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Change Of Life: The Return Ch. 01

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Mandy & Shirley return from Mexican whorehouse.
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Mandy was the first of the women to open her eyes and look groggily over at the woman tied against the other side of the boxcar. She shook her head and recognized her friend Shirl tied against the wall completely nude. She looked down and saw that all of her clothes were gone too. She tried to move her arms and realized she was tired tightly to the wall of the car just like her friend.

Mandy had no immediately idea of what had happened or how she had become nude tied up in a freight car heading to god knows where. But she knew it wasn't a good idea. As she shook the cobwebs out of her head she wondered what would happen when someone found them. God what would happen if a bum found them. Would he take advantage of them or help them? She didn't know. All she knew was she had to get untied.

Mandy shook her head again and her eyes became clearer. She realized now where she was. Well she realized she was in a freight car but had no idea where the car was going. The smell was of straw, stale piss and shit. It turned her stomach as she took a deep breath and managed to yell, "Shirl!! Shirley wake up! Wake up Shirl!"

Shirl didn't move. Mandy struggled with the ropes that held her tightly against the wall. She looked out the cracks in the side of the freight car and notice they were slowing down. She yelled again for her friend to wake up. Nothing, Shirley was out cold.

Mandy felt the train slow even more and then finally stop. There were a lot of voices all-male and they were speaking Spanish. She was scared. As she listened she couldn't hear any words she knew. Then she heard a voice say, "Mandy! What the fuck is going on?"

She looked over and saw that Shirley was awake. The movement of the train stopping must have woken her. She said, "Where are we, why are we nude? What's going on?"

Mandy said, "Shhh!Wait! I don't know Shirl! I think we are near the border of Mexico but I'm not sure. Hear those men's voices? They are all speaking Spanish. Quiet and try to free yourself from the ropes. We need to get clothes and get out of here."

It was then that Shirley realized she was nude. She said, "Oh Jesus! We're nude. What the hell is going on? Where are our clothes? Why are we tied? What the fuck is going on Mandy?"

Mandy said, "Shut the fuck up Shirley I don't have any answers for you. Please be quiet or we could have a car load of Mexican men in here!"

Shirley said, "Oh shit!" And then she shut up. The voices were getting closer no. They heard the doors to the cars opening and then closing. With each slam of the door, Mandy was sure the men were getting closer and closer. As they sat there trying desperately to get undone, Shirl heard the boxcar's door next to them open and voices talking. Mandy could see shadows moving in the car and other shadows outside standing near their car. Then they heard the door slam shut and realized their car was next.

They panicked and struggled harder with the ropes that held them tight. Panic grew as they saw the shadows standing by the door and men talking right in front of their car. Then it happened. The door to the freight car slid open with a bang and groups of around 12 men were standing there looking from one white nude woman to the other. Smiles grew on each man's face as they stood there.

Finally what looked like the leader hopped up into the car and the rest of the men followed. The man walked over to Mandy and said, "Looks like someone sent us a wonderful gift to enjoy!"

Then he took his dirty scarf off from around his neck and speaking in Spanish they untied one of Mandy's arms and helped her stand up. She thanked him and he said, "Don't thank me to soon lady."

He shoved the dirty perspiration covered scarf into Mandy's mouth and tied it off. She screamed but the sound was muffled completely. He had another man grab Mandy's free arm and they tied her hands behind her back. Then he tied her ankles together and the other man lifted her up over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. As he walked across the car Shirley started to scream and two men held a knife to her throat. Shirl didn't scream any more. They did the same thing to Shirley that they did to Mandy., Gagged and bound tight the leader placed both nude women in the pick up truck and then drove off. The other men followed in their own trucks.

They drove maybe 10 miles with the two women and four men in the back and three men in the front seat. Another truck followed behind them with he other men. They drove to the leader's house, which was more like a barn than a house. They stopped and carried the two white women into the house and placed them both on separate beds. The leader had stripped completely before all the men had entered the house. As the leader smiled showing two teeth missing, Mandy said, "You better let us go we're Americans and you'll be arrested for rape."

