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Car Pooling Pt. 07

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Wife tells her husband what she has been up to.
2.7k words

Part 7 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/28/2018
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The next morning Martha awakened at 8 AM, Hal was already outside continuing with the repairs around the house, He is feeling better, but still couldn't work full time at his regular occupation as the doctors won't release him.

The Doctor telling him on his last visit, "You may not be able to return to your construction occupation ever, as it is too strenuous for your condition."

Martha going to the kitchen starting breakfast wondering how she is going to approach the subject of the experiment Corporate wants her to be part of on the night shift. Thinking about the experiment and deciding to see what her husband says when she walks outside in the back yard nude, before confronting him with the proposal from the CEO. Taking off her tee shirt and walking out into the back yard which is a semipublic area, as some the neighbors can see her nude, if they are out in their back yards, but unlikely this morning, as most people are working at this time of day.

Calling her husband's name and stepping into the back yard, he is working in the side yard repairing a window on the first floor of their home. Walking over to him to tell him breakfast is ready. The side yard is visible from the street, but this didn't bother Martha either.

Her husband seeing her nude and surprising him she is so bold walking around outside, looking at her and smiling saying, "I like your outfit, best outfit I have ever seen."

She laughed saying, "It's my birthday suit and I'm glad you like it, as I only have one."

He told her, "It's an outstanding outfit; I wish you would show more people, your birthday suit."

She said, "Come into the house. I have breakfast ready for you, while we discuss you're last comment, you would like more people to see my birthday suit."

Martha was delighted she had an opening like this to discuss her proposed exposure on the job to the night shift crew.

Hal came in telling Martha, "I'm getting bored working around the house. I went to the doctor's yesterday, he said I'm getting better, but he thinks I should find a job with less physical labor, as in his professional opinion, I won't be able to work construction anymore."

This gave Martha another idea, they had breakfast without telling her husband about receiving the proposal to expose her body to the night shift crew from the CEO.

After breakfast calling her manager Walter, "You have to find a job for my husband in order for me to even think about being nude for the organization, furthermore it cannot be anything requiring physical labor."

He said, "I will call the CEO and CFO to relay the information and see if they can come up with some type of work for your husband to do." Knowing it will be a deal breaker if Hal was not given a job..

It was about 3 hours and almost time for Martha to get ready to go to work when Walter called Martha back saying, "I could make a slot for your husband as a security and maintenance supervisor to make sure you stay safe and to check on contractors coming into the complex to do repairs and maintenance of the equipment. We could pay him about 40 to 50 thousand dollars a year and we would still give you the bonuses we told you we would."

Martha was cautiously optimistic Hal would go along with the proposal. She went outside nude and approached Hal saying, "Did you mean what you said about wanting to expose me to many men?"

He looked at her strangely then smiled and said, "Sure, I would love to see other men looking at my wife in all her naked beauty." Truly not believing she would actually do something so far out of her realm of reality.

Martha continued, "If you could have a job for between 40 and 50 thousand dollars a year as security and maintenance supervisor would you let me be nude in front of a group of men who want to examine me sometimes very intimately?" She was throwing all caution to the wind and getting the proposal out there for him to decide before she chickened out.

There was a shocked silence on the part of Hal and Martha thought she blew it telling Hal the way she did about the proposal she had gotten from work. It took about 4 minutes to process the information Hal received from his wife.

With a smile of disbelief on his face he said, "Yah, sure you're going to expose yourself and I am going to get paid as you do this." Thinking his wife was pulling his leg.

Martha confessed she has been doing this for a few months, first with Mark, and then the site manager, the CEO and CFO. They gave her the proposal the day before being nude as an experiment. To see if production would rise on the night shift if they gave the crew the incentive of seeing Martha nude and manually inspecting her body.

Hal was angry to begin with, but when he thought about it his wife is coming out of her shell and her walking outside nude this is exciting to him. The only thing he didn't know if he could accept other men touching her intimately, bringing it to her attention.

She said, "What if you are there at all times while I'm exposed?"

He thought about it and it excited him to know other men would want to touch his wife and he was the one she goes home with.

After giving the last question plenty of thought he said, "As long as they just touch you it would be OK, while I'm with you at the times you're intimately touched. If you or I become uncomfortable at any time with the touching they stop immediately."

Feeling relieved Hal has been bought into this scenario Martha said, "I will call Walter and have Walter talk with you about the job proposal."

Martha called Walter and handed the phone to Hal, after she introduced her husband to the complex manager.

