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Car Pooling Pt. 06

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Mature woman given a business deal by corporate.
2.5k words

Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/28/2018
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Hal was at the door as Martha left for work. He watched her enter Mark's car. Martha and Mark started they're hour trip to their place of employment while Martha started to disrobe, but Mark stopped her to see her reaction. Martha was disappointed as in her mind Martha was afraid Mark has gotten tired of the game of his friend's mother nude on the drive to and from work. Mark could see disappointment on her face and was thrilled.

"He said, "You can remove your panties and spread your legs for me on the ride into work if you want."

Mark was pleased to see this brought a smile to her face as she reached under her skirt and removed the garment which covered her engorged brown haired pussy. She started a conversation with him and lightly rubbed her pussy. She took one lip at a time between her fingers and stretching them out. Mark was delighted with the mature woman next to him in the car. He always knew Martha had a hidden exhibitionistic streak and he found a way to bring it to the surface. Mark noticed she was much happier presently, after she overcame her original humiliation, when she was first asked to disrobe for Mark.

Martha is a much happier person presently, than she was when they first started carpooling to work together and she has become more outgoing with everyone. Mark attributes' it to the game they play to and from work.

Mark could see her nipples popping through her top as the new red bra didn't conceal her nipples, just lightly supported her breasts. By the sheen on her pubic hair and the moisture emitted from her slit, along with the pheromones she was emitting. Martha was almost to the point of orgasm, just before reaching the plant parking lot. She had to stop otherwise someone may see her exposure when getting to a parking spot. Mark was waiting for her to put on her panties, but she left them in the back seat of the car, grabbing her purse, opening the door to exit the car and proceeding to the building entrance.

Martha walked by the men who waited to punch in, as she was a contract worker she could punch in as soon as she got there, but she stopped to talk with a few of the men she knew before she reached the head of the line and punched in. She arrived at her desk and started her computer 'you got mail notice' popped up on the screen. It was a message from Walter he wanted to see her: without any thought she went to the women's room; removed her bra, put it in her purse, and then proceeded to Walter's office, as he was one of the persons who contributed to the finances for her new wardrobe. She wanted to show him her appreciation.

His office was at the end of the hall, so she walked to the end of the hall and Martha knocked on the door: she waited until she was told to enter. There were two other men in the office she didn't know. She was introduced to Carl the new CEO of the company he looked about 31 years old and Craig the CFO he looked a little older maybe about 49 years old. They came from corporate to introduce themselves, to go through the plant and audit the books.

Martha thought she made a mistake removing her bra and leaving her panties off.

Walter calling her to his desk saying, "Face the desk."

In front of the two men he was raising her skirt and manually inspecting her moist engorged pussy, opening it and putting a finger in her rosebud and slit at the same time. Walter could smell her arousal thinking he was the one arousing her, but her arousal was from the ride to work. Walter took the liberty of lifting her top to show the two men present her lovely mature breasts they had just enough sag to let everyone know her breasts were all natural.

The two young men were shocked; this lovely older woman would allow her boss to expose her in this way.

They asked, "Martha, are you doing this of your own free will?"

Martha explained, "At first I was very humiliated to be exposed in this way, but the men I have been exposed to worship me presently, I cannot deny them the pleasure of seeing my naked flesh as long as I am respected by the men I expose my body too."

After the two corporate officers were satisfied she was doing this of her own free will.

The Carl the CEO asked, "Are you opposed to standing in front of the CFO and me to be inspected?"

Martha immediately did as asked, so they could inspect her also, each one in turn had her bend over, so they could get good a look at her wet excited pussy and they reveled in the feel of her rectal opening and vaginal slit. After the two young corporate officers were satisfied there were no parts of Martha's body hidden from them they continued with their agenda.

Walter said, "I am going to tour the plant with Carl the CEO. Martha you will work with Craig the CFO in the archives room. I am worried the room is very dusty and I don't want your new outfit ruined, so I think it would be a good idea to remove your top and skirt to eliminate the chance the pretty outfit would be destroyed while you work in the archives room."

