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Catherine's Black Submission


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As Roy peeled the bathing suit off of Catherine's sensuous body, she stroked his long, hard black cock. It was a hot day and their bodies were already glistening with sweat. Who needed a gym when they could lose weight fucking each other's brains out?

With his hands firmly gripping Catherine's ass, Roy said, "Once you're pregnant, woman, I want to share you with my friends. I want them to enjoy your cunt as much as I have, knowing that my breeding will be safe.

"You'll like being fucked by these men. They all have big dicks and in no time you'll be the perfect black cock slut." They then proceeded to the bedroom, where the stud fucked his mare, over and over again.

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Bonz123456Bonz123456over 1 year ago

I am slut to all men, race and age do not matter

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

do you want to see your wife satisfied and really happy get the loving wife a bbc. she will love it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

all you people who want this kind of shit are sick mothers you should be all be infected with aids ane every sickness thire is you are all sick scum ..............................................................................................................

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 3 years ago

I have shared all my women over the years with several of my Black Buddies. I know several of them really loved the sex, but I guess I am really lucky that nothing like this ever happened to me. Maybe it was because I'm was as big as them, maybe it was because half of them were married or maybe they cared for me enough not to get that carried away. I don't know. 5 stars to writer. Good job describing the Nightmare as one of the possible outcomes of sharing your wife with another lover.

tonguethapuckertonguethapuckerabout 4 years ago

Good story, shame you didn't do more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nigdy w życiu

nie oddałbym mojej zony pod kilka czarnych kutasów - tylko jeden wielki czarny potężny murzyn z pięknym , grubym penisem [ 8,5 cala - 6,5 cala naokoło a grzyb - 7 cali ] wielkimi ,pełnymi spermy jadrami i gotowy naruchać piątkę lub więcej małych murzynków - uwielbiałbym wtedy moja ślubną gdyż mój mały siusiak nie nadaje się do ruchania

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