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Caught and Bred in an RPG

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An erotic portal fantasy with evil elf breeding.
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*All characters are 18+. This is fiction for erotic entertainment only; I do not condone nonconsensual sex.*

This story was written for ChloeTzang's 2023 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event.


"Ta-da!" Matt, our DM, ripped off the sheet covering his newest diorama.



"Wow, how long did that take?"

My friends and I admired the elaborate terrain map sprawling across the table. Matt grinned as he pointed out the different areas and pieces. We made the appropriate appreciative noises. This was a new campaign, and Matt always spent forever on these dioramas.

After he described most of the map, I juggled my mini and checked the time. "Is Corey coming?"

Matt shrugged. "He couldn't make it." We nodded. Flaky D&D players. It's like we have lives or something.

At Matt's direction, we carefully set our minis on an open field. I'd chosen to be a rogue this time —versatile, agile, and the most useful class in my opinion. Jessica dropped her tall, busty character. She usually played a mage, and this character looked to fit her norm. I glanced at Devon's character sheet —a barbarian. Eh. Brute force was boring.

A light caught my eyes. I pointed at the town near the edge of the map. "Ooh, how'd you make this door? It's so glowy."

Matt hesitated. "What? I didn't... huh."

Jessica reached forward. "What's inside?" She touched the door as we all leaned in.

"It's just the tavern, but—"

Light flashed.

"What the fuck!" Devon yelled as we all fell onto the floor. Or rather, the grass? Our chairs were gone. So was the table and the room. We were outside, in a grassy field next to a forest.

"What just happened? Where are we? How..." Jessica picked herself up, looking around wildly.

I was still dazed, staring at the tall trees and blue skies, my mind refusing to come to terms with my surroundings. We were inside, in Matt's apartment. Why was there a field of grass in Matt's apartment? I stood up, dizzy with confusion.

"Hey... where's Matt?" I asked.

"Um, hello?" A booming voice made us all duck. Then...

"Matt?!" I stared at the sky. There was nothing there, but it sounded like him.

"Uh, yeah? Are you guys... ok?"

Jessica covered her ears. "Don't shout!"


Devon looked up. "What the fuck's happening, Matt?!"

"I don't know!" He shouted. Then quieter, "Sorry. You guys look like minis. Like, your characters, but with your faces."

We took a moment to examine ourselves. I burst out laughing.

Jessica looked just like her character—a strip of cloth barely covering her huge breasts, a little more fabric around her tiny waist, dangling haphazardly between her long legs and over her big ass. Devon was just wearing some baggy pants and sandals—no shirt, but unlike real life, he had some impressive muscles.

Which meant I had to be wearing strips of tight leather that served as female armor in these things. Ooh, and bracers. I posed a little, then laughed again.

"This is like LARPing," I giggled. Jessica gave me an incredulous look. Devon flexed a muscle, looking impressed with himself.

"Oh, crap." Matt sounded odd. "Uh, guys? Roll initiative."

"What do you mean...?" Apparently, I rolled a fifteen. Not bad.

"Roll—what the fuck, just get us out of here!" Jessica yelled.

"I don't know how either! But the enemies are attacking first," Matt said. An arrow shot out of the woods.

"Woah! Can I dodge?" The arrow was hovering in the air halfway toward me, but I couldn't seem to move.

"No, you don't have evade yet, and your AC isn't good enough. It's a hit."

"Ow! Fuck!" The arrow thunked into my shoulder. The pain was very real. "Ok, this isn't funny anymore. Get us out of here!"

"Oh, shit! Ok, ok!" Matt yelled back. "Just hang on. These guys aren't even supposed to be here! They're way above your level—I made them for a totally different area."

"Oh, great, so we're dead?" Jessica threw up her hands.

"Maybe that's how we get out," Devon said.

Jessica scowled. "Or that's how we die. No, thanks, let's try something else first. Matt, can you pick us up?"

Silence for a moment, then a loud, "Fuck!" Followed by, "No. I can't touch the minis. It just zapped me."

Great. In the meantime, one of our assailants had moved within sight—an elf. An actual, real as you could get elf. He was taller than me with light copper skin and flowing golden hair. I was caught for a moment in his vibrant blue eyes. Then he smirked and his lips moved silently, a pinch of rose petals in his fingers.

"Oh, fuck," was the last thing I heard from Matt's echoing voice.

"Hello? Can you guys hear me?"

The world was dark. I blinked and squinted. Or maybe I was blindfolded. My hands and feet were also tied tightly behind my back as I lay on the ground.

Well, this was better than being dead.

"Dev? Jess! Carlie?!"

I winced. "I'm here. Don't shout."

