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A Traditional Swim

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A CFNM swim becomes NFNM.
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Part 1 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/29/2014
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By way of introduction, I live in a Midwestern city. My town has a very conservative reputation, which is justified in some respects. More broadly, however, I would characterize the prevailing attitude as benign indifference. Whatever consenting adults get up to among themselves is ok so long as it is not in our face.

On a more personal level, I am 50 and a lawyer who does civil litigation. In general, the legal profession selects for a certain personality, and that is probably more pronounced among litigators. I separated from my wife about 18 months ago, and the divorce became final about ten months ago. In my mind, a large reason for the break-up was that excitement for her was a new Louis Vitton bag. I wanted something different from the usual upper middle class conspicuous consumption.

My ex got the suburban McMansion, so I'm now living in a nice apartment Downtown. Since our separation, I had felt liberated but not quite sure for what. Before I met my ex, I had actively pursued an interest that was, perhaps, slightly out of the mainstream. Maybe I'd get interested in that again.

I had taken to reading our city's "alternative" newspaper, although I usually found little of interest. However, a small item in late April caught my attention. A Y in a "transitional" part of town, which I knew was losing members, had run an announcement that it would host "traditional" swimming from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Thursday nights.

From my reading about the clothes-optional liestyle, I knew that many Ys in the 60s had required men to swim nude and suspected that this was what "traditional swimming" meant. The text of the announcement confirmed my suspicion, with a significant twist. The announcement said that the Y's main pool and Jacuzzi would be open for coed use. Men would be required to be nude at all times. Women would be expected to wear suits. The sessions would only be open to Y members.

The last few years of my marriage, my ex had really let her body go, and I had sort of done the same. Since my separation, I had worked hard to get back into good shape. While I had not been much of a swimmer before, I started swimming a lot. Part of my goal was to achieve the broad shoulder, narrow hips look of a swimmer, to the extent that age and my build would allow.

I thought I had been reasonably successful in getting back into shape, and the idea of swimming nude in mixed company sounded appealing. I called the Y. The membership dues were quite reasonable. So, I filled out the paperwork and joined.

I parked outside the Y about 8:40 the following Thursday evening. Going inside and downstairs to the anteroom for the pool, I met a tall, very think young lady wearing a pair of shorts over a conservative one-piece swim suit. She introduced herself as Mindy, a Y employee.

"I understand that the pool is open on Thursday nights, "I said.

Mindy's face got a slightly troubled look. She said, "um, well yes, but you do know the rules?"

"I think so," I replied, "but, maybe you should go over them so we're sure we're on the same page."

Mindy's face darkened a bit. "The swim lasts from 9:00 to 11:00. It is coed. We're billing it as 'traditional,' but in-house we call it the CFNM swim. Ladies are expected to wear suits, but men must swim nude. In fact, we don't want you wearing anything anywhere in the pool area."

I smiled and said "that was what I thought. I'm fine with that."

Mindy's face brightened noticeably. "You are? Cool. Let me take down your card number." She wrote the number from my Y membership card on a clipboard. "I'm the lifeguard. I'll see you in a few minutes."

I smiled at Mindy again, "I guess you will see me." Mindy actually blushed.

Inside the men's locker room were five other younger guys. They seem excited and were constantly talking. The gist of their conversation was that the women at the swim would have uncontrollable lust once they saw these guys' manhood. I knew better, but kept to myself.

I took all of my clothes off and put them in a locker. Pulling the elastic band for the locker key over my left hand, I headed to the shower. After making sure I was clean for the pool, I toweled off my face and tossed the towel over my shoulder. The other guys had left the locker room, so I went through the door marked "pool."

Not surprisingly, it was quite warm in the pool area. The five guys and six ladies in suits were sitting on benches at one end of the pool. Mindy was standing in front of them. I hurried to that end and apologized for holding things up.

Mindy announced the rules, emphasizing that there was to be no sexual conduct anywhere in the Y building. Then she explained that lane dividers would be up for lap swimming for the first hour, but she would remove them and put up a net for water volleyball for the second hour.

