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Cassie Wants Her Spanking in Public

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A couple are invited to watch Cassie’s birthday spanking.
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When Carl asked Cassie how she wanted to celebrate her 30th birthday he was surprised by her hesitation. She said that there was something that she really wanted but was not sure whether it was possible. It took all of Carl's powers of persuasion before she unusually quietly said I want you to completely dominate me, spank me and cane me.

"I am always delighted to spank and cane you. I will be very happy to do so whenever and however you want."

"Well that is the more tricky bit. I want you to do it in front of some of our friends. I want it to be embarrassing and humiliating in the extreme. I want you to be more dominant, controlling and rough with me than ever before."

"Well that really is a bit different, but a very exciting prospect. We would have to pick which of our friends we would invite. Could you just imagine how Jack and June would feel about it?"

"Funny you mention them. I would have said exactly the same but June has been asking me how she can get Jack to take her over his knee and give her a good spanking. She might just surprise us both. Jack is a completely different case."

"I agree about him being a little straitlaced but he has always had the hots for you. He had too much to drink one night and admitted that you were the only woman other than June he had ever wanted to make love to. Well that was not the exact words he used but he said he found you absolutely stunning."

"Well, well I never thought he had it in him. They say you have to watch the quiet ones. Jack has always flirted within his straitlaced way but there is no way he is ever going to put his dick in my pussy. We might however be able to help June with her wish to interest Jack in spanking by inviting them."

It was agreed that Cassie would sound June out. June could not hide her excitement at the invite and said Jack would be delighted too. On the evening it was Cassie who was stunned by the excitement that she felt. As she came out of the shower Carl had laid out a new matching set of bra and panties in black both of which were opaque. When Cassie had pulled these on she asked Carl whether he had forgotten something.

"Oh yes I am sorry darling there is one more thing you need to wear."

With this he produced a collar that he placed round her neck. He handed her the attached lead before standing back and admiring how sexy she looked. She knew she looked sexy and vulnerable but was surprised how aroused it was making her feel.

"Go down stairs and kneel over the stool that I have put in the middle of the lounge. From this minute you are to be totally submissive to me. You will also be submissive to our guests unless I tell you otherwise. Do you understand fully?"

"Yes I understand fully."

"It does not sound like you do. Try answering that question correctly."

"Yes I fully understand Sir."

"That is better. Any failure to address me correctly, tardiness or disobeying instructions will be punished. Don't forget not all punishment is enjoyable."

For some reason being bent over the stool dressed as she was greatly ramped up her sense of vulnerability and the wetness of her near naked pussy. When the doorbell rang she panicked realizing that there would be three people shortly seeing her complete submissiveness. If she could have backed out right at that moment she would have.

"Don't delay, go and let our guests in."

Jack's eyes nearly came out on storks, as he could not help staring at the vision of her near nakedness in front of him. He lingered on her firm medium sized boobs but more specifically the huge dark nipples that were clearly visible through the thin opaque bra. June had to push him through the doorway, as he seemed too mesmerized to move.

Cassie was back over the stool before Carl established what drinks were required and she was sent to pour them. June took her drink from the tray offered but Jack took much longer requiring Cassie to take his drink off the tray and place it on the small table next to him. He hoped that the very low cut bra would slip off her nipple as she bent but the nipple was so large and erect the bra never looked like giving up its prize.

"Do you often spank Cassie, Carl?"

"Oh yes we both love our sessions when I spank Cassie. It does excite her to heights she is quite unable to reach without being spanked. Well actually it is not just being spanked it is feeling pain that she can translate into extreme levels of sexual pleasure. Do you enjoy being spanked June?"

The question seemed to completely disarm June. Carl sensing her discomfort moved on. He said that Cassie would be submissive to all three of them. Jack sat forward and asked Carl to clarify what he had just said.

"I said that Cassie must follow all instructions from any of us in the room."

Jack looked at his wife who warned him to behave himself without saying a word. Carl again diffused the situation by adding.

