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Casey Summer Vacation Pt. 02


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They had nice curves, but not quite exceptional to the level of Elle or their mother. Their best assets were their eyes (large, almond shapes with great eyebrows and long lashes), long legs and toned abdomens if you were to ask Aiden. Their lean bodies were on the seven or eight percent body fat range from Aiden's perspective, thus they had a little less fat up top leading to boobs that were slightly smaller than Elle's. Both had great butts but again, not quite as filled out as Elle's.

As they shed their clothes, Aiden noticed the more modest bikinis his twin sisters were sporting when compared to Elle's. Still, they revealed plenty of skin with the bottom high cut on Taylor's hip, showing off her smooth, firm lower and upper abdomen and a fair amount of cleavage. Allison's bikini was a little more cheeky, but also showed her firm chest off.

The three girls all set, looked over at one another, then dove into the water gracefully and swam out. Aiden just watched for a few minutes, then he, too, joined in.


"Those two sure are spending a lot of time together," Lauren observed.

The Casey party was on the road again a few hours after the four siblings returned from their dip in the lake. They packed up under their father John's lead, making sure to leave the campsite cleaner than how they found it two days prior. Not a single bottle, piece of plastic nor scrap of food was to be found anywhere within the 400 square foot space they occupied.

As they headed towards their lake house on the banks of Lake Tahoe, the twins Allison and Taylor were seated in the back row of the GMC behind their father and mother. Meanwhile, the elder siblings Elle and Aiden were back in the camper supposedly playing cards at the table. The pair approached their father as the final things were being stowed into the car about riding together in the camper until they arrived at their home in Tahoe.

Allison and Taylor shared a glance upon hearing their mother's comment but said nothing.

"I'm glad to see it," John offered. "I hope you two spend more 1-on-1 time with your elder siblings, too."

John turned his head briefly as he made his remark, making sure Allison and Taylor were listening to him. They were.

"Dad, we do," Taylor returned.

"Not since spring break you haven't. Elle and Aiden are both home from college now and it has been awhile since either one of you has had 1-on-1 time with your brother. Maybe even Elle, too.

"I'm not upset," John continued. "I just want to see my kids making the effort to remain interested, involved and aware of what is going on in their siblings' life."

"Alright," the twins answered.


Seated at the table in the camper, Elle had her feet up, legs pulled tight into her chest, as she sat on the cushioned bench watching Aiden rifle through songs on his spotify app. They were making a playlist for tonight's party.

She was a little unsettled. Since she and Aiden encountered their twin sisters at the lake, she wasn't positive, but it sure seemed like she was getting a weird vibe from them. She caught Taylor a couple of times staring at her with a side eye. That wasn't normal. And Allison was watching her closely, too, she thought. Maybe I'm being paranoid, she thought. That was probably the case but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted Aiden's opinion. Had he noticed it too?

"I think Tails might be onto us," Elle said, the anxiety she felt evident in her tone.

Aiden looked up from his phone. Elle was looking at him concerned. Her brow slightly furrowed.

"What? Why?" he responded, curious.

"They were giving me these weird looks while we packed. And ever since I greeted them this morning to say 'Happy Birthday,' they've been pretty quiet to me. Have you noticed that?"

"Have I noticed them being quieter?" Aiden repeated. "I don't know. Maybe. It's only been one morning. And we were packing up for most of it."

"Yeahhhh..." Elle replied, thinking. "Maybe."

"I think you're being paranoid."

Then, about 30 seconds later, Aiden said, "If you're concerned, maybe we should spend less time together? You should be conscious of how much you look at me, too. Maybe they see you checking me out all the time?"

"Oh, shut up," Elle said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm serious!" Aiden said loudly as he looked at her again. Then he smiled his irresistible smile. "You're always looking at me."

"Am I?"

Aiden shrugged. "It feels like it. The twins probably have seen it, too."

"Maybe we shouldn't have asked to ride in the camper, alone?" Elle stated.

