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Caroline in "The Pool"

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Beautiful Artist is caught alone by the pool.
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This story is a complete work of fiction.

Remember the difference between fantasy and reality is as fundamental as the difference between right and wrong.

The Pool

Caroline looked down at the perfectly smooth, flat bed of water stretched out before her. This was the best bit.

She had been asked to visit the new exhibition in Rome, in the hills, and write an article for the "Art Review" magazine. Art was her life, she was well respected in her own right and she enjoyed mixing business with pleasure. As a part of the agreement she had also been offered the opportunity to house sit the magazine's Euro Art Correspondent's home. So his absence not only led her to Rome but also to the Italian opulence of his residence. And opulent it was.

Caroline had had a tiring but enjoyable day. She had made many notes and, after only the first of three days, she already felt that she had enough material for an excellent article.

Now she was back 'home' and standing, in her tight, white one piece swim suit facing the indoor swimming pool. She puffed a relaxed sigh and once more stared down into the peaceful water. This really was the best bit.

Momentarily she glanced out of the large panoramic windows surrounding the pool. She could have been naked and no one would have seen her. The night sky was beautiful and Caroline felt her body tingle at the thought of being so alone in such a gorgeous surrounding.

Taking up the correct stance she aimed her hands at the pool and dived in. Hardly breaking the surface her lithe body became immersed in the water and she moved almost to the half way mark before she resurfaced and switched seamlessly into a very credible front crawl motion taking her swiftly to the other end.

Caroline rested at the pool's edge and paused for breath. This felt so good. Back she swam to the place where she got in. Upon completing her second length Caroline placed both hands on the pool side and motioned herself up and out of the water. She looked stunning with water dripping everywhere from her nubile frame. Reaching back she took her long brown hair and scooped it up. She needed a tie and moving to her discarded robe she took out a blue bobble and fastened her beautiful mane into a long, wet pony tail.

Roving eyes watched her stretch her body tight as her back arched and she completed the tying of her hair. She was not alone.

Caroline turned back to the pool. Once more her lovely 5 foot 2 inch body prepared to enter the water. Her bare feet felt for the edge of the pool, helping her to balance.

The eyes roamed over the tight firmness of her bottom covered by the sheer, white material, high cut at the front of her groin to reveal a considerable expanse of thigh and abdomen. Then up the long, seductive length of the black zip that held the material tightly around her breasts and slim waist. The first few teeth of the zip were undone revealing a tantalising glimpse of cleavage and servicing an undeniable fuelling of lust filled intent.

Then she dived and again she swam effortlessly through the pool completing one length, then two then three and soon she was swimming freely and without a care in the world as the rigours of the day passed away.

The eyes belonged to a body and the body to a man. A local man, who knew that Caroline was alone in the house. He was a man who had waited for her amongst the decorative thick foliage that adorned one corner of the pool house. A man who now sensed that his luck was in. His hand moved to his groin and he felt the hardening of his cock as he watched the scantily clad beauty swim back and forth imagining what he would do to her once he had watched her a little longer.

Caroline was enjoying herself now. The water felt good and no longer chilled. She had been a strong swimmer in her younger years and, although twenty eight now, the skill developed back then was returning to her. Caroline swept under the water and aimed for the white wall towards which she was swimming. As it came closer she headed once more for the surface. Upon breaking the water she shook her head as the drops took a few seconds to clear from her eyes before she could refocus her sight.

"What the f..."

"I have to say you look so good in there I could have watched you for hours."

"Who are you,"

"It doesn't matter how, I am just here and that's all you need to worry about."

In spite of her predicament Caroline noticed that, despite being in deepest Italy, the man spoke perfect English.

Turning in a panic she swam away from the large male figure looming above her, hearing him laugh as he moved, following her round the pool. He could get to any of her anticipated exit points before her but, whilst ever she remained in the pool, she was safe - for the time being at least. However, she couldn't stay there forever and what if he decided to come in?

