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Calliope's New Life Ch. 06

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Padraic unveils the new playroom.
5k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 05/01/2013
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Author's note: This story contains elements of the BDSM, Daddy/little relationship and as such will not be to everyone's taste. If that is not your kink please don't read any further. For followers of Calliope's story, I hope you enjoy this chapter. ~ellie

Change had come slowly to Calliope's world, so much so that she barely noticed that Jamie was spending a lot more time with Padraic and seemed to be a constant presence as the new play room neared completion. Padraic did not even seem to mind when Jamie became authoritative with Calliope and when she bristled at his tone Padraic would often chide her rather than him. It seemed like a wedge had been pushed between them, and she felt sad at the loss of her friend.

One day, when Padraic had been called away by a telephone call, Calliope had pouted at Jamie. "You never just hang out with me anymore," she had complained. "We used to talk all the time, now you just seem to grouch at me," she looked at him as she pushed the last bites of her lunch around her plate.

"Geez, Calliope, I am not a kid anymore. Padraic is mentoring so I can have a little girl of my own soon. Then you will have to call me Uncle Jamie," he said seriously, pausing to study her face, "Uncle James sounds better, and if you continue to pout at me, I will spank you," he said with authority although a wicked grin slid over his face.

"Paddy wouldn't let you!" Calliope gasped.

"You would be surprised what your Daddy would let me do, I think," Jamie continued his wicked grin waggling his eyebrows. He was enjoying teasing Calliope; she had been the motivation he needed to tell Mama Bea he wanted to grow up and become a Daddy himself. Calliope was the perfect mix of brat, angel and whore, and she had featured heavily in his fantasies since their first meeting.

"Paddy, tell him he can't do it!" Calliope wailed as he walked back into the room.

"Do what, baby?" Padraic looked at the pair on hearing the obvious distress in Calliope's voice.

"He says I have to call him Uncle James now and," she pulled her pouty lip back in, "And..." she paused dramatically, "If I pout at him anymore he will spank me." Calliope blinked her big green eyes up at Padraic realising she sounded like a whiney baby.

"Jamie is growing up," Padraic said reasonably but on noting the self-satisfaction in the young man's demeanour added, "But he is not grown up yet." He waited a moment as the two eyed each other and looked back at him expectantly. "I don't think starting to call him Uncle Jamie would be a bad thing, it would be good practice for when Bea decides he is ready."

"Fine," she sighed, "But he can't spank me, can he?"

"For pouting? No. You are my baby, if you are being disrespectful or naughty, on the other hand, then he needs to speak with me. I may let him spank you if it's necessary, or I may just do it myself, but baby, you need to be a good girl for everyone not just for me," he leaned down and kissed her forehead before taking his seat again. "But you are always such a good girl for me lately it's hard to believe you were not always my angel."

"Did I ever tell you how Calliope came to be mine?" Padraic asked Jamie with a wink.

"Not all the details, no," Jamie smiled seeing the look of surprise and shame come over Calliope's features. "There was something about needing to help her because you were a lawyer?" he said uncertainly. He actually knew much more than he was letting on, but the wink from Padraic had told him to play dumb for the moment.

"Oh, she was so precious, I think I fell in love with her within the first few minutes," Padraic smiled down on her surprised face. "I didn't realise it at the time though, and it was a bit of a battle to get her to listen to me but well worth it. Come let's help Calliope clear the lunch dishes and I will tell you all about it."

They cleared the table as Padraic recounted the story, "It all started with a phone call from Calliope's mother begging me to help her wayward daughter who had been arrested and was sitting in the city watch house."

"Arrested? What on earth for?" Jamie's voice held an air of incredulity and he looked at her with feigned astonishment.

"She was dancing at this men's club, and the owner had tempted her to earn more money and tips by giving private lap dances. Calliope escalated after that in what the police claimed was prostitution though they could couldn't prove more than giving a man a blow job." Padraic watched as Calliope blushed deeply and pretended to be scrubbing at a stubborn spot on a plate before putting it into the dishwasher.