The leader smiled and said, "Yes, maybe. If you are alive when we are done with you, you might make it to town but we all look alike to you Americans. Who knows you're here? No one. The people who sent you here don't care about you. They stripped you and tied you to the train. They knew the train went to Mexico. They don't care for you. Who is going to help you? No one!"

He moved to Mandy and began playing with her big tits. She struggled but she was tied too tight. Finally the 12 men split up into 2 groups and put the women spread eagle on the beds. They then began to explore these two white women with a dozen hands. The men were all different ages. There was a boy there, maybe 18 who all wanted for him to fuck Shirley first. He must have been a virgin since they were all instructing him on what to do. His cock wasn't very big but it was super hard and jumping with excitement as he explored the white woman's body in front of him. Mandy was fighting hard with the leader who was now sitting between her open and tied legs. He was running his hands up her thighs and squeezing her pussy.

As he touched Mandy's pussy he began to work on it and soon had three fingers deep inside her fingering her hard and fast. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't help but become wet. Once she was wet between her open legs the leader of the group said something in Spanish and all the men laughed. Then her moved in and with his hard long uncircumcised cock he thrust deep into Mandy! There were cheers from the other five waiting their turn.

On the other bed, Shirley was crying as the young boy moved over her and positioned his six-inch cock to her open pussy. Three men had worked on her body and Shirl's pussy was now wet as the boy moved into her. He was ready. As the men instructed him, he pushed and the men cheered him on. The kid's cock moved into Shiley's body and the boy began fucking her. While he didn't last long, he did cum in her and had loosened her up for the others.

And so it began. Each man in each group used the women one by one., When the group was finished they changed women. Each woman was fucked 12 times that night only stopping to let the women eat and use the bathroom. Then the leader told them something and the women were fed and given water again. Neither was untried completely. The men stood around watching the two as they drank and ate. Then the women were lead to the bathroom. Each woman was given a shower and the use of the toilet again.

Then the women were tied back to the bed and left there for the night. During the night various men would come to their bed and fuck them again and again. The young boy was the busiest. He fucked both women 3 times before the sun began to come up.

The men all took turns again on the women. Then the boy and the leader stayed with them and the rest of the men left for work.

During the day, the boy sat on a bed playing with the woman that the leader didn't want. The leader had first choice and the boy didn't care which one he had. Each fucked the women on and off for most of the day. Then they were fed, given drink and a chance to shower again. The leader now showed the two women a gun and neither Mandy nor Shirl made any effort to escape.

Around 5PM the other 10 men came back and the fucking began again. It was one after the other after the other for most of the night until maybe 1AM. Both women were exhausted. They would drift in and out as the men fucked them again and again. Finally they fell asleep. This night was the same as the other. During the night the women would feel someone get between their legs and fuck them until they came.

The women were well past the orgasm stage now. They were a piece of meat as they just lay there and the men fucked them. The next morning two other men stayed with the women and the other 10, including the leader and young boy went to work. Again during the day, each woman was taken again and again by the two men. The only time they were allowed to sit up or stand was to eat and shower and use the bathroom.

Time passed and when the men came back it was only about 6 or 8 of them. They fed the women and let them shower and use the toilet. Each day two new men to stayed and fucked them as the others went to work. Each day there were fewer and fewer men that returned to the barn in the evening. Finally after about 6 days the leader and young boy came back with two other men. That night they were left along except for the boy. The next morning the women were cleaned up and fixed up to look real good.

Then they saw a new man come into the barn. He was an American and had two other very large men with him. He also had two other men who were Mexicans. They made the women stand and strip. They were all fed and given new clothes. The American examined and looked the two women over like they were a piece of meat or an animal. It was the first time either woman had been allowed to wear anything on for over 7 days.

After the women were ready the big American gave the leader of the others money. It was American money and looked like a few thousand dollars. They women were then told if they tried to escape that they would be shot and killed. If they yelled or did anything to try and get away, they would be shot dead.

