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Cannabis and Cum

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A shy girl is persuaded to smoke weed to impress her crush.
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{Note: All characters are 18+. }

Jen woke up from her lovely daydream, interrupted by the bell. How rude. She just wanted to sit there and think about Lucas all day. With a sigh, she stood up from her desk.

She started filing out with the rest of the class, but Mr. Taylor pulled her aside. He almost chuckled seeing the panicked look on her face.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble," he said.

Jen, in fact, was one of his best students, a good girl to her core. She was terrified of breaking the rules.

"I need to talk to you about something after school," Mr. Taylor explained. "I have an extra credit assignment for you, and there's something we need to discuss. Nothing to worry about, though."

"Oh. Okay..." she said, hesitant.

"Just meet me here right after school. Sound good?"

"Sure. Sounds good," she said, smiling.

Despite Mr. Taylor's advice, Jen spent the rest of the school day fretting about the meeting. She'd never been asked to see a teacher after class, much less after school. Was she actually in trouble, maybe? Did he just not want to embarrass her in front of her classmates? What did she do wrong?

To make matters even worse, Jen ended up being a couple minutes late. Would she be in even more trouble now?

"Oh my goodness. Take a breath," Mr. Taylor said, seeing her distress. "Here, walk with me."

Jen followed him out of his classroom and down the hall, to some unknown destination.

"So here's the main reason for this, Jennifer. I notice you've been staring at Lucas quite a bit, and I'm afraid it's distracting you from your schoolwork."

Jen turned bright red.

"Your test scores have been steadily declining," he continued. "I've never seen you go below an A before, and now we're approaching B minus territory."

"I'm so sorry," Jennifer said, looking like she was about to cry.

"No, it's okay. I think you can make it up with extra credit. But you also have to address the root of the problem."

"My feelings?" Jen guessed.

"No, silly. You can't change how you feel about this guy. That's not your fault. It's the situation that's the problem. But maybe we can do something about it."

It was obvious to him and probably everyone else in that classroom that Jen had an intense crush on Lucas. But Mr. Taylor also suspected the feeling was mutual. He saw the way Lucas looked at her. And could you blame him? Jennifer was this insanely pretty blonde girl with the type of personality some guys went crazy for — very sweet and cute and feminine. Luke was into her in some significant way for sure. Anytime the two interacted, Luke got just as nervous and excited as Jen, even if she didn't see it.

"If you had to describe your feelings for Lucas on a scale from one to ten, what would you say?"

"Like, eleven," she said, smiling bashfully.

"I figured. You do seem slightly obsessed with him."

"Yeah," she said, giggling.

"You're probably wondering what the solution is. Well, I have some ideas."

"Really? Cool."

"I'm on your team. We're gonna figure this out."

Jen smiled at him. Mr. Taylor always so kind to her. He was just so thoughtful. The idea of a teacher assisting her with a crush was admittedly kinda weird, but if she knew Mr. Taylor, he probably had something really smart and helpful in mind.

"Where are we going?" she asked, after they turned another corner.

"My office in the theater department. It's a little more comfortable there."

Jen followed him right into the office, and they both sat in swivel chairs by his desk.

"Now call me crazy," he said, "but from my observations, I think Lucas might have a thing for you too. Which is not that surprising. You're a pretty girl with a lovely personality."

Jennifer, in fact, was easily one of the most beautiful girls in the entire high school. If she weren't so introverted, she could have any guy she wanted. Mr. Taylor didn't want to put it in those terms, though, so as not to overstep his boundaries as her teacher. Nevertheless, she still blushed intensely.

"So what do you when you want your crush to be something more?" he asked.

"Umm, I don't know, talk to them?" she said, slightly unsure.

Jen's social skills were not on par with her beauty. Which was the very reason for this meeting.

"Yes. You talk to them about common interests. Maybe hang out and do fun things together. That can create a bond."

Jen was starting to think Mr. Taylor should've been a school counselor instead of a social studies teacher. He was giving her really good advice!

Mr. Taylor was now digging through a desk drawer.

"Now, I have it on good authority that Lucas is bit of a stoner."

"Really?" Jen said, surprised. Lucas didn't seem like a stoner at all. Now she was suddenly having second thoughts. Did she really want to date a guy who was into drugs?

