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"C" Club Ch. 04

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Cock Club alumni party leads to gang bang.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/23/2013
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This is the fourth installment in my "Cock Club" series. This is gay erotic fiction, and simply a work of my own horny imagination. Many thanks to my intrepid editor, William Burroughs. William, I couldn't do it without you. I love hearing from my readers, so please leave a comment.


Text Message, "In the black SUV outside terminal."

I was being picked up by Ramon, a "C" Club member that graduated from the U two years ago. We were strangers but just sharing membership in the "C" Club gave us an instant bond. I was hired by a "C" Club alum named Dave to help with a party he was hosting in Palm Springs. I was sent a plane ticket and promised that all my expenses would be paid. Dave also mentioned that the tips for a little bar tending and running a few errands would be substantial. Also being a "C" Club party I knew there would be other fringe benefits.

As I slid into the Audi A7, Ramon reached out his hand and gave me a warm handshake and a big smile. He was from Mexico City, but now lived in LA. He was very good looking with thick dark hair, light green eyes, and tanned brown skin. He was about 5' 10" and he had a slim athletic build. As we pulled away from the airport we chatted about life at the "U" and friends we had in common. I instantly liked Ramon and I could tell we were going to have fun this weekend.

"So Dave told me that this is your first "C Club" alumni party. Don't worry. They always bring in a current student and some recent grads to help with drinks, and the to-do list, honestly we provide a bit of young eye candy, for the horny older daddies. I hope you're cool with that. The upside is that the sex can be pretty good, and the tips are amazing. The last party I made over $1000."

"Holy crap! I'd serve drinks in a g-string and on roller-skates for that kinda cash."

Ramon laughed, "I'll let Dave know about that one, he might like the idea."

I found out the SUV belonged to Dave, who was a married layer in LA. Ramon told me that most of the alums were bi and married so discretion was very important. In fact everyone put their cell phones in the trunk of one of the vehicles for the weekend. Dave had rented a very private home for the party.

Our duties started right away. Ramon had a to-do list, and our first stop was at a UPS Store where we picked up two big boxes. Following Ramon out of the store I could feel my man lust simmering. Ramon was wearing white form fitting jeans that hugged all his good parts; ass, thighs, and what looked like a nice full package. I was hoping he found me attractive because already I wanted to get into his pants.

Next stop was the liquor store where we picked up a serious amount of tequila, vodka, scotch, beer, wine and mixers. Our final errand was the grocery store, then on to the location of the party.

The purple San Jacinto Mountains loomed in the background as we pulled up to a walled compound lined with palm trees and elegant desert landscaping. Ramon texted on his phone and the villa gate swung open. The villa was Spanish style, single story, with a tile roof. It was very impressive. Already I could tell I had made the right decision accepting Dave's invitation.

"Nice place, and there is also a guest house out back, just for the two of us. I hope you don't mind sleeping in a king size bed together?" said Ramon with a sparkle in his I eye.

"Oh I think that will work out just fine." I said reassuringly.

We pulled up to the entry of the house, and grabbing as much stuff as we both could carry, entered through a heavy wood door. The foyer opened onto a large great room. On one side were two leather couches in front of a rustic stucco fire place, the other side had a large sturdy dining room table, that could easily seat a dozen people. On the end of the room was a gourmet kitchen with an expansive island. I followed Ramon into the kitchen area where we deposited our first load of groceries on the kitchen counter.

As we put away our purchases, in walked a man in his mid to late thirties. He was about 5'9" tall with thick brownish red hair. He had a linebacker's build and was dressed in a polo shirt and loud plaid shorts. When Ramon saw him he exclaimed his name and I knew this was our host, Dave.

Ramon and Dave gave each other a big hug. As they embraced I watched Dave take a handful of Ramon's curvy ass and give it a squeeze. They gave each other a peck on the lips, and Dave said, "It's so good to see you, thanks for helping with the party."

Dave looked over and smiling broadly he extended his hand, "You must be Dre. I've heard a lot of good things about you." He looked me up and down, "You are one good looking guy. Welcome. Just let me know if you need anything. I know you guys are here to help out, but we want you to have fun doing it. We hope that these parties are a tradition you will carry on after you graduate. They are a great way to network, and well, the sex is always awesome!"