The big American told them they were his now and that he owned them lock stock and barrel. It was up to him what happens to them. They were put in a van and driven to a bigger town about 20 miles from the border. Then they were put in a hotel and an older woman began giving them instructions in broken English on how they could live or die. She told them they were whores for Max the big American and they were expected to fuck men for money, lots of money each day. The money was to be paid to Max who had saved them from a sure death in that barn. If they cooperated they could live rather well and enjoy life. If they didn't they would be taken away and no one would ever know what had happened to them. Once they had paid back the money, they were free to leave.

Shirley asked how much they owed and she was told $10,000. They were American, white Americans and they were in high demand down here. They would have many men and earn a great deal of money for Max.

They lived, worked and stayed in the hotel. When they went out there were always two men with them. But they had no idea where they were in relationship to the American border nor how to get back to the US. Mandy and Shirley knew they were at the mercy of the men who owned them.

The women were cared for and each was given time to really clean up. Then the big American looked the women up and down and decided to take Shirley first. Mandy was placed in a room and given food and drink. She was locked in and had no idea what was happening to Shirley.

Max took Shirley into his place on the hill over looking the town. He gave her drugs in the wine he offered. He fed her well first so she wouldn't vomit from the drugs. Then he let her wash and dress in the very sexy outfits he made available to her each day. She was even able to put make up on. She liked it in the big house max lived in. She liked it very much!

Max received her every day and took her at least four times a day. When he wasn't fucking her or showing her something new she was able to do whatever she wanted as long as she didn't leave the property. If she did she would be shot.

At night Max fucked her as long as he could stay hard. He used her mouth to help him stay that way. Some times Shirley sucked his cock for a half an hour to get it back up again after he had fucked her three times. Some nights it was all night long and he fucked her in every hole she had. She was instructed to do anything he wanted and she learned to enjoy it as best she could. The drugs and booze were like a stimulant and made her orgasms better and stronger. She would go wild on Max's nice thick cock every time he gave it to her. She was new to him, and he could see she hadn't been used that much in the past! So Max kept her in his house for over two weeks fucking and training her. For days he would fuck her in every position there was. Shirley was a quick learner and she soon learned to do things she never imagined she would ever do.

On the last day with him alone, he had her taking a 12-inch dildo and a vibrator as far as she could up in her pussy and ass. She even learned to deep throat one of them too. Of course she couldn't take all of it but she was amazed at how much she did take. Shirley learned her limits and actually liked Max and what he did to her. He wasn't exactly kind and sweet but he didn't hit her or hurt her like the men in the barn did.

Then one day Max and a very young woman who was just 18 if that, was joined by an older woman around 35 years old who began to teach both women all about how to do things. They were shown how to please men quickly and to get them off fast. More men always made more money for Max, so the goal was to make them cum and get them out so someone else would pay to take their place. They had three ways and sometimes fourth ways with Max. Shirley was then put out as the new American whore of the hotel.

Then it was Mandy's turn. She was trained the same way as Shirley but in her case it was only a week. Then on the following Monday she too started working. They sold drinks and fucked or sucked or did whatever the man wanted if he had money. There were even some Americans there from Texas and California. They came for the weekend and were charged twice as much as the Mexicans. Americas always had money and Max took advantage of it.

Weeks went by and Shirley cried every night for the first three nights. Then she resolved herself with the help of Mandy to what was facing her and there were no more tears. She knew her husband had done this to both of them as revenge for what she did to him. It was her own fault and so she made the best of what she was forced to do every day and night. She had no other choice it was a real case of fuck or die!

The weekday started at 5PM and ended at 3AM. On the weekends the hours were longer since that's when the Americans came for sex. It seemed like it was one man after the other for the first two or three months and they all wanted Mandy or Shirley. They were fucked again and again all day and night. Max made a lot of money.