"Just so no one is concerned at any time, this was Cassie's wish. She will be punished and that punishment will be painful. It may at times feel like she wishes it to stop. She has a safe word but I would be staggered if she uses it. She has never done so in the past. She finds the vulnerability, embarrassment, humiliation and pain hugely arousing. I have no doubt that you have noticed that she is very aroused already. This will only increase as things progress."

As he said this he stood to the side of Cassie so that the guests could see as he tapped Cassie's legs. She opened her legs further and a line of moisture could be clearly seen along the length of her pussy. Even as the light played the shape and color of her aroused pussy could be just made out by all. Carl ran his fingers down from the center of her bottom along her pussy and just past her clit. Her slight movement made it clear that she welcomed this contact and craved for more. The path of his fingers back to her anus was much firmer pushing the lightweight panties into her pouting pussy.

"Would either of you like to have a closer view and tell us how aroused Cassie is?"

Jack looked crestfallen as a very positive June was by Cassie's side in seconds. Without anything said she repeated the caress of the helpless Cassie's bottom and pussy.

"Be a good girl and lift your bottom further so that June can remove those wet panties of yours."

June loved the power that the instruction gave her. She pulled the panties down in one slow movement. As she did so the fresh smell of aroused pussy hit her nostrils. She could not resist tracing the same line as before but found her fingers enveloped by the swollen wet pussy.

"Well to say that Cassie's is aroused is an understatement. She is nearly dripping wet and her aroma is exquisite."

With this June put her mouth next to her friend's ear and whispered that she wished that Jack could get her so excited. And that she needed to get someone to dominate her and spank her.

Cassie had fantasized about being dominated and punished in public but had not expected that the preparation for the punishment could be this exciting. Carl had pulled up an armless chair and invited Cassie to get across his lap. He positioned her so that not only he was facing the guests but also her bottom was. Cassie was tucked under his left side with her legs straddling his left leg. Cassie felt his leg between her legs and settled so that her legs wrapped round it.

"I am going to give her a dozen spanks that will be no more than love pats. These will be followed by a dozen firm spanks and then a further dozen that will sting her and redden her cheeks. You will not make a noise during these and you will not rub yourself against my leg."

The guests were now focused on Cassie's bottom, or at least very close to her bottom. The first were not as gentle as they expected and the second dozen sounded and looked very firm. The third group was delivered with considerable force and June in particular was amazed that Cassie appeared to not react at all. By the time the third group was delivered Cassie's bottom was bright red across the whole area.

"You may notice that her pussy that was wet and aroused before the spanking is now a deep red and positively flowing. If you are in doubt see the state of my trouser leg. Do I have a volunteer to administer the next sets of spanks? Do you have any experience of spanking Jack?"

Jack thought that having to admit that he had no experience would prevent Carl from accepting him as a volunteer. He nodded his head with disappointment.

"Well you have the opportunity to put that right now. June would you like Jack to gain some experience of spanking a naked bottom?"

This took the wind out of her sails. She had been about to protest but stopped herself as she realized that Jack would be unlikely to refuse to spank her if he had had spanked Cassie. She therefore added her encouragement.

"Make sure you really spank her naughty bottom well. Don't hold back on her."

Jack sat on the armless chair with Cassie standing in front of him. He knew he had to take control of Cassie to play his role.

"Step out of your panties and take your bra off. Then get yourself across my lap and get ready for a hard spanking. You have permission to make as much noise as you want. You will thank me after each spank and ask me nicely to spank you again."

The mild mannered Jack taking complete control over the usually strong willed Cassie stunned both Carl and June. June could only imagine what it would feel like if Jack behaved with her as he was now with Cassie. Cassie was not the only female in the room excited by the idea of receiving a spanking.

Jack was not finished surprising his audience. As Cassie bent over his lap he reached in front of her and guided her movements by holding one of her erect nipples. He was not gentle as he rolled it firmly as he pulled her into position. To her surprise he held it as he delivered the first hard spank. She pulled up with the impact and he pinched her nipple hard to keep her still.

