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Bus Stop


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A little peachy blush crept over her beautiful skin, but she let me look. She had fantastic breasts. They weren't large, but perfectly formed, and I was surprised to see her nipples were pierced. She had cute little silver bars in them, making her little brown nipples stand out, and they were as beautiful as she was. I cupped those breasts in my hands, running my thumbs across the little nubs, twisting the bars a little, and she moaned, her nipples stiffening and responding to my touch.

"Rob like my tiddies?" I could tell she wanted my affirmation.

"I love them. God, you're gorgeous, Tianna. Can I taste them?"

She moved up on me, offering me one little nub, and she moaned as my lips closed around it. I rolled us over and she giggled, her hair spread across the pillow, glossy black curls giving her a halo, a little dusky angel.

I kissed every inch of her face, that gorgeous face I adored. Her eyes were closed by my kisses, her incredibly long lashes fanned below her eyes, her little slightly pointed ears were very sensitive. I kissed down the graceful column of her neck, feeling her shudder, shiver as I hit some sensitive spot, mapping those for future reference. She was moving beneath me, a slow shifting, a thrusting of her hips against my lower body. She began a little trembling when I reached her breasts, intensifying as I sucked in her nipples, and she cried out, pulling my head into those beautiful mounds.

"O my God, Rob! What... Oh God... something..." Her words jumbled, just becoming sounds expressing her feelings. I moved down across the muscular ridges of her flat belly, tugging at her shorts as I neared that line.

She raised her butt, allowing me to slip shorts and panties down, exposing smooth bare skin down to a silky little mound of hair, sparse, allowing me to see her brown skin through its covering. Everything about this goddess was exquisite. I ran my tongue and lips over that silky patch, continuing down as she spread her thighs, inviting me to the delights of her little pussy.

It was perfect, dusky lips fading into pink, within, a little brown button above. I gave it a swipe with my tongue and she jolted, her entire body moving. Tianna was an incredibly responsive woman. I used every trick I knew, everything I had heard or read, to make this something she would remember. She came explosively, several times, gasping and moaning, bridging up to seek more contact, then finally trying to escape. She tugged painfully at my hair, pulling me up.

Pausing only to shed my shorts and briefs, I moved up to claim her lips again. She was panting, her face and neck flushed with that peachy hue. "Oh, my God, Rob," she gasped. "I never... I never dreamed."

"First time, huh?" I asked, quoting a meme she had shown me on the drive out. We both laughed, then she grew serious.

"Yes, Rob, it is," she said.

I was shocked. "Really? Oh my God, Tianna."

"I could only do this with someone I love," she told me.

"God, baby... I love you so much," I whispered. "Thank you for loving me."

My cock was an iron bar, nearly aching with pressure, feeling the heat of that little pussy against me. I had never had sex with a virgin, and I was a little apprehensive. She moved her hips a little and I could feel a slippery wetness on the head of my cock. I pushed a little, and it popped inside.

She had been moving, a slow writhing, but she froze in place. "Oh, my God, Rob! Don't move!"

I just kissed her and stayed where I was. "You feel huge!" She giggled. "Sorry, but it feels so damn big!"

I chuckled. I wasn't some porn star, but she felt as tight as a rubber glove around the head of my cock. "You're stretchy, baby," I told her. "Just relax a minute. I won't move."

She reached down and scraped her long nails over my ass. "I feel so sexy," she said. She tentatively moved her hips in a circular motion, stirring me around. She seemed more comfortable, and I pushed a little, sliding deeper into her heat. She froze again and drew back a little. There didn't seem to be pain, just discomfort, and I knew she hadn't had much of a barrier, even though she was a virgin. I was thankful. She had stretched open easily.

It took probably ten minutes for her to fully accept me, and another five or so until she was comfortable with slow thrusts. She giggled every now and then as I tried to thrust and she would cringe away.

"I'm sorry, Rob," she said as she giggled again. "I'm trying. I wanna be good for you."

I kissed away her words. "There is nothing you can possibly do to be better," I told her. "Every other guy on the planet would give their left nut to be me right now."

"Ion need any nuts," she said with another of those delightful giggles. "You can go a little faster."

I did, then a little faster, still, and we were moving together, the sounds of love, the smell of an aroused girl, the feel of that amazing body against mine, the slack and ecstatic look of prolonged sexual excitement on her face made an incredible experience.

