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New Roommate Strips at the Party

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Our hot new roommate strips at friend's bachelor party.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/16/2019
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When my roommate Mark and I posted an ad in the classified section for a third roommate in our rented house, we never could have anticipated what would have shown up at our doorstep. In hindsight, I guess our ad was rather vague it simply stated, "two mid-twenty-year-old's looking for a third to share rent and utilities. First month and security deposit required. No smoking, no pets."

Mark received a text earlier in the week from someone named Alex, asking for a tour on Saturday. When the doorbell rang at 11:00 sharp, I turned to him and said, "at least he's punctual." I got up, headed for the door and almost fell over when I opened it. Don't ask me why, but I was expecting 25- year old guy who was kind of nerdy, since he obviously didn't have any other friends to room with. What I got was a knock-down gorgeous blonde with the most perfect body I'd ever seen. She was about 5'8" with straight blonde hair they went just below her shoulders. Her perfect hour glass frame was extenuated by large breasts that I immediately estimated as 36 DD. I couldn't tell what she looked like from behind, but I had a feeling I wouldn't be disappointed. She was dressed modestly, in a white tank top, blue jeans, and black flip flops, but she wore it really well.

Once I got my composure back, I simply asked "can I help you?"

She looked around the front porch, apparently for an address and looked back slightly confused saying "Umm, I'm Alex, I'm here to see the house..."

Like a dumbass I quickly stammered, "sorry, for some reason, I thought you'd be a guy!"

"I probably should have replied Alexandra instead of just Alex. Truthfully, I was expecting you and your roommate to be girls, so I guess we're both taken a little aback."

This is where I really have to give my roommate some serious credit. He immediately jumped in and tried to salvage this by saying, "hey regardless, we'd love to give you a quick tour to see if this would work for you."

I fully expected Alex to politely thank us and be on her way, but to both Mark and my surprise she simply stated, "actually, I'd love to. This might work out anyway. Girls are a lot of drama and living with two guys might actually be a nice change and something that could be a lot of fun."

Mark and I glanced at each other and pretty much had the same thought that these next twelve months could be AWESOME if we were able to keep calm, give a good tour, and try to act like polite civilized young adults. We started off by showing her the first floor which consisted of a large living room, moderate sized dining room and a rather small kitchen that led to the basement. I mentioned that we were 25. I should clarify that we were 25 going on 18. We still liked to drink a lot of beer on the weekends, party with friends whenever possible, and act like... well idiots on a fairly regular basis. To summarize, the basement was where the degeneration occurred. She actually made mention that we had the nicest beer pong table she'd ever seen (it was pretty sweet), and that it looked like we had a lot of fun.

I could tell she was starting to perhaps have second thoughts, so I quickly blurted, "we do but only on the weekends. We both have nine to five jobs and try to be responsible during the week."

I think that was all it took. After that, we went up to the second floor, showed her the three bedrooms, and the bathroom. She would have the room right in the middle of the hall. I had the smallest right at the top of the stairs, and Mark had the largest at the end of the hall next to the bathroom.

After the tour, we simply said "what do you think? Rent is $350 and utilities are just gas and electric which are normally about $20 each per person."

Almost without hesitation she said, "actually I think this would work. It's 15 minutes from work, and the area is great. Also, I do think it would be kind of fun to have two guys as roommates, so as long as you're ok with having a girl for a third. I can get you the deposit on Tuesday and move in next weekend. Does this work?"

Mark and I looked at each other and trying to hold back our excitement both said, "yeah, absolutely. Let us know if you need help moving in."

Alex responded, "actually that would be great, I'll have a small U-haul and it won't be a lot, but I hate moving so any help I can get would be appreciated."

With that she thanked us and turned to leave. Now, I must admit, I'm a tit guy, but this was the first time I got a good look at her from behind, and my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw how perfect her ass was in those tight jeans. I looked over at Mark, and if possible, he was staring harder that I was.

Pretty much .002 nano seconds after we closed the door we both fist bumped and were saying things like "oh my God, how did that just happen" and "this is going to be awwwwwesome."

