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Car Pooling Pt. 08

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They formulate a play for Martha's exposure.
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Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/28/2018
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The next morning Martha and Hal woke up early again. They were both nude. Hal dressed in shorts and tee. Martha went to the kitchen to make breakfast, her only garment was an apron. Hal went outside to paint the window he worked on yesterday and when breakfast was ready, Martha removed her apron and went outside to get Hal while she was nude.

As luck would have it, today the next door neighbor had a young man at their home to cut the lawn: the poor guy ran into a tree with the SCAG mower he operated, as he watched the lovely mature woman go out to talk with Hal. The young man was surprised to see a nude woman in the neighborhood at this time of day. She had her back to the young man and bent down to retrieve a screwdriver Hal dropped. She gave the young lawn care man a glimpse of her pussy and brown star. It caused him to loose control of the mower and hit the tree, as he tried to view the older woman's flower of life.

Hearing the crash Martha went through a space in the hedges to see if the young man was injured, as he was thrown from the SCAG when he hit the tree, with no thought of her present state of undress.

Mindless of her nudity she went to him and asked, "Are you hurt?"

He said, "No!"

Martha saw he had cut his arm from the crash, it was bleeding profusely. She had him come with her; she escorted him into their house to clean the wound and bandage it. The young man's eyes were as big as saucers, as he looked at the naked lady who tended his wounds. It didn't occur to Martha, she was nude until she finished her Florence Nightingale work on the young man.

She turned red and apologized, Martha said. "Sorry I caused you to crash into the tree with your mower."

He said, "This is the best day I've had since I finished high school. You made my day seeing you nude." He smiled broadly at the naked woman.

They talked for a while when she asked, "Would you be interested in mowing our lawn as Hal will be working and will not have time?"

The young Lawn man said, "Sure!" Smiling at the nude woman he said. "I won't charge you as long as you remain nude while I cut your lawn." Hoping the older woman wouldn't get angry with him for the suggestion.

She thought about it for a few seconds and said, "Sure, as long as you're discrete and not tell the whole neighborhood about my exposure."

He said, "I won't tell anyone." As he figures the way she is walking around outside nude he would not have to say anything, as people will see her for themselves.

Hal prepared to go to work with Martha, as she explained the deal she made with the young man to cut the lawn. Hal was thankful with the arrangement to Martha's relief. Mark picked the couple up and off they went to work. Today Martha had on a short skirt and button down blouse of a smoke gray, with black heals. Martha started to remove her clothes, but both men told her to leave them on. She was not happy with them, but they said they had to talk about the experiment and didn't want to be distracted by her nudity. Hal and Mark didn't know if it was a good idea for her to be nude constantly. The thought a system in place where only the high producers get a chance to see her nude would be better. The employees had to perform their job with excellence to be included as a participant in her exposure.

Martha agreed with them and brought a potential problem to the two men in the car saying, "What if some of the men didn't want to see her nude for religious reasons or would feel guilty because they are married. Another problem is some of the men's spouses may not like their husband's looking at and manually inspecting a woman."

Both Mark and Hal thought Martha had good points and brain stormed to find a way to overcome the problem.

Martha said, "I could talk to Walter and put together a questionnaire the employees could fill out with a space to write their thoughts on the experimental program."

They all thought it was a good Idea.

When they entered the facility, Mark and Hal decided to go to see Walter to support Martha.

She explained to Walter. "There should be a questionnaire sent to all facility employees to fill out to find out what their thoughts are on the experiment."

He thought it was good idea he told Martha to compose it. Walter also saw the wisdom to use Martha's exposure as a bonus for facility employees to promote a good work ethic.

Walter agreed a questionnaire would probably be best, so they will not have a problem with a employees spouses who could make trouble for the company and only have Martha expose herself to the men when they do an excellent job; they will not get jaded to her nudity, as it will not become common place, thus something they will look forward to. The group decided if Martha was nude all the time she will get too used to her exposure, thus she will not have the hesitancy men enjoy, as a woman reluctantly removes her clothes to be put on display.

