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Call Girl


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Bridget scooted forward and when her vagina pressed against the side of my cock, I nearly cried out from the pleasure. It twitched against her slit as she held herself there for a few seconds. "Mmmm," she cooed, looking down between her own legs. Then, reaching down, my daughter deftly took hold of my penis. Lifting herself a few inches while angling it toward her, my body suddenly filled with adrenaline from the shock of what was happening. And maybe a bit of horror, too. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was still unable to move. I couldn't resist. I couldn't tell her to stop. I knew I should, but no words of protest would come out.

My daughter slowly leaned forward until the tip of my penis pressed against her vaginal hole. She moaned softly at the sensation and then, before I could even try to halt this taboo experience from happening, Bridget thrust forward and I felt my cock glide inside her warm, twenty-year-old pussy. With that sheathing, my world fell apart.

Bridget was slow at first as she gently rolled her hips forward and back, undulating herself against me. My cock only sank a few inches in each time. But slowly, as she worked my cock within her, her movements became more insistent. A little harder. More urgent. Forward, then back. Forward, I felt my penis sink even deeper into her. Backward she moved, my cock gliding its way toward her entrance once more. Forward, I felt myself filling her. Her walls were tight. Tighter than I would have thought, considering her profession. Undulating and slowly gyrating against me, my daughter proceeded to fuck me on the hotel room bed. There was way too much pleasure for me to even consider resisting. I could barely breathe, let alone talk.

After a few minutes, she placed a hand on my belly. When I looked up at her face, I saw that she had her eyes closed. She wore a look of complete and utter rapture. She was really enjoying this! Just then, she moaned softly, "This feels so naughty, daddy!"

As the words came out of her mouth, I could literally feel her pussy getting wetter. And then she was grinding faster. And faster. Her hand on my stomach pressed down a little harder, for leverage. I felt my cock plunge into her over and over again, tingling like mad. All the while, I stared at my daughter, aghast yet mesmerized at the same time. She was fucking me. My own daughter was fucking me!

Bridget still wore the black dress, although I realized with a start that it had become hiked up all the way to her belly. Her hips, thighs and ass were bare. As she tried to go even faster, the dress kept getting in her way. Finally, after almost ten minutes of grinding, my daughter growled and, reaching both her hands to the bottom of her dress, I watched as she heaved it up her body, lifting it over her head before tossing it aside where it landed somewhere next to the bed.

But I had absolutely zero attention on her dress at that moment. Instead, I found myself staring at the most gorgeous female body I had ever laid eyes upon. I always knew my daughter had a sexy body. But seeing it fully exposed, and with her riding me at the same time, was like a dream. The entire thing was surreal to me. My eyes took her in, staring at her pale skin. They slid up to her chest, opening wide when I looked at her breasts. They were not as big as I thought. Yet, with her slender frame, I couldn't imagine them being any larger than they were. They were perfectly round, bouncing gently with her movements as she continued to roll herself forward and back. My cock kept disappearing inside of her, drenched from her wet pussy.

Bridget leaned forward again, and I got the treat of watching her boobs hang down from her body, stretching out as they bounced above me. I watched over her shoulder as her ass lifted in the air over and over, her hips moving up and down. My cock plunged deeper each time. "Fuck you're hard," she groaned, still fucking me. I realized she was breathing heavily. "And it's so fucking hot!"

The whole scene was so fucking dreamlike, I couldn't even talk. I didn't know what I'd say anyway. Was this my goddamn imagination? I stared up at my daughter and saw how contorted her face was, full of lust as she fucked her own father.

My daughter started rolling her hips sideways, in addition to moving forward and back. I felt my cock plunging into her at different angles with each round. She was whimpering, moaning and breathing hard. Her face was close enough to my chest that I felt her hot breath blowing across my chin. Her body shuddered and I felt her tensing up. Or was that me?

"Fuck me... you're big, daddy," Bridget whispered breathlessly, still rocking forward and back. My cock just kept plunging into her wet canal, deep then shallow, in then out. Faster she moved. I was breathing hard, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Her breathing drew up short until she was gasping instead. Her body started trembling and it felt like she was moving with effort.

"I'm--" she moaned, and then swallowed, cutting off her own words. She continued to ride me. "Jesus, daddy..." she whimpered a few seconds later. It felt like her pussy was getting hotter, and more fluid seemed to be coming out of her. It was slick and my plunging cock was prodding her with no resistance. Pleasure was swirling around the tip, with little zings surging down my shaft. Her knees dug into my thighs and she started moving faster still.

"DADDY!" she cried out, her mouth was open wide but no more words came out. She had her eyes closed and her body was shaking so hard, I could see her tits jiggling. She was about to have an orgasm, I realized.

Suddenly, I couldn't hold on. It was like the volume turned to the maximum in the span of half a heartbeat. One second, I was being pleasured and enjoying it all, and the next second, my penis was tingling so hard that I could literally feel my cum rising up my shaft. Reaching my arms out instinctively, I grabbed hold of my daughter's ass and yanked her down against me, hard. Then I found myself staring up at her beautiful, perky, twenty-year-old tits that seemed to be dancing above my face.

Thrusting three more times, I tightened my grip, pulling her hard against me. Buried all the way inside of her, I started to unload. One pump. I shuddered, the tingling growing in pitch. Two pump. Oh my fucking god!

Bridget's eyes opened wide in surprise and she stared down at me, horror etched across her face as she felt me expelling my cum inside of her. But then her face contorted and, just like that, her entire body lurched forward as her orgasm exploded. I felt her naked breasts mash against my chest. Meanwhile, my cock continued to unload stream after stream of cum. The pleasure was beyond words. It was more intense than any orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. Gush after gush of cum shot out of my cock, filling the deep recesses of her vagina.