"I said you could make as much noise as you want but if you want to keep you nipple attached to your boob I suggest you keep still."

"Thank you for spanking me, please spank me again."

The tension in the room was palpable and there wasn't a soft cock or a dry pussy to be found. Cassie exploded each time Jack's hand landed on her now burning hot cheeks. After a dozen visits to her cheeks he rested his hand right over the heart of the spanked area. She couldn't resist pushing up slightly so his hand slid onto her enflamed pussy lips. With a loud "tut" he obliged her and played briefly working round to her rock-hard clit. She panicked briefly as she was afraid that she would loss control and grind her clit hard down on his leg. That would only have one possible outcome.

"It looks like you have mastered this spanking game Jack. You also seemed to have mastered Cassie as well. I think it is time to let June deliver the last of the spankings, as Cassie looks like she is more than ready to move on to the whip or cane. Would you like to do that June?"

As excited as June had found everything that had gone on she had not expected to be involved in delivering a spanking. The thought alone excited her more than she thought possible.

"Excellent I don't think Cassie has ever been spanked by a female. Nice to have another first for her birthday."

When Cassie was settled over June's knee June took her time firstly caressing the spanked area very gently. She changed this to using her nails to lightly scratch the sensitive area. Cassie was making a sound like a cat mewing in satisfaction. She was raising her bottom right off the lap to try and get more and more focused contact. When Cassie's bottom was pushed high in the air June was able to run her hand right round the liquefied pussy until she found the hard clit.

"I thought that Cassie was aroused before but she feels about ready to explode right now."

With this she settled Cassie back down on her knee. She wanted to spank her harder than anyone had done to date but found that instead she settled into relatively mild rhythmic spanking that felt erotic rather than punishing. If the noises that Cassie made were anything to go on she was finding it even more erotic. It was Carl who took control again.

"Sometimes a spanking can look and feel more like making love can't it? I think that Cassie is clearly enjoying your attentions June but I think it is time to move to the next stage. I am going to cane her. Given how excited she clearly is I am going to start with just six but this will be quite firm. Please do not be disturbed by the noise she will make it helps her process the pain and turn it into pleasure. Normally I cane her while she is stretched across the table. This works well as when I feel she is ready for it I am able to enter her and bring her to the orgasm or orgasms she has earned.

Today I think it would be nice if both of you could see her struggle close up as she is caned and processes the pain. If you go to the far side of the table you could each hold one of her hands and ensure she stays stretched taut. If you are uncomfortable with this you are welcome to leave. Once we see how she behaves under the cane we can decide whether she has earned a less painful form of pleasuring.

Wild horses could not have got either June or Jack out of the room without witnessing Cassie's final humiliation and hopefully her orgasm. They were around the far side of the table waiting for Cassie to reach across to them. June even found a small cushion that she placed for Cassie to rest her head on. When June stroked Cassie's face Cassie managed to capture her finger with her mouth and gently sucked on it.

Cassie was facing June with eyes that were ablaze with sexual excitement. June was almost tempted to lean forward and kiss a female for the first time for many years. Everything changed when the cane landed for the first time. A stifled moan was all Cassie managed as she almost bit the finger in her mouth. June started to gently fuck Cassie's mouth with her finger. Carl smiled as he watched his desperate wife trying to get some sexual satisfaction out of this harmless action. He took his time before landing the cane forcefully again.

Now it was Cassie's hips that were out of control as she sort to fuck an invisible prick. They were still dancing when the cane landed again. Finger or not she screamed and her body lost all tension before tensing for the fourth, which she seemed to sense, would follow quickly. When this landed she actually spoke for the first time since Jack and June arrived.

"Fuck that last one stung. I am on fire down there. Please don't hold back on the last two. My whole body is alive and the pain has just started to morph into sexual arousal. If I could take enough pain I am sure I would orgasm from caning alone. That would be sweet but I would prefer to be fucked by your wonderful prick. Take me with cane or prick whichever you wish."

