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CFNM and Neighbour Patti

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Patti loves cfnm and gets one in the garden of Robert.
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At first, let me introduce myself. I'm a handsome male and since my youth I'm an exhibitionist. I like to wear as few clothes as possible. Basically, I wear a very short short, tight around my hips, with fairly no trouser-legs. It looks much like hot pants. And above it I wear a sleeveless shirt.

So my legs and arms are usually nude. When it's not to cold, I wear this dress in town and I noticed many times, that especially women like it very much. Sometimes they even whistle.

My philosophy is: women have the right to enjoy the sight of a sexy male body. Men do often enjoying the sight of beautiful women, and I think it's good to turn it the other way.

There are many occasions that I'm wearing less than usual. I like to ride my bicycle and especially at summer nights or in nature I replace my hot pants for my daisy duke. This is a very short cut denim trouser, that not only shows my gorgeous bare legs, but also part of my cheeks.

And above this daisy duke I wear a very short, sleeveless shirt. This looks very sexy and other bikers or wanderers admire me.

In some cases I go further. Instead of my daisy duke I wear a string. Usually I do this, while sitting on a bench, reading and sunbathing. Sometimes I make a short stroll in the surroundings, granting other people a look on my almost completely bare buttock. And I bet they like it very much.

Next step of undressing I practice at home [with some strategically opened curtains] and in my garden, behind the house. It's also my favourite sports dress.

The only thing I wear is the above mentioned short shirt, just covering until an inch above my navel. Sometimes I also wear this in a remote part of the park, outside the town.

What I hardly do is wearing no clothes at all. I do not like bare chests. I'm more focused on bare legs. When it's windy, a bare chest feels cold en when the sun is shining, there is much sweat on it.

Only in bed and taking a shower I'm completely nude. Besides, I think it's more exciting to be scarcely dressed than to be totally naked.

When I'm free and I woke up in the morning, I put on my super short shirt and do some fitness, sweeping my dick up and down. Then I take a shower and afterwards I put on my sexy shirt again.

Occasionally, I'm dressed like that for the whole day. I do the usual domestic activities and I'm sitting in the garden. Feeling the sunshine on your legs, arms, buttock and, most of all, my dick is a very nice sensation. I stroke myself and I get quite horny. I have fantasies about women looking at me and my cock is going up until it has full length, very hard.

At the end of the day I'm still only wearing my little shirt. Then I put my shirt off, take a shower and go to bed. Such a day I call: my naked day.

Now let me tell you what happened last year.

It was a beautiful day in April. I did some gardener's work in my garden. Normally I have not many neighbours, who can have a look in my garden. When all trees are in bloom, only from some of the highest storeys you can have a look in my garden.

And of course, all the time there is a view from a second storey, but only from the balcony. This is on the same street, where I live. This is the reason that people standing on this balcony, could see me in the garden all seasons. But I know there is no one home on weekdays.

But in April all trees and flowers are in their knots and everything is very open, especially in the farther part of the garden. And there I was doing my work. So I decided to be decent and to wear just enough clothes to prevent people being shocked.

I wore my daisy duke and my very short shirt and it was fine, working in the sunshine.

Suddenly a voice said: "Hello neighbour."

On the balcony I saw a woman. She wore summer clothes, but not as few as I did: long white summer trousers and a shirt.

"Let me introduce myself," she said. "My name is Patti and I'm living here since a month. I like to look at you and your very sexy outfit. I saw you a few times on the street, walking in your hot pants and that looked very promising. But now I enjoy it even more. You have beautiful legs. Do you mind me coming down and have a visit in your garden."

You will understand that I welcomed her enthusiastically. We sat down, having a drink and she told me that she was a regular visitor of cfnm events and that she loved the sight of beautiful men, wearing only a few clothes.

"Cfnm means: clothed women naked men," she told me. "We like to see men doing a striptease. Normally women do this, but now men are the sex objects. And this looks like a start of a same event".

"You look gorgeous," she said and she stroked my thighs.

