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Captain Terdy's First Week: Day 05


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Casanova grinned. "Oh yeah. I asked her if she knew where babies came from. She suggested maybe a big bird brought them."

Ramrod's eyebrows lifted further. "I see." He paused while he digested that. "But she seems to know all about it now. Is that right?"

"Oh yeah," replied Casanova, hoping this might be it. "All sorted now. She knows what's what. No problem really."

Ramrod watched in silence while Casanova slowly lost confidence and squirmed in his seat.

"Ensign," Ramrod began, "she was bound and gagged in the rec room, being gang banged by uncommissioned servicemen, and she called it a delightful way to unwind. With the door open! This morning she asked me to organize an orgy because it would be good for morale. How, exactly, is this all sorted?" He cast around wondering what to say. "How, precisely, did you teach her about the birds and the bees?"

"Ah, well, it, um, just kind of happened. She was just curious. Dr Prominent was there, um, the first time. So, you know, it was sort of medically supervised."

Ramrod gave him the sad look. "Casanova, what were you thinking?"

He could hardly say what he'd actually been thinking. He slumped in his chair. "Um. I just... she just..." He looked at Ramrod with pleading eyes. "Sir, she's really hot and she was just so enthusiastic to learn. Her breasts are so young and plump and she feels so soft and she comes so easily. And..." He ran down under the intensity of the Lieutenant's gaze.

Ramrod softened his look and rubbed his brow. "Yes, I am also acutely aware of our captain's charms. However," he said with emphasis, "in the current climate, I think she needs to understand expectations. I'll have a talk with her. Hopefully we can keep this inside the walls of this vessel."


"Come in Ramrod," said Captain Terdy. She was relaxing on her bed with her shoes off. It had been a busy day with the fallout from Star Command comms, Too Far Away Two and getting back into supra light. She hoped Ramrod was here for pleasure, not business. "How can I help you?"

He sat in one of her visitor's chairs. "Ah, I'd like to have a chat about something if it's alright by you ma'am."

So it was business. "I hope you don't mind if I leave my shoes off," she said as she swung her long legs off the bed and moved to her chair.

"Not at all ma'am." Ramrod had another flashback to her naked body. She sat with her legs crossed and smiled at him innocently. "Um, ma'am, the thing I wanted to talk about. Um, it's related to. Um..." He didn't know how to begin. "Um, I had a chat to Ensign De'Lusional ma'am. Er. About the birds and the bees."

"Oh. Surely you know all about the birds and the bees Lieutenant. I assume it's just me who had this problem."

Now that he came to talk about it face to face he was finding it harder than he had anticipated.

"Well, yes ma'am. That is, I wanted to talk to you about the impression he may have left you with. Regarding normal behavior."

"Really Ramrod? Why is that?"

"Well ma'am, it's just that, in the current climate, we have to be careful about how we behave."

"Ah, you're talking about purity and sexual activity. We did discuss this before."

"Yes ma'am, it's just that, maybe you got the wrong end of the stick. Um, it's just that, well, it's not appropriate to have sex in public areas ma'am."

"It isn't?" she said looking a bit surprised.

Ramrod relaxed fractionally. "No ma'am, I'm afraid it isn't."

"Hmm. How is that? We were in the rec room. We were having recreational activity. That would seem to be its purpose. Nobody else mentioned it."

"Well, ah, I guess they assumed that seeing as you're the captain, if you approved it would be alright."

"Hmm. So what should I have done?"

"Well ma'am, honestly, you should not be engaging in, um, sexual activity with uncommissioned crew."

"Really? What difference does them being uncommissioned make? It would be fine to have a game of chess with an uncommissioned crew member. In fact it's a good idea. One gets to know one's crew and visa versa."

Ramrod sighed internally. "Ah, perhaps I misspoke ma'am. It really isn't appropriate for you to have sex with any crew members."

She gave him a long poker face stare. "No sex?"

"Well, yes ma'am. Not with crew members."

More poker face, then she looked quizzical. "Hold on Ramrod. You keep saying 'with', not 'between'."

"Um, well yes, um," Ramrod shifted nervously in his seat. "er."

