman exploded in climax.

After her job was done, Deborah detached her ovipositor from Giovanna's body and stepped back. She marveled of how long and thick it was and wondered how it was possible to have such a large organ hidden so perfectly inside of her.

Violet was equally astounded and walked closer to her daughter to examine the appendage. It felt warm and had a firm consistency. She guessed that Deborah's inner organs most be very different from a normal human female in order to make room for this ovipositor. In any case, one thing was certain. Her daughter was ready to go out into the world and implant her eggs in as many hosts as possible.


Karen was sitting on the bathroom with her arms hanging limply by her sides. Her legs were spread wide and a puddle of her vaginal fluids was growing between her thighs. She stared forward at the wall in front of her while Deborah whispered into her ear and massaged her clitoris.

Her instructions were to be herself; to act normal. Her priority was to protect the egg and future master.

"You must protect your Master with your life. He will be your only reason to live," Deborah whispered.

"Protect my Master..." Karen repeated.

Karen mouthed her instructions between soft moans. Even though the tiny tentacle was no longer plugged in her ear, she could still feel its wonderful vibration within her skull. She couldn't possibly know that it was Deborah's voice doing the trick.

Deborah did her best to reinforce Karen's subjugation. It was late and the janitors would be arriving soon to clean the bathroom. She didn't have much time. After tonight, she would not be seeing Karen again, so she had to make sure that the new slave behave properly until her offspring was born.


It had been two weeks since the incident in the bathroom and Karen still wasn't sure what really happened that day. She only knew that there was something wonderful growing within her loins and she needed to keep it a secret.

Although her roommate Martha had been taking glances at her abdomen, since it was expanding noticeable and it became difficult to hide.

After the first week, Karen had felt a lot of movement within her womb and shortly after, an empty shell was discarded through her pussy. Karen knew that something had came out of it and now it was growing inside of her. She was a bit scared but the devotion towards the embryo that Deborah had imprinted in her mind was enough the compensate her fear.

She occasionally felt the "baby" moving and twisting, but today was different. Karen felt tiny tentacles reaching down into her vaginal cavity and that made her moan.

"Are you ready to come out, baby?" The aroused woman guessed correctly that it was time to give birth.

Karen took off all her clothes and sat on the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide. She was fortunate that her roommate wasn't home because when the unborn creature started wiggling and twisting inside of her womb, trying to slip into her vaginal cavity, Karen moaned very loudly from the wonderful sensation.

After a few minutes, she saw a couple of small tentacles protruding from her pussy and her heart jolted. She was finally going to meet her Master!

The bug, who had been feeding on her fluids, was a lot bigger than she thought. The birthing process however, despite the size of the creature, was absolute pleasure. Karen arched her back and screamed in bliss while the main body of the bug churned within her vaginal cavity trying to free itself and emerged between her pussy lips.

The excited woman placed a hand on her pelvis and realized that her baby was only half way out. She certainly was going to reach an orgasm before this marvelous experience was over. Karen suddenly remembered the mind-blowing orgasms that she enjoyed with Deborah, a couple of weeks ago, and wondered if this was going to be the same. She couldn't wait for it...

The bug kept squirming frantically until its entire body slipped out of the woman's tight cavity. The long tail was still inside though, and it was long enough to reach all the way into Karen's womb.

When her orgasm hit, Karen was not disappointed. She felt as if a bomb exploded at the center of her core and the shock waves of bliss expanded to every corner of her body. Her eyes rolled back and her arms shuddered out of control while her pussy forcefully contracted over and over around the creature's tail, as if she wanted to pull it back inside.

After a couple of minutes of mind-blowing bliss, both the woman and the creature began to recover from the ordeal. Karen rested limply on the bed wondering if all her future orgasm were going to be this good.

"That was wonderful..." she whispered, "thank you so much, Master."

The big bug was trying to get up but its legs were still weak and the floor was very slippery with plenty of slime surrounding its body.

Karen gasped when she felt the creature climbing onto the bed and walking on top of her. She lifted her head to see it for the first time. The main body was about forty centimeters long and the tail was twice that. Its skin had different shades of green and black and its legs were long and bony. Two long tentacles projected from either side of its mouth. But most important of all, is was beautiful!

"Master! You are so big and so beautiful!"

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