Mr. Taylor came back up holding a sandwich-size plastic bag full of marijuana. He unzipped it and began emptying its contents onto a piece of paper on his desk.

Jen's eyes widened. Was this really happening right now?

Mr. Taylor took out two pieces of rolling paper, putting one in front of himself and handing one to Jen. She took it, not knowing what else to do.

"Alright. See how it folds in half? You kinda want to fill the joint along that line."

Reluctantly, Jen reached into the pile of weed and delicately picked some up with her fingers.

"Okay now just drop it in. Or sprinkle it — that works. Yup. Good job. Add some more."

Jen just sort of followed his instructions in a daze, filling the joint with weed the way he was showing her. Is this was Lucas did in his free time?

"Let's try to make a fat one. There we go. Now let's seal it. Watch what I'm doing with my joint. Yup, just like that. Roll it. Seal it up."

Jen held the finished joint in her hand with some amount of fascination. What did she just do?

"Take a moment to admire your work," Mr. Taylor said, standing up. "Your first joint, and it's almost perfect. You did a really good job."

He locked the office door and came back toward his desk.

"Join me by the window," he said, opening it. "Bring your joint, silly."

They sat together by the open window, feeling a slight breeze come in. Jen was still holding her joint in her hand, staring at it, softly squeezing the marijuana inside, getting a feel for this strange object.

Mr. Taylor sparked his lighter and ignited the tip of her joint.

"Now take a hit."

Jen put the joint between her lips and began sucking in very gently.

"There you go. Do it nice and slow so you don't cough. Feel the smoke filling your lungs?"

Jen nodded as she continued inhaling. She felt a pleasant rush of feeling to her head.

"Okay. Exhale. You don't need to keep it in. And you can try to blow smoke rings if you want. Imagine how much that would impress Lucas."

Jen giggled.

"Are you feeling high?"

"Yeah," she said, nodding.

"Perfect. The THC hits you right away sometimes. Especially a first-time smoker like you. Once you smoke more weed, it can take a bit longer. But you'll figure that out."

Jen hesitated for a moment, then took another gentle drag on her joint.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah," Jen said, exhaling. "It feels nice."

"Alright, let me catch up," Mr. Taylor said, finally lighting his own joint.

Jen continued softly sucking on her joint, taking slow hits, and the smoke was going in pretty smoothly. As the THC coursed through her veins, she felt herself re-adjusting to this new reality. She'd always been scared of marijuana. But her experience now was so different. It was quite lovely.

After a few minutes of smoking, Jen was feeling a bit dizzy. "Maybe I should stop," she said.

"Yeah, that's fine. Moderation is important. You can put that out and finish it later."

Mr. Taylor took out two more plastic baggies — one full of weed, and the other containing a lighter and many wrapping papers.

"Keep practicing for a week. Roll your own joints. Get to know your cannabis. Develop an intimacy with it. I wouldn't recommend getting high every day, though. You don't want to form a habit. But try at least, say, three or four days over the next week."

Jen attempted to parse that advice.

"Go for a walk and find a private spot. Or smoke in your room. Do you have a window you can lean out of?"

"Yeah, kinda," Jen said, wondering how well that would work.

"If you want to get extremely high, I'd recommend doing that just before bed. Maybe Friday night, smoke several joints and see how high you can get."


"Just get a good amount of practice in this week. Then maybe you can impress Lucas next week. Don't tell him yet, though. Keep it a secret for now."


Jen put Mr. Taylor's gifts in her backpack, and they wrapped up their meeting.

On the drive home, Jen started panicking a little. Was she a bad girl now? She didn't feel any different, aside from being high. She felt like the same Jennifer with the same personality. So was she a good girl or a bad girl? Or something in between?

Alone in her room after dinner, Jen opened the bag of weed and ran her fingers through the little bits of marijuana. So strange to think that just burning this stuff and creating a little smoke from it could make you feel like that. She'd always imagined smoking weed was complicated, but in reality it seemed to be so strangely simple.

Just after bedtime, Jen locked her door and took out her leftover joint. She turned the lights off in her bedroom, leaned out the window, and sparked the lighter. Her first hit was a long, slow drag, but she felt a little too much burning in her lungs. After some experimentation, she decided she preferred to take little puffs alternating with the occasional deep inhale.