"I wonder if you like me to see more of your body."

Of course I had no objection. And so I started to walk through the garden, shaking my hips and after a while I loosened my daisy duke and dropped it on the ground. There I was standing before Patti, only wearing my very short shirt and a string, in which she could easily see something growing. I turned around and she laid her hands on my buttock.

"Ït looks delicious," Patti said. "This is wonderful: a show for me personally."

And I went further, making suggestive moves around my string.

"Come on," she said. "Pull your string down."

I said: "Okay, but I do this on one condition. I'm standing before you with my backside to you."

And so I did: very slowly I pulled my string down to the ground and in a sudden move I stepped out of it.

"Oh, how marvellous," Patti said. "You have a divine body and I like to see everything and I like to stroke it too."

She stroked my buttock and very slowly I turned around until she saw a glimpse of my excited cock. Then I turned back.

Patti went wild.

"Stop teasing me," she yelled. "I want you to do a lap dance for me."

This I considered as a very good idea. I turned around until she saw me in my full glory. She grabbed my cock and she pulled it a few times and after that she let it bounce against my belly. Then I made a very wild dance, sweeping my dick around and slapping it against my hips.

I got nearer to her and at the end I was sitting on her lap. My dick was erect, pointing to heaven and about 8 inches long. On my shining dick-head I had some precum . Patti licked it away and it was a delicious feeling, her doing that. Patti thought I had a very big cock and nice full balls.

She said: "There must be a lot of sperm in it."

Slowly I was coming to a climax. Patti played with my cock on a very subtle way and I became very horny.

"Ï am coming," I moaned. "Stop right now, because I don't want to finish this game too soon. You go on playing with me."

And so she did. She enjoyed it very much, playing with my body while I became hornier than I ever was. I gasped and I moaned and I panted and I crinkled of delight. There was more precum and Patti spread it all over my thighs.

Finally she took my cock in her mouth and started to suck me. I completely lost control of myself and I yelled and screamed. I didn't bother someone could hear me. Just before I was coming, she took my hard cock out of her mouth.

"Now you must do some fitness exercises," she said. "Just jump while I'm counting: one, two, three...."

My dick bounced up and down against my belly, with a wet splash.

"I love to hear this," she said. "Now shake your hips and let it go."

And my cock swept to the right and to the left and the precum flew to all sides.

"You are my sex object," she said. "I want you to lie down and than I will caress you to a climax."

I did so and she started to stroke me. She began at my feet and very slowly moved upwards, along my legs.

"You have very beautiful thighs." she said. "I loved the sight of them right from the beginning, when I saw you walking on the street."

She went further, just along my hips.

"Now lay on your front side," she said. She stroked my buttock and than upwards, along my back.

"Now I like you to take off your shirt," Patti said. "I want you to be totally naked."

In my exciting situation I had no objection and I did so.

"Now look at that," Patti said. "The most sexy male body I ever saw in my life. You must turn on your back now."

She stroked my chest and than my arms. Then she went downwards along my stomach to my hips.

"Now I stroked you almost everywhere", she said. "But guess what I forgot. Which part is standing there, inviting me to do a further investigation."

And then she gave me a special treatment, stroking pulling and sucking my delicious stick. It made me terribly horny. I moaned and twisted from excitement. Patti went on, and then suddenly, I exploded. I couldn't stop it anymore and a vast amount of cum squirted into the open. I yelled from ecstasy, having the hottest orgasm I ever had.

Patti was excited too. "You made a very big squirt," she said. "Now I want to lick it off your body, you scattered it all over yourself."

And so she did, licking me completely clean.

"I have to go now," she said. "Next time we make an even better show."

And then she left and I was lying there, full of excitement.


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Worzel550Worzel5507 months ago

Great fun, looking for a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This story had nothing to do with CFNM - it was an unnecessary story about a male stripper that got a blow-job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Reading this was a waste of time

Poor word selection, grammar & syntax.

Not the slightest bit arousing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

One of the worst stories I have read here.

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