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The Wedding Party: Claire and Tina

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Claire and Tina become closer Bachelorette weekend.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 05/11/2016
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Author's note: This story is part of a series called 'The wedding party"'. The stories can be read in any order and are vignettes involving different members of the wedding party.

As always I look forward to your comments and feedback. Please keep on favoriting the stories and me as an author. Keep voting, leaving feedback, and emailing me. I love it.

For you who don't like my stories, I find the name calling and threats just tedious. I find it fascinating that because people don't live alternative lifestyles they assume everyone is unhappy when they are in them. I will delete any comments not directly dealing with the story.


The wedding party: Claire and Tina.

I couldn't believe it, Becky was getting married to Mark, the man she'd been dating for two years. It was so exciting. They were the first of our group to get married. I was standing outside the hall waiting for Becky with the other bridesmaids. The ceremony was about to start. I looked at the other bridesmaids. We were all close

I was actually the youngest of the group. All of us, except Mark's sister Misty, had been sorority sisters in college. The others had been juniors when I joined. Since my birthday is in November I was two years behind them but almost three years younger. I was 17 when I started college. Now three years later, I was in my Senior year and Becky was getting married.

Becky had introduced me to the group and she was my Big. A big is someone who mentors you to become a full member of the sorority. She was one of the sweetest women I knew and I was very happy for her.

As I looked down the row of bridesmaids I saw Claire looking at me. Claire was the maid of honor. Just as I am now, She had been president of the sorority her senior year. As presidents, even after Claire graduated, we still had sorority business to work on together.

She smiled at me and blew me a stealthy kiss. I am sure I blushed. I always blushed around Clair or at least I felt like I did. I'd known her for three years now and still, every time she spoke to me, I felt a little thrill inside. I thought back to when we had first met.

I had just started college and was walking through the student union when I saw her. I didn't know Claire at the time, but I saw her. You can't miss Claire. Claire is the personification of the classic Swedish woman. Being 5'11" and blonde would be enough to make her stand out, but when you threw in that body, and that perfect nose, well, everyone notices Claire. To top it off she was wearing a short skirt that showed a set of legs, that at the time, looked like they were longer than my 5' nothing height.

I watched her as she tacked something to the student union bulletin board. I think everybody did. I am sure she was with people but to this day I can't remember anything else but Claire at that moment.

After she left my curiosity made me go and look at the paper she posted. It was a flyer for a, non sponsored, intra school softball league. I had played softball in high school so it sparked my interest. There was