While Mindy talked, I looked over the women. Five of them were nothing special, but the sixth looked very special. She looked to be in her late 20s. She was a couple of inches shorter than I, with blonde hair cut just above her shoulders. I wouldn't call her face beautiful, but it had character and certain magnetism. She wore an older style competition one-piece suit, cut very high on the legs, tight, and relatively thin material. Her body was what caught my attention. She was obviously athletic, and her entire body was in perfect proportion. I could see the sides of her bare legs up to her hips. Her skin glowed. Not surprisingly, she (and the other women) had given the nude men a thorough look while Mindy was talking.

After Mindy finished, the blonde got up and dove into one of the lap lanes. I dove into the lane next to her and quickly pulled about even. After ten laps, we both decided to hang on the poolside for a moment. The blonde looked at me and said, "You swim pretty well."

I replied, "For an old man. I don't have your smooth stroke." She smiled at that. "I don't know. You seem to be a pretty strong swimmer. Hey, you want to race?" "How far," I asked.

"Down and back."


"Of course."

"Ok," I said.

The blonde called to Mindy: "we're going to race two laps if that's ok. Can you give us a start and watch who touches first?"

Mindy said "sure."

Mindy came over to the pool edge we were hanging on. Rather than use the blocks, we started in the water and just pushed off from the edge. I kept pretty even with the blonde until the turn. She seemed to execute a perfect flip turn, which is a skill I don't have. Suddenly, I was a couple of body lengths behind.

My competitiveness was up, though, and I swam furiously but efficiently. I wasn't sure, but thought I was even at the end. Breathing hard, we both looked up at Mindy. She said "he touched first." I was inordinately pleased at that, and the blonde seemed genuinely disappointed.

As our breathing slowed down, the blonde said "congratulations. Rematch?"

I said, "ok, but give me a minute, you're younger."

After a couple of minutes, the blonde asked if I was ready and I nodded yes. She called Mindy over again to start us. Again, I stayed pretty even until the turn. The blonde must have executed a perfect flip turn because, when I looked up after my turn, she had me by about four body lengths. Again, I tried to catch up, but I'd tried going to that well too often in one night. The blonde beat me by about four yards.

Having won our rematch, the blonde was happier. She leaned across the lane divider offering a handshake. "My name's Sara."

"Sara, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Harry."

Shortly after we finished our second race, Mindy announced that it was time for water volleyball. Sara and I ended up on the same team. It was fun, but everything was going along normally until the last game.

I'd noticed that Sara was very competitive. I could empathize. The last volleyball game was very close. Sara had rotated to a position in the front row in front of me. The other team's return of serve came over the net just between us. Sara lunged back for the ball and stumbled into me as I set it. In an effort to steady herself, Sara grabbed for me and her left hand grabbed my dick. She let go immediately, went fully underwater, and came up sputtering and flustered. She immediately said "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to grab you there."

I smiled: "If you can see it, you're allowed to touch it."

Sara smiled broadly and said "really?" "Yes."

Just after that, Mindy said it was time to close up. We stood on the pool deck facing each other, me naked her in her thin suit. I tried, "It was great to meet you. Can I buy you a drink?"

Sara smiled again. "Sure. Let me get showered and I'll meet you out front."

I was waiting for her in the Y lobby when Sara came out with damp blonde hair, carrying a small gym bag. I said, "I hope you don't think less of me, but, after the exercise, I'd hate to cancel it out with alcohol."

Sara smile again and replied, "I'm glad you said that instead of forcing me to. I don't live far from here. There is a Starbucks that says open real late. You can ride with me and I'll bring you back for your car."

I got into the passenger seat of Sara's Passat and we started the introduction thing. Sara was 30. She was also a lawyer, having a transactional practice at one of our city's very large law firms. I asked, "You must have swum seriously at some point?"

"Yeah, I was on the swim team at college."

"I'm impressed. A serious swimmer."

"Don't be too impressed. My individual best in four years was third in the conference. My senior year, our medley relay team barely qualified for the NCAAs, but we were eliminated there in the first heat."

"Still, I'm very impressed. Where did you go to law school?" She named a prominent Southern law school. At that I laughed. Somewhat offended, Sara asked, "why did you laugh?"