"Naw. We're family. Unless we give them reason to think it, they aren't going to assume we're committing incest. And by reason, I mean kissing, sex noises, being caught talking about it."

"Well, let's hope not," Elle replied. "Just to be safe, maybe we should spend time separately with Allison and Taylor, not sit together and I'll try to stop checking you out so much."

Elle grinned and Aiden smiled at her. She was so beautiful when she smiled.

"How's the playlist coming along?"

"Good. We've got about 50 songs on it now. I think Tails will like it," Aiden answered and he passed the phone to Elle for her to see for herself. Elle scrolled through the assortment of tracks, mentally checking them off in her mind as songs her sisters would appreciate.

"Did you get them anything?" Elle asked, looking up.

"Of course!"


"You'll see."

"Why can't you just tell me, Aid?"

"Because I want it to be a surprise. What did you get them?"

"A necklace. Mom and dad are getting them each a watch from Tiffany like the one they got for me. I wanted to get them something they'd treasure."

"I'm sure they will, Ellie," Aiden commented. He reached out with his right hand, stroked her cheek and lifted her chin as he moved in for a soft, tender kiss. Elle was frozen by his touch. She was falling hard for her brother now.

The tender kiss was one and done for Aiden. He left his sister wanting more, though neither spoke about it. A long, loving gaze into each other's eyes and Aiden's lingering touch of her cheek gave Elle serious butterflies in her stomach. The pair were startled back to reality as the camper came to an abrupt halt. They looked around and realized they were at the lakehouse. It was time to party.


The unloading and the putting things in their respective places was always an ordeal and this time no different. But each of the six played their part and eventually, the food was brought in, beds were made, towels put away and all the outdoor furniture unwrapped and brought back into position.

At some point, Aiden's mother Lauren had the kids around her and went over the sleeping arrangements.

"Aiden are you okay on the sofa? Otherwise you can sleep in the camper," she offered. There was no mention of who was taking the upstairs bedrooms as that was well established in the order that it was. The twins in the room with two double beds and Elle in the other bedroom which held a lone queen bed.

"I was thinking I would put a tent up in the yard, actually," Aiden responded.

His mom gave him a sideways glance at this, a little taken aback. That wasn't normal for Aiden to want to do. Her reaction was nothing compared to Elle's though, she was expecting Aiden to take the couch only to sneak up to her room. Elle stared at her brother, then started to say something before catching herself.

"Oh," their mom answered. "Well, sure, that's fine."

"Yeah, I think the weather is going to be perfect for it," Aiden added. When his mom looked away and walked inside the cabin, he gave Elle the reassuring look she needed to halt her questioning looks, anxious demeanor and return her eyebrows to a normal position.

The kids were out on the deck re-positioning furniture, taking in the scenery and generally reveling in a short break from their duties when the twins walked with Elle down to the dock, leaving Aiden up on the deck with their father who had just reappeared probably with another dozen of to-do items for them.

"Don't you love it here?" exclaimed Elle as they reached the dock. Their boat was tied up, rocking gently against the dock with the soft roll of the waves. It was hard no to. With the large expanse of Lake Tahoe, their generous piece of property on the lakeshore and the gorgeous backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Both Taylor and Allie agreed.

"How was it sharing a tent with Aiden?" Taylor asked as the girls sat together on the edge of the dock dipping their toes in the water. Allie and Taylor sat on opposite arms of their big sister leaving Elle sandwiched in the middle. The hot afternoon sun beat down on their tan shoulders.

Elle was conscious of her sisters' eyes on her. She hoped her face didn't betray her before she answered.

"It wasn't bad," Elle replied. "It was obviously really cramped in there but we slept on opposite ends and made it work."

Her sisters stayed silent and Elle felt the need to continue talking, her guilty conscience getting the best of her.

"Actually, it was nice having him there. I felt safe."

