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Casey's Rise Ch. 10

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The new Crescent Girls.
6.9k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 07/28/2020
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This is a sequel to "Casey's Fall" which takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as "The State". There are many elements in this story that will be more enjoyable and make more sense if you read that first.

Themes include CMNF, CFNF, ENF, exhibitionism, porn, coercion, some reluctance, non-consent and D/s, and occasional violence if it's relevant to the story or character development.


Amelia spent an inordinately long time selecting the right dress after preparing her hair and makeup. Maybe it was silly, since very soon she wouldn't be wearing anything at all anymore, but somehow it seemed important. She looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. This was the last time she would see herself clothed. Was she actually doing this? It seemed so hard to believe. Could she really commit to a life of nudity? Would the clit piercing hurt? Would she get used to the butt-plug?

Elsewhere, all of the other girls who had made the final cut were having similar thoughts. Some like Ellie were nervously excited. Others were more slightly terrified, but still looking forward to new lives with much brighter outlooks just the same. Many idolised Casey and wanted to be just like her, thinking that if she could do it then they could too.

Casey also was nervous. She was about to take responsibility for a lot of young lives. These girls' futures would now be in her hands. Thankfully she had Greg, Cassandra, Jolene, and Amelia helping out, and together they seemed to have everything organised. The school enrolments were taken care of, several studios were on standby, there was a room with piles of brand-new laptops, cameras and sex toys, the piercer was teed up with 26 new matching clit rings, and the salon was booked for the depilations. She'd even called Judge Sturt to bring him up to speed, and he'd made the decision to send a court employee to The Crescent to take care of the nudist registrations and indenture signings. He figured it would be less disruptive and easier to manage that way, rather than having all of the girls queuing up and stripping in the courthouse.

Casey sat beside the court's representative in the lobby at The Crescent. They'd set up a desk, and had a pile of indenture agreements, nudist registrations and of course the tattoo machine. Girls were starting to arrive with suitcases in tow, but some only carried handbags. Casey knew they'd be nervous, so she got up to talk to them, and hopefully put them somewhat at ease. Cassandra and Jolene also milled around the arriving girls. Casey spotted Ellie.

"All set, Ellie?" Casey asked.

"Oh my God, Casey. I'm so excited," Ellie replied with her eyes shining. "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm really looking forward to it as well. Are we really going to be living here now? It's so beautiful."

"Yes, we have rooms for you all in the first building," Casey replied with a smile. "Unfortunately, we haven't had time to make your beds up or anything. That might be the first thing we all tackle once all this is out of the way."

"Are we getting pierced today as well?"

"Yes, that's all organised," Casey confirmed. "Amelia will be going with you once she gets here. Oh, let me introduce you to my partner, Greg."

Greg came over at Casey's beckoning.

"Greg, this is Ellie, one of the new girls joining us."

"Pleased to meet you," Greg responded as he shook her hand.

"Greg will be your driver today," Casey continued. "We hired a minibus, but we might buy one eventually, I think. We'll see how we go, though."

Casey then caught sight of Amelia walking in through the door.

"Excuse me for a moment," Casey said to Ellie, and then practically ran to Amelia.

"You made it!" Casey exclaimed as she took Amelia into an embrace.

"I'm all in, Casey," Amelia smiled. "I'm nervous as hell, but really excited as well. Is everyone here yet?"

"I'm so happy you're joining us," Casey responded as she broke away again. "Umm... we're still waiting on a few. Would you mind helping me talk to them and make sure they're all ok? I'm sure there's a lot of nerves going on."

"Yeah sure," Amelia replied as she noticed a familiar face. "Anita!"

Amelia went over to give Anita a hug and they chatted excitedly. Casey saw another familiar face. She was standing by herself looking nervous. It was the red-haired girl she knew had a tattoo on her shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Casey," she greeted.

"Patrice," the girl replied, taking her hand.

"Nervous?" Casey asked.

"Shitting my pants," Patrice replied honestly. "I have to thank you, though. I never thought I'd ever do anything like this but it's a tremendous opportunity. I've been working at a fishmonger, and lately I've been wondering if that's all there was to life."

"OMG, what a waste!" Casey cried. "You're so beautiful! The world needs to see you. Don't worry, this will be a bit freaky for a while, but you're in for a life of glamour now. No more stinky fish to worry about at least."