I answered, "You may not like this, but we're alumna of the same law school." Although Sara was 20 years after me, we had had some of the same Profs and conversed about our law school until she had parked and we were in Starbucks.

After getting our expensive decaf coffees, we sat at a table slightly away from the other night owls. I asked Sara, "Why did you come to the swim?"

She explained that she had recently broken up with a long term boyfriend: "He was getting possessive, and all he wanted was the McMansion in the burbs and two point five kids. I know I'm lawyer, and I like it, but I really don't want to be that plain vanilla. Why did you come?"

I explained first about my recent divorce, then "before I met her, I guess you could say that I was a practicing nudist. I was AANR and TNS. I belonged to a non-landed club up-state and went to their monthly swims. I went to resorts in Florida and Orient Beach on St. Martin over a dozen times. My ex thought social nudism was 'perverted' and wouldn't consider it. Now that we are split, I wanted to get back into nudism, but the two resorts in easy driving range of here have "no single males' policies. Sorry, but I am a single male these days. This was close, convenient, let me get naked around other people, and swimming nude just feels so good. You were a college swimmer. Surely you've swum nude and know that."

Sara shook her head, "no, I've never swum in the nude." Sara had more questions: "But, when you came out naked and we were in suits, didn't you feel exposed?"

"Sure," I said, "feeling exposed is a good feeling."

Sara persisted, "but we were all looking at you?"

"You have to expect to be looked at if you are going naked around other people. Women look once out of curiosity, but a second look is a bit flattering."

Sara blew out a bit of her coffee laughing: "Jeez, I looked at you four or five times before Mindy was done with her spiel."

I responded "thank you. Besides, you were not all that modest either. The back of your suit bunches between your cheeks. The thin material shows your nipples, and what they are doing, quite clearly. And you had an obvious cameltoe." Sara blushed. "Don't get me wrong, "I continued, "you look spectacular; but you were showing a fair amount too."

Sara smiled, "you really think I looked good?"

"'Good' is a tremendous understatement," I replied.

I had said earlier that Sara didn't have a really beautiful face. However her face changed some with the light and her expression. The longer I talked to her the more I realized that her face was also very beautiful. I asked Sara, "Ok, I've critiqued your body. Here's your chance at payback. What did you think of me?"

Sara thought for a second. "You're in really great shape. I guess what impressed me the most was that you moved with confidence, as though you were fully clothed, even though you weren't wearing a thing. Also, you weren't trying to show off like those younger guys," she said.

I smiled, "thank you. I've always thought that my dick is a bit too small. Thanks for not mentioning that."

Sara smiled again. "No, your dick is fine. My only suggestion is to trim back your hair around it so that it is even more noticeable," she said.

At that, I looked at my watch and realized that we had talked past mid-night. I said, "I'm sorry, but I have to run. I have clients coming in the morning."

Sara looked at her watch: "oh my god! I have a closing at 9:00 a.m. Here, let me run you back to your car." Sara drove me back to the Y parking lot to my car.

As I got out of her Passat, I asked "see you at next week's swim?" That bought me the full candlepower smile.

She said, "definitely, and you better be there too, buster, with the same suit you wore tonight."

This sounds a bit perverse, but I was really looking forward to swimming naked with Sara the next Thursday, even if she was wearing a suit. I was a bit stressed by her comment about my pubic hair. Of course, I could trim that myself; but I have thin but noticeable dark hair over much of my body. I thought that it would look odd to be trimmed only one place. However, giving myself a full body shave was beyond my capabilities.

After an inordinate amount of somewhat embarrassing calling around, I found a salon which would give me a full body shave. I showed up for my appointment Thursday morning. A girl in her early 20s took be back to a room with a large table like a massage table, and a small work table. She said, "You can hang your clothes on the hook on the door. There's a shower down the hall to the left. Get a shower, towel off, then come back here and lie down on the table. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I followed instructions, meeting another young lady who worked at the salon as I walked naked from the shower back to the "treatment" room. My young lady came back, lathered me up, and, in about an hour, I was hairless from the neck down. I give the lady credit. She had no inhibitions about reaching any part of my body where there was a hair. When she had finished, the young lady said "You'll want to shower again. Then, I suggest that you go commando. I always do after I'm shaved. It feels pretty neat."