Walter said, "Hal why not come to work with Martha tonight, we can go over the details of your job description, so you can decide if you want to work for us and I will give you our thoughts for your wife's exposure to the members of the team working at the distribution center on the night shift."

Martha took the phone before Walter hung up pressing her luck she said, "We need a car for transportation, as we still have not saved enough money to repair our car." Thinking Walter would say is no and it will give her a reason to say no to their proposal, as she still didn't know if she will be able to do as they are asking.

Walter thought for a while and said, "I will have a rental vehicle for you until you save enough money to repair your car or can buy a new one."

It was almost time for Martha to get ready for work she took a shower. She came out of the bathroom nude and went to find her husband he was in the Kitchen having a sandwich.

She told him, "Mark will be here to us up soon, you better get ready if your coming to work with us today."

He took a shower and dressed in summer slacks and short sleeved shirt as for Martha she dressed in a dress with buttons down the front, it came just below her knee, no bra or panties, do her makeup and hair. Hal was mesmerized as watched his wife. Admiring the new Martha, a wife he has fantasized about for many years, but never thought he would see the day she would actually go out, never mind go to work, in an outfit she had on .

Mark Picked up Martha at the usual time, but was surprised and a little intimidated by Hal, as he could remember him when he was a kid and went over to his friend's house. Hal was a rough and tumble guy, as most construction workers were. Mark had respect for Hal and wouldn't want to cross him, he was intimidated by him today, as Mark doesn't know if Hal is fine with his wife's exposure to Mark.

Martha entered the front seat with Mark and Hal entered the back. She immediately started to unbutton her dress to the sheer terror of Mark and the delight of Hal. Martha pulled her dress out from under her bottom and Hal sat in the center of the back seat and started to move forward. Mark almost went off the road, he figured Hal would attack him, but Hal was not in the least bit upset with Mark he wanted to see his wife nude in front of the young man.

She finished to undress, folded it and handed the dress to Hal with the explanation, "I don't want my dress to get wrinkled."

As they were driving out of their neighborhood Martha asked Hal for the pillow in the back seat. She took it laid it against the door and proceeded to open her legs to the two men in the car. She explained to Mark what transpired over the last few hours and as she talked she rubbed her pussy in front of Mark and Hal who looked on in amazement.

She said to Hal, "I hope you're not mad at me for this, but I needed to play a game Mark thought up to get a ride back and forth to work, as Mark wouldn't take any money for gas. He came up with this game we play going back and forth to work instead. The game started with me progressively expose myself more intimately to him, in small steps, so I got used to my exposure a little at a time."

It was all coming together for Hal, his son's friend Mark knew Martha was an exhibitionist by her body language, whereas Hal being close to his wife Martha didn't notice her secret and Martha didn't want Hal to know she secretly liked to expose her body, but was afraid to admit it, as she has been taught by her family good girls don't do this sort of thing.

The revelations were discussed between the three, as they made the drive to the facility. It seemed like only 10 minutes when they entered the road to the complex. Martha asked for her dress and put it on as Mark parked the car. She looked in the visor mirror to make sure she was presentable. The three exited of the car and walked to the employee entrance. Martha, Mark and Hal walked to the head of the line. Martha introduced her husband to the employees she knew and then stopped at the time clock to punch in.

Martha brought her husband Hal to Walter's office, after she called him on her office phone. She walked down the hall with Hal in tow and knocked on the door to the manager's office. She waited for him to acknowledge their presence at the door.

They entered the Office, both walked to the front of the desk and sat after introductions.

Walter looking at Hal telling him, "You can have the job as security and maintenance supervisor. The job starts at 40 thousand dollars with an increase every 6 months after a performance review, until you reach 50 thousand dollars a year with 401 K and medical insurance."

Hal feeling his oats says, "I want $50,000 a year to start with $1,000 raise every 2 months after a performance review, until I get to $65,000.00 with 401k and medical insurance."

Hal had Walter over a barrel he knows Martha would not do as CEO asked, if Hal is not working at the Center. He said, "Fine!"

Walter continued, "Hal, now for the test to see if you will be accepted in the capacity I just described and see if Martha will be given bonuses for her work. Martha please come here to the front of the desk, prepare for your inspection." Paying close attention to Hal to see his reaction to Walter's instruction for Martha in essence to strip nude in front of both men.

Martha reluctantly started to walk toward Walter she unbuttoned her dress, so he could gain access to her body. She didn't look at her husband, but she felt humiliated to expose her body to the manager in front of her husband for the first time, unlike in the car on the way to work. With Mark it felt different for some reason which eluded her.