I could feel that trembling beginning. It built to a peak and she was crying out again, her pleasure overwhelming her. She bucked under me, all discomfort gone and Tianna Edwards was fully mine. She became more and more active, fucking me, using all that athleticism, and she was the fuck of a century, all that gorgeous girl throwing herself into making love the same way she did everything else in life.

She came again with a groan, and watching the ecstasy on her face caused me to fill her with my offering to this goddess. We coasted back to earth, and I kissed her over and over.

"I love you so much," I whispered against her lips.

Her eyes opened and searched my soul. "I love you, too, Rob." Suddenly she was crying, and I rolled, taking her with me, wrapping her in my arms and holding her, pulling the covers over us until we were in a Tianna and Rob cocoon.

"Why are you crying, baby?" I asked.

She laughed a little through her tears. "I'm not sure," she said. "I just feel so emotional, Rob. I don't know what's the matter with me. I just love you so much, and I feel like... you could hurt me so bad, and I'm afraid."

"That is never going to happen," I told her. "I'd rather cut off my arm."

I could feel her leaking on me. "Umm... Tianna, I don't ever want to let you go, but if we don't do something, we're gonna be sleeping in a wet spot."

She giggled and sat up, moving gracefully off me. We walked to the bathroom together and she turned the shower on. "Get in with me?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," I saw my cum running down her leg and a horrible thought hit me. "Oh, my God, Tianna, are you... safe?"

She laughed. "Yes, Rob. I been planning this for a while. What's the matter, big boy, don't wanna be a baby daddy?"

"Actually, I do," I swatted that ass. "I don't think either of us wants that right now. Ask me again in a few years."

She looked at me and there was the softest expression in those eyes. "I will," she said.


I was having the most erotic dream. A dusky angel was sucking my dick. I gradually became aware that it wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes, the day was just beginning to dawn, and in the dim light from the bathroom we had left on, I could see that mass of curls, covering my groin. I groaned and she looked up, realizing I was awake.

She kept at her task, obviously enjoying what she was doing. When she was satisfied with my hardness, she swung her leg over me, impaling herself and giving me a view of her perfect ass, rising and falling on my raging erection a view of her muscular back, tapering in a V to her waist. I filled my hands with that ass, and she gave me the ride of my life. We exploded together, and she spun to lie on top of me.

"What a way to start the day," I whispered as I held her warm little body.

"Right? Imma start every day like that," she said. "Get used to it. Take me to breakfast."


We had been on the river an hour, and she was quickly mastering her kayak. I knew she would. We did wreck, twice before we stopped to eat our sandwiches at lunch. It was very warm by then, and Tianna took off her t-shirt and shorts. She had on a tiny little orange bikini under there, and God did she look sexy.

I couldn't keep my hands off her, and she seemed to love it. I felt an irresistible impulse to slap that ass every time it sashayed past me, or I went past her. I didn't think that I was ever not going to have that impulse.

She swam in the frigid water, squealing as she got in, and playing like a sleek little otter. I got in, too, but I only stayed long enough to cool down. She stayed in until her teeth were chattering and she was shivering. She put her shorts back on when we shoved off after lunch, but she had applied sunscreen to both of us, and she left her t-shirt off.

Her hair really didn't get wet like mine did, sort of shedding the water, and with her very dark sunglasses, she looked like some celebrity out having fun on the river. She was really getting adept with the kayak, and I took pride in her quick study.

It was late afternoon and we were maybe two miles from our exit point when we came up on a long still pool, maybe a quarter mile long. "Let's race," she challenged me.

I knew I didn't stand a chance. She was probably 60 pounds lighter than I was, and she may well have been stronger, pound for pound. She flew away from me like a bird, and by the time she got to the rapid going around a bend, she was probably 50 yards in the lead. She threw up her middle finger at me and swept into the bend.

I had to laugh. What a girl. When I came around the bend, I noticed we were entering another pool, though not as long as the previous one, but I didn't see Tianna. As the noise of the water faded a little, I could hear voices, and one of them was hers. She sounded angry.

Over the top of the gravel bank ahead, I could see the heads of three men. As I got closer, I saw that one of them had the rope handle on the front of Tianna's kayak and was pulling her to the bank. She was yelling at him, and trying to paddle away. What the fuck?

"Hey!" I yelled. "Let go of her!"

"She wants to stop and play," one of the guys on the bank called.