I had never been completely shaved before. When I walked out onto the pool deck at the Y that night I felt especially naked. Actually, that felt rather good. Sara walked up to me, took a step back, and looked me up and down. "You did a bit more than I had in mind, but I like it. You look good," she said.

We swam our laps, had our two races (which we split again), and played water volleyball. Then we did our Starbucks thing again, talking past midnight again. When Sara let me out at my car, she smiled her full power smile, pointed a finger at me and said, "Same time next Thursday - same outfit. Be there."

I felt that I was maybe looking forward too much to the Thursday night swims. The next Thursday, I showed up a little earlier and ran into Sara in the Y lobby. She gave me a light hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Grinning, she said, "I'm very glad you're here. There might be a little surprise for you tonight." With that cryptic remark, we went downstairs and into our separate locker rooms.

What had been five other guys the first two weeks had dwindled to two. I guess the realization that simply showing the women their bare dicks was not getting them laid left the others disappointed. I showered, and walked on deck. Everyone was there except Sara and Mindy.

Mindy walked out of the women's locker room, cleared her throat, and said "by request, we've had a little change in the rules. I think I'd best let Sara explain."

Sara walked out of the women's locker room nude. I've often heard said of various women that they looked better naked than clothed. In Sara's case, it was unquestionably true. Without the constraints of clothes, her body settled into its completely natural shape, which was a close to the perfect female form as I have seen. Her skin glowed.

Sara walked to the center of the semi-circle formed by the five suited women, three nude men, and Mindy. "I asked Mindy for permission to let me swim nude too," Sara said. "I've been talking with Harry and listening to him describe how great it feels to swim with nothing on. I really wanted to try it. Also, I'd been thinking that, for two weeks, only the guys have been nude and we girls were looking at them; at least I know I was. That seemed unfair. I thought that the only fair thing was to let the guys see me nude also, so here I am." With that, she extended both arms over her head and tiled her hips slight left. Then she did a full turn. I noticed that Sara had also shaved off her pubic hair.

After her brief speech, I walked up to Sara. "I'm very proud of you," I said. "You're a beautiful lady at any time, but you look absolutely fantastic now." Sara smiled broadly and gave me a hug.

Then Sara took my hand and said, "Let's get our laps." As we were coming to the shallow end wall after a few laps, Sara called "stop." She said that she had a hamstring cramp, and asked if I would crouch down a bit so she could put her leg on my shoulder and stretch. As she put her leg on my shoulder, she knocked me slightly off-balance. I put out my hands towards her to steady myself, and my left hand landed exactly where her pubic hair had been. I quickly pulled my hand away and apologized. Sara smiled at me and said, "Like somebody told me, if you can see it, you are welcome to touch it."

"Really?" I smiled, reached out with my right hand, and stroked her clit twice gently.

Sara took her leg off of my shoulder. In a louder voice than necessary, she asked "Are we racing?" Then she went on, "I want to start from the blocks this time." The other two guys heard her and started moving along the pool deck to spots behind the starting blocks. I raised an eyebrow at Sara. "I know I'll be completely exposed on the blocks," she said. "I want to try that."

We gave Mindy the wave to come over to start us, and climbed onto the blocks. Bent over, with our toes on the edge of the blocks, we were both very exposed. The other seven swimmers had all moved to the deck behind the blocks. Mindy held us for a moment before calling "go!" Sara must have slightly flubbed her turn because I stayed with her all the way down and back.

We touched the wall and looked up to Mindy, who just shrugged and said "I have a dead heat."

Sara cursed, "Damn, I was having too much fun. We go again." Again we climbed onto the blocks and took starting positions. Mindy held us even longer this time. Just before Mindy said "go," I heard a wolf whistle behind us. Sara smoked me this time, which was good because these races wore me out.

Sara climbed out of the pool breathing a bit harder, with water dripping off of her body, looking like a vision. As I climbed out, I noticed that both of the other guys were gone. I gave Mindy a look, and she explained "I ordered the guy who whistled at Sara out. His buddy went with him. Fortunately, I wasn't quick enough to save him from being slapped."


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