She gave him another long stare. "That doesn't seem very fair." She sighed. "I'm trying to be reasonable here Lieutenant, because I appreciate I don't have complete information. This is a captain thing isn't it? Are you suggesting that Casanova should not have taught me about sex?"

"Well, I guess under the unusual circumstances, an explanation of the theory would have been appropriate."

Another long stare. "Lieutenant, you have had sex haven't you?"

"Ah, well, yes ma'am."

"Would you care to explain how a theoretical explanation is going to convey the experience of fucking and orgasms? I think when we consider that sex is both the foundation of human existence and the paramount human recreational activity, it was entirely appropriate that Ensign Casanova should fill the hole in my education as promptly as he did. A Captain needs to understand her crew, clearly without a full understanding of sex I would be at a considerable disadvantage. Especially with this crew as it turns out. Now, putting aside that as a special circumstance, I would like to ask you honestly - so you really think that's fair? And what pray tell do other captains do about this?"

"Er, well ma'am, um, I'm not going to say it never happens. Space Command has in the past been very liberal in this regard, so it's more a case of being discrete. But in the current climate, um, I guess most captains would just, er, masturbate?"


"Um, do it by yourself ma'am."

"You can do it by yourself?" she said in surprise. "Good grief, Lieutenant," turning to her computer. "Why didn't anybody tell me this before? Do you spell that with an E R or a U?"

"A U ma'am."

"Hmm... I see. So you use your hand? How does that work?"

"Er, well, you just sort of," he made a vague circular motion with his hand somewhere above his crotch, "jiggle it a bit."

"Really? Let me see." She stood up and pulled her briefs down.

"Ah, ma'am," said Ramrod standing up. "I think perhaps I should leave you to it then."

"Nonsense Lieutenant, if there's one thing I've learnt about this whole sex thing, it's that I have a lot to learn. I regard this as essential for my good command of this ship, so you can damn well stay and help me out here."

"Ah, are you sure ma'am?"

"Of course I'm sure Lieutenant. Now what should I do?"

Ramrod sat down again. Guilty and excited. This was not how he had planned for this conversation to go. But... Orders were orders. "Um, if you just sit down and, um, open your legs..." He opened his by way of demonstration, then ran down and stared as she opened her white thighs revealing her beautiful little pussy. He was lost until he felt his cock stiffening in his pants. He shook himself out of his daze. "Um, right. Then you just use your fingers to gently move your cliterous, um, as I understand it. Just do what feels good."

"Hmm. Ok."

He watched as she applied her fine fingers to the task. She was watching him as she did it. Maintaining direct eye contact. He sat still, not daring to move despite the awkward flowering in his pants. 'Fuck,' he thought. 'Casanova was one lucky guy.'

"Ok," she said slightly quizzically. "I think I'm getting something. But it's really not the same. This doesn't really make sense to me. Surely I need a man to become aroused. Basic evolutionary imperative."

"Ah, well, it's normal to fantasize. Imagine."

"Ah, I see. Trick the primitive parts of my brain into thinking I'm getting fucked. Ok. I'll fantasize about you. That should work."

Ramrod watched her gaze transfer to his crotch. His cock went completely hard, forming an unmistakable bulge. Her focus gave him the opportunity to watch her in turn. Her fingers were moving around her slit, playing with her clit. He could see moisture appearing. Her legs were amazing. So inviting. So innocently spread. His own cock was iron hard now. Her breathing was deepening. He could see the signs of arousal. It was unbelievably erotic.

"Um," she said without deviating her gaze. "Er, can men do this too?"

"Oh, yes," he said distractedly.

"Show me."

"Show you?" he said in surprise.

"Yes. I think it's important I know."

He hesitated. He was beginning to understand how Casanova had been drawn in. He should tell her that that is not an appropriate request. But she had a point. She genuinely had no idea. It wasn't like she just wanted him to pull out his dick for the sake of it. And it was so hard.