The three of us unloaded the rest of the supplies from the SUV. As we worked, Dave said that after we put away the groceries he had a little choir for us to do. We set the two boxes we had picked up from UPS on the dining room table.

Dave opened both with a kitchen knife, and rubbing his hands together, he started rummaging through the first box. He pulled out two pairs of shimmering gold booty shorts, and two gold bow ties.

"I got these for you guys to wear tonight. I hope its not too offensive..."

Ramon grabbed the shorts out of Dave's hands holding them out in front of him as he exclaimed, "Are you kidding me, these are fabulous. I can't wait to serve drinks and shake my booty in these. Hello tips!"

Dave chuckled, "Dre how about you, did Ramon tell you about the tips at the end of the weekend?"

"Yes he did. And I don't mind wearing the shorts, in fact I enjoy slutting it up, especially if all the guys are as hot as you." I said to Dave, hoping to butter up our host.

"Great! Now the rest of this stuff is for the alums. That other box should have gift bags, goodies, and the bathrobes. If you guys would be so kind as to make up 9 gift bags one for each of us, including yourselves, and put them in the bedrooms. I have to run to meet some of the guys at the golf course, see you two at happy hour." Said Dave as he picked up his hat and golf shoes and jogged out the door.

Ramon and I started to assemble the gift bags. Each bag contained a cock -shaped lollipop, a banana sling g-string, some very sexy sheer boxer shorts, sunscreen, a small baggie with 4 blue pills (Viagra), a bottle of lube, a half dozen assorted condoms, some poppers and an assortment of some very high end personal care products. There was also a very nice cotton bathrobe for everyone. We collected the bags and set off to place them in the bedrooms.

The villa was L-shaped with the living area in one wing and the bedrooms on another. The house had 5 bedrooms. As I approached the last one I heard voices. Before entering I peaked around the corner. What I saw was a good indication of the night to come. Standing with his head back and his hands twisting his own nipples was a large black man. He was at least 6'2" tall, and although he had a bit of a gut, he was powerfully built. More impressive than his physique was his hard cock, which was thick and very large. It was impossible to estimate its size, as it was sliding in and out of the mouth of a man on his knees. The cock sucker was about the same age as the black man, late 30s early 40s, and looked to be average build and height.

The black man encouraged his friend and laughed, "That's it babe...take it deep bitch...mmmmm...get that big cock wet...shit you're a better cock sucker than my wife!"

I quickly moved out of sight and left the goodie bags by the door. So far so good, I thought to myself.

Back in the kitchen Ramon was just finishing. He said, "Grab your bag and I'll show you where we are staying."

I grabbed my things and followed Ramon out of a set of glass doors that opened onto the back of the house. The grounds were amazing. Tucked into the L of the villa was a beautiful oval pool with a colorful tiled apron. There was also a matching hot tub. Past the pool was a manicured lawn dotted with islands of desert plants and palm trees. A tennis court where a couple of men were playing tennis was just beyond the palms. A small cottage that matched the rest of the structures sat on the far end of the grounds.

I followed Ramon into the cottage. The cool air conditioning felt good, as I followed him through the living/kitchen area into the bedroom. The room looked out onto the grounds through a large french door. A four post kingsize bed dominated the bedroom. It had to be an antique or a very good reproduction, everything about the villa was superb. Ramon threw himself on the bed and I did the same, landing right next to him.

We both turned onto our sides facing each other. We were inches apart, and I gazed into Ramon's eyes. "What do we do now?" I said.

Without hesitation Ramon rolled on top of me. Our lips mets and we kissed, first tentatively, then intensely. Ramon was an excellent kisser and his lips were full and soft. We began to french kiss and with Ramon now laying on top of me I could feel his cock growing, and I grabbed his luscious round ass as we made out.

After what seemed like a long time we came up for air and Ramon said, "Mmmmmm Dre you are sexy, but we should save this for tonight, there is going to be a ton of fucking and you want to go into tonight fully charged."

"Awe..." I pouted. "I guess you're right, rain check though!"

Ramon said he was going to shower. I told him I'd take a walk around the grounds while I waited my turn. I grabbed my sun glasses and headed outside.

The late afternoon sun was low and intense. It took my eyes a minute to adjust. As the shimmering pool came into focus I saw a figure in a chaise on the other side of the pool. He was wearing a baseball cap, dark sunglasses and nothing else. I realized that he was waving me over to him. I walked around the pool to see what the stranger wanted.