Jamie whistled in appreciation of the seriousness of her crime, "Not quite the innocent angel she appears to be now was she?"

"You should have seen her when I picked her up, you wouldn't have recognised her. Badly dyed hair that hung over her face, cheap and nasty school girl uniform that needed a good wash, she definitely needed some work let me tell you." Padraic was enjoying Calliope's embarrassment as she fussed in the kitchen cleaning up. "And the language! You wouldn't believe the nasty things that came out of her mouth. She ate a lot of soap that first night."

Calliope pulled a face remembering that first night, when she thought a bad blow job would gain her the freedom she wanted. She had seriously underestimated Padraic in the beginning, but he had always seemed to know what she needed and did not hold back in making sure she followed his rules.

"I wish I could have seen her, its sound just too weird, hearing the description," Jamie said thoughtfully.

"What a good idea," Padraic enthused, "Let's dress you up baby, it will be a good reminder of how far we have come from that scrawny little foul mouthed brat."

"But Paddy!" Calliope started to complain, but she could see the eagerness in his features and stopped herself.

"Come on baby it will be fun," Padraic grinned and swooped her up into his arms. "There is nothing to be ashamed of in how we met and fell and love," he kissed her and held her to him as he walked to her room followed by Jamie. Putting her down in the middle of the room, he went to his toy cupboard and unlocked the door taking a large box from the top shelf. "I am not even sure why I kept this," he said over his shoulder as he pulled it free.

He placed it on the edge of the bed and lifted the top pulling out the costume she had been wearing the day he had bailed her out of jail. He had had it cleaned of course but other than that it was unaltered.

Calliope moved closer memories of a time when she had no one in the world to rely on, but herself surfaced in mind and she looked up at Padraic who now stood beside her watching her reaction. She felt safe and loved with him for the first time in her young life, and she knew this was a lesson he was trying to teach her. She didn't want to go back to the life she had before Padraic saved her, she knew that, but if they both needed this stroll down memory lane to remind them of that, she decided she was okay with it.

"Can I get dressed by myself please, Paddy?" She asked quietly; I promise I won't be long. He gave her a concerned look, and she added, "I just want to surprise you, you know make my hair all messy and stuff like it used to be." He continued to study her, so she smiled showing she was not unhappy about the costume.

Finally, Padraic nodded but said equally quietly, "If you are not out in fifteen minutes I will come n and get you." He nodded to Jamie and the two men left the room.

Calliope immediately sat down at her dressing table and pulled out all the make-up she had. She wasn't allowed to wear it very often, but she had it there from when they went into the big city to court in the early days of their relationship and a few other select times they had been to the city since. She used it not only to paint her face but also to colour small streaks of her hair so that it hung in limp strands as it used to before tying it up in bunches.

Watching the time carefully, she finally went to get dressed. The costume was even tighter now after being looked after so well by Padraic, and she breathed into do up the skirt worried as she did so that the buttons on her blouse would pop. They were press studs rather than real buttons, and she was grateful the garish tie that matched the tartan of her skirt hid the bulges the fabric now made as it strained to keep her covered.

She pulled on the long white socks that covered her knees and finally buckled the high heeled doc martins that felt clunky on her feet now, but had been an expensive buy back then. Standing up and looking at herself in the mirror, she recognised the lost little girl she had once been. She had been so easily manipulated by her mother's latest boyfriend into working at his club and graduating from waitress to dancer to whore in rapid succession. She was truly grateful that this was no longer part of her everyday life.

She took a deep breath, if Padraic wanted a trip down memory lane he was about to get the full version of who she had been, angry, churlish and devious. She laughed to herself remembering how she had tried time and time again to seduce Padraic in an effort to get her own way. It had been a hard lesson to learn that batting her pretty green eyes would get her nothing if she didn't follow his rules. The door opened as she stood thinking about the girl she had been in those dark days and she turned to see Padraic enter followed by Jamie. Calliope stood stunned for a moment as the surprise on Padraic face registered in her brain, and she let the old Calliope, who owned this costume come out.

"What the fuck! Couldn't you goddamn knock?" she spat. "Just cause you bailed me out doesn't give you the right to barge in on me whenever you like."

