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Carrie's Vacation Adventure: The End

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Time for Carrie to go home.
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Lisa and I woke up first since we had an 11:00 flight. We just lay in bed and talked for a while about how sad it was to be leaving. We talked about the bikini contest the night before and how neither of us would soon forget it. When I rolled out of bed I felt the bruise on my side from the fall off the stage. You really couldn't see it because of my tan but I knew it was there. It hurt a bit but I'd live. I also had a couple of small scrapes on my boobs and arm from where the guys had groped me.

Lisa got up and was about to get in the shower when I asked her if she wanted to go down to the beach for one last swim. She complained of a little hangover and told me to go ahead. I decided to call the airline to make sure our flight was leaving on time and to find out what I needed to do to file a claim for my bag. I figured if they hadn't found it by now, it was gone forever. After finding out that the flight was still on time I was connected to someone about how to make a claim for my bag. I then called our friend Sandy back home and reminded her that she had agreed to pick us up. She told us about all the snow. That really made me feel good about going home. I reminded her to bring our coats since we had left them with her when she dropped us off. I briefly told her about parts of the trip and my lost bags. All she kept saying was, "Oh my God and I don't believe it." We said we'd tell her all about it when we got there. She said she couldn't wait.

While I was standing there naked, Barbara and Jane came out and started looking through the refrigerator for something to make breakfast. We didn't have much left so we decided to go down to the cafe for a final island breakfast. I threw on my shorts and top and off we went to the cafe for breakfast. Everyone was sad that we had to go. After breakfast we had some time so we walked around the resort one last time. Everyone else needed to go back to the room and finish packing. I said I really didn't have anything to pack so I told them to go ahead and that I was going to walk down the beach a bit.

I still wanted to go for one last swim but hadn't brought my suit or towel down with me. After a bit I decided to take a dip anyway. After everything else taking my clothes off one last time wasn't that big a deal. I placed my shirt and shorts on one of the chases and ran down to the water. There weren't many people there yet so it wasn't like the other times anyway. I swam for a bit but since I wasn't exactly sure what time it was I thought I had better head back.

I didn't want to get my clothes wet since I was probably going to have to wear them home so I just carried them as I walked back towards the resort. As I approached the resort I asked the towel lady for a towel. I wrapped it around me and made my way back to the room one last time. When I got there everyone was just about finished with their packing. Lisa told me I had better hurry up so I jumped in the shower to get cleaned up. When I came out of the shower I asked Lisa where my long sleeve shirt was. It was time to face the reality of going home. I looked around but couldn't find it. Lisa thought she had packed it along with the bra I had worn down. She said we'd find them when we got home. I complained that the shorts and top were fine down here but I'd freeze when I got home. Everyone else had long sleeve shirts and jeans on and looked over dressed for the island. All I had was my T-top, which left my belly exposed, and my shorts that I had made from my jeans earlier; and my sneakers. I didn't even have a bra or panties on.

Talk about traveling light. Well I guess it was a fitting way to end this trip. Might as well enjoy it as long as I could. Lisa put her bags outside the door for the bell staff to pick up and we headed down to the lobby. The four of us just sat there waiting for the shuttle to take Lisa and I to the airport. When it was ready to go we said good-bye to Barbara and Jane telling them we'd call later tonight to make sure they made it back. It was sad to leave.

It was about a half hour ride to the airport and luckily the shuttle was air conditioned, unlike the cab we had arrived in. The gate agent at the airport kind of did a double take when he looked up at me. I guess I was showing through the top a little more than I thought. I asked about filing a claim for my luggage. I ended up talking to the same guy that I spoke with over the phone, the guy I could hardly understand. I filled out some more paperwork and he said I'd receive a check in about 2 weeks if my bag didn't show up first. I complained that it had ruined my vacation and eventually he gave me a voucher for a future flight. That was pretty cool and kind of made up for the aggravation. Lisa asked me if she could get one so we could come back.