As I walked up I could see he was a man in his late 50s maybe even 60. He was a big man with a powerful tan body, white hair on his head and some on his chest, but the rest of him was smooth and tan. He had his legs extended on the chez, casually crossed at the ankles. His massive uncut cock and huge balls perched glistening in the sun between his muscular thighs.

He extended his hand saying "Name's Jack, but the guys call me 'Big Jack' because sometimes there's another guy that comes to these things called Jack, If you noticed I guess you can say I've been blessed. Well I'm rambling, you must be from the University...Cock Club is it?... We didn't have an official name for it in my day...well anyway... Nice to meet you."

He gave me a firm hand shake as he was obviously checking me out. I replied, "Nice to meet you Big Jack. Call me Dre. I am currently a student, Dave flew me out to help with the party. If there is anything you need just let me know."

I realized I was staring at his cock, which I swear had plumped up during our short conversation.

Big Jack said, "There is one thing you could do for me, if you don't mind. Could you put a little more sunscreen on me? My back's not great and I think I missed the tops of my feet and shins."

He handed me a tube of sunscreen, I squirted some of the white glop into my palm and I started on his feet. He told me that it felt good and removing his glasses he gave me a wink. When I had finished with his feet and legs I could see that the monster between his legs was inflating. It was now at least a good 10" and very thick.

"You're doing such a nice job Dre, would you mind doing my thighs."

I smirked at Big Jack, and agreed, deeply massaging his thighs. His legs were like steel bands and he was in great shape. The sunscreen was cocoanut scented and this "little favor" was getting very erotic. I moved up his thighs brushing his cock and balls, his cock was now hard and resting against his stomach.

Jack let out a little sigh and said, "Damn Dre, you must have done this before, cause you're awful good at it! Mind doing my cock and balls? Sunburn down there is brutal."

The old horn dog, I thought. I was impressed by his direct approach and his massive cock. In fact my own hard-on was pressing against my shorts. Trying to give Big Jack a taste of his own medicine I said, "Sure BIG Jack, I'd love to grease up your fat cock, mind if I suck it a little first."

Without waiting for a reply, I dove down onto his meat, stroking the shaft and pulling back his foreskin to reveal a big cock head oozing nectar. I sucked his cock loudly , letting spit run down the shaft as I cupped his big balls. I swear they were the size of two medium lemons.

As I increased my tempo, and slurping I could feel Jack's hand on the back of my head, "Slow down there cowboy, you keep going like that and you're going to make me cum."

I lifted my head off his cock, squeezing his hard member tight at the base of the shaft. His lewd massive prick swelled with blood and his cock head poked out of the foreskin. Looking Jack in the eye I snaked out my tongue and licked the clear drop of precum off his pee hole.

"Well Big Jack, I sure would like to drain those big balls of yours, but I guess I won't be greedy."

I let go of his hard cock and it slapped against his stomach. I got up and said, "Nice meeting you!" as I walked around the pool and back into the guest house. I knew that I left him horny and wanting more. I was getting into slut mode, and my body tingled with horniness. If Big jack was any indication tonight was going to be a good time.

As I entered the cottage, I did my best to avoid jumping Ramon. I showered and did those special things needed before any Cock Club gathering. When I got out of the bathroom Ramon was lighting a joint. He was dressed in the gold lame hot pants and he looked incredible.

He handed the joint to me and I gladly took a hit. He handed me my hot pants and letting my towel drop I slid into them. Ramon squeezed a little oil from a tube into his hand and rubbed it on his chest arms and legs, the oil was very sheer so it made his skin glow, not like heavy baby oil that made you look greased. He rubbed the oil on me which didn't make me any less horny.

"You want a little eye liner?" he asked.

He applied the make up to his eyes and it made him look super sexy. A little goth and very slutty. Seeing the result I agreed, and Ramon turned me toward him and expertly applied the black makeup to my eyes. I looked in the mirror and was shocked how sexy and fem I looked even though my body was chiseled from years in the gym. The final touch was a little lip gloss and our gold lame bow ties.

Ramon look at me and smiled, "Those old fuckers won't be able to keep their hands off us, damn boy we are hot! Now you shake that money maker and just wait and see what's in that tip envelope tomorrow."