"Thanks, Casey," Patrice replied with a smile. "Yes, I'm sure I'll be ok."

Just then Cassandra came over and gave Casey a kiss.

"Everyone's here, Case," Cassandra informed her. "No one backed out at all."

"Thanks, Cassandra. That's wonderful to hear," Casey replied. Then she turned to address all of the girls. "Ok everyone. We're all here. If I could just get everyone to form a queue, we'll get all of the paperwork out of the way. After that we'll take a tour of the resort and show you your rooms. We have a bunch of laptops and some other tools of the trade for you, and then we'll have some lunch and head downtown for your pubic hair treatments and the piercings. If anyone is freaking out about anything, please talk to us."

Casey then took up position at the temporary desk as the girls queued up in front of it. Soon indentures and nudist registrations were being signed, and one by one the room filled with naked and freshly tattooed girls. Greg decided that as much as he wanted to be there, they might feel a bit more comfortable if he made himself scarce, so he went out to the kitchen to start preparing lunch for everyone.

Amelia, now completely nude, stood beside Casey once she'd received her tattoo.

"OMG, Casey I did it!" she cried as the last of them received their tattoos, and the lobby was now filled with naked and some very nervous women. Most seemed to be accepting it reasonably well and were smiling excitedly, despite their nervousness.

Casey stood to give Amelia a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Amelia, and so glad to have you on board," Casey gushed.

"I can't believe I'm going to be naked everywhere I go now for the rest of my life!" Amelia replied, smiling.

"It'll take some getting used to, but you'll get there," Casey assured her. "I'm here for you anytime you need me, but this is a good thing. You'll see."

"I know it is, Casey. I'm proud of you too."

"Thanks, Amelia," Casey replied before turning to the group. "Ok, ladies, have we got everyone? Is everyone reasonably comfortable? Ok, let's go on a tour."

Casey led the way as Amelia and twenty-five newly naked girls followed. The noise of their heels clip clopping on the tiles was surprisingly loud in the otherwise vacant lobby.

"Ok, firstly, this is our restaurant. Behind it over there is the kitchen. Everyone will be rostered on for waiting shifts and helping out in the kitchen. Most of you have met my partner, Greg. He's our chef and will get you trained up with everything you need to know."

Greg stuck his head out through the kitchen door.

"Hi, ladies," he greeted. "Welcome to the Crescent."

"Hi, Greg," they all replied. Greg was more than a little overwhelmed to be in the presence of so many beautiful and naked women. He blushed a little in response.

"Greg's a total sweetie and will look after you," Casey continued as Greg went back into the kitchen. "You see there's a bar here too. Anyone with bar or barista experience will get first crack here and can help to train everyone else. There's another bar outside at the pool, and another through here, which is our private members' room."

Casey led the girls into the private lounge, noticing that the noise from their heels dulled slightly as they moved onto the carpet, but it was still surprisingly loud. Twenty-five people, plus Amelia, Cassandra and Jolene, didn't seem like a lot on paper, but seeing them as a group and hearing the noise they made was quite an experience. She gulped again at the responsibility she carried, before leading them back to the lobby.

"Ok, through this door you'll find all of our stores. Here's where you'll find all of the linen, toilet paper and other room supplies for yourselves as well as guests. You'll find tampons here as well, as you need them."

"Oh, what do we do when we have our periods? Now that we're naked, it's going to be hard to hide it. Can we still perform, or do we have to take a break? What about going out in public?" the girl Casey remembered as Dottie asked.

"Dottie, isn't it?" Casey asked. Dottie nodded in response. "Periods are normal, and nothing to be ashamed of. It's something we should be proud of as women, along with everything else about our bodies. But it is something to be aware of when you're trying to look sexy. All you need to do is cut most of the string off when you're in the public eye. Play your webcam duties by ear. There may be some days you'll need to opt out, but on most days there's still a lot you can still do to keep the tips coming in when you can't really do much in the way of insertions."

"Oh ok. Is that all? I was thinking it would be complicated and gross. No worries, thanks, Casey," Dottie replied. "What about our make-up and other products?"