"Ah, ok," he said as he watched moisture spread over her fingers. "For education." He pulled his pants open and let his very erect cock out. He watched her watch it intently. Her mouth opened. Like she was hungry. It made his dick strain all the more, becoming engulfed in sexual sensitivity. He gave her a good look at it. Flexing it this way and that before he settled into a gentle stroke. Now it was his turn to watch her hungrily. That unbelievably luscious body. It was ok to fantasize, he told himself. He'd just told her to do it. All part of the teaching process. He wondered if she knew how to suck cock. The way her sweet mouth was open and her tongue was roving round was feeding his fantasies to breaking point.

"Ok," she said. "So you move your hand up and down. Does it feel like a vagina?"

"Well, it's not the same."

"So you have to fantasize too?"

"Yes ma'am."

She continued to watch his hand work. The only sound her breathing and the slick sound of her fingers working her pussy. They were moving faster now. He had to slow himself else the sight would drive him over the edge.

"Right," she said breathily. "I think I need to take my uniform off. Would that be normal? I really have to be naked for this fantasy I'm thinking about."

"Yes, yes, that'd be fine ma'am. Very normal." Ramrod knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help himself.

"Right," she said, and pulled her uniform off in one fluid motion, flinging it aside and dropping back in her chair.

She spread her legs and resumed her work, but now her other hand took hold of a naked breast and began squeezing and pulling on her nipple. Ramrod watched entranced. Casanova was right. Those breasts were to die for. He wanted to stand up and shoot cum all over them. Should he tell her that was normal? Quite within the normal range of human sexuality. Probably the sort of thing she'd like to know all about. She was breathing heavily. Her breasts actually heaving. She looked like she was close. He decided, if she came, he was going to finish. No point in half a demonstration.

"Ramrod," she said, in a slow intense way. "I think I get it now. Although... I don't think I would have been able to... get it without your, um, visual aid. So thank you for this lesson."

"Ah, that's quite alright ma'am."

"So... I think it's time... I finished for the day. How about you?"

A bit of disappointment came over him. He was hoping to see her come. But he could take a hint. "Ah, yes, of course ma'am."

She stood up, stepped forward, and sat on him. Straddled him. Her legs spread, her breasts in his face, her hands in his hair. She squirmed her crotch into his. Wet warm pussy mashing his hand while it still held his hard-on. She turned his face up to hers.

"Ok, now that we're off duty... but I think Casanova implied I should always ask first. So can we fuck now? I can be discrete."

Apparently she considered grinding her naked crotch into his a preliminary that didn't need consent. 'Fuck it,' thought Ramrod. 'I give up.'

"Yes. Fuck yes." He pulled his hand out and she slid up. Her opening found the head of his cock as if by magic. She slid down over it with a contented sigh. Still holding his head and looking into his eyes.

"Oh, that's better. That masturbating thing is interesting, but it's not the same."

Then she kissed him. Full on the lips. Her tongue sliding in and writhing unashamedly. Her hips moving her slick warm passage over his iron hard pole. He ran his hands over her luscious curves. She was hot to the touch. Her hole buttery smooth and tight.

She broke their kiss and pushed his face down, thrusting first one nipple, then the other into his mouth for him to suck and tongue. All the while getting more energetic in her fucking.

"Oh fuck!" she said. "Yes!"

She grabbed his shirt and yanked it up, pulling it up and off without breaking stride on her fucking. Then her hands were all over him as she went berserk. She was right. It was not the same.

"Oh fuck!" she cried again. "Going to come on your cock Ramrod!" Then she shuddered, crushed him like death to her bosom, and let out a deep long moan.

Her orgasm was long and passionate and Ramrod felt it all through his straining hard cock. It was too much for him. Right at her peak, erotic tension gathered in his crotch and he came with a torrent of cum deep in her body. His own moan was muffled by her breasts. The fact that he shouldn't be coming in his beautiful captain made it all the more delicious. Pent up desire flowed through his cock in torrents of relief. His dams of behavioral correctness crumbled in the flood. He let himself relax in her bosom.

She sighed contentedly. "I've been wanting to fuck you for as long as I've known about sex. I'll suck your cock now if that's ok with you."

"That would be great ma'am."

She gently raised herself off his still rampant rod. "You know," she said, as she settled down on her knees between his legs "you really don't have to call me ma'am when we're in private. Especially seeing as we're having recreational time."

"Actually ma'am, I quite like it. Do you know about fetishes?"

