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Chav Sex Ch. 04

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Becky's submission.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 01/12/2011
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Chapter 4 - Becky's Submission

Over the following weeks, I couldn't get Becky out of my mind. I had never had such an intense sexual experience so soon after meeting someone. She and her girlfriend, Michelle, were so full of contradictions. Becky had been poorly brought up, poorly educated, had a poor life-style and no prospects; and yet had demonstrated a fantastic level of sexual maturity in one so young; a wisdom beyond her years, and a cruel streak a mile wide. I was besotted with her, I couldn't get the image of the tiny dominatrix and her whip out of my mind. I wanted to possess her.

But I also wanted Michelle as our joint plaything. Obedient, compliant, submissive, Michelle. She who would do anything for Becky, and may do anything for me in the future. She too had complex sexual tastes and needs for her age.

I assumed that their attitudes came from a life of easy, urban sex. It would have dulled their senses to ordinary sexual appetites and pleasures, and they must have craved ever more sophisticated adventures.

Work and family commitments meant a gap of two weeks before I saw them again. When the opportunity came up, I decided to make it seem spontaneous, not wanting to show my hand so soon.

My wife, Sarah, was planning to spend the weekend with the children at her parents' place in Buckinghamshire. She raised it on a Thursday and asked if I wanted to go, but I invented the pressures of my caseload at work as a reason to stay at home.

She took forever to leave on the Saturday morning. I helped as best as I could with packing the car and getting the kids ready, but it was only the early afternoon before she departed.

It was a beautiful, clear, early September day, slightly cool, but fresh. I am lean and fit, and many put me in my 30s. I dressed to suit that assumed age, jeans, short brown boots, a light shirt, open at the neck.

I drove to Maidstone, stopping some way outside Becky and Michelle's council estate knowing my Mercedes S Class would never survive the visit. I called Becky on her mobile. She sounded surprised to hear me, almost as if she had forgotten our meeting on the train and its subsequent events.

"I'm in Maidstone, doing some shopping, so thought I would look you up. Fancy doing something today?" I asked speculatively.

"Well... alright," she slurred, I guessed she had been drinking. "I'm 'anging with me mates on the lawn in front of the flats."

It didn't sound too good, and my fears were justified when I walked into her estate to see her and Michelle with a small gang of youths idling on some benches.

The girls were dressed very differently to the last time I saw them, and I was appalled. Michelle, cigarette in hand, wore a white t-shirt which was far too small for her and which exposed her large belly. She wore an opened pink tracksuit top over it and black tracksuit pants. Excessive cheap gold jewelry and a Burberry baseball cap completed the awful picture. I was totally turned off by it.

Becky had her hair in a facelift ponytail, she wore her usual huge hooped ear-rings and an all white tracksuit ensemble. The effect was not so terrible. But I could not understand why these kids dressed the way they did.

I turned my attention to the boy who had his arm round her - a tall, slim, spotty teenager with a scrawny neck and baseball cap; mobile phone in one hand, he was shouting loudly at Michelle, while he groped Becky's body with the other.

My anger bubbled up, I could barely contain my fury at seeing what I knew was a fact: that Becky shared her body with anybody and everybody.

The other youths included another, very short boy, and a girl (no more than 17) holding on to a pram with a baby in it.

They had all been drinking, empty alcopop bottles were scattered around the benches. I pitied their neighbours having to endure the continual noise from their loud, drunken exchanges; and was saddened for the child and the life it had been born into.

As I walked up to them, a stony look on my face, Becky shouted out a crass greeting: "Oi, old geezer, giz a shag!"

I didn't respond. Michelle looked fearful, sensing my anger, she kept quiet and didn't laugh at Becky's crudity.

"Fuck off, you old git, you don't belong 'ere," barked the spotty boy.

Bang. I blew. My left hand shot up and grabbed his skinny neck. I moved forward, pushing him back. I swung my leg behind his, tripping him up and, totally off-balance, he went down hard on the grass. The wind and fight had escaped him immediately. He looked at my clenched right fist with fear in his eyes. I pulled him back up, turned him around and kicked him hard in the backside. He went down again. I picked him up again, kicked him again, and he ran off. When I looked around with murder in my eyes, his little friend took off after him.

The girl with the pram quietly ran off with it in a different direction, and Michelle started to back away.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" yelled Becky.

"Shut up, whore," I answered. My anger had not begun to ebb, I needed more violence, more opportunities to vent my rage, and went up to her and grabbed her brutally by her ponytail.

"Ow, leave me alone, you wanker!" She shouted, possibly trying to put me off by causing a scene.

I ignored her, turned to Michelle, and ordered: "you come too, you fat cunt". Then frog-marched Becky to their ground floor flat. No one came to their aid; the locals were probably used to this sort of fracas.

Becky was not so easily cowed, and once we were in their apartment, she continued to mouth off expletives, ordering me to get out. I slapped her face. She tried to slap me back, but expecting it, I caught her arm.

"You're nothing but a whore. I thought you were better than that, but you're just a disgusting, Chav, whore," I snarled.