The next week Alex showed up in a U-haul, but more importantly, showed up in skin tight gray yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt that allowed you to get a glimpse of her sports bra at just the right angle. Surprisingly she didn't have too much to move in and it only took about two hours to get her fully unloaded. She dropped the U-haul off, got her car and came back to unpack.

That night we decided to just hang out at home while we played a few drinking games and got to learn more about each other. It turned out that she was a server at a large brewery/restaurant chain. They transferred her out here to be the front of the house manager but eliminated her position as soon as she got here. So she moved away from home on the west coast to come out to the mid-west and left all her family and friends behind. She was stuck here for at least twelve months since she had already signed a contract to move here and resigned from her previous position. She said she already loved it out here although she was bummed about not getting the position she wanted.

We also found out that she was single and acted more like a guy than any other girl we met. Alex was the kind of girl that we'd be instant best friends with if she were a guy, and her great personality made her even more attractive than we even thought possible.

Mark and I did have once piece of information we wanted to share with Alex sooner than later, and that was that in two Saturdays we were hosting a bachelor party for our friend Matt, and that after golfing and quick football game, everyone would be coming back to our place to shower, have lunch and get ready before heading out for the night. We told her she was welcome to hang out, but wanted to give her the heads up that there would be about 8-12 rather drunk guys coming over. We wanted to give her enough time so she could find something else to do outside of the house. Her response turned me on for some reason.

"I work in a Brewpub, I have guys talking about my tits and ass all day. I'm not only used to it, but have come to enjoy it. I'm off that day so I can get some food and drinks ready if you text me when you're 30 minutes out."

The next two weeks went by slowly and were pretty unremarkable. We learned that Alex's pants of choice were tight yoga pants and that my new favorite pastime was staring at her perfectly shaped butt as she got up to walk away. Mark and I also came to the conclusion that her tits were absolutely real and that we'd kill half the children in China just to get a good look at them.

The day of the bachelor party came and after a great game of golf and a not-so-great game of football we came back to the house and were shocked to see that in the living room there was an entire spread of sheet pizzas, wings, and a cooler of beer all set up. Matt, the bachelor said "if this is your new hot roommate that you're constantly talking about, then she is even better than I imagined and perhaps I should dump my fiancé and start dating her."

"No way, dibs." I said.

It was at that moment when collectively all 8 of us that came in from the game's mouths dropped open as Alex came in wearing a skimpy and slutty referee's outfit. The skirt barley covered her ass and the shirt was zipped down to show some amazing cleavage.

"Hi guys, good day so far?"

"Yeah, good day so far, and only getting better," said James, one of our friends from college.

Alex replied, "well I'm glad, there's pizza and wings from Antonio's and I got a few cases of beer for you. Some cheap, and some good. Here, let me get everyone a drink."

It was at this moment the skies parted and the angels started singing. Alex bent over at the waist to get a couple of beers from the cooler and her skirt lifted to the point that we could see she was wearing lacy boy shorts that showed off that beautiful ass that I had been dreaming about for three weeks.

"Let me get you a few more." She said, and every time she bent over, she would bend further and further and take longer and longer giving us a great view from the couch.

It was then that Mark, always the knight in shining armor said, "Alex, can Tom and I talk to you in the kitchen."

I didn't like where this was going, but regardless, I got up and followed the two of them to the kitchen, never taking my eyes off her perfectly shaped ass that I swore was shaking more than normal.

Mark said, "Alex, thanks so much for getting all this stuff ready. Really you didn't have to but at the same time, you don't need to wear this and show off for everyone. We're roommates and I don't want you to do something that you're not comfortable with."

I mumbled something that was probably similar, while at the same time kicking myself for doing so.

Alex's response was something that I could have only dreamt. "Guys, it's a bachelor party. I'm happy to show a little skin and prance around like this. Not only is it fun, but I spent over $100 on this outfit for Halloween last year, and now I finally get to wear it again! Besides, don't act like you haven't been checking out my tits and ass every chance you get. I'm not stupid. I don't mind, but don't play it off like I haven't noticed. Besides, I've been checking you two out too, and perhaps I might get a chance to see some boners today!"

