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Casey's Rise Ch. 08

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Trouble in Paradise.
7.9k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 07/28/2020
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This is a sequel to "Casey's Fall" which takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as "The State". There are many elements in this story that will be more enjoyable and make more sense if you read that first.

Themes include CMNF, CFNF, ENF, exhibitionism, porn, coercion, some reluctance, non-consent and D/s, and occasional violence if it's relevant to the story or character development.


A few months later, they were all informally sitting around the dining room table, drinking coffee, looking at their phones and laptops, and occasionally having conversations, as had become pretty much the custom in the house. Amelia's webcam business was doing fine, and she came to visit almost every day now. She was so used to being naked in the house that she now felt it would be out of place and even rude if she started dressing again. The Crescent Girls concept was an instant hit, and while Jolene was still somewhat wary of what she said and did around Cassandra, she was accepted by everyone again. She'd even dropped a few pounds and her porn career was doing well. The throuple continued to thrive. Greg found the weeks of orgasm denial difficult to bear but it was also such a turn-on, and he was so in love with his "wives". All in all, they were on an even keel and everyone was happy. That was all about to change...

"Guys, we might have a problem," Casey began as she looked up from her laptop. "I'm looking at our incomes, and there's been a definite downward trend over the last few months, particularly for Cass and I. Are we doing something wrong?"

"Well, that was inevitable, Casey," Jolene responded. "While it's not over yet, we all definitely have a limited shelf-life before people get bored and want something new."

"What else we gonna do though?" Cassandra asked. "We gotta start doin' male talent or gang-bangs or somethin'?"

"I don't think that's necessary, Cassandra. That might boost things a little bit but it's only a short-term solution," Jolene replied. "Aren't you all getting tired of doing this stuff anyway?"

"I have to admit, it is getting harder to get excited about going online lately," Casey conceded. "It all seems a bit 'same old same old' some days."

"And that comes out in your performances whether you're aware of it or not," Jolene responded.

"What are you suggesting, Jolene? Is it time to retire?" Casey asked.

"The fuck?" Cassandra added. "We're stuck naked forever now. You sayin' we can't be porn stars no more?"

"Oh, I wouldn't use the term 'stuck naked' as something negative necessarily," Jolene answered. "Originally, I figured if I did things right with Casey, I could get a good two years out of her porn career, and then I expected an opportunity would present itself where we could use her fame to branch out into something else. I never thought her nudity would work against her. Quite the opposite in fact. I think if we find the right business opportunity, or the right employer, being nude could mean much greater earning potential."

"Ok, so we just need to find another industry or some other way to capitalise on it," Casey mused. "Any suggestions anyone?"

"Well, one possibility I've been thinking about is that the Crescent Girls brand has been hugely successful. There could be an opportunity now to turn it into an agency," Jolene suggested. "We could recruit new Crescent Girls and convince them to indenture to us, so we get the lion's share of the income, and then keep turning them over when they get past their use-by dates."

"Ok... well I have had a lot of enquiries from girls wanting to become camgirls and asking for advice in the Crescent Girl forums," Casey considered. "I'm not sure about tricking them into indenturing to us though. I know how horrible that was for me."

"Let me do it then," Jolene said. "I don't mind."

"Yeah, but if they're gonna be proper Crescent Girls, that means registered nudity and gettin' the tatt and stuff, and are we really just gonna chuck them out at the end of it, stuck naked with no future like we're lookin' at now, or maybe havin' to become hookers?" Cassandra asked.

"There's nothing wrong with sex work. It just wasn't something I wanted for Casey, or for me or you either now that we're in the same position," Jolene responded. "Maybe we could become madams and run a brothel?"

"I'm not sure prostitution really represents our brand though..." Casey responded with a frown.

"But what if a girl genuinely wants to do that?" Jolene asked. "Shouldn't we capitalise on it?"

"I guess if a girl actually wants to do that, then I don't think we should stand in her way," Casey replied tentatively. "But I don't think we should promote it as a career path or give girls the impression that we might expect that from them. We could maybe consider escort services, though, provided we can assure the girls' safety and they're comfortable doing it? Then if they want to take it further with a client, it's their decision."