"No, I don't, asshole, let me go," she yelled.

They were plainly drunk and I have discovered that it's a waste of time to reason with drunk people. I turned my kayak into the bank, jumped out, giving it a pull up onto the gavel and covered the 20 yards or so between us in a rush.

I jabbed my kayak paddle into the fat belly of the nearest one as hard as I could, and he folded up and went down. The second one started to turn toward me from where he had been watching the struggle between Tianna and his buddy, and I smashed him in the side of the face. My paddle snapped and he went reeling away, his face messed up pretty bad. He was down, and out of it.

The bank was a little elevated and I ran toward the water, diving off the edge and taking the one Tianna was fending off with her paddle in the middle of the back with my shoulder. He flopped face down in the water, and I had the thought he was going to have some problems with that back. We both went down and under the water. I got my hands on his long greasy hair and held his head under the water.

He struggled frantically, trying to get a breath. He managed to get his head turned enough to get a breath before I had him under again. I vaguely heard someone calling my name. I was going to drown this son of a bitch and couldn't be distracted.

The calling was louder, and I felt soft little hands on my arm. "Rob! Rob! Let him go!" It was Tianna. My raging fury began to ebb, and with a last push I shoved him away. He came up, gasping, fright making a mask of his features. He fell, immediately, and floated away, swimming toward the other bank.

I took two steps and caught him, lifted him out of the water by his hair and the back of the denim shorts he had on, body-pressing him over my head, and hurled him out into the river as far as I could.

When I looked, the other two weren't in very good shape, either. "Rob, let's get out of here." She tugged on my arm. My paddle was broken. I grabbed one off one of the assholes' kayaks and we pushed off.

She stayed close to me as we paddled through the pool and around the next bend. "Pull over there," I said, nodding toward a nice little bank with some grass. We nosed in, and got out.

She was immediately against me and I held her tightly. "Jesus, Rob, you fucked them up," she said. "I think they were drunk, or high or some shit. That was scary as fuck. Does this happen a lot?"

"No, I've never had any trouble before," I told her. "FUCK!" I screamed into the air. She kind of shrank away.

I pulled her back into my arms. "Sorry, Babes," I said. "I just have all this adrenaline and needed to let it out. Are you okay?"

I felt her nod, her curls moving against me. "Yes, I was just scared a little. Rob, remember when we first met and I told you I knew some big thug mofos who would end you if you hurt me?"

"Umm... yeah. Why?"

"You weren't really worried about that, were you?"

We both laughed. "Well, not really," I said. "First, I knew that if Tianna Edwards ever got hurt, it was going to be because someone killed me to get to her. Second, I guess it depends on how 'big' and 'thug' those 'mofos' were."

She giggled and clung tightly to me. "You really the only big thug mofo I know," she said. She giggled again. "You yeeted him pretty good there, Rob."

We hung out for and bit kind of got our groove back, munching on some beef jerky and drinking a Dr. Pepper. "Let's move on," I told her. "Sorry, Kitten. I hope this doesn't spoil your weekend so you don't want to come again."

She pulled my head down and kissed me, all that sexy against me. "Nothing could spoil this weekend," she said. "This was a fun day, really fun, before we happened on the twatwaffles back there, and before... last night... no, Rob, this has been the greatest weekend of my life."

I kissed her again and we floated on down the river. By the time we reached the takeout point, the mood was coming back. The outfitter picked us up and we went back to our hotel. I never heard what happened with those bastards, and I really didn't care.

We got cleaned up and had dinner at a little Mom & Pop place I had been to before. It was comfort food, and we felt comforted by the time we left. We went for a walk on a hiking trail, went back to the hotel and Tianna attacked me just inside the door.

Driving back Sunday morning was a repeat of driving out. We debated the merits of different bands and had a long discussion about what her plans were with college. She wanted to be an attorney. I knew she had the brains and drive for it.

"Rob, do you think you wanna be with me, like for real, for good?" she asked.

"Tianna, since the day I met you, I haven't wanted anything else," I told her. "I love every minute you're with me, I think about you, constantly, I miss you every minute we're apart and I can't wait until the next time I can be with you."

She brought my hand to her soft little cheek and nuzzled that cheek into my palm. "I want that, too," she said. "I feel the same way. I love you, Rob. I kinda have a plan for my life. There's room for you..."

"I know," I said. "I want to help you with that plan if you'll let me."