Hal was very excited to see his wife undress in front of another man. She walked to the front of the desk and stood at the desk in front of Hal. He could see her breasts exposed as Martha picked up the back of her dress and leaned against the desk, as Hal looked between her spread legs and saw Walter spread his wife's pussy lips, as Walter used his fingers he manually inspect Martha's rectal opening and her vagina.

Walter told her husband, "I'm pleased your wife is very wet presently. This is an indication she is enjoying her exposure."

The manager told Martha, "Go to your husband, so he can see how aroused you are."

She walked round in front of the desk and bent over in front of her husband he could smell the familiar scent of her excitement, while he took the opportunity to manually examine her exposed femininity, as she presented it to his manipulation, all in front of his new boss.

After her husband was done, Martha sat down next to him with her dress left buttoned, so her breasts and pubic area were still exposed to the two men. The three discussed ways to display Martha with the intention to boost productivity at the facility for the night shift. Deciding a letter should go out to make sure everyone at the facility on the night shift was fine with having a nude woman available during their shift at night. It was to be kept a secret from the day shift to see if there was a difference between the two shifts in productivity.

Hal will start work immediately and then the preparation for Martha's exposure is set for three weeks from now, Hal is setting up his office to work out of and also a room with a padded massage' table, unbeknown to Martha, a place for her to go when someone would like to explore her femininity manually during the time of the experiment.

The night went fast and before they knew it Mark, Hal and Martha were on the way home. She walked out of the facility and was the last person who got to the car. She entered the front seat and Hal gave her the pillow while she removed her dress. Mark started the car and they were off home. All the conversation surrounded the exposure of Martha and how she felt about it.

She said, "My feelings are a cross between total humiliation and unbelievable excitement at the thought of everyone at the facility on the night shift seeing me nude."

They were home before they knew it Hal and Martha exited of the car she was still totally nude and very comfortable. They stayed out conversing with Mark for a few minutes, and then Martha walked arm in arm with Hal to the door. They just closed the door to the house and Martha could not stand it any longer she tore at Hal's clothes and they made passionate love in the front hall of their house. She pushed him to the floor and jumped on his engorged manhood cowgirl stile and rode him to their simultaneous completion. She laid on his chest in orgasmic bliss and he was amazed at the passion his wife showed in the coupling.

Going up to bed with Hal's passion dripping from her vaginal opening, her and Hal flopped into bed and were dead to the world in minutes. They were sleeping very peacefully lately; hopefully it was because of Martha's exposure.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

About the worst writing I've ever seen and total bullshit concerning guys getting excited by other men seeing and touching thier wives while the woman is nude. Tha sounds like the faggot talking.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
To the last commenter

You sir, are a complete idiot. Like anything else, it depends on the situation and the circumstances surro it. Simply walking up and asking a man to see his wife naked will almost certainly result in getting you ass kicked, as well it should. But ask that same husband if, given the right situation and with the right individuals involved, would it be erotic to expose your wife, either accidentally or on purpose? I think you will find that the results would be far different. If you don’t like what is in the stories here, might I suggest your time might be better spent reading Women’s World or Gay Pride Monthly. Leave the erotica to real men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
"According to a study done by Cornell University, 89% of men said they would enjoy having other men see their wives nude."

That means if you randomly asked 10 men if you could see their wives naked, 8 or 9 of them would say sure, great. Try that at a bar, or a mall, or any other public place where couples can be found, . . . and let me know how that works out for you.

Suggest you have your health insurance paid up, and have really comfortable running shoes on.

What complete juvenile bullshit. How soon will the husband be sucking other men's cum out of her after a company gang bang? Or will they just raffle her pussy off as a company work incentive?

Writing is supposed to be an art form. This is just embarrassing drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
This is a hot little tale.

My wife became a bit of a show off working for a guy one time. Eventually the other people working there knew what was happening and her semi nudity around the office became commonplace. It definitely brought up moral and she was treated like a queen. Keep up the story.

Bob150BobBob150Bobalmost 7 years ago
Love ❤️ it.

Those that don’t like it,....read something else.

It’s fiction, but as a nudist, I can almost imagine it.

My wife would not do that, although she loves to be

naked outdoors & public, the fingering is over the top for her.

Others, maybe not.

Soon they’ll all be fucking her, which is ok, too. But I’d like that to

be at least 6 chapters down.



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