"I heard a scream last night," Taylor said. "I thought maybe it came from your tent. Actually, it was really a scream. More like a loud noise, like a moan maybe."

"You did?" questioned Elle anxiously.

"Yeah, but only once."

"Did you hear anything, Allie?" Elle asked.

"No. I was sleeping I guess."

"Was he... like squeezing you in your sleep?" Taylor wondered.

"You know, maybe I screamed when he kicked me by accident," Elle lied nervously. "Weird. I don't remember making a noise."

"Oh well. Now you get a bed and an entire room to yourself again," Allison remarked.

"Yup!" Elle replied. Standing up she dove into the lake. The lines of her remarkably toned body looked flawless as she entered the water. Allison and Taylor exchanged looks, neither certain if they got the truth out of their sister, nor why she would be hiding something from them.


"I think I did a good job of throwing our sisters off the scent today," remarked Elle.

It was nearly 2 in the morning. The family's birthday party for the twins and campfire on the lakeshore ended. All of their neighbors who came over to attend were long since gone while the last of the lights inside the Casey cabin were finally switched off. Elle made her escape to the area on the property where Aiden pitched his tent by using a bathroom run to disguise her real intentions. She hoped there was nobody inside the house who was listening to her movements closely enough to realize she hadn't gone back upstairs to her bedroom, but instead left through the backdoor and walked down the path leading towards the dock.

Elle crawled into Aiden's tent wearing her usual skimpy nighttime attire -- a pair of booty shorts which left the bottom swell of her ass uncovered and a loose, low-cut tank which didn't fit, leaving her midriff bare. As she crawled, Aiden had a perfect glimpse of her firm tits dangling, nearly escaping the tank top desperately trying to contain them. It was a losing battle if he ever saw one.

Aiden was laying on his side covered by a blanket up to his chest. Though it was a little cooler on this night, Aiden was shirtless. Elle bit her lip as she lifted up his blanket and scrambled into position beside him, her ass to his groin. Aiden's muscular body made her insides turn as butterflies took flight. Aiden accepted her as she settled in, an open arm wrapped around her side and curled in over her breasts as Elle's head hit the pillow.

"Mmm," Elle breathed quietly. She wiggled her butt lightly against Aiden's crotch, feeling his manhood stir against her pressure. "This is nice bro."

"What did they say to you?" a drowsy Aiden asked. He remained on his side in bed, curled around his sister.

"Taylor said she heard a noise last night. She said it sounded like a moan and that it came from our tent. She thinks it was me," Elle replied.

"And what did you say?"

Elle laughed. "I acted completely unaware and it forced Taylor to offer up a suggestion of 'maybe he squeezed you in your sleep' which I told her I had no memory of."

"Hmm," was all Aiden offered in reply.

"What are you thinking?" his sister asked.

"Nothing," Aiden insisted. It's probably fine, he thought. "Were they asleep when you came down here? Nobody heard you, right?"

"I'm pretty sure," Elle said. "I waited at least an hour after they both went to bed before coming down. And I was really quiet."

"You know you have to wake up in your bed, right?"

"Yes Aid, I know."

"Okay. I'm just checking. I really don't know why you're even taking these chances."

Elle turned to face him. "Because it feels amazing when you hold me like you just were. I feel so safe and protected with you. And because I trust you.

"And it doesn't hurt that you have an amazing body that feels so good when it's pressed up against mine," Elle added with embarrassment.

"You have an amazing body, too, Elle," responded Aiden.

"Really?" Elle's lack of confidence was startling to Aiden.

"Come on, Elle. Don't you realize that you're gorgeous? You're a cold, hard, knockout 10 if there ever was one."

Elle fluttered her eyes and looked down at Aiden's bare chest, away from his eyes. She couldn't take it. Aiden saw that his words weren't enough so he kissed his sister firmly on the lips, sucking her upper lip and forcing her mouth to open as he re-positioned and let his tongue slip into her mouth. Aiden had a hand on her head, combing it through Elle's soft brown locks. She moaned in his mouth as their kisses continued, deepening.