"This is my house, Calliope, and while you are under my roof which the court has decided is where you belong for now, you will follow my rules," Padraic voice rose as he growled back at her. A quick glance gave Calliope the satisfaction of seeing Jamie's jaw hanging open.

"Fuck that, I don't have to do anything," she practically screeched back at Padraic having fun play acting the role.

"Do you want to go back to that club with all those old men drooling over you and mauling you like a street corner hooker?" his voice had become ominously low.

"Beats being locked up here like a fucking prisoner, at least there I know that people are up front about what they want from me. What is it you want huh Uncle Paddy! What gets your juices flowing," she turned to sneer at Jamie, "Or is it little boys that do it for you?" Calliope wondered if she had gone too far as Padraic scowled and ground his teeth at her.

Padraic said nothing else he grabbed her by the upper arm and dragged her from the room and up the hallway to what had been the playroom. Opening the door, he propelled her forward into the room making her fall to her knees on the carpet.

"You want to be back in this club so much fine!" he finally exploded as she looked at around at almost an exact replica of the club she used to dance in. "Get up there and dance and I will tell you if you're good enough to make a career out of it." Calliope blinked wide-eyed looking around as she struggled to her feet. "Or would you feel better on a street corner with a red light over your head like the little whore you really are," Padraic smirked at her.

"All you men are fucking the same. Stupid bastards pretend to care but all you really want is your cock sucked, I have a choice about that you know," she looked at the stage and back at Padraic, "Well do I at least get some fucking music to dance to? Or should I just get back on my knees right now?"

Padraic's hand lashed out and gripped her throat pulling her to him. His hand was firm but not crushing as he stared down into her eyes, "Tell me about these choices you have little whore."

"All right, all right I'll dance," Calliope's voice whispered past her constricted throat.

"Good, but first I think you need to remember who is in charge here," he pulled her to a comfortable looking chair that sat in a small suite around a low table. Bending her over his lap, he began to spank her hard, "You need to remember what happens to little girls with potty mouths, Callie," his hand ran down over her g-string to rub her cunt. "Especially little whores who get so wet from being spanked," he growled pulling on the g-string until it snapped and ripping the remains from her body. He spanked her several more times enjoying her sobbing pleas for mercy before pulling her up and looking into her teary eyes as she panted and gulped. "Do we understand each other now, little whore?"

"Yes Sir," she answered quickly.

"You will always call me Daddy in this room," he growled menacingly.

"Yes Daddy," Calliope said softly.

"Get on the stage then, she if you can impress your Uncle Jamie with your bumping and grinding. I hear he is a big tipper for the right girl," Padraic smirked as Calliope turned toward Jamie a look of horror on her face.

Pulling herself together, she knew better than to buck the rules in this room after the last disastrous time, regardless of the change of décor. Aerosmith's Ragdoll came blaring out of speakers, and she took a minute to pick out the rhythm of the unfamiliar song. Closing her eyes, she placed one hand on the central pole before she strutted down the catwalk of the stage. She swung her hips widely as she moved in tempo to the song.

Calliope covered the area of the stage bumping and grinding as she went making good use of the pole as the next song filled the air. By the time the second song had ended Padraic lowered the music slightly and allowed her some small respite, pointing to Jamie and suggesting she go flirt with him before her next set. He was acting as the club pimp and seemed happy to stay behind the bar and observe. Padraic and Jamie had been planning this scene between for a while and Jamie was well rehearsed.

"Ah, here you are cutie," he tilted his head in Padraic's direction, "I paid the man for my lap dance as soon as I saw you step onto the stage." He sprawled back in the chair offering her the room to manoeuvre onto his lap. The music became louder again, and Calliope once again closed her eyes as she found the beat. She began to move to the sounds of the Divynals song Pleasure and Pain and opened her eyes looking down into Jamie's face. She could see his pleasure as she rolled her hips and moved her body in an undulating fashion making two of the press studs on her shirt pop.