The joint burned out too fast, so she sat down at her desk to make another one. Jen got so focused on rolling the joint that she didn't realize she was spilling crumbs of weed on her math homework. She got scared for a moment, but she managed to clean it off well enough.

Jen sat by her window and stared at this fresh joint. She definitely felt a sense of pride knowing she was about to enjoy this thing she'd just made with her own hands. That was pretty cool.

She ignited the marijuana and took a gentle, deep inhalation of that heavenly weed smoke. She closed her eyes for a moment to savor the high. Then she stared at her joint and wondered how many of these you were supposed to smoke in one day.

Jen thought about Luke. She knew he was gonna think she was so cool once he saw her smoking weed. He'd be shocked at first, for sure, but then he'd realize they shared a common interest. He would be like hey let's get high together. They would go and smoke weed, maybe share a joint, and they'd end up making out or something. That would be really nice.

As Jen smoked her joint with one hand, she found her free hand going between her legs. She wondered if Lucas got horny when he got high. Maybe they would start making out and he'd want to do more, maybe feel her up or even finger her. She decided she would let him.

Jen lied in bed for an hour that night fantasizing about Lucas and masturbating off and on. Him being a stoner definitely added a new dimension to these fantasies. She'd never been attracted to the "bad boy" type before, but if that's what Lucas was, maybe she'd have to reconsider.

Was he "bad" enough to do something really naughty... like sneak into her bedroom at night? He could climb right through her window — the same one she just smoked out of. If he actually did that, she would definitely have sex with him right then and there in her bed. They would need to be quiet, so it would have to be slow and sensual, but that was exactly what she wanted with him anyway.

Jen managed to smoke this whole joint from start to finish, which she thought was pretty impressive. She could feel her lungs getting used to that burning sensation.

Tuesday, Jen wanted to follow Mr. Taylor's advice about not forming a habit. So she decided to not get high that day.

However, looking at her big bag of weed and all those rolling papers, Jen felt like she should at least do something. So she rolled a whole bunch of joints, following along with some very helpful YouTube videos. Once it was all said and done, she ended up with four almost-perfect joints and seven that seemed literally perfect to her. Jen was very happy with this result, especially considering she'd managed to pack so much weed into each one — they were all quite fat. Jen laughed at herself that she felt so proud accomplishing something so dumb. Mr. Taylor would be so impressed, though. And just imagine what Lucas would think!

Wednesday, Jen was definitely excited to get high again. She thought about going for a late-night walk and finding a private spot like Mr. Taylor suggested. But that seemed way too scary for multiple reasons. So she ended up just smoking the weed out of her bedroom window. This time she figured out how to blow smoke rings. Which resulted in a fair amount of giggling. Again, a dumb skill that she was nevertheless proud of leaning.

Friday night, Jen stayed up late and decided to do what Mr. Taylor said and try getting as high as possible. Three joints minimum, she decided. Unfortunately, her excitement to get high made her smoke the weed too fast, and it was making her feel a bit sick. She only got through two joints. Jen figured this was okay. She certainly felt more than high enough already.

So she lied down in bed and started masturbating. Jen was not sure why marijuana always made her feel horny. Probably because she fantasized about Lucas every time she got high.

Jen decided to smoke weed again on Saturday night, simply because she could stay up very late. This time she paced herself and smoked four fat joints. She refined her smoke ring skills and got extremely high, way more than last night.

Which of course led to more impure thoughts about Lucas. This time she masturbated with her hairbrush handle, imagining it was Lucas thrusting in and out of her. She put on some music and managed to cum without making too much noise.

Jen woke up Sunday morning and did a fair amount of introspection. She had smoked weed four days this week and enjoyed it a lot. She decided she would go lighter on it in the future, though. Getting high was definitely a good experience, but any more than two or three times a week was probably excessive.

Monday, Mr. Taylor pulled Jen aside as class ended.

"Can you come see me after school in the theater office?"

Jen leaned in to whisper: "I still have a lot of weed. You gave me so much."

"No, it's not that," he responded, quietly. "I have a different surprise for you. It's related, though."

Jen raised an eyebrow.

She went through her other classes wondering what this surprise could be. Jen decided that if Mr. Taylor was going to offer her any other drugs or alcohol, she would definitely say no. Marijuana was more than enough for her.

Once school ended, Jen was running a little behind, but she fast-walked to the theater department and made it to the theater office at a reasonable time. She opened the door to find Mr. Taylor sitting there with... Lucas.