Then my daughter started whimpering against my neck, "I can feel it spraying into me... jesus, daddy. How much cum do you have?" She shuddered as I felt one final pulse of pleasure carry the last squirt of cum from my tip. For a few seconds, neither of us spoke. But suddenly, Bridget's eyes opened wide and she gasped, whispering, "You weren't supposed to cum in me." She started trembling, lifting her head a little higher. Her eyes grew even wider and then she said it again, a little louder, "You weren't supposed to cum in me!" She groaned then, but her body shuddered as another wave from her orgasm passed through her. When it passed, she moaned, "Ohh goddddd."

With a grunt, I felt one more final load of cum spit inside of her. Fuck. Our body movements came to a grinding half, both of us out of breath. Her tits were still pressed against my chest. They felt warm and sweaty, even through the fabric of my shirt. I could feel fluids oozing down my shaft, where my daughter's pussy was still impaled. A combination of my cum and her juices, I was sure.

Still shaking, my daughter finally pushed herself back until my cock exited her pussy with a gentle slurp. Then she rolled to the side and fell onto her back beside me. For all of about thirty seconds, she lay there catching her breath. I looked at her face, but I couldn't read her expression. Was she mad? I really hadn't meant to cum in her. Fuck me.

Abruptly, Bridget pushed herself up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. I watched as she squatted down and then, straightening, I saw that she had the crumpled black dress in her hand. As I stared in shock, I watched her start to pull the gown over her head and then down her body.

"Uh, you're leaving?" I asked, incredulous, pushing myself up onto my elbows. Didn't we need to talk about what had just happened?

My daughter shrugged and said, "Yeah. Uh, did you think you were my only customer tonight?"

Jesus christ. I was so stunned, I couldn't even think of what to say. So I just watched as she strode to the mirror near the door and proceeded to reapply her eyeliner. Once that was handled, she drew a small brush from her purse and started stroking her black hair. She got all the frazzles out of it in just a few minutes, before tucking the brush back into her purse. Smiling to herself, she stared at my reflection through the mirror, making her smile even more seductive when she saw me looking back at her.

Speaking softly, Bridget said, "I wouldn't mind a repeat of this another time."

Still unable to speak, I watched as my daughter opened the hotel room door and stepped into the hall. She turned just before the door closed behind her and tossed something toward me. I caught it instinctively just as the door clicked shut.

In my hand was a pair of white, lacey panties. And they were quite damp.

Unable to help myself, I lifted my daughter's panties to my face and inhaled deeply. Good god her pussy smelled good.

Just like that, I was completely hooked.

The end.

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ToughSailorToughSailor3 months ago

A cookie cutter story. Several just like it on this site. Oh yeah; a cigarette fetish? . . . . .

10towers10towers8 months ago

I read the two stories out of order so I didn't realize he filled her full of cum at the hotel. Since this is only day one of the second chapter, maybe she will relent a third time. I'll check back to see if you write a chapter 3. A very riveting story that seem familiar from years ago.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey8 months ago

Fuck! That was hot! 5 Stars.

JakeShadeJakeShade8 months ago

Bridget -

I came here looking for a D-in-Law story to fuel my crush on my DIL and got seduced into reading this one by the title. My own daughter (a year or two older than DIL) came close to working her way through college as a stripper but saw the lifestyle distortions a good friend went through when she went that route and avoided it.

However! The scene of her recognizing him while he does not recognize her (given her dress/hair/makeup) was an amazing charge for me. I'm possibly unable to think of my own daughters "that way" but as my admission above allows, not a problem at all with the DIL.

What I love most perhaps is the empowerment implied as you (the Daughter) takes charge and turns the normal power dynamic upside down. The father-figure no longer is in charge of the daughter-figure and the service provider runs the client to her specifications....

It was VERY hot! I'll go check out your other work now!

- Jake

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

more please

NesticNestic9 months ago

I enjoyed your story very much. Please, please continue with a second chapter,

202GE202GE9 months ago

Very hot. 5 stars

The ending felt a bit abrupt but that could be a personal preference.

Thanks for sharing with us.

thedomoneflthedomonefl9 months ago

Very believable, well written and hot as hell! She should have sucked him clean before leaving him, like a good little girl.

Crusader235Crusader2359 months ago

Yikes, one of the Hottest Daddy Daughter takes ever. Five well deserved stars. Sure wouldn't mind another chapter or two, Daddy really needs to eat Dawters pussy.

bridgetrosebridgetrose9 months agoAuthor

Thank you all for your warm comments and feedback!! I'm so glad you liked this story! (It was really fun to write. :p)

I honestly haven't decided yet if I'm going to write a chapter 2. But I have some ideas that I'm playing with, so there's a pretty good chance I will. I know I left it off pretty open ended. :)

Frankenstein1962Frankenstein19629 months ago

Loved this. Can't wait to read your other stories. Cheers. Frankie.


Please, another session between them! Great story, and hopefully more!

MikeykeithMikeykeith9 months ago

"Come on daddy, it's just fucking."


Yummy Tale/Tail

10 Stars As Always!!!!


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wow!! Phil.

smooth_Ballssmooth_Balls10 months ago

oh my, 20 years and so cool? A sex goddess, a very erotic fantasy.

chiefhalchiefhal10 months ago

I hope there will be at least one more chapter, so many ways to go with this!

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I hope it's not the end. Daddy needs to sample Brigette's pussy, as many way as possible. Time and place to be determined.

jrrrrjrrrr10 months ago

Great story, gave it a 5. I really wanted a little more at the end. Maybe you could do a sequel to it, so we know the future of their new relationship.

YaBoiBigChungus7YaBoiBigChungus710 months ago

Amazing i cant wait to see if they meet up again

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