"If that's what you want," I said. "Umm walking around like that, not seeing boners, I meant."

"Well perhaps both." Alex said, and then she grabbed both mine and Mark's dicks through our pants at the same time. We looked at each other and both thought that this was going to be one heck of a day.

For the next hour, we all took turns taking showers in the single bathroom that we had until we were all done. We had pretty much polished off the pizza and made a good dent in the beer when we were getting ready to leave.

Alex had continued to tease us all day, but nothing besides bending over and letting us see her perfect ass or allowing her cleavage to brush up against us as we'd walk by. As we were getting ready to call for an Uber, she asked, "so what's the plan for the rest of the night, you guys going to a strip club or hiring a stripper or what?"

"Well actually Matt's fiancé is a raging bitch who is opposed to strippers although she's probably balls deep on a male stripper herself right now," blurted our friend Owen.

Everyone burst in laughter, everyone except Matt of course. After a minute or two, Alex went off.

"I'm sorry, but that is so pathetic. It's a stripper, not a prostitute. Who cares if you get some tits rubbed in your face or some naked chick's ass rubbing your dick. It's your bachelor party. You're supposed to do that. I've been to enough bachelorette parties, and I don't think there has been one where a male stripper hasn't been present. If you guys come back here and there haven't been at least four sets of tits in his face, I'm going to be pissed and I'll do it myself."

"I'm sorry, you'll do what?" said Matt.

Alex spoke slowly and mouthed out every syllable. "I will throw you on the couch... Strip completely naked... put my naked titties in your face, make you suck on them, and stroke that dick like your fiancé never has. And that goes for the rest of you. Go out and see some tits." Alex turned around and then turned back to face us and said "and just in case you think I'm kidding..."

And at that she unzipped her referee's top and let her perfectly shaped tits out for about 5 seconds before turning around and heading back to the kitchen.

With that we all lifted out mouths from the floor and walked outside to get into our Ubers.

After a few hours of bar hopping, many many beers, and no strippers, Matt, Mike and myself all headed back to our place. The rest of the guys all dispersed throughout various points in the night. Matt was planning on crashing and getting a ride home the next morning, which is good because he was so hammered, I don't think he could have given the driver his address. As soon as we walked in, we saw Alex sitting on the couch in her pajamas, watching TV with a glass of white wine in her hand.

"Well it looks like you guys had fun tonight." She said.

"Oooh we did, I think, I can't really remember" babbled a very inebriated Matt.

"He had about 97 beers and shots. He'll be drunk 'til Thursday" I laughed.

"Well you guys seem to be pretty well on your way yourselves," Alex laughed as she saw Mike and I stagger around laughing.

Matt at this point fell backwards into the couch and passed out almost upon impact.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone that drunk before." Alex said.

"That's what about 4 bartenders told us about him as well." Mike chuckled.

"Well what about the other thing?"

"What other thing?" I asked.

"The strippers!" exclaimed Alex.

"Oh, yeah he was pretty adamant. No strippers. But honestly, we had a great time without them. Here's the funny thing. Although we took Matt's phone so he couldn't talk to his fiancé, we saw that she was tagged at the piano bar downtown. You know the same piano bar that is adjacent to the male strip club. Guaranteed she was swallowing more than Washington Apples."

All three of us burst out laughing.

"Well that hardly seems fair." Said Alex. "I probably wouldn't be saying this if I already didn't polish off a bottle of wine and a few beers myself, but I was totally ready to give all of you guys one heck of a show."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked

"I was ready to start giving out lapdances and maybe even take my top off. You guys have been so much fun to live with and although a little obnoxious, your friends have been fun too. I wanted to repay the favor by putting out that spread of food and maybe teasing you all a little."

It was now or never. "Does... does that offer still stand?" I stammered...

"What offer? Dancing for the bachelor and maybe teasing with my tits? It's kind of hard since the man of the hour is passed out and starting to drool."