Reluctantly she agreed with Walter removing the items and putting them on a hanger in the closet in his office, as the outfit was expensive and paid for by the group she rationalized.

The two young men could not believe this beautiful older woman just stripped off the last vestige of modesty, although reluctantly and amazed Walter talked her into the exposure of her mature body to both young men she just met. Meanwhile Martha came to the realization she would have to walk across the hall to the archived files room nude and may be seen by some of the men who worked in this administration area.

She Held her head high as she walked out of Walter's office and down the hall past 4 men, who were stunned to see Martha the beautiful older woman nude, who just walked down the hall. She used a key to get into the Archived File room. Martha and the CFO disappeared behind the door as it slowly closed. Just inside the room stood a desk with two chairs one on each side. Craig gave Martha a list of files he wanted, and then proceeded to set up his computer with a spread sheet of some sort with his back to the door.

It was warm in the room as there wasn't as much AC in the area because of the archived files and the room has a humidity controlled climate to preserve the documents. While Martha looked for the files requested, Craig blocked open the door, when she came back with the files Martha was told to sit on the opposite side of the table, and then he gave her a list of documents he wanted from each of the folders she had retrieved from the archives.

It was a relief to Martha; Craig opened the door to the room as she sat down not really aware how exposed she was to anyone who walked by the room. They could see right under the table and at her exposed pussy. Not aware of her exposure Martha spread her legs comfortably apart, to give anyone who went past the room an impressive view of her overheated engorged pussy.

She was surprised how many men came into the room to make their introduction to the CFO. It was a while before Martha realized the reason they stood just at the doorway and didn't come into the room. It was they wanted to admire her exposed pussy as they talked with the CFO. Martha tried to keep her legs tightly closed to limit her exposed condition, but gave up after a few minutes, as it was too hard to cross her legs under the table and concentrate on the research she did for Craig

Over the next 3 hours almost all the office staff has come to the Archive room to be introduced to the New CFO and admire Martha in all her naked glory. She became accustomed to her exposure she conversed with the employees as if she was dressed and loved being the center of attention. When it was time for lunch the two walked back to the office of Walter the Manager.

A few of the men Martha knew stopped to talk with her, she loved the looks she received from the men as they talked with her. Martha entered the Manager's office a few minutes after Craig did.

Craig asked, "What took you so long to get here, you were right in back of me when we left the Archives Room."

She answered, "I was talking with a few of my friends in the hall."

Walter looked at her in disbelief and said, "You realize you're nude while you talked with your friends."

She looked down and giggled saying, "Well I guess I am."

After the exchange Walter said, "Martha, you can get dressed any time you want."

She asked, 'Are we done in the Archive room?"

Craig said, "We have everything we need."

Thinking for a few minutes Martha said, "It's OK, if I stay nude if I want to isn't it?"

"Sure!" Everyone said unison, "Do you have your lunch?" They asked.

She said, "No".

Craig had lunch ordered in. They all sat around talking while looking at the lovely mature woman comfortable in her naked glory.

When the caterer came in she was surprised to see a nude woman among the 3 men. The woman set down the sandwiches and left the office with a confused look on her face, and looked back at the nude woman as she left, noting Martha was not nude under direst, but wanting to be nude.

The men served Martha her lunch and retrieved the beverage she chose. They had lunch and while Walter cleaned up the CEO was interested in talking with Martha.

The CEO asked, "Martha how come you agreed to remove your clothes?"

Martha says, "I just bought them, they are very expensive, I have never had clothes as nice as them before, and didn't want to ruin them, besides I have fun nude and the center attraction." Giggling as she made the last statement.

The CFO and CEO then dropped a bombshell they were on site, because the operation was the most profitable they had over the last month and absenteeism was way down at this facility.

They asked, "Martha, when did you start exposing your body to the staff."

"It has been about a month ago I started, but for only a few men at first, but now more men has seen me." She confirmed.

The next question really floored Martha and Walter.

The corporate executives asked, "Martha, are you interested in participating in an experiment to see if productivity can be brought up more by the crew at this site?"