Then the men and the fucking started to slow down during the week. Every man in the town had fucked both woman more than once and now they were like the other whores and not as much in demand as at first. But compared to the other women, Mandy and Shirl were laid more and gave blowjobs more often than any other female.

One day Shirley asked how much money they had made and Max said, "Over $50,000 why Shirley?"

She wanted to know why they weren't allowed to leave. He smiled and told her, "Well your part of the $50,000 is only $7500."

She was shocked and mad. He assured her the rest would be easier since she was a pro now. She could milk more money from the men now that she knew all the angles and lines. She realized he was right. She was good at what she did. She also knew it had been almost 6 months since she was taken and put on the train from home. She wondered how her husband was doing. She wanted to see him so bad. She somehow knew deep inside her that she still loved him. She knew now that what she did to him was the reason she was where she was. She also knew she had to get away. So she worked on a plan to escape Max and try and get home.

If her husband didn't want her, she would manage somehow without him. But she knew she ha to give it all she had to try and get back to the states and back to him.

She began to really court a young guy from Texas and he came to visit her every weekend. He only wanted Shirley and Shirley worked on him making him believe he was special. Then one night she told him she loved him and he believed it. They talked about taking her back with him. She knew she was 30 miles from the border now and that it was closer than she knew. He had a nice car and felt he could get her out. She insisted on taking Mandy with her. They planned for three weeks. Then when Shirley found out Max was going north, she told her young lover this week was the week. There were five of them that night. Her lover Mandy and two other guys that came with him. They paid for a gangbang and as Mandy and Shirley went into the bigger room with the three men they all began to take the window apart.

It took an hour to get the bars cut but while one man worked on the bars, the women fucked the others making as much noise as they could. They took turns and finally it was done. The five of them ran for the two cars they had ready. There was one other man in the cars ready to drive. They drove as fast as they darned on the dirt roads in the dark but made it to the US Customs area. It took a great deal of time and effort for the women to enter the country. They had no ID. But with the help of the men and birth records in the cities they were born in, on the fifth day, the women were let into the US.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Calling this derivitive crap is already one word too many

gizzmo301gizzmo301almost 20 years ago

Great story I was hoping you would get back to this story and finish it up. can't wait to see what happens when shirl meets up with Bud and Mandy with Paul. I am sure neither men will wimp out. But dose Bud still love her? Again good story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
What Next?

I think that Shirley's priorities if she plans to get back together with her husband, should include: endding her friendship with Mandy, and not seeing her anymore; getting a job and a place to live near her husband; getting tested by a doctor; staying celibate except for her husband; and then try to date him again. She will obviously not be trusted for a long time. Her only chance at fixing it will be to never cheat or even flirt with anyone else except her husband again, and to prove by her actions that she loves him and wants to spend her life making him happy. Actions speak louder than words. It will take a lot for him even to consider giving her a second chance. Maybe time and lie detector tests, along with loving care from her will change it. Chances are it will not be as good as it used to be. Even if he still loves her, there is a lot to forgive and get over. I don't understand why the guys didn't take care of Lee and Jerome last time. They should have destroyed both of those guys genitals permanently ( i.e. cut them off, burn them, crush them to pulp, etc...) so that the guys would live, but will always remember what they did to deserve that punishment, and regret it for the rest of their worthless lives.

fakers51fakers51almost 20 years ago
Very interesting..

What will happen next NeedYou? Look like you open a can of worms. I am wondering if her husband would take her back. That pussy which has been fuck over 200 times will not be the same. The husband got rid of her for fucking Mandy and maybe one or two other men. After all this how could shirley say she still love her husband. In the previous cjhapters it was the other way around. I will coninue to read and see where it leads to.

fakers51fakers51almost 20 years ago
Very interesting..

What will happen next NeedYou? Look like you open a can of worms. I am wondering if her husband would take her back. That pussy which has been fuck over 200 times will not be the same. The husband got rid of her for fucking Mandy and maybe one or two other men. After all this how could shirley say she still love her husband. In the previous cjhapters it was the other way around. I will coninue to read and see where it leads to.

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