Ramon circulated with a tray of raw oysters while I mixed drinks. The guests wandered in from the bedroom area all dressed in the robes we had placed in their rooms. All looked showered and ready for a night of fun. Two men walked over and introduced themselves, Mark and Sean. Mark was bearded and had an athletic build, Sean was a slim redhead with a boyish look. I fixed them both a margarita when we were joined by the large black man I had spied on in the bedroom. His name was James and I recognized him as one of the U's well known football stars of the past.

I looked across the room and saw Ramon chaggint with the man that had been giving

head to James earlier. His name was Bill, and our host Dave and Big Jack were also

in this group. A younger twenty 22 year old, Tim, and John, a balding thirty something were sitting on a couch watching a gay porno movie on the 50" HD television. That was the entire group of 7 guests plus Ramon and me.

Dave clinked his glass with a fork, "All right Cock Club members let's get this party started."

Dave lifted a box and placed it on the table. "First the awards. This king size bottle of 'personal lubricant' goes to Sean, for the 'Most Number of STROKES Taken on 18 Holes!' Anyone who strokes it that much is going to need a lot of lube!"

Everyone laughed, the mood was relaxed and friendly. There were a few more humorous awards, then Dave announced, "Now let's start with our own little Cock Club tradition, the Cock Master suck off. I have placed all your names in a hat. Who is competing for the glorious title of Cock Master?"

Mark, Tim and Bill all raised their hands excitedly.

"Okay we are going to have a 3-way let me select the 3 victims," said Dave.

Reaching into the hat Dave selected the names of Ramon, James, and Sean. Dave went on to explain the rules as follows. The 3 competitors had 1 minute each to suck the cock of the 3 "victims." After the minute elapsed they would all move to the next "victim" and suck that person's cock. The competition ended when a victim had an orgasm, and that cock sucker became the "Cock Master."

James and Sean took off their robes, Ramon in his shiny gold shorts stood next to his fellow "victims." The rest of us clapped and cheered as the competitors got on their knees in front of the standing men. The contestants got to work, mostly rubbing and stroking the cock in front of them. Sean had a nice cut cock that looked about average in size and it was turning an angry red as it was being stroked. Ramon had an uncut brown beauty that in the first 20 seconds was already almost to its full 8" length. James' black monster, rubbery and not fully hard, but impressively large at 10", was disappearing in and out of Tim's mouth.

The rest of us cheered and made lewd comments as we moved into the 7th minute. Mark was working over Sean's cock head, alternating between sucking on it and tonguing the pee hole. Tim was attempting to take as much of James's big black cock into his mouth and from the occasional gags I imagine he was trying to deep throat. Bill was moving back and forth in a smooth rhythm on Ramon's rock hard dick. The victims sighed and made comments of their own encouraging the competitors when they liked their technique.

The rest of us watching had all become aroused. My semi hard cock was pressing against my shiny gold shorts when I felt a big hand on my ass, it was Big Jack. He was standing behind me, his robe open in the front and his semi hard cock touching my hip.

"You know Dre, you really gave me a good tease out there by the pool," he said squeezing my ass. "But I guess with a body like yours you make a lot of old guys horny."

I turned around, and taking Big Jack's cock in my hand, I stroked it slowly saying in a slow sexy voice, "Maybe that wasn't a tease, maybe I just changed my mind, because I want to ride your big fat cock instead of sucking you off."

We were interrupted by the chants of "Suck It, Suck It, Suck It!"

It was about 15 minutes into the competition and all three "victims." looked like they were on the verge of cumming. Most of our attention was focused on Mark, he was taking Sean's cock all the way into his throat so that his nose was buried in Sean's trimmed red pubes. He repeated this action several times, then pulled off Mark's throbbing red cock, spitting a copious wad of sticky saliva on it, stroking it hard two or three times and returning the cock down his throat. The third time Mark repeated this technique Sean exploded in his face. Mark greedily swallowed the cock and milked it dry as Sean gasped in orgasmic delight.

Mark jumped up in triumph his fists in the air. He yelled and stuck out his tongue as a long slimy trail of sperm and saliva slid down his bearded chin. We all clapped as Dave placed a cheap plastic crown on Mark's head, pronouncing him this year's Cock Master.


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