Mike came to the rescue with an idea that was better than anything I've ever heard. "well, what if you still tease him a little by giving him a lap dance and stripping a little. I'll take pictures of it so we can show him in the morning. That way he can still see it but he won't have to feel like he did anything wrong. His fiancé can't be mad cause he didn't know about it."

"You just want to take pictures of me without my clothes on!"

"Well, yeah, kind of, but you can do it tastefully. Put your arms up to cover your boobs, have your back to us, etcetera."

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Ok. Let me change into something sexy and I'll be down in a minute."

I turned to Mike and said, "It is 12:43 on Friday, April 10th. Remember this time and date, as it will be the best moment of our lives."

A few minutes later, Alex came down the stairs in a black teddy with the same pair of black boy shorts she had on earlier. I was instantly hard. She told Alexa to play stripper music and immediately started dancing seductively. She got close to a very passed out Matt and straddled him without him even moving. She started tossing her hair back and forth and looked over her shoulder to Mike and said, "aren't you going to take any pictures?"

Mike took out his phone and immediately starting filling up his phone with stripper Alex pictures. After the first song, and some serious grinding, Alex looked at us and said "are you ready?" and pulled the teddy off so she was wearing only her boy shorts as she continued to straddle Matt. Since she was facing him and still grinding, Mike and I couldn't really see her completely topless, but we knew Matt would have been getting quite the show if he were awake.

Mike stood up and moved in, all the while taking pictures of a topless Alex on our friend. She squeezed her boobs together with her arms and squished them in Matt's face, allowing for some very hot pictures that Matt's fiancé would go ballistic over.

I was sitting on the couch trying my hardest to see her topless, but she was doing a good job of strategically covering herself. Finally she said, "I want to try this on someone who'll actually remember. Mike, put the phone down and get comfortable. Take out anything you have in your pockets, and get ready. This will be fun."

Mike sat in the couch on the opposite side of the room from me. Alex got off Matt and held each of her perfect tits in each hand, covering up her nipples. It was then that she said, "I've wanted to do this since I toured the house." And in one quick motion, she pulled down her underwear and was standing there completely naked.

She had the most beautiful naked body I'd ever seen. Large, round, real and soft tits with pink areolas and perfectly shaped nipples. She was completely shaved and had a pussy that looked like it was just aching for something to enter it. Her ass did not disappoint as it was nice and round without being fat and cottage cheese like. In essence, you couldn't describe a more perfect female body. And here she was naked in front of us, ready to give us lap dances and who knew what else.

She started dancing on Mike and was really getting into it. Rubbing her tits in his face and grabbing his dick. After about 45 seconds she came over to me and did the same thing. Then she said, you know this isn't a strip club, you ARE allowed to touch the girls.

That's all it took for my hands to leave my sides and start caressing the softest tits I've ever held. She stuck them into my face and allowed me to suck on them, and the taste of peaches n cream body oil immediately registered. It was one of the most delicious things I'd ever tasted. As I was grabbing her tits, she started rubbing my dick through my jeans and started moaning. It took every ounce of strength to not cum right there. Then she got up to turn and did a quick bounce of her ass on my crotch and went over to Mike. She got on her knees and started gently biting his cock through his pants. He looked back in ecstasy and reached down to pull her hair. She started moaning loader and I was pretty sure I saw her unbutton his pants. After a few seconds I was convinced of it and I did the same as I walked over to her. She was giving him what looked like a great blow job as I got behind her, positioned myself, put my hands on her hips, and slowly slid my dick into her wet, warm pussy. She trembled with ecstasy as I started slowly pumping away and got faster and faster. All the while, giving Mike what he would later call the best head of his life. "

I looked off to the side into the mirror and was immensely turned on when I saw me nailing her from behind as her tits jiggled all over the place with every single thrust. Mike appeared to be in heaven, and Matt was passed out unaware of the shear pleasure two of his best friends were having right in front of him.

Alex took Mike's dick out of her mouth long enough to say "I want you guys to help me fulfill a fantasy. I've never had two dicks in my mouth at the same time, and am dying to have that happen. Are you ok if your cocks touch while they're in my mouth?"


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