The kiss ended for a moment as Elle pulled away for a breath and looked up into Aiden's eyes.

"Aiden, will you help me?"

"With what sis?"

"With sex stuff. I want to be more confident around guys and practicing with you will help me."

"Elle, you're overthinking it. You're a natural already!"

Aiden confirmed his words by giving Elle another kiss on her lips, this one more chaste, ending as quickly as it started. Elle didn't say anything.

"Is this about a particular guy?"

"Maybe..." replied Elle.

"Okay, well Elle, just be you. Guys might find it hard to approach you, I don't know. I'm not around you on a daily basis while you go about your day," Aiden told her as he held his sister. "Whoever this guy is, you might just have to, you know, give him a sign. Smile at him. Flutter your eyes. Use your womanly charm."

Aiden laughed while Elle nestled into his shoulder and neck area, kissing him. How could she tell him that really this "guy" was the man who had his arms wrapped around her at this very moment? Why was she so hung up on her own brother?

A few moments passed and the two seemed content to drift off to sleep when Elle spoke up. She wanted more contact from her brother before going to sleep. Her arousal had her pussy wet and her thigh gap glistening.

"Aid, did you like the blow job I gave you last night?"

Aiden laughed. "You made me cum and I moaned your name, didn't I?"

"Would you like me to do it again?" Elle asked, biting her lip.

"I'm not going to say no to a girl offering to suck my dick," Aiden laughed.

Elle kissed her brother, then lowered herself beneath the blanket and pulled Aiden's pajamas down past his knees. Aiden was granted another stellar glimpse of Elle's amazing rack as she lowered herself to his crotch. He wasn't fully erect yet so Elle gently stroked and massaged his shaft and balls. She sucked his right nut into her mouth, then his left while she stroked his cock. Then she put the fat mushroom head of her brother's penis in her mouth, it filled her up instantly. She had to open wide for even half of her brother's meat to be given entry.

The sounds of Elle's sucking filled the tent. She spit out her excess saliva onto Aiden's rock-hard pole now fully erect. Aiden was gently thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth as she stroked him with one hand. He was in ecstasy. Elle's mouth was so hot, her tongue and lips around him so soft and tender. Elle was stroking her brother's leg with her off hand when she got an idea. She reached around and fondled her brother's ass cheek for pressing a finger up against his anal ring.

She was just teasing the area, but he still let out a loud groan of pleasure inviting Elle to go a little further. She pushed her finger in, his hot asshole sucking her thin digit right in.

"Oh fuck!" Aiden groaned. His orgasm was approaching agonizingly close. His balls were bursting with his seed, ready to pour down his sister's throat and into her belly.

Elle fingered her brother's asshole gently while she worked to take more and more of his cock into her mouth. Fuck, he was long and thick, she thought. I love this cock. She could feel his cock surging in her mouth and by the way he was thrusting faster and more urgently into her mouth, knew that he was close.

"Mmm just like that, Ellie," Aiden moaned. "You suck me so good!"

"Fuck yes, uh uh, I'm cummingggg!" he groaned out seconds later and then flopped down onto the pile of blankets underneath him, his hands still on Elle's head as she sucked and swallowed every last drop of her brother's seed.

"Mmmmm, such a tasty dessert," mewed Elle as she crawled back up to her brother's face, nuzzling into his neck again. Aiden kissed her forehead and stroked her beautiful brunette hair.

"You're fucking amazing, Elle," he said. "No one's ever fingered my asshole before. That was hot."

"It was this little finger right here," noted Elle, raising it for them both to admire. As her brother watched her, she opened her mouth slightly and pushed the finger in all the way to her last knuckle and sucked on it, their eyes locked on each other.