"I have five years of school left, and I want a job after that," she said. "Are you ready to wait that long?"

"What am I waiting for?" I asked. "Am I waiting five years before we can be together full time? Am I waiting five years before I can ask you to marry me? I sure as hell don't want to wait five years to be together with you, all the time, Tianna."

"Noo, I didn't mean not be together," she said. "I mean like until... do you really think you want to marry me, Rob?"

"Not this minute, but yes," I said.

"Well, that's kinda what I meant," she said. "I don't want to get married until I'm out of school and have a job. I'm only 20, Rob. I want you, you my man, for real, and I want babies, but not right now."

"I know," I said. "You're a baby, but an amazing, precocious, stunning one, and I know you'll be a star at anything you want."

She dimpled up at me. "I'll live with you," she said. "If you want me."

"Am I nuts? Of course I want you, Tianna. What do you think Patricia will say?"

She shivered. "I dread to think." Then she laughed. "I think she'll be happy for us. You a 'nice boy,' Rob."

"Yeah, but I've got some work to do, convincing your family." I sighed. "I know mine is going to love you. I'll get started as soon as we get back. God, Tianna, when can you move?"

"My lease is up next month," she said.

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WindySwimmingWindySwimming9 days ago

Randi, you're the best, loved this story!! Exposition so heartwarming for me. Calif native, SoCal born (Pomona), NorCal Bay Area raised (Concord & Walnut Creek). First older sister lived in Berkeley & Oakland 60+ years. Family, parents, uncle, cousins, sisters & me, all UC - Berkeley alums. Alameda, Laney College & Alta Bates Hospital, meaningful places for me. You've got some Bay Area connection, you! Not bad for a Waco Baylor gal, lol! Thanks so much for another great entertaining read. Mega kudos, five stars!!!


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I liked it, a lot

Five solid stars from me. The tale was well told, and what more could we want in a story? By the Way, as they approached the water, I began to get a sense of dread, thinking tragedy might befall Tianna. So glad it did not come to pass. For those of us who like closure, a hint into the future would have been nice.


cutedaddy69cutedaddy695 months ago

Loved it, five* easy. Still think the helper whitey angle is laid on a bit thick though, as i mentioned earlier. But you are a great storyteller! Tx for all them storieeeees

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is a bit like 'Pretty Woman",

Not like the saga of underage Jasmine and Bay Area Law Enforcement Officers that passed her around like smoking a joint.

Shooter357Shooter3579 months ago

I agree with others here that this needs a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Randi rocks!!!!

Been reading for two days. Running out soon. Get busy.

I don’t comment very often. But you are good….

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story, but it really needs a part2. TY!

tsgtcapttsgtcapt11 months ago

Fun, sexy, great read! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Part 2 Pleaseeeeeeeeee!

DuncanitaDuncanitaabout 1 year ago

When's part2 coming?🤭🤭

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A warm, happy story and a pleasure to read.

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

Yet again I have to tell you what a wonderfully gifted writer you are.

I loved this story.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

more like a 5 star romance. like the overcoming race issues. As it shouldn't matter anymore, alas it does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

10 stars isn't close. Wonderful story! Rob has met his wife and mother to all his children. He proved he was her husband when he beat those 3 guys, and she proved she's his wife when she said she eventually wanted him to put buns in her oven!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hi Randi.

Excellent. To me, this is getting closer and closer to Nobel prize level.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

another 5 stars. To be honest, I think I kinda fell for Tianna as well LOL What a great story. So many of your stories I wish you added more chapters, this one as well. I love your writing, your characters, thank you so much for sharing these with us Randi


GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusalmost 2 years ago

I read "Waif" and that led me back to re-reading this one. Rob is a paragon, whom every young man should aspire to emulate. You have a powerful grasp of the human psyche. Thanks for sharing your gift.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love each other.

Years I understand but why not marriage instead of just living together?

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955about 2 years ago

I read this story quit a while ago. I wish life were this simple. I enjoyed the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Amazing story. Makes me want more. Like 5 plus years post kayaking. Its not the marraige but the serendipity of love and growth. (or even if the bliss wrecks adrift, eh?)

DPCDVR72DPCDVR72about 2 years ago

I think there’s room for a part 2 or more, great story 5 stars.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherabout 2 years ago
There is a big difference between

Northern and Southern Black Women. Southern Black women are stronger and more independent. They are better suited to be a wife and mother while being more loyal and faithful. They also aren't as ghetto while still being all woman.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 2 years ago

Nice little love story

TangomoreTangomoreover 2 years ago

I agree write another chapter!