"Speaking of career paths. I think there are other options that don't involve sex work," Amelia chipped in. "Maybe let them finish at the end of their indentures with some sort of industry qualification that would leave them better off than when they started?"

"You mean like an apprenticeship, Amelia?" Greg asked. "What sort of trade is being a Crescent Girl though?"

"That could come back to escort services I guess," Casey suggested. "But I'm not sure that would be enough work for a full-time occupation here in Port Wiluma. It's not exactly big on glamour events. Maybe if we branched out into Stocksgate?"

"No, I was thinking more like get them a diploma in hospitality or something," Amelia replied.

"Like a scholarship? Oh ok, you could be onto something there, Amelia," Casey considered. "There's a lot of girls out there who can't afford a Tech education. Maybe we could give them that, and in return they agree to do cam work and photoshoots while they're studying? Then at the end they're qualified for a career. I'm not sure it's necessary or fair to ask them to register as nudists to do that though... Is that asking too much?"

"You don't think that would just increase their chances of gettin' work?" Cassandra laughed. "Like Jo said, maybe that would open doors? What boss would shy away from having a naked chick on the payroll, 'specially in the hospitality industry?"

"Exactly, Cass!" Jolene replied. "Crescent Girls is a strong brand now, and we can use the registered nudity as a drawcard to get them into a career and bump their wages up!"

"What's to stop them from just going it alone and doing cam work to finance their own educations?" Greg asked.

"Technically they could, Greg," Jolene responded, "but that way they don't get our brand, and they run a risk that their porn work will get found out one day and work against them. But I think we can flip that on its head by using our brand. It's about being a Crescent Girl and being instantly recognisable as one for life. Once a Crescent Girl, always a Crescent Girl, kind of thing, even after their Indentures are over. If we market it the right way using Casey's fempower message and make the porn work and registered nudity a big part of who they are rather than some dirty little secret, it should make a girl's career prospects go through the roof rather than work against her. Employers will be seeking them out rather than the other way around. Plus, we'll establish a network as we get to know people who can help us out."

"You mean like use the nudity and the porn to their advantage?" Greg asked. "Don't try to hide it. Make it obvious and use it as a positive thing to get them work?"

"Exactly!" Jolene confirmed. "It's all in the marketing."

"Here's another idea," Casey interrupted. "We might be able to afford a down payment on a small hotel. I look around us and I see a business graduate, a chef, a graphic designer, and Cassandra's trade is in hospitality as well. We have the skills. We could do it."

"Yeah, Pa thought I should do that course to help out in the family business one day, since my grades were too shit for Uni," Cassandra explained.

"So, do you think we should drop porn and run a hotel instead?" Greg asked Casey.

"No, I'm thinking we could do both," Casey answered. "We could set the girls up in some of the rooms to accommodate them while they're studying, as well as giving them a place to run their cam shows from. When they're not doing porn or studying, they get work experience in the hotel, and that's going to be a major drawcard for guests as well. Imagine how many people would pay through the nose to stay at a hotel staffed entirely by nude college girls?"

"So, in return for a short-term indenture and doing porn for you, you'd cover all of their living and educational expenses?" Amelia asked. "It's a lot to gain but it's also a lot to ask of someone. Do you think you'll get many takers?"

"There's one way to find out," Casey answered. "Our forum has thousands of members hearing my message and knowing what we do for a living, and I've already had several girls asking about starting camgirl careers. I'll just put up a post asking for expressions of interest and see what happens. We'll soon know if it's a goer or not."

"You know, thinking about it more, maybe it isn't too much to ask?" Amelia responded. "I already have a diploma, but Mum and I had to go without a lot of stuff for me to get it. An offer like this might've tempted me a lot back then. I might have been too shy at the time to take it seriously, but if I had've heard your message about female sexuality first, like these girls will have, and everything else that comes with becoming a Crescent Girl, I think I might've jumped at it."

"So, if you were fresh out of high school now, heard my message and saw this on offer, you would have applied?" Casey asked in surprise. "Registering as a nudist, clit piercing and all? You don't think it's asking too much?"