"Luke!" she said, almost gasping.

"Jen! Oh my God. We can finally talk about this," he said. "You smoke weed... that's insane..."

She smiled and shrugged, knowing how impressed he must be. Maybe he was wondering what other naughty things she might do.

"Alright you crazy kids," Mr. Taylor said, dumping a bag of weed onto his desk, "let's get started."

Jen pulled up a chair, took a paper, and started filling it with cannabis, all the while smirking at Lucas.

"I seriously can't believe this," he said, shaking his head in disbelief, but smiling. She giggled.

Jen flawlessly rolled a joint while Lucas watched in awe. "Holy shit. You're so good at that. Do I even know you?"

Now Jen watched Lucas roll his joint. But she was surprised to discover he wasn't very good at it. In fact, she had to help him out. Strange. He probably consumed his marijuana a different way. She helped him finish wrapping it and gave him a cute smile.

Mr. Taylor opened the window and set a pair of lighters there. Jen and Luke rolled their chairs to the window, joints in hand.

"Should we light up at the same time?" Luke suggested.

"Sure," Jen said, feeling giddy.

Looking right into each other's eyes, they flicked their lighters simultaneously, ignited their joints, and each took a slow drag, then exhaling into each other's faces. They both laughed.

"It's so strange to see you smoking," Luke said, not able to get over it.

Jen shrugged.

"But even when you're doing that, you're still like, this super sweet pretty girl..."

Jen's heart stopped in her chest. Then, on impulse, she leaned in and kissed Luke on the cheek. He seemed surprised but quite happy about this. She giggled.

"Yep, I knew that was coming," Mr. Taylor said, casually. Jen blushed intensely. She literally forgot he was there.

"Alright you guys. Enjoy. I'll be a couple doors down if you need me. Lock the door behind me, okay?"

Jen got up to follow him there.

"Feel free to turn off that damn fluorescent light. If you need... a different mood. I won't ask questions."

Jen locked the door and blushed. "I can't believe he just said that," she said, giggling.

"You know what I can't believe?" Luke said. "I can't believe you're a stoner. I never would have guessed."

"Oh, I'm not," Jen said, not wanting to encroach on Luke's stoner cred. "I only started last week. I'm really getting into it, though."

"Wait, your first time was last week?" Luke said, looking very thrown. "Where did you do it? Here?"

"Yeah," Jen said, sheepishly.

"Dude," Luke said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "My first time was last Wednesday. Also in this office."

"Oh my God," Jen said, covering her mouth. So Luke was never actually a stoner! Was this all a big prank?

"Dude, Jen, I think Mr. Taylor literally got us both smoking weed just so we would hang out with each other. That's so fucked up," Lucas said, taking a drag.

They were both quite shocked but already a little too high to be overly bothered by this apparent fact.

Jen was doing the math in her head. Why did Luke go along with it? Did he want to impress her too?

"So you like smoking weed?" Luke asked her.

"Yeah. It feels good," Jen said, taking a couple puffs. "I wouldn't do it every day, but yeah. I like it."

"Yeah, same. I don't think I could ever be a full-on stoner. But it seems nice to get high now and then."

"How many days did you smoke last week?" she wondered.

"Let's see. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday."

"Oh my gosh — those are the same days I got high!" Jen said, delighted that they were so in sync. "Plus Monday," she added.

Lucas took a moment just to stare at Jennifer and appreciate her beauty. Her sun-kissed straight blonde hair. Her big blue radiant eyes. Those cute freckles on her cheeks. And her lips. He watched her lovingly suck on her joint, half-closing her eyes as the weed smoke filled her lungs and delivered the THC right to her brain.

"Hey wanna see something?" Jen said, and she starting blowing little smoke rings.

"God you're so frickin' cute," Luke said, gazing into her eyes.

Jen smiled intensely. "You are too..."

They both finished their joints about then. So what next? Jen just smiled and stared at Lucas, wondering if he would make a move.

"Do you wanna make out?" he asked.

"Yes!" Jen said, unable to hide her excitement.

She led Luke to the couch in the office. They sat there together and started kissing. Jen couldn't control her hormones — she wrapped her arms around Luke and began using some tongue.

"I actually feel more high from doing this," she said.

"Same," he said. "You're so amazing, Jen..."

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