Caroline's action was now less than smooth. She was filled with trepidation and tried to watch where he was whilst, at the same time, swimming aimlessly around. Finally she settled for a spot in the middle of the pool where its depth meant that she had to tread water to stay afloat. After only a few seconds of this she was already beginning to ache.

"You can't escape me my aquatic goddess," he taunted.

She just stared at him silently cursing his presence.

Suddenly, Caroline felt an unexpected tiredness engulf her body and she could stand her situation no longer.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Whatever I do to you, you will enjoy it, eventually. Take my word for it."

'No...' Caroline shook her head in denial.

There was an agonising pause as the man remained silent and the water logged beauty continued to stay afloat through the motion of her aching legs. She really was tired now.

'Why are you doing this? Please.... don't.... I don't know what you want. Please....let me go."

"I bet I can see your nipples through that swim suit. All hard, just begging to be touched."

It was an inane comment but the words spoke volumes about where this situation was heading. Caroline said nothing, there was nothing to say. She stared up at this madman through her lovely large green eyes. Was he mad or just sadistic?

He began to walk around the pool to the far edge. He moved to admire the view from one of the large windows and positioned his back to her.

"And your pussy. Your slippery wet pussy molded to the thin covering of your costume."

Another mindless comment and then more silence.

Caroline saw an opportunity but she had to be nearer to the pool's edge before she would dare to swim. Carefully, slowly, she used her body movement to tread towards the pool side nearest to the door. He hadn't noticed. Then he turned to face her. Caroline stopped dead.

"You really are gorgeous Caroline."

He knew her name. How? Then he turned to face the view once again. He hadn't noticed. She cast to the back of her mind the question as to how he knew what she was called and concentrated on her escape. She moved nearer, nearer, nearer and then she was just a few metres away. He was still looking outside. Caroline slipped underwater so as not to make any noise and, holding her breath, she swam to the white tiled edge ahead. In seconds she was there. Swimming upwards she prepared to break the water and then get herself out and away in one swift movement.

She saw the hazy roof of the pool building coming into focus as she got ever closer and then she was free. Air surrounded her once more and she set her body to leap out of the water.

"Not so fast my little water nymphet."

Another voice. Another man. Again a large, imposing male body stood before her just as before. Laughter came from behind.

"Did you really think I was stupid enough not to notice your simple plan? All you did Caroline was add to the drama and allow my colleague here to block your escape route."

Caroline's gut reaction was to dive back under the water and head for the centre of the pool. She was really no safer but the quiet surroundings and the fact that she couldn't see her would-be assailants gave her more capacity to think. The brown haired beauty looked frantically around at the stark white of the tiles. Where could she go? What could she do? Then her thought process was interrupted as a large body jumped in at the exit end of the pool. He was naked and moving towards her. Suddenly her attention was diverted to the opposite end and another naked male body was in the water.

Shit, they were both heading towards her. For no good reason Caroline made for the surface and started to swim frantically towards the pool side. The men were closing in. They were faster, more powerful than she was. She had only managed a few strokes when she felt her ankles gripped and pulled.

She screamed.

Her progress was halted and Caroline was pulled down under the water. Bubbles of air flew to the surface as she fought to free herself. But they were strong. She looked at each of them and could see their smiling, lust hungry faces and a rock solid erection thrusting out from each groin. Then she was pulled upwards.

Breaking free of the water Caroline wanted to yell and scream but all she could do was splutter trying to catch her breath. She heard them shout through the chaos in her mind. She saw they were wearing large masks with small connected air tanks. Pausing before placing their mouth pieces correctly one man spoke.

"Take a deep breath Caroline because we're going back under and you may be down for some time."

She had neither the opportunity nor the capability to object before she was once again pulled easily under the water."

The men could hear Caroline's muffled scream as the English girl's head sank in a flurry of chaotic foam. They watched, comfortable with both their own sight and breathing capability, as she struggled, breath gushing from her lips in big bubbles. Holding her at the arms and waist the powerful males enjoyed the feel of her wet costume moulded against her smooth skin. Caroline's breasts were nearly exposed as she fought to break free. They were certainly enjoying the underwater show being unwittingly presented to them!