The flight to Miami was uneventful. We had a planned hour and a half layover so we just hung out and waited for our next flight. We weren't in a hurry to get back to the snow anyway. The snow back home was causing a lot of problems and our flight ended up being delayed more like 4 hours. Now that we weren't in the islands any more, I was a little more conscious of how I was dressed. I just sat there and talked to Lisa trying not to be seen. We were just hanging around by the gate when a couple of guys who had been staring at us for a while came over and started talking to us. They were younger than Lisa and I but we had nothing else to do so we sat and talked while we waited. They commented on my tan and I thought Lisa was going to blab about my antics on the trip but I stopped her and changed the subject. The only problem was that they kept starting at me.

Actually they were staring at my boobs. It's a little uncomfortable when you're trying to have a normal conversation and the person you're talking to isn't making eye contact. After a while it got stupid it was so obvious. I felt like just pulling the shirt over my head and saying does this help your view, but being in a public airport I thought better of it. I decided just teasing would be more fun. I pretended to be getting stiff stretched my arms out over my head which pulled the bottom of the shirt up to just below my boobs. The guy that was talking stuttered mid sentence and forgot what he was saying. That got a giggle out of Lisa. After a little while I was getting sick of them and suggested to Lisa that we get something to eat. Before I got up though I had to put my sneakers back on since I had taken them off to get more comfortable. As I bent over to tie them everyone stopped talking. I didn't look up but was sure they were all looking down the front of my shirt. Bent over the way I was and without a bra I was certain they saw everything.

Lisa and I walked around and got something to eat before getting back on the plane. I got a couple of stares as I got on the plane since it was obvious I didn't have a bra on. We settled into our seats and the next stop was home and the snow. When we arrived we felt the cold right away as we walked up the jet way. My nipples hardened up as soon as they hit the cold air. Now they really stood out in the thin top. As I walked down to the baggage claim I really felt like every eye was on me. Luckily Sandy was there waiting with our coats. I only wish I had remembered to tell here to bring me a pair of long pants. We waited for Lisa's bag and started to tell Sandy about the trip. She couldn't believe I went the whole week without buying more clothes.

We grabbed Lisa's bag and headed to Sandy's car and that's when the cold air hit us. Oh my God was it cold. It was about 26 degrees and windy. The wind was blowing the snow around which made it even worse. I couldn't believe I was out in that cold in a pair for shorts. I tried the old mind over mater and it worked to some extent but it was still freezing. Once we got back to the dorm we still had to walk about a block and a half from were we had parked. Back in the dorm Sandy and her roommate Nichole came over and we started to tell them about the trip. They couldn't believe I actually went naked so Lisa told me to go ahead and show them my tan. So right there in the room, I took off my top and shorts and gave them a spin. They couldn't believe it, not a tan line anywhere. I finished with the details as Sandy invited a couple of the other girls from the floor over so I stayed naked a little longer. Not that big a deal anymore after a week of it. Lisa said she couldn't wait to see the expression on Sue's face when we compared tans.

The next day I wore a really light colored outfit to class to show off my tan. I couldn't believe the number of complements I got even from people I didn't know that well. Lisa embarrassed me a couple of times by telling people to ask me about my tan lines. Before long people that weren't even in the original conversation came up to me asking "what's the story about your tan lines?" Each time forcing me to tell a little more about the trip.

Swim team practice was the most fun. Lisa wanted me to just walk out to the pool without my suite so no one would miss it but there was no way I was doing that around people I knew. I changed where no one could see me and walked out to the pool like normal. Everyone on the team noticed my tan right away. You could see the white stripes on Sue and the other girls. They just stared at me trying to get a glimpse of mine. For once Lisa kept her mouth shut and we kept them guessing. Again a couple of girls complemented me on my tan. I avoided any comments about tan lines though. I saved my surprise till after we finished and went to change. Sue's jaw dropped when she saw me in the shower. I didn't event bother with the towel as we walked back to our lockers and told everyone about the trip.

The end

Well as they say, That's all folks. Hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did. It brought back lots of memories.

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