AnotherChapterAnotherChapterover 2 years ago

Really good story from the first paragraph, but I felt the ending was just a bit rushed. Still a five, of course, and I loved Patricia!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WONDERFUL, AS ALWAYS! Please write another chapter.

rodryder44rodryder44over 2 years ago

You live in a nice world, Randi.

CaptainRiverCaptainRiverover 2 years ago

Randi did it again! 5*

martbeymartbeyover 2 years ago

Simply brilliant..

VenomVelvetVenomVelvetover 2 years ago

A fantastic read, once again. Please do think about doing a sequel!

ashleycooperashleycooperover 2 years ago

Absolutely outstanding. You did a great job of making a natural ending point for this story, but I hope to read more about these two.

dasnenosdasnenosover 2 years ago

Back in 2017, I read eye in the sky. I've been reading Randi's stories ever since. Always a joy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Kind of reminds me of a very fine young lady that this old white guy worked with a few years ago. If I’d been unattached, I’d have asked her for a date, in spite of a massive age gap. Alas, she’d almost certainly have had the good sense to tell me to get lost. 5 star story, as usual.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

5 stars, nice writn keep goin................................

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 2 years ago

Good story. Needs to be continued. Too much slang tho.

Lost BoyLost Boyover 2 years ago

Awesome read, thanks for sharing. Five stars.

Regguy69Regguy69over 2 years ago

Really well written. I’m an ancient old white guy now, but 50 years ago I met a stunningly beautiful young lady who was living in the college dorm where I worked. I was still in high school, but she didn’t seem to mind that. I chatted her up every chance I got and convinced her to take a ride on the back of my Honda 305cc motorcycle. We had a great time and I got a spectacular good bye kiss. The next day at work all the elderly ladies on the kitchen staff cornered me and asked me why I was chasing after the young lady. Turns out she had an Aunt working there. I guess I was no “Rob,” because the young beauty, never again accepted a date with me. She was not the last person of color I dated, but 50 years later, I can still remember that kiss.

Thanks for rekindling that memory, Randi.

MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadover 2 years ago

I liked it. It was kind of like watching a Hallmark Channel movie, it was kind of predictable like that but still entertaining.

ohioohioover 2 years ago

Heartwarming and wonderful--a very satisfying story. Some might say that Rob is a bit too good to be true--but I have to confess that he's pretty much like me in every respect! Tianna is completely delightful, as is her hilarious grandmother. I really enjoyed this!

Thanks, ohio

jlg07jlg07over 2 years ago

I know this was for the event, but I wouldn't mind seeing these characters continue!

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 2 years agoAuthor

: LOL. Well, get used to it. If you have kids or grandkids, it's how they communicate, and if you want in, you better get with the program. Snapchat, Insta, Zoom, TikTok, it's all in your future, my man. My peeps know if they want my attention, the best way to get it is to send me a Snap.

dawg997dawg997over 2 years ago

Great job of creating solid characters. A well-paced story, easy and fun to read.


mithanialmithanialover 2 years ago

Fun read and an entertaining story to boot.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 2 years ago

A genuine feel-good story elegantly told, a marvelously fitting entry in the "art of falling" sub-genre of romance stories. But these characters are so well limned and so engaging -- particularly Tianna and Patricia -- that the story cries out for a sequel. What happens to them after "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Patrcia's daughter, the model (successful, I assume), didn't help her own mother financially to repair the damaged pavement?

Otherwise mostly an very nice story

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 2 years ago

Damn I hate Snapchat. Story was well done and just sappy enough for me to enjoy tonight. Thanks. Did I mention how much I hate Sanpchat?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love it, will there be more? I want more of these two. 5*

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Nice story, loved Patricia.

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 2 years ago

Great love story, delightfully told.

Thanks for writing, and for the invite too.

francemanfrancemanover 2 years ago

Refreshing, charming. a sweet and beautiful story.

Little question ? how Dianna as a model, living in a house with a swimming pool and therefore seeming to have enough money, cannot afford to repair her mother's driveway.

The tears of joy following this breakdown by Rob are too many.