Martha thought about this issue also, once she was nude in front of a man for the first time, she becomes used to it the times after, and therefore she will strip for him with no reluctance. If she meets a new person she has to remove her clothes for, she was a little reluctant and embarrassed. The reason; she doesn't know if he will like her and this could humiliate her to some extent. Thinking back, the humiliation and embarrassment was partly the reason she got sexually excited, as she exposed her body. The thought she had to expose her body to someone other than her husband are part reluctance and excitement on her part.

After the meeting Walter brought Hal to the area set aside for a repair shop. He told Hal to make a list of materials needed to set up the maintenance shop for the facility. Hal gave the list to Martha, so she could call the suppliers and have it priced out. Martha went to her office to compose the questionnaire they talked about and work on the supplies for the maintenance shop. Mark went to his office to work on IT issues encountered by the day shift.

At the end of the night Walter called Hal into his office he handed Hal a set of keys to a brand new Nissan Rogue for transportation. Hal was grateful for the vehicle as he had to borrow or rent a car when they needed transportation. Walter told Hal it was part of his and Martha's compensation package. They left the facility to find a red Rogue with all the bells in whistles on it. Mark came out and saw them getting into the car. He was disappointed they wouldn't be riding with him anymore.

Mark coming over to them with the pillow he had for putting against the door during Martha's exposure. Martha taking it and starting to remove her clothes in the parking lot, folding them and placing them in the back seat. It was 11 PM and dark, but lit by light standards. Mark watching Martha until she was naked and leaning back on the pillow spreading her legs as she faced her husband in the passenger seat. The car was small enough Hal could play with Martha's pussy as he was driving.

Hal said to Mark, "We will pick you up from now on and you can ride to work with us, if you like, as you have been kind enough to drive Martha to work to help us out."

Mark said, "Great, it is boring riding to work alone." Excited he will hopefully see the mature mother of his boyhood friend's nude again, as they drive back and forth to work.

The older couple found out it was a 3 orgasm trip home for Martha. She played with her pussy twice to orgasm and Hal made her cum once on the trip home.

Hal parked the new car in the driveway alongside their broken older one. Martha exited the car stark naked and walked to the door to wait for Hal to open it. Martha had 3 orgasms, but Hal was like a cat on a hot tin roof. He was horny as he remembered his wife had gotten naked in front of Mark a few times in front of him and played with her pussy on the way to work. On the way home she stripped in the complex parking lot and Hal had Martha spread all the way home and played with her pussy as he drove the new car.

They only made it to the kitchen table when Hal boosted Martha up onto the table on her back, removed his clothes and pushed his cock into his wife to the hilt. They didn't make love they fucked. She was so wet from her orgasms she enjoyed the way he penetrated her. Martha enjoyed to be pounded from time to time. She met every thrust of his halfway. Hal held off his orgasm until Martha screamed hers.

He helped his wife to bed and fell asleep nude spooning with her. Hal's last thought be for asleep was; 'Life is Good'.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Lawn guy

What is up with intro of lawn guy? Will you follow up with a complete story?

Bob150BobBob150Bobalmost 7 years ago
Anonymous 1 was right on this... Too short.

The story is great, and as you realize, there are some "political" complications with her being nude in front of some, who's wife may care.

Still it needed to be a little better "jointed".

I do love it and look for it every morning to see where Martha is in it now.

Good plan to include the gardener in it to spice it up a little & no doubt you will include a few neighbors.

Maybe "down the road" you can have all the neighbor's wives be nude in the yard & neighborhood..

Make for super reading.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I like this series but this chapter was all over the map. Too short, jumping from topic to topic with no transition, and unless the questionnaire is material to later chapters it seems a needless topic. This chapter seemed a bit rushed.

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