"I think I would have given it serious consideration," Amelia admitted. "Sure, it's a huge commitment and it certainly won't be for everyone, but once you get past the initial shock, you can see that it's not just about getting a diploma. It's setting you up for life. I think what Cass said about bosses being eager to employ nude girls will be totally true, and if it's done under the Crescent Girl brand like Jolene said, it adds a reputation into the mix which gives girls an assurance of a better future as a nudist than they would have had if they kept their clothes on. Anyone could see that bosses aren't just going to be queuing up, they're going to be waving their wallets around too."

"Hmm... so we could be onto something here?" Casey responded.

"Although... I'm just thinking that maybe the porn aspect needs more thought," Amelia considered. "It's one thing to commit to being nude, but quite another to do porn. The way we're making it part of the deal could make it feel a bit forced for the girls. Like something they do because they have to rather than because they want to. I think there needs to be some kind of added incentive."

"Maybe we could give them a cut of what they earn at the end of their indentures?" Casey suggested. "Say maybe 10%? That way they'll be leaving with a cash bonus as well as their qualifications, and the more they put into it, the bigger that bonus will be."

"Woah, wait a second. Are you crazy?" Jolene interjected. "Why would you just give away your profit?"

"Because if you give the girls an incentive, they'll perform more enthusiastically and put more time into it. That's got to be better for you as well as them," Amelia responded. "I don't think it's unrealistic to expect at least a 50% increase in earnings with that kind of incentive, and 90% of $150,000.00 is more than 100% of $100,000.00. Even giving them a 20% cut would work in our favour in that equation."

"Ok, I see where you're coming from," Jolene conceded. "Yes, you could very well be right. If I was in their shoes, I think I'd definitely work a lot harder if there was a payoff for me as well."

"Holy fuck, Jo! Was that empathy?" Casey laughed.

"OMG! Jo might turn out human one day after all," Cassandra added, joining in on the laughter.

"Shoosh you lot!" Jolene responded with a fake scowl and a smile. "Someone has to be logical around here. 20% might be too high, though. We still have all of their living and educational expenses to cover, and we need to make a profit."

"Right, we play that by ear then," Casey responded. "We only promise them 10% but if our profits are ridiculously huge then we'll look at increasing it when the time comes."

"Sounds fair to me," Jolene agreed.

"I was just thinking that this works out rather neatly for us, and our potential students," Casey continued. "A hospitality diploma is two years, and the minimum indenture is two years, which is about the average life of a porn career as well. Most students turn eighteen during the Grade 12 year, so we won't have any problems with age."

"There will also be a bunch of girls around the right age working dead-end jobs or stuck in the unemployment queue," Jolene added. "Hell, age isn't really a factor at all for a porn star as long as they're fit and over eighteen."

"True that," Casey acknowledged. "There might even be some women out there who don't even want a diploma and would just be happy with a decent job. They probably wouldn't be keen on becoming our indents, so we'd have to pay them a wage, but we'll still want them to register as nudists for the sake of our brand. I'll guess we'll just have to offer some other form of incentive, like maybe pay them above industry rates?"

"Yes, we're going to need some full-time staff and maybe some casuals," Greg added. "We might be ok with just us during the first year. It won't be as busy and it's really only covering the day while the girls will be at school. Hotels usually aren't busy during the main part of the day. It's mostly the evenings, and the breakfast shift to some extent, and the girls doing their diplomas should be available to help out for those. If this takes off like I think it will, though, we're going to need some full-timers as well."

"My agency idea could play into that," Jolene suggested. "Those ladies could still do porn, maybe even sex work if they want, and we just take a cut as their agents."

"Great idea, Jo," Casey agreed. "Ok, so we offer our full timers the option of doing cam work, photoshoots and maybe sex work as well, and we take a cut as their booking agents."

"Don't forget I'm here if you need me," Amelia added. "I'd be happy to become a fully-fledged Crescent Girl for something like this."

"You would, Amelia?" Casey asked, somewhat shocked.

"Oh, hell yes," Amelia replied. "I'm in the same boat as you guys with what I'm doing right now. My cam career probably has a limited shelf-life, and the graphic design market is fucked these days. This would be an opportunity for me, not just something I'd settle for because I couldn't do any better."