Surprisingly she smiled at that. She pulled down the zipper of her tracksuit showing off her tiny breasts held tightly in a white crop top.

"You still want to fuck me though don't yer."

Her change of tack caught me by surprise, and I took my time to respond.

"Yes... I am going to fuck you. I am going to fuck you some manners."

I pushed her onto the bed, and with one hand holding her down, I clumsily stripped her. It was an awkward situation. I was still fuming from the incident outside the flats, I wanted to punish her, I wanted to finally control her in our battle of wills; but being a lawyer, I also knew full well that what I was doing could be construed as rape.

As she lay there, her slight body naked on the bed, her hard, cynical smile on her face, my fears were allayed as I could see she was enjoying the situation. She had given up resisting. Instead, she smiled, widened her skinny legs, put a finger to her bald mound, and started stroking her clit.

"Come on then, fuck me. I've been thinking about it ever since last time. I need some of that old, experienced cock in me... now. I've been fucking Charlie, and he isn't man enough for me, not after you beat him up just now. Even when I was fucking him, I was thinking of you."

"You just don't get it," I snarled unrelentingly, "you don't give me any orders any more. You and that fat, ugly cunt over there are my bitches. Isn't that right, slave?" I called out to Michelle.

"Becky?" Michelle replied, confused, looking for direction.

"Don't say anything, Michelle," commanded Becky. The smile gone. The desire for control returned.

"Say it, slave," I retaliated, grasping Becky's hair harder, and now looking back at Michelle full in the face, "or you will get the thrashing of your life."

Reluctantly, hesitatingly, Michelle bowed her head and mumbled: "yes, Master."

"Strip, slave and get the whip," I ordered.

Michelle went to the bathroom and I turned back to Becky, who had blanched when she heard me mention her whip.

"You wouldn't dare," she said, very seriously.

I ignored her and released her hair; my anger had abated. She didn't move, just lay there sprawled out on the bed, her small naked body, adorned only with her tacky hoops and ankle chain was so inviting, I had to hold myself back so as to continue to control the situation. Standing close to her, I took off my shirt, but nothing else. Looking at her all the while, I unzipped my fly, but did not release my penis. She unconsciously licked her lips.

"Masturbate," I commanded.

"Fuck you," she replied. There was still plenty of fight in her.

"You certainly will," I said, turning her comment on its head. "You see, you are like a wild horse that needs to be broken. You've got plenty of spirit, which means it will be worse for you. But, Becky, my sweet Rebecca, there can only be one Master here."

"Not a chance, old man."

At which point, Michelle came back into the room, black leather whip in hand and naked. She seemed a little unused to holding it, and caressed the phallus shaped handle absentmindedly.

"OK maybe we can work a deal regarding Michelle," I suggested, "she will be both yours and mine. But when I am here, your body; your mouth, your cunt and your arse are mine."

As I said this, I sat next to her, and massaged her little tits, gently tweaking her nipples. Becky didn't respond, as she thought about it. She propped herself up on her elbows and as she was still slightly drunk, her head wobbled slightly.

I traced my hand down her body to her clean mound, my middle finger seeking out and finding her clit. She moaned. I could see a tremor move up her body. I moved my face to hers, smelling the cheap alcohol and stale cigarettes on her breath.

"Final offer. Your mouth is mine," I whispered, kissing her gently on her lips.

"Your cunt is mine." I probed her vagina with my finger.

"And your arse is mine." I moved my wet finger down to her hole, and started probing it. "And if you're good, you can enjoy my cock like before."

Becky's head drunkenly wobbled again, and she half laughed. I felt I was winning her over. She bit her lip slightly as I worked my finger into her arse.

"And what if I am not good?" Becky asked quietly, looking me in the eye.

"Then I will have to break you," I said calmly.

"FUCK YOU, YOU DIRTY OLD MAN," she shouted. But instead of extracting herself from my embrace, she started to grind her bottom onto my finger: taking charge again.

My rage flared up as before. I extracted my finger, and wiped it on her breasts, leaving a faint brown stain. With ease, I flipped her over onto her front, and spanked her bottom hard. She yelped in surprise.

"Hold her down!" I ordered Michelle, "Hold this bitch down."

Michelle reluctantly came over, and gingerly held down Becky's arms. She had no trouble as she was so much bigger than her. Michelle's pendulous breasts swung in time to the spanking that I continued to give Becky, the slaps getting harder and harder and faster and faster. Her bottom started to redden. Every slap was accompanied by a yelp of pain. This was unknown territory for her. She started kicking out with her legs.

"Hold her legs down," I told Michelle, and I held down Becky's wrists with one hand, while Michelle moved down to Becky's legs and held them down by the ankles. I took up the leather thonged whip.

"At some point, you will call me 'Master'", I said, and started flailing her back with the whip. More yelps and squeals of pain came with every lash, albeit muffled as Becky was face down in a pillow. Little red marks appeared on her back, then small welts.

"Say it, you fucking whore," I spoke into her ear. Still no response.