Excited at having Calliope in his lap and the sexually charged air of the room Jamie reached up running his finger along the line of exposed skin under her tie. Calliope backed off his lap and shook her head waggling a finger at him, "No touching the merchandise." She gave him what she hoped was a flirtatious grin and began to dance before him again moving over his lap once more after a few moments of mild titillation.

"So," Jamie said licking his lips, "Do you give private dances? Perhaps in some out of the way place?"

Calliope considered him as she continued to dance grinding over his lap and shimmying her shoulders. She looked over at Padraic who smiled encouragingly at her. Confused, Calliope wasn't sure how to respond so she continued to dance without responding.

"Wait here," Jamie said lifting her from his lap and standing up beside her. Calliope watched as he approached the bar and spoke with Padraic. She watched as the two men spoke quietly feeling unsure of herself in this familiar yet alien playroom. She looked around once more, this definitely held no trace of Shelly anymore but the way Padraic held her past over her head and seemed to enjoy her humiliation disconcerted her. She knew without any doubt in her mind that she loved him and he her but she would just as soon forget the part of her life that had led to her arrest all those months ago.

Jamie approached her again, "You have another set to do, then we can talk some more." He gave her a wicked grin that left her in doubt that the more would not be about talking. Jamie patted her ass and sent her towards the stage. The music pumped up again as Sweet Cherry Pie started blaring from the speakers and she launched into an energetic dance that had her swinging around the pole and pumping her hips to the heavy beats.

Calliope watched the two men as she danced, one the man she loved, much older than her that used his experience and position to care for her and teach her so many things. The other a man not much older than her that she thought of as a friend but now realised was also being educated by Padraic to become a man just like him. She tried to wrap her mind around the idea of Jamie as being dominant over her rather than her equal. Her mind went back to the party when she had been welcomed to the family. "Had she been with Jamie during that crazy scene?" she wondered trying to pull at the threads in her memory.

Padraic had jealously guarded her from anything other than the cuddles and little fondles of Carl Lewis, who she now thought of in a grandpa role. If he had been here she was sure she would not have been so stunned by the request for a private lap dance. The song wound down with her still considering the strange situation she found herself in.

Smiling as she danced, Padraic was more than happy with how she had reacted to the new playroom. He had been impressed with the slutty little girl who bumped and ground against the stripper's pole and more impressed by the confusion and look she gave him to check his agreement when Jamie had asked for a private show. He knew he had trained her well and her loyalty to him was incredible but in his own changing attitudes this was to be a test for him as well, seeing her one on one with someone else. It was the fear that Shelly had instilled in him that he needed to overcome, so that Calliope didn't have to continue to live with the consequences of someone else's misdeeds. He needed to trust her as completely as he expected her to trust him.

Jamie too needed to learn to be dominant, to not bend in want he wanted and expected from a little girl or they would walk all over him, especially those that had known him as a playmate. If he wanted to remain with this family and grow up into a loving Daddy he would have to start making some hard choices and decisions in how he treated the girls. This evening would test all three of them in different ways.

The second song ended and Padraic dimmed the music a little settling back to watch how the scene played out. He watched as Jamie waved her over to him and Calliope slowly descended the stairs walking toward him. Jamie pulled her to his lap and she began the sensual lap dance that she had given earlier. Padraic could not hear what was being said but he knew how the conversation would go and what would happen. He sipped his beer and watched the pair avidly.

Jamie took Calliope's hand pulling her to his lap making her straddle his thighs. "Dance just for me pretty, baby," He murmured into her ear and stroked her cheek as he looked into her startling green eyes. He had dreamed of being able to dominate Calliope since first meeting her and while strict parameters had been set on what he could do, during this scene his cock was almost bursting from his jeans in anticipation.

"I've paid the owner," he tilted his head acknowledging Padraic's presence, "For a full show and blow. I think he is quite looking forward to seeing how you perform for your first paying customer here, little whore." The wicked grin that spread over Jamie's face seemed even more pronounced when the surprise registered on Calliope's face and she turned her head slightly glancing at Padraic. Turning her face back to his Jamie continued, "You know I would never do anything without his full agreement, you are safe with me Callie baby."


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