"We've set up an account with a local store so you can go shopping for yourselves. Just check with Jolene first. There's not an unlimited budget, but I'm sure you'll find products that will meet your needs. For anyone unsure of that sort of thing, Suzanne, who runs the store knows her stuff and will steer you in the right direction."

The girls all nodded, many realising with some concern that going shopping would now mean being nude in public.

"Ok, over here of course is our reception desk," Casey continued, leading them back out into the main lobby. "A couple of you will be on here to receive guests and answer any queries that come in. Behind it through that door is our main office where you'll find Jolene most of the time. Ok, over this way..."

Casey then led them back across the lobby and into a carpeted hallway.

"The bottom two floors in this building are your private quarters. Later when we come back, Cassandra will have your room assignments, and we'll help you set up your laptops and connect to the Wi-Fi. You'll need to make up your beds too."

"Will we be going online today?" one girl asked.

"No, not yet," Casey replied. "I think we have enough to worry about getting everything set up around here and getting enough of us trained up in the various duties in the resort. We'll worry about the porn stuff later after we're all settled."

There was a murmur of disappointment from several girls, much to Casey's surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Casey asked with some concern. "Did some of you want to?"

"Um..." Ellie started. "I'm not sure I can speak for everyone, but I've been thinking about what I'll be doing here for over a week now. I'm ready for it, and now that I've just become a full-time nudist... um... well, let's just say I'm having trouble concentrating on what you're saying..."

"Oh ok," Casey replied, empathising with how they might be feeling. She knew how being nude in public still affected her. She just hadn't anticipated that these girls would feel the same way so soon. "Well, I thought most of you would probably rather be eased into the porn side of things, but yeah, I get the effect that becoming nudists just now might be having on you. Who'd like to go straight into the first porn lesson before we break for lunch?"

Almost everyone put up their hands.

"Oh, hell yes," Cassandra responded. "Waddya say, Casey? Dildos or Lushes?"

"Um... well, the Lushes aren't charged, and the laptops aren't set up yet, so I guess it'll have to be dildos. Is everyone cool with that?" Casey asked. "For those who don't feel they're quite ready yet, please don't feel like you have to."

"I'd like to encourage everyone to do it anyway, even if you're feeling a bit nervous," Jolene added. "The first time is always the hardest, but once you get it done and out of the way, it gets easier."

"Ok then. I guess we'll have our first porn lesson today then. Cassandra, would you like to take care of this?" Casey asked her.

"Sure thing, Case," Cassandra replied. "Ok, girlfriends. Everyone grab a chair and follow me out to the lobby again then."

Soon they had the chairs set up in two rows, and each of the girls was given a bag containing their toys.

"Ok, first we gotta get butt-plugs in you all. Find that little fucker in your bags. You'll need to wet it a bit first, and then just push. It'll feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but once it goes in it's not so bad."

Casey, Jolene, and Amelia moved around the girls, helping anyone struggling and giving them tips. Amelia then took position amongst the girls and offered help and moral support to those around her.

"Ok, everyone plugged up?" Cassandra continued. "Now I think we might need to spread these chairs out a bit so you've got room to get your legs out. One of the things you gotta learn is pussy pride, and that means gettin' your legs right open so folks can see what you got!"

Chairs were dragged as the girls spread out. Soon all eyes were on Cassandra again. Cassandra also had a chair facing them.

"Ok, now grab this dildo out of your bags," she continued while demonstrating. "It's a good sized one to start with. Then what you wanna do is stick it on the chair with its suction cap. Then you wanna get a leg each side of the chair and spread out as wide as you can, like I am. Then squat down until it goes in. If you need some lube, Casey's got that handy so just sing out."

Cassandra allowed the dildo to penetrate her vagina, and then pushed down on it until she was almost resting on the chair. Ellie and a couple of the other girls quickly followed, almost before Cassandra had finished speaking. Some of the others were looking a bit awkward.

"Anyone need some lube?" Casey asked. A few hands went up, so she went around.

"Ok, now when you got it inside, you wanna go up and down, and grind that bitch," Cassandra went on, demonstrating as she spoke. "Do what feels good. The more you like it, the more people watchin' will too. Give your titties a squeeze too if you like that. Oh God, I'm likin' it. I think I'm gonna cum soon."

The room was a sea of moaning and spread-out girls fucking the dildos on the chairs. Jolene went to one girl who was hunched over in a strange way with her hand on the dildo as she attempted to get it inside her.