I returned to whipping her bottom, which was already reddened by the earlier spanking. The yelps had stopped, replaced by moans and quivering groans. I stopped and flipped her over. I held her wrists down again, but the kicking had stopped.

"Lick her," I told Michelle, who obediently got onto the bed and started licking Becky's cunt. Becky moaned, and licked her lips.

I started lightly strapping her breasts with the whip. It increased her moaning. She moved her head from side to side. She was getting both pain and pleasure, and she was excited by it. I started lashing her harder on her tits, concentrating on her little bullet like nipples.

"Fucking say it, you whore. Tell me you like this. Tell me who I am," I spat out with more urgency.

God, she was hard. I was beginning to sweat from the exertion, but no word came from her lips, just moans. But my instincts were right, she was getting off on this and she lifted her legs to allow Michelle to lick her anus. Michelle instinctively went to do so.

Angered, I gave Michelle one almighty swipe with the whip, making her scream in pain and shock. She looked at me with a hurt, questioning stare. What had she done wrong?

"You are too used to doing what she wants, slave. Only do what I tell you to," I explained. "Step back."

As Michelle, pulled away, I lifted one of Becky's legs by the ankle, and applied the whip to her crotch; flicking her shaven mound with the thongs, reddening it. This elicited more moans. I continued the thrashing over her whole body. Belting her hard on her legs, her belly, her breasts. She started to yelp now.

"Fuck, it 'urts. You're 'urting me!"

Panting, I handed the whip to Michelle, saying: "lick the end, and stick it up her arse... as far as you can." Michelle did as I commanded; licking the phallic handle and then easing it very slowly into Becky's anus. Becky winced and groaned. I slapped her face.

"Shut up," I said, brutally. Then, releasing my rigid cock from my trousers, I entered her mouth. "Suck it, slave."

Becky moaned and commenced pleasuring me. Her face was on the bed, sideways to me and the angle was not good. Her teeth grazed my skin, so I pulled out of her and slapped her again. I spat in her face, and slapped her once more.

"No teeth, slave."

Surprisingly, she nodded and reached for my cock again pulling me back into her mouth. I pushed her away.

"What do you say?" I said, slapping her face lightly once more, and looking her directly in the eye.

"Yes... Master."

She was broken. And somehow, I lost some respect for her. But not my desire.

I re-entered her mouth. This time gently, only giving her a couple of inches. I supported her head by holding her ponytail, and pushing it slightly into every stroke. Meanwhile Michelle was diligently working Becky's arse with the whip handle. I could see that she was pushing in a few inches, but there was not enough lubrication.

"Use your mouth, Michelle," I commanded.

She knew what I meant, extracted the handle and greedily sucked and licked the end. The dirty smell and taste of it did not seem to faze her. Perhaps liberated by what she had witnessed, she asked:

"Can I lick her bum now, Master?"

I nodded, and she lifted up Becky's legs and started to vigorously suck and tongue her puckered hole. She seemed insatiable. Eventually, she resumed exploiting Becky's arse with the whip handle, and it started to slide in more easily, three, then four, then five inches. Michelle, who had proven herself to be highly adept at the art of lovemaking, moved her head up to Becky's vagina and resumed teasing her clitoris. Becky moaned in pleasure.

I looked on, one hand supporting Becky's head as she wanked me with her mouth, the other reaching to grasp Michelle's hair as she busied herself with Becky's cunt. The sight of Becky's tiny red striped body, and the sounds of the sucking, moaning women was a new peak of eroticism for me. I could think of nothing but to take Becky anally now and complete her submission.

"You have done well, Michelle. You may satisfy yourself, while I fuck your mistress and my new slave," I said, a little patronisingly.

"Thank-you, Master."

She moved aside on the bed, lifted up her chubby legs, and started masturbating. With the other hand, she reached under her bum and started working a finger into her anus.

I positioned myself in front of Becky, slowly lifted her feet over my shoulders, and eased my cock into her arse. I pushed her down so that her thighs were back onto her chest, while her feet hung over my shoulders and round the back of my neck. I leaned forward and we kissed, wetly, hungrily. I started fucking her harder, deeper, impaling her little body with my cock and my Will. She slipped a hand down to her crotch and I let her pleasure herself.

Once again, our timing was immaculate and this time both of us noisily grunted out our joint orgasm. We continued fucking, slowing down from our crescendo. I barely noticed Michelle whimpering out the conclusion of her solo efforts beside us.

"So, Rebecca," I said formally, "what do you say now."

She looked me into my eyes. All trace of hardness in the face was gone.

"Master. My mouth is yours, my cunt is yours and my arse is yours."

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Septimius_SeverusSeptimius_Severusover 13 years agoAuthor
Future Chapters

Thank you - I have enjoyed writing about them. 2 more chapters in the pipeline, then a break. Chapter 5 will be out very soon. Chapter 6... perhaps a week or so.

Any and all feedback is very welcome.

peter72peter72almost 14 years ago

Awsome please continue with the chavs

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