"Anyone would think you have some choice in what will be done to your beautiful body. I might change my mind and leave it to our guests to decide whether you are caned to orgasm, fucked to orgasm or sent to bed as the ultimate punishment."

"I am sorry Sir. I did not mean to suggest that I could influence your choices. I just wanted to explain to our guests how I was feeling right now. It would in deed be humiliating to be dominated by our guests."

"June, be kind enough to lie on your back on the floor. If you would like lots of involvement feel free to take your clothes off. I have put a cushion there to raise your head so that you can comfortably lick Cassie just where she needs it. Cassie when June is settled kneel over her face facing away from her. Jack you take the flogger and I will retain the cane. Cassie will not be able to take much more but I think the kindest thing will be to flog her while June finds her clit."

Carl had everyone in place. Cassie lowered herself onto June's mouth while being able to offer her blazing bottom to Jack to flog. June did not lie flat but raised her knees and opened her legs in the hope that one of the men would take sympathy on her. Carl was very aware how aroused June was and tapped her pussy and clit with the cane. He was gentle with it knowing that June had not even been spanked before. Jack was not so gentle with Cassie as he struck her time and time again with no break.

It was just what Cassie wanted and she wanted him to strike her even harder. Carl knew what she wanted even more at this stage and took the flogger from Jack. He was able to strike June much harder with the flogger rather than the cane. He expected her to close her legs but instead she simply said

"Fucking hell that is unbelievable."

Jack was astonished by what he was watching but Carl's next comment changed everything.

"Cassie if you would like Jack to fuck you, you have one chance to ask him very nicely to do so. I suspect that he would be more than happy to give June what she wants right now if you do not ask nicely. I don't think I will repeat what you said earlier about Jack fucking you."

June made a noise to protest before the flogger landed squarely on her excited clit. Her husband's prick was only inches from her face as it slipped effortlessly into Cassie's appreciative pussy. She concentrated on retaining as much contact with Cassie's clit as her husband fucked deeply. It took just a couple of deep thrusts before Cassie lost all control. Each violent spasm was accompanied by a scream of pleasure. These went on and on as Jack fucked harder and harder.

Carl had delivered the flogger a couple of dozen times before he lent forwards and went down on June finding her hot wet and very aroused. Her clit was swollen from the repeated flogging and his mouth was pure perfection. She thought she would orgasm before he sat back up and started the flogging again.

June was totally confused. She wanted him to lick her, she wanted him to flog her but it stunned her that most of all she wanted him to fuck her. The flogging was taking her to heights of excitement that she had never experienced or known possible. It was in an almost apologetic voice June said.

"Please Carl just fuck me."

Carl pulled June out from under the still fucking couple and laid down on his back. June mounted him with enthusiasm. Cassie had started a second orgasm or her first had changed dramatically. Jack was riding her from behind with a huge smile on his face but knew he would not be able to hold back much longer. He was right as he exploded deep inside Cassie. As he reluctantly pulled out Carl said.

"I think June would appreciate a spanking every bit as much as she is enjoying my cock. She has been very naughty tonight. Jack you could spank or flog her while she fucks me. June lent forward and Jack flogged her with no malice but great pleasure. She urged him on telling him to hit her harder. Suddenly her movements changed from smooth to frantic as she dissolved into a powerful and very fulfilling orgasm. When this finished Carl withdrew and invited Cassie to replace her friend. Jack turned June over and entered her lovingly and the evening finished with both couples making love next to each other.

June got her wish to get Jack into spanking her, which brought a new passion to their sex life. The next time the two couples got together Jack spanked Cassie and Carl spanked June. Jack had learned to spank June quickly but that night Carl taught her to embrace pain of a hard caning in a way she had never thought possible. Her third orgasm of the evening was as she shared a 69 with Cassie to entertain their spent husbands.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love all of your publications. Just can't figure out how you can produce that much with that quality. Just dob't stop !

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