"Once you get it in, you'll want to sit up straight and tilt your pelvis forward," Jolene counselled. "If you need to hold the dildo after that, it's better if you reach around from behind so you're not blocking the view of your pussy."

At last, it penetrated, and she straightened up and gave Jolene a smile.

"That's it!" Jolene smiled with encouragement. "Now just relax and enjoy yourself."

"Thanks, Jolene,' she replied, still smiling but also twitching as she worked the dildo inside her. "I'm a bit scared, but I'm also so wet. This is blowing my mind!"

"You'll get there, darling," Jolene smiled. "Yes, what you're doing is perfect now. Ok, I'll leave you to it."

Jolene left her and went around giving tips to some of the other girls. Dottie looked up at Jolene with pained eyes just as she walked by, and then had an orgasm right in front of her. Soon everyone appeared to have had orgasms. Some were even working on their second one.

"Ok, it looks like most of you have cum," Casey announced. "For those of you who haven't yet, please don't feel pressured to stop if you don't want to. When we're all done, we'll clean up and then break for lunch."

Greg had trays of sandwiches and jugs of orange juice in the restaurant ready for them all by the time they got there. Many of the girls were still obviously conscious of their nudity in their post-orgasmic state, but some like Ellie were revelling in it.

The real test for many of them came afterwards when they stepped out in public for the first time, wearing nothing apart from their high-heeled shoes. Traffic stopped as the girls made their way from the bus to the salon to receive their depilation procedures, which turned out to be a fairly long walk due to the limited parking spots available for the bus.

"Oh my God, Casey!" Amelia exclaimed as they made their way along the footpaths. "This feels so bizarre to be walking in the street completely nude. I feel like I'm going to get arrested at any moment!"

Casey laughed.

"I remember exactly what that feels like," she replied. "It took me months before it felt kind of normal, but even now I still feel conscious of it. I mean, look at all of those people over there watching us. You'd swear they had something different underneath their clothes, and they'd never seen anything like us before."

"Oh God! They're filming us!" Amelia noted.

"Yeah, you get that a lot," Casey responded. "Just ignore them if it bothers you."

"It doesn't seem to bother Ellie. Look at her!" Amelia pointed.

"Yes, she's on a whole other level," Casey laughed as she watched Ellie swinging her hips in an exaggerated manner while smiling at the onlookers.

"The butt-plug feels weird, especially while I'm walking, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be," Amelia added.

"True, yes," Casey admitted. "I hated it at first but now I barely notice it. I guess I'm so used to it now that I'd feel even more naked without it these days."

"This tattoo hurt a bit more than I expected too and it's kind of itchy now," Amelia continued.

"Yeah, you get that at first but it'll pass," Casey assured her.

"I'm still worried about getting the piercing. I know you told me it doesn't hurt much, but I'm getting really nervous now."

"Oh, there's really not much to worry about, honestly. It's really just a little prick and it's very quick. It's all over practically before you feel anything. You're not having second thoughts are you, Amelia?"

"Oh no, nothing like that," Amelia responded with a nervous smile. "I'm just a coward."

"Don't worry. I'll be there with you," Casey smiled as she took Amelia's hand.

"I can't imagine getting my nipples pierced like Jolene," Amelia grimaced. "The pain must have been unimaginable."

"She reckons it didn't hurt that much," Casey replied. "A little more than the VCH, sure, but tolerable. For her, the greater pain was that they weren't her choice. She seems to like them now though. Patrice likes hers too. I kind of like them now too. They are kind of hot. Maybe I'll get them myself one day..."

"Oh, please don't make nipple piercings part of the Crescent Girl brand as well," Amelia begged while looking at Casey in horror. "I'm not sure I'd have the courage to go that far."

Casey laughed.

"No, that'll always be a choice for those who want them," she assured Amelia.

"Speaking of Jolene, is she not with us?" Amelia asked.

"No, she and Cassandra stayed back to set up the cams and laptops in everyone's rooms and get the Lushes charged and synced up," Casey explained. "We weren't going to do that today, but after the enthusiasm everyone showed before lunch, we thought it might be better on them psychologically, since they seemed to be mentally prepared for it and were expecting it anyway. Some of them are really horny which I should have considered might happen."


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