Thanks for sharing your talent.

amyyumamyyumover 2 years ago

As usual excellent writing, a great plot, and -- LOVE. Did you have to break a kayak paddle, however, those things are expensive (ha, ha). 5*

mac1729mac1729over 2 years ago

Nice and fun love story

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

I'm obviously biased, but if this isn't five stars then nothing is.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 2 years ago

Hi, Randi, loved the story! Incredibly sexy and very sweet at the same time. Tianna was a real gem and Rob was a really nice guy who was smart to give her the time she needed to get to know him and fall completely in love with him. That can be an important part of the “art.” I worried that he was going overboard when he ordered all the things for Gram in the hospital, but it worked out well with Tianna’s parents being there, too. Great job!

P.S. Thanks, too, for hosting the event and for the invitation. Looking forward to reading all of the stories.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 2 years agoAuthor

LOL. Sorry, Mr. Rapier, but all my sexual apparatus is internal. How about you? You may even have bigger tiddies.

stev2244stev2244over 2 years ago

I might be biased, but I enjoyed this a lot. Awesome, as always.

rayironyrayironyover 2 years ago
Yeees! are good indeed; 5*****

I never miss one of your stories, for good reason.

OTOH; I can't get the rating submitted to register.

Damn dumb "smart" machine !

ahziwyldemannahziwyldemannover 2 years ago

More please!!! I like this woman she reminds me of my Daughter In Law (my Son is a seriously lucky guy & I make sure he knows it too)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. To give this less than a five you either have no heart or no soul.

clearcreekclearcreekover 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story, having lived in Oaland from 3rd grade through highschool. My only complaint in the story is the part of kayaking on the North Yuba. There are many places to take a novice kayak paddler, but any of the forks of the Yuba are no place to take a person for the first time. Maybe if you had them go on a guided raft run, it would be believable. Next time, have a novice have some time paddling on still water first, then try the Lower Amarican River for a first time trip.

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Wonderful as always and such good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved every bit of the story; I would have loved it even more if it had had about another half page - it seems to end hanging a little bit. But then, I love happy ending wrapups.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Randi, you are a treasure

RedMockersRedMockersover 2 years ago

This was such a sweet story I wouldn't have minded if it just skipped over the sex. Was nice to have it, though. Five stars for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
One of the Best

Loved this story, and always look for the author's new stories. Have read every one of them. I hope that Randi might want to continue these lovers adventures in further stories.

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601over 2 years ago

Damn! I was really enjoying a fun, sexy May/August romance. Then we turned a corner in the river and, BAM! There it was: the same bullshit macho heroics that made me stop reading your otherwise fun stories.

What are you overcompensating for? Too many bullies shoving you in the locker or a petite pudenda?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am spellbound and speechless, wonderful story great writing, very skilled crafts (person) or writer.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 2 years ago

This was a very touching, romatic story. Well written and very well conceived. Five stars and a big smile from me. I really enjoyed this story. Thanks for posting and for working so hard on another successful invitational. You are the straw that stirs the drink.

Cringo31Cringo31over 2 years ago

A wonderful story that was so well crafted. The characters had such heart and passion. Thank you for you incredible talent.

mikeyjb51mikeyjb51over 2 years ago

Awesome tale, just saying

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I feel like a kid in a candy store; a bunch of my favorite writers with new stories on the same day! Thank you Randi for this event. I was born a couple miles south of where your tale takes place but grew up 'east of Omaha'. Your stories are like a slice of life, nothing clumsy about your words. Some people have Superman, Batman, the Hulk or cowboys, my heroes have always been writers - especially good ones. The first thing I do every day is run down the list of new stories hoping for a new Q, Randi, HDK, TTT or another of my favorite authors. Thank you one and all!

Oh yeah, as always your tale was worth the wait - 5 stars.

somewhere east of Omaha

Omart57Omart57over 2 years ago

WoW, Great story, Randi! Love it!

Cal59Cal59over 2 years ago

Excellent, thanks!

MissedLifeMissedLifeover 2 years ago

Fantastic! Love the flow of the story and the time you spent develop ing their relationship. Another great story from you. This is definitely one I will read mire than once.

CagivagurlCagivagurlover 2 years ago

What an incredibly sweet and wonderful story. It was truly uplifting, a wonderful turn of phrase. I thought the characters were beautifully crafted. Remarkable story.... I loved the flow, definitely worth 5 stars.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Insane talent. That's all there is to say. Writing this wonderful story and collecting all the others. Mega-kudos to you, lady.

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