"Ok then," Casey responded with a smile. "It sounds like we might need you, depending on how this goes and what we find too. What about your Mum though? Will she support you becoming a Crescent Girl?"

"Mum and I have already had a discussion about my webcam stuff, and she knows what's been going on over here," Amelia replied honestly. "She didn't like it at first, but she sees that I'm happy, and she's definitely been happy about the extra money coming in. I think she'd be ok approving my nudist registration if this all goes down before I turn twenty-one."

"I'm so glad your Mum is on board," Casey replied with some relief. "It's so much easier when you have family behind you. Ok, I guess we should start looking at some hotels."

"Let me talk to Pa," Cassandra responded. "This is right up his alley, so he probably has some inside info about what's on the market and what's about to be on the market. Speaking of the size. Any idea the size of the place we want? That's probably where we need to start."

"I guess I'll put up the post for expressions of interest in the forums while you talk to your father to see if he knows of something that will suit us, then we take it from there," Casey decided. "We want something with a restaurant and bar, I think. There should be an entertainment aspect and not just accommodation."

"Naked chick party zone," Cassandra laughed.

"We want it classy though. We'll probably need a bouncer," Casey suggested while looking at Greg.

"You know I'll be there, baby," he replied.

"Ok, let's do this!" Jolene announced.

Casey put up the post that afternoon and was pleasantly surprised when she had a dozen replies by dinner time. By morning the next day, she had over fifty! There were even six from prospective employers wanting to put their names down, and thirty more from people wanting to know when opening day was.

Holy fuck, could this really be viable?

If all that wasn't exciting enough, just a few hours later she got a call from Cassandra that led to really blowing her mind.

"Yo, Case, you gotta come check this out," Cassandra excitedly babbled over the phone. "The address is 169 The Esplanade. I'll give you deets when you get here."

The Esplanade? That's right on the beach. How could we ever afford that?

Nevertheless, she grabbed Greg and Jolene and set off in the Mustang to the address.

On arrival, they had to drive through gates.

Gates? Seriously? There's no way this is within our budget. Holy crap! It's a resort! Six floors. Four main buildings. There must be 200 rooms! The pool stretches all the way across the front of the main building. Palm trees everywhere. No fucking way!

She spotted Cassandra's naked figure coming out of the main building in the centre.

"Waddya reckon?" Cassandra greeted with a huge smile as she came up to the car.

"You have to be fucking kidding me, Cass!" Casey exclaimed as she tried to take in the size of the place. "It's beautiful, but there's no way we can afford this."

"We can," Cassandra replied with a grin. "Pa bought it a few years back, but it turned out to be a dunger. Wrong town for something like this so it couldn't pay for itself. He shut it down a year ago and now it's costin' him money just to maintain the pool and grounds while he tries to offload the fucker. So far, no takers."

"So, what's he asking?" asked Jolene.

"Nuthin!" Cassandra replied. "I told him our idea and he thinks it's fuckin' brilliant. He reckons it'll stick ol' Port Wiluma on the map. He wants to be a partner."

"Oh, I'm not sure I want to be in business with your Pa, Cass," Jolene responded, suddenly white-faced.

"I spoke to him about that, Jo. You ain't got nuthin to worry about. He ain't got no beef with you now, and you're in business with his daughter. You're protected," Cassandra assured her.

"So, what's he want out of it then?" Jolene asked.

"He wants 20% of the profit," Cassandra replied.

"Holy fuck! That seems like a lot!" Jolene exclaimed.

"No, it isn't, Jo," Cassandra replied. "If it was anyone else, he'd be askin' for a lot more. This is a family deal just for me, and you all are my family now too. And we gotta consider that we could never afford a place like this on our own, and havin' a place like this is going to mean we can jack our rates way the fuck up and still pack the place out. Our profits, less Pa's take, are going to be way bigger than what we would have got otherwise. I mean, what were we considerin' before? Maybe a half dozen girls? Now we can look at maybe ten times that many. Plus, the porn profits and Jo's agency idea are all ours. Pa only wants part of the resort's take."

"You're dead right, Cass," Jolene admitted. "I should've thought of that. I guess I've never had to think this big! As long as you deal with him exclusively, though, Cass. I'm not sure I can face him again."

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