"Oh, thank God. I couldn't really tell what was going on until you woke up. Um, are you ok?"

I tested my bindings. "A little tied up, but otherwise... wait, what happened to that arrow?"

"Oh, your character took a D4 of damage. Just one. You should be fine. I mean, your character's fine?"

I didn't feel pain anymore. Odd. Maybe damage followed the game's rules. "Ok, yeah, but what's going on? Can I get out of these ropes? Where's everyone else?"

Silence for a few moments. "They're—" He coughed and cleared his throat. "Dev and Jess are—" He paused again. "Seriously? Do a perception check."

"What?! Ok, fine." I tried to listen to what was around me.

"That did it. I couldn't tell you anything until you rolled. This is really weird. The elves are murmuring quietly nearby, and you can hear the crackling of a fire, smell the smoke. It's probably evening—you seem to be facing away from the fire but can see dim light from beneath your blindfold. It sounds like Dev is waking up next to you."

As he narrated, I registered all those things, like I was just picking up the smells and sounds. "Dev? You ok?" I turned my head.

"Huh? Yeah. I think," he grumbled.

"...What the fuck?" Jessica mumbled at the same time. I heard some frantic shuffling, then she shouted, "Oh my God, I'm naked! What the fuck is going on?!"

The elves laughed. One of them spoke from right next to me, "You are a pretty one, human. What is your name? Jess?"

"Get your hands off me!" She mumbled something about missiles.

"That's not gonna do much..."

Three light thumps, then soft laughter. "Ooh, that stung. Heh, I like a feisty female. You will be entertaining."

"They're high level. Your skills probably won't have any effect on them."

The elves seemed to ignore Matt. There was some quiet shuffling, then Jessica snarled. "What can we do?! They're groping me!"

Matt was silent for a few seconds. "Um, yeah. I'll think of something. Just... oh, wow you have really big tits. I mean, sorry, uh..."

I stifled a snort of laughter and felt bad. It wouldn't be funny if they were groping me. Jessica didn't have big boobs in real life though. I wondered if my body had changed much. My mini wasn't large-chested, but she was slim and sinewy with wide hips. I wiggled my butt a little.

A cool, long-fingered hand rubbed my ass. "Eager to join your friend?" a soft, lyrical voice murmured into my ear. My muscles tensed. "Be patient. Soon enough, we'll have so much fun together." His laughter shivered down my spine.

"Matt..." I didn't like where this was going.

"Yeah... Working on it. Maybe if I make a new character sheet for someone strong enough to help you guys. Just hold on."

Matt muttered to himself like a storm cloud rumbling ceaselessly. It was a bit unnerving. It also masked the activities around us until I felt hands slide beneath my arms and around my legs, lifting me into the air.

"What—! Oof." I felt air rushing by before landing on a hard surface. Wood, maybe. Two more thumps landed beside me.

"Stop touching me!" Jessica yelled again. Musical laughter danced in the air.

The ground started moving, wobbling gently back and forth, a rhythmic clopping nearby. Horses. We were in a wagon.

"That didn't work. It won't let me add more characters. If Corey was here... maybe I can..."

Long fingers splayed across my chest.

I twisted sharply. "Hey! Hands off!"

Laughter like a gentle flute breezed across my cheek. "Aren't you cute? I like little handfuls of breasts such as yours."

"Oh, for—" I struggled against my bindings and paused. "Can I use disarm traps to get out of these ropes?"

"That's a stretch, but ok. ...Oh, wait, no. There's no point. It's impossible at your level."

The elf squeezed my tits harder. I winced.

Jessica yelped. "Oh my God, no, don't—ugh, stop! Can I charm them?!"

"Uh, no. They're pretty resistant. Is he...? Oh. Um..."

"Argh!" Jessica yelled. "What kind of fucked up elves did you make?!"

"They're just evil! I didn't make them... um. I'm gonna look through the rules."

Jessica groaned as soft squelching sounds came from her direction. My elf chuckled.

Devon didn't make another sound. I hoped he was ok.

"Um... Guys? You're leaving my map. Literally, you're heading off the side of the map, I don't know—"

His voice suddenly cut off. We were on our own.

My head felt strange. I was on my stomach. No—my hips were in the air, my legs spread and bent. I couldn't move. Leather straps circled my wrists, attached to chains that were secured to the cot. I wouldn't call it a bed; it was too small and the cushion wasn't very comfortable.

I yanked my legs and found them similarly bound. There were straps around my ankles, my knees, my hips. I could move my head, but there was a collar on my neck. Other than my bindings, I was naked. I shivered. Stone walls surrounded me and there were thick metal bars behind me—I was in some kind of cell.