"God damnit, Elle, you're so naughty," Aiden whispered. He watched as she removed it and continued to look at him with a sexiness he couldn't describe. He wanted her so bad. His cock was already regaining its rigidity, blood coursing up through to the head, completing another erection in a matter of minutes. He kissed her as soon as that finger left her mouth, tasting his cum in her mouth as the taste lingered.

Aiden rolled on top of his sister and hoisted her shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra so her firm breasts sprang free and Aiden's hands immediately reached out to seize them.

"Elle, your body is amazing," Aiden complimented lovingly.

Aiden fondled, squeezed and sucked on his sister's boobs, taking each of her hardened nipples into his mouth. He grazed them ever so slightly with his teeth before he sucked on them with his lips and rotated his tongue around each nipple, playing with it.

"Oh, Aid! Fuck that's nice!" Elle exclaimed rather loudly. "That's right, suck my tits."

Aiden was making a right mess of her tits, slobbering all over them. A pool of his saliva collected in the middle and on Elle's sternum. Aiden continued to cup his sister's breasts as he began kissing her toned body down to her lower abs. When he got to her pubic mound, Aiden pulled her booty shorts all the way off to give himself uninhibited access to her cunny.

He reached his right hand down and teased her honey pot. His sister was so fucking wet for him. Just dripping her clear fluid all over her interior lips and the inside of her thighs.

"You're dripping, sis," stated Aiden.

"Oh Aiden!" Elle moaned. "I want it. I want it so bad."

"Say it, Ellie. Tell me what you want your little brother to do to you."

Elle bit her lip. Could she tell him what she really wanted, or should she simply ask for her pussy to be eaten? She decided to be bold.

"I want my baby brother to fuck me hard with his huge cock," Elle exclaimed, nearly screaming her pleasure. "Please, Aiden?" / loving wivesliterotica my kinky momendangered mcstories.comuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh literotica machinehousewife spread eagle tied up stripped tickled nonconsent stories"men sucking cock"litrotica small breast vampire non consentement la pretresse de puretéliterotica crossdressers buying bikinis to tan at beach storiesBakeboss mature storiesasstr nonono69"transformation literotica"Brother locked his sister in handcuff and shackle bondage home for the holidays"mom creampie"if horses were wishes literotica"bdsm library"mannequin magic transformation sex story"literotica diaper"back seat mommy series sex story"horny sister"directoire knickers stories"literotica teen"Werewolf next door sex storiesliteoritca audio cum at work bathroom roommate feels his balls as he fucks meliterotica audio'lliterotica tittyfuck saggysister peggs me in front of friend storyhornygamerlitrrotica control pet"bubble butts"cum bucket iliterotica/s/just-once-if-you-dont-mind-pt-02/comment/10904732wife transformation sex storiesliterotthe boss's pet ch.01 lesbian sex story"erotic story""indian sex stories"fart licking stories literoscarred by my mother taboo sexstories"incest porn story"awkward moment with boss literotica"literotica search"2 couples go to clothing optional swapping resort porn story"literotica incest"Genie let's man spank her and lifeguard/s/granddaughter-seduces-grandpaMy aunt grace sex story"teen incest stories"Literotica/virgin brotherteacher exibitionist liroticaan avoidable sex between mom son taboo stories"gay male stories" literotica Precious did beatrice repliedBtb erotic storiesMastur penis briefs lush storyyou grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/literotica.comliteroitca"face down ass up""anal massage"Beyonce bdsm fiction sexstoriesbig black men with my wife ,ooooh fuck me harder,cuck ,asstrমার পোদ চুদলাম বাপ বেটাoffice lesbian whore literoticliterotocacentaur "masterbate" story"literotica incest"I.literotica swap parents showstorydamsel in distress hard pounding literoticalush stories black church pastor fucks white pregnant church wivessex story huge cock incest sister “cum bloated”literotcia porn stories old black janitor"home invasion" "her sweatpants" porn"lesbian incest"jimmy dilemma Literotica reddit"literotica impregnate"jessica change management catharticoliterotica mom son text