Martha answered with a question of her own saying, "What exactly will I have to do to participate in this experiment," Already knowing the answer.

Hesitantly the CEO said, "We would like to have you work in the nude for the next month to see if it will bring up the productivity more than the last month as everyone in this operation think you're a great lady and very sexy."

Martha was thinking whether she will be able to have the courage to be totally exposed to all the men on site and if she will be safe from unwanted physical contact from the staff.

The CEO thought she was going to say no to his proposal so he said. "For every month you stay naked and the productivity keeps going up we will give you a 2000 dollar a week bonus."

Martha still did not say anything she was so stunned by the whole thought of being nude and making more money.

The CEO still getting no response from Martha, so he said, "We will also give you a percentage of the profit from this facility."

She said, "I have to talk to my husband about this." As Martha walked to her office completely naked, she shocked all the men who didn't see her previously.

Realizing she was still nude, Martha ran back to the Managers office to retrieve her outfit. Putting on her Top and Skirt she was walking back to her office, when almost all the men in the facility were coming by her office upon hearing she was nude and disappointing them. The men figuring someone were playing a joke on them.

The afternoon went quickly everyone was very busy trying to put the finishing touches on the reports they were compiling about the facility, so the time to leave was approaching rapidly. It was time to leave as they were finishing everything up, both young men thanking Martha and Walter for their help and telling them to keep up the good work as they were leaving to go back to Corporate.

Going to the parking lot Mark was there before Martha and entering the car removing her outer clothes she was nude, as her lingerie was in her purse and she threw the garments in the back seat and retrieving the pillow, laying it against the door, facing Mark, as she spread her legs as far apart, as allowed in the car, Martha rubbing her pussy while closing her eyes. Mark had a hard time driving, while watching his lovely neighbor pleasuring pussy.

Martha had an orgasm before they exited of the parking lot and then on the ride home.

Martha told Mark, "The facility has become very profitable in the last month. The CEO thinks it is because I have been nude a few times. The company executives want to try an experiment to find out if a nude woman on site would increase production? The CEO asked me to be the nude woman for a month, but I have to talk to my husband about it, before I make a decision of this magnitude."

The ride home tonight came to an end for Mark and Martha before they knew it. Mark stopped the car in front of Martha's house she did not bother to dress she just retrieved her keys out of her purse: opening the door exiting of the car, walking around the car, and then conversing with Mark a few minutes not mindful she is nude even though it is almost 11:30 PM at night, there are still lights on in a few houses, but it didn't faze Martha a bit. Casually walking to the door opening it to find her husband was asleep upstairs in they're bedroom. Martha went to the laundry and picking up her night shirt, really it was one of her husband's Tee shirts she is using tonight.

Getting into bed without waking up her husband she fell into a satisfying and peaceful sleep. Waiting until she has more information on the program at work to make a decision.

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EyeCanSeeYouEyeCanSeeYoualmost 7 years ago

I don’t think actual fucking or sucking would work here. This is more about enf and cmnf. That’s why it’s so hot. Touching is good. Showing is good. Maybe just maybe she watches as a guy or guys pull out their hard member from their pants and stroke. I left the “ I like” comment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I like

I’m a middle aged woman and this is one of my fantasies. This story line is very arousing. I don’t think I could ever do this in real life but I like to think about it. So humiliating and embarrassing and the fear all makes me feel aroused. My tight slit spread apart to reveal my pink sex and all eyes are staring at it. Maybe even inspecting it. All strangers. Their hands and fingers rubbing opening and inserting. Wow. Where do I sign up? I’d be so embarrassed as my breasts are very large and they don’t point down but they have weight and are round and pendulous with light to dark pink small nipples that stand very erect when aroused.

Bob150BobBob150Bobalmost 7 years ago
Good story.

As a nudist, I can understand.

Thanks for sharing.


boaman007boaman007almost 7 years ago
Really enjoying this story

Great job so far can't wait for the next installment.

Bi47Bi47almost 7 years ago

WOW this is definitely getting exciting. I wonder will Martha be into. Sexual action in the future????

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