"Oh yes, I read about them. I'm wondering if I should cultivate one. Perhaps being bound and gagged. I did enjoy that." She slid her lips over his cock and drew it into her soft mouth. He could feel her tongue sliding round as she gently sucked.

"Oh, well, mine is not quite so extreme, but I do like a woman to be in charge."

She lifted off. "Oh, well, we should get along great then. I'm good at being in charge. Call me Captain."

She returned to her sucking.

'Good grief,' thought Ramrod. 'How the fuck did I get here.'

She sucked him for a long time. Seemingly in no hurry. He lounged and watched and felt the deliciousness. Every now and again she would let it slide out and run her tongue and lips up and down, even taking his balls in her mouth.

"I love cocks," she said at one stage. "I guess that's because I'm a woman. They're just so beautiful."

Eventually she stood up with a satisfied look. "Right Lieutenant, time for you to eat your captain." She lay back on her bunk, resting on her elbows, and spread her legs. "And take those pants off. You're still half dressed."

"Yes Captain," he said crisply. He pulled off his shoes and pants, and got his face between her luscious thighs. She was soaking. He set to work. Licking her clit and running a couple of fingers into her. She fell back with a little purr. If he glanced up he could see her hands fondling her own magnificent breasts. He reached up with his free hand and took one over.

Pretty soon she was squirming and panting and coming. He ate her through three or four orgasms and loved every minute of it.

She lifted her head. "Now fuck me while I'm in dog position. Smartly now Lieutenant. Fast and hard."

She flipped over and thrust her rear up. Ramrod complied fast and hard as commanded. It must have worked, because she was yelling and coming in no time. But even so, after her first she cried, "Fuck! Harder!" He pounded away and she yelled, "Oh god! Yes!" and promptly came again; even more intensely as far as he could tell.

Even that wasn't enough for her. She picked her rear up on her haunches and feet and banged herself violently on his cock till she was flushed and glowing with sweat, coming repeatedly as she did. His own cock feeling fantastic as she railed it.

"Ok." She said after that. "Missionary. But slow this time. And kiss me. Properly. With tongue."

He did. He fucked her slow, his hard cock sliding deep while he lay between her spread legs, and kissed her passionately. Kissed his hot insatiable Captain until he couldn't restrain himself and he pounded her till they both came together.

After that she rolled him over and lay in his arms.

"I don't know Ramrod. It doesn't seem reasonable to not have sex. I wonder if Tinfoil will fuck with me. I haven't done it with him yet."

Ramrod sighed. It would be a bit hypocritical to keep arguing for celibacy now. He would just have to try and swear the crew to secrecy.

"I'm not sure about Tinfoil. If I may, I'd like to suggest you restrict your recreational activities to crew who you are sure will not make a morality complaint."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that Lieutenant. This is strictly confidential, understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"We have the wrong crew."

"The wrong crew?"

"Yes. I won't name names, but someone confused a list of the top contributors to reports of inappropriate sexual activity with a carefully curated crew list of the best of the best. Actually, you and Tinfoil are slightly special cases. But there you have it."

Ramrod was dumbfounded. But it explained a lot. "Are you sure?"

"Oh yes. Base is pretending it didn't happen, but I wasn't born yesterday. I was right there when the mistake was made. Only I didn't realize it at the time. Anyway, I'm happy enough with our crew. Bit sloppy and chaotic, but I think I can whip them into shape with a bit of time."

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HollisChesterHollisChesterover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments

Thanks Eric_Shift, funtime4u2 and Anonymous for the encouragement. Glad you like the illustrations. They are a ton or work.

This story line definitely has a conclusion and it's coming. In fact the penultimate episode has just popped out I see. Hopefully the final will follow soon, as it has most of the sex of the last pair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Superb illustrations and imaginative, entertaining story. Well written, really worth waiting. Please, just continue, as previous commenters request too.

You're fun to read. Thanks a lot. Chuck.

funtime4u2funtime4u2over 6 years ago
Keep going

I love the story line and illustrations. I hope you continue it. So many stories stop in the middle and you never know what happens.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 6 years ago
I actually look forward to this

Please keep it going.

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