Panic overcame the gorgeous girl as her precarious position suddenly registered. She tried to escape the clutches of her attackers but it was proving impossible in the face of overwhelming strength and the slow motion impact of being underwater. She felt a tight grip around her waist. The lovely swimmer's arms were pinned back and she was grateful for the small mercy that she still had her Lycra swimsuit clinging to her skin as the man's unyielding erection probed at her bottom.

Caroline was too weak to break free and she was starting to lose her breath. She didn't have the power to fight back and she was beginning to lose hope of even surviving when suddenly the man at her front pushed his air-piece into her mouth. Shocked, but relieved, she inhaled eagerly, watching as her escaping breath drifted upwards towards the surface. Letting his delicious captive take her final gulp of air the man pulled the mouthpiece back, leaving Caroline to hold her breath again.

Writhing underwater it took only a short time before she once more felt the desperate need to breathe. Air slipped from her nostrils. Struggling against this irresistible force Caroline exhaled short bursts of floating bubbles. After almost two further minutes of struggling, her breath exploded.

Once more Caroline found the mouthpiece shoved in her open mouth. Gratefully sucking in she wondered what the men's intentions actually were. She had not yet been sexually handled, apart from the burgeoning erection probing at her bottom; however she remained convinced that forcing her to satisfy their gratuitous desire was definitely the intention.

Yet again, as she took one final large breath, the path to valuable air was torn out of Caroline's mouth. The man at her front, his hard on still raging, reached out and lightly caressed the hapless English girl's Lycra covered left breast. Caroline struggled more violently, desperate to breathe, and once more streams of bubbles escaped from between her lips. The slim, wet beauty watched as, almost in water restricted slow motion, the zip on her swimsuit was pulled down revealing more and more of her smooth, naked breasts. She wanted to groan but, given her situation, could not. Her sensitive nipples came into view already erect and crying out to be stimulated even more.

Caroline's long pony tail floated about her head as her breasts were cupped and thoroughly massaged. She closed her eyes, her heart beating faster as a warm feeling tingled in her groin. Her chest grew tight from the need to exhale as the hands on her naked breasts made her head grow dizzy. How she needed to breathe how she needed to writhe and moan!

Then she was dragged up and out of the water, air all around her head as she desperately sucked in lungs full of oxygen. Caroline was still held tight, her arms pinned behind her, acutely aware that she could be dragged back under at any moment. Her water soaked breasts glistened in the light of the pool room. She felt the swim suit slipped off her shoulders and over each, temporarily freed, wrist to bunch around her waist. The zip was fully wound down breaking the surface of the water and coming to rest just above the line of Caroline's neatly trimmed pubic hair.

She spluttered. The men removed their masks and air tanks.

"You really are gorgeous Caroline."

She could still not reply as the flow of air would not yet come freely enough. Caroline felt a hand move under the water and down to her groin.

At this point she would have sobbed for mercy but her throat was too tight with fear as the same man, using his other hand, pulled at her hair forcing her head backward, his gaze penetrating deeply. He watched her frantically twisting her body trying to break free from his partner's tight hold. Caroline's naked chest heaved as she uttered whimpering, frightened cries.

She returned his stare. Unwittingly her lips opened in implicit invitation. His mouth, free now entirely of the mask, descended onto her red, moistness. Driven by his insistence their tongues' danced freely, fuelling his ever growing desire. Her mouth was soft, as was her body. She was pushed into him from behind, molding her lovely, slim, almost naked frame against his. Even though her groin was under the water the flow of her juices warmed his hand as his fingers crept inside the hem of her swimsuit and parted, ever so slightly, Caroline's engorged pussy lips. Teasing further inside the hem of the soft, stretched fabric he slid a finger entirely past the skimpy material until he was embedded to the knuckle inside her.

"Ohhhhh!" she groaned into his mouth.

A second finger joined the first and opened her up even wider.

She gasped, breaking the kiss. The man drew her lips back to his, reconnecting their embrace. Just a taste of her was all he needed to inflame him beyond reason.

Once more Caroline groaned.

"Take off your swimming costume." His fingers freed themselves from their sensitive holding. Caroline gasped at the rough exit made by the invading digits.

She looked sideways, embarrassed, aware that she wasn't free enough from the hold on her arms to carry out the simple order.

"Let her go. She isn't going anywhere."

It was true, she wasn't. Caroline reached down into the water and rolled the bunched up suit down her tanned, smooth legs. The man at her front watched, smiling as, even through the water, he could see her, now complete, nakedness staring back at him. He grabbed the suit from her and threw it onto the pool side.

"Good girl."

"Oucchhhhh!" Once more she was taken in a firm grip and held securely from behind. This time her eyes bulged wide as the man at her rear her thrust his cock, still rock solid, onto her bottom. The length of his large shaft jutted up, sliding up and down between her cheeks making him hard, then harder then rock solid. He wasn't inside her but he was damn close.

She felt her nipple tweaked.


"Into the water you go slut." Caroline's nipple was pulled savagely downwards. She had no option but to follow. He went down with her as they both disappeared under the water. His grip on her erect bud was strong and it hurt. She held her breath as did he. He twisted. She wanted to yell but couldn't. Then he pulled and forced her to move forward having the effect of bending poor Caroline over whilst still underwater. She felt a new grip behind her and her cheeks were spread. Then there was a probing, prodding and pushing at her rear. He was in. Caroline could hold back no longer as his penis invaded her bottom. Her mouth opened wide and filled with water. She was dragged quickly upwards.

Spluttering, Caroline's face was still contorted with the agony of her predicament. She tried closing her legs but to no avail as she felt the rigid muscle being pushed inside her body, her sphincter being forced to widen in order to accommodate the thickening shaft. She felt a pull on her pony tail whilst a conflicting hand shoved at her back forcing her forward making his position easier and her impalement complete. She was being fucked in the bottom, buggered, sodomised – and it hurt!

Again he shoved and her virgin bottom muscles let him completely through. First 6, then 7, 8 inches and more, on and on fucking her in a place that she had never been fucked in before. Again she was bent forward.

"Ohh, please no-ohhhh!"

"Is that good Caroline?" The man at her front reached down and under to cup her pussy once more and he slipped his finger back inside her moist slit. She was silent save for the guttural groans escaping her mouth. She could feel the invading length deep inside her bottom whilst at the same time she was growing ever more turned on through the sensitive touches of the other man's fingers.

"Do you want to come yet?"

She said nothing; she could not, as the man behind her continued to pound her bottom under the water.

Caroline was being fucked hard when she felt the fingers worm out of her and rest on and then below her neatly trimmed pubic hairs to trail gently along the warm, wet length of her slit, caressing the lips of her pussy and the moist fleshy groove that lay between. To his delight he heard Caroline moaning softly.

Behind her the man began driving his cock forward with increased urgency and she became momentarily oblivious to her surroundings, her mind focusing on the extreme experience of being used so forcefully. Her body felt awash with the sensation of being controlled and subdued by the large penis upon which she was mounted. Caroline grunted each time he rammed into her and her stifled cries seem to inflame him more and more.

"Fuck, please no don't ..... ohhhhhhhh!"

Her used body felt his cock thrust deep one more time before jerking and throbbing madly as he came inside the warm embrace of her bottom. His hand scratched down her tender, tanned back wracking additional pain through her exhausted body as she felt his breath hot against her neck. She was sandwiched between the two men.

Dazed, her whole body aching deliciously, Caroline felt the slackening cock slip from her rear as the man at her front continued to frig her making delightful circles that excited her, edging her closer and closer to an unwanted but not unwelcome orgasm. She shuddered as her bottom released the huge invader upon which she had been impaled. She was fortunate that the water stopped his semen from spilling down her thighs as instead it floated thickly to the surface.

Caroline wanted to drop her exhausted body to its knees but she was prevented in so many ways from doing that. Once more her arms were pinned back and her breasts thrust forward, firm and aching to be touched, as her pussy leaked more and more orgasmic juice into the pool.


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