Just as I opened my mouth to call out for my friends, I heard Jessica's voice from around the corner, "What the hell... Let me go, you freaks!"

"Jessica!" I shouted.

"Carlie! Help! I'm tied up and these assholes are—ow! Stop that! No, don't—! Mmnh!" Her words were suddenly muffled. A low voice mumbled something about biting.

"Jess?" I shouted. "Are you ok? Hey! Leave her alone!" I didn't hear a response except for a quiet groan.

"Devon? Matt?" More silence punctuated by another groan and something that sounded like gagging.

I tested my restraints, trying to use my abilities to escape. Nothing. Like Matt had said, my skills seemed useless.

Jessica coughed a few times, then yelled again. "No! Get away from me! Stop! No! Help!" A sharp slap interrupted her shouting. She yelped.

"No, don't, please—unh! Oh... No! ...Fuck. Oh my God. Oh, fuck..." She groaned, going silent for a minute. Another loud slap and she yelped again, this time with an odd note in her voice.

"Ah! Ah! Ahh... ohh... fuck... no... stop..."

A new sound filtered through the cells—the sound of wet flesh on flesh, fast and hard, over and over again. The blood drained from my face. They were fucking her. This had all been fun and games, maybe a little over the top, but now...

They were going to use me too. Why else was I tied up like this?

Jessica whimpered and moaned, the wet slapping going on and on. The image of poor Jess' huge tits shaking wildly flashed through my mind. That would be me soon enough.

The grunting and moaning grew louder. "Ahh... please... no... don't... What? No! Don't cum inside me! Wait! Ah! Ahh... Nngh..." A deep groan accompanied Jessica's whimper. The elf was pumping her full of cum. Jess sounded so worried, but these weren't our bodies. None of this could be real. It would be fine.

Or maybe they could breed us. What would happen when we left? If we ever left.

They didn't give me much time to panic. A few moments later, my cell door rattled.

"Hello, human. You look quite ready for me. Splendid." Cool fingers stroked my slick entrance. My muscles tensed. I couldn't believe how wet I was from hearing Jessica's moans and protests.

"No, wait. There-there's been a mistake. We're not who you think we are. Please."

He chuckled, the rich sound tingling my spine. "You are humans. We don't care who you are."

Two long fingers slid inside me. I gasped, my inner muscles involuntarily clenching. There was no fumbling awkwardness; it was like he knew my body intimately. His agile fingers stroked my wet flesh, his thumb casually teasing my clit.

Pleasure snuck into my mind, slowly taking over. I almost didn't hear the sound of rustling cloth. Elves were slender and light; maybe their cocks were small, too.

Hot, buttery skin brushed my ass. I flinched. He didn't feel small.

His fingers withdrew. "Mmm. Soft, slick, and tasty, too. What a delight. Having fun yet, human?"

My elf was more verbose than Jessica's. I wasn't sure if that was better.

I strained against my straps. "No, please stop. Why are you doing this?"

His cock slid up and down my slit. "Some of us like humans more than our own kind. And you all enjoy it so much." The bulbous tip pressed against my entrance.

"Please, please don't. I don't want—oh... ohh... no... please!" I gasped as he slowly pushed into me. Elves weren't real, but this felt real. This body felt everything. His cock was way too big, the tip barely fitting past my pussy lips. I struggled frantically, attempting to use my skills again.

He stopped moving. Everything stopped. The next six seconds seemed like ten minutes, his cock stuck in the act of slowly stretching me, my body refusing to adjust. The intense feeling lasted the entire time. I cried and resolved not to use any more skills. This was torture.

Time restarted. The elf didn't seem to notice the difference. He caressed my waist. "Yes, beg, human. Beg me to stop, beg me to be gentle." He sounded all too eager. I did it anyway. Tears spilled from my eyes as his cock continued to split me open.

"No! Ah! Pull out, please pull out!" I begged as he penetrated me deeper and deeper. But all that pent-up, torturous stretching flooded my pussy, and his progress was too smooth, his thick shaft sliding all the way into me too quickly. His sigh of satisfaction when the base of his cock met my entrance only made me cry harder.

"What's wrong, human? Aren't you enjoying this? Penetrating you was so easy." he said, his lithe hands stroking my sides.

I sniffled. "Please just let us go. I don't want this. Please."

His fingers traced my hip and brushed my skin until he unerringly found my clit. I jolted, my pussy tightening instinctively. He laughed softly, then pulled out and rammed back in, settling into hard, forceful thrusts back and forth while he used my body.

"I suggest you accept your situation. You'll be here for a while." He rubbed my clit while he pumped into me, my inner walls adjusting and welcoming his ongoing invasion. I couldn't help feeling the pleasure as his cock massaged my wet folds, his fingers circling and pressing my sensitive nub.

"Ahh... no... you can't... ahh!" Every thrust in filled me too well, like his cock was just the perfect girth. Every stroke out left me feeling empty, wishing I could move enough to push myself back onto him—glad that I couldn't, for my own dignity. He built up speed gradually, the burning intensity between my legs increasing at the same pace.

My muscles shook, my tears drying as the pleasure took over my mind. All I could feel was his cock plunging into me over and over again, his fingers rubbing my clit in rhythm, my body gently rocking with his insistent thrusts, pleasure warming every inch of my skin.

"Ahh... mmm... ahh! Ohh..."

"Little human sluts. Heh. You're all such fertile little human sluts," he groaned.

I barely heard him. Pleasure rose and broke over me, my pussy clamping on this wonderful cock as blissful waves of heat tore through my body. I barely even registered my own moans.

"Yes, I knew you'd enjoy this. You'll beg for it soon enough." He laughed and fucked me faster, his shaft feeling thicker and harder inside me as my muscles twitched. With a satisfied groan and thrust after hard thrust, heat began to fill my belly, his pumping forceful and purposeful in the back of my tunnel, the base of his cock grinding my entrance. I whimpered as my body welcomed the hot spurts of fluid, as he filled me again and again.

"Delightful," he sighed. "I'll certainly return—perhaps after I sample your friend." His cock slid out of me, fluids dribbling to the floor.

I panted, my body still humming with pleasure. "Please let us go."

It was terrible that his laughter was a joy to hear, soft and wild, infectious. My back crawled. I wanted to relax. I needed to curl up in a corner and cry.

"You sweet little human," he murmured, his hand spreading over my stomach. He rubbed a light circle before sliding to my breasts, his gentle rolling of my nipples sending shockwaves to my pussy. "We've only just begun with you."

His hand left and the cell door rattled again. "Have a good evening, breeder."

I shivered. Breeder. He couldn't. These weren't our bodies. At worst—no. I stopped thinking about it, just holding on tightly to the belief that we couldn't possibly get pregnant.

Soft sobbing interrupted my thoughts.

"Jess? Are you..." I called out.

"Nngh... They won't stop... fucking me. Oh... no..."

I heard it then: a faint, constant rhythm. I'd been too focused on my own abused body.

"Don't hurt her!" I yelled. "Leave her alone!"

"Ah! ....Ok! It... doesn't hurt... they're making me tell you that it doesn't hurt! No! You said if I—! Mmph!"

Faint laughter and the sounds of gagging filtered through the cells. I recognized the sound this time. They were choking her with a cock down her throat.

The wet slapping grew louder. I realized I was breathing faster, my body warm, my pussy tingling. I'd only been fucked once. My body was ready for more, especially while listening to my friend with at least two cocks servicing her—raping her. I shuddered.

Jess started moaning, her noises muffled and garbled but still distinctly moans of pleasure. My hips subconsciously rolled in the air as she grew louder and clearer.

"Ah! Ah! Ahh! Oh, fuck... no... Ahh!" Her voice hit a higher note at the end.

I'd never heard her cum before, but I had the feeling I just did. Heat gathered between my legs, my body hoping for the same horrible treatment.

The cell door swung open behind me. Lightning ran up my spine.

"Hello, sweet thing." This voice was deeper but no less musical. "Oh, my companion made a mess of you. How thoughtless. Here, let me..."

A warm, damp cloth swiped my crotch. My back arched into it instinctively, a soft gasp escaping my throat. I was so sensitive.

"Much better," he purred. "Don't you agree?"

I nodded, hopeful. "Thank you. Please—could you help us? We don't want to be here. Please."

A puff of breath whispered over my lower back as he laughed. My muscles twinged, then again when his tongue dragged up the length of my spine.

"Of course, sweetling," he murmured. His voice almost distracted me from the insistent pressure at my slit. "Just as soon as we're done with you."

He shoved his cock all the way inside me in one, swift stroke, hitting my cervix and forcing my tunnel open even wider. I shrieked. His hand covered my mouth. "Shh, shh. None of that. Oh, what a tight little cunt you have."

He continued murmuring in a gentle tone as he withdrew and punched back into my sore flesh, ramming the full length of his thick cock in and out before I was ready. He shushed me again as my tears spilled onto his hand, the pain and discomfort making it hard to breathe through my nose. He groaned when my pussy reluctantly adjusted around his girth, his shaft sliding rapidly in and out, my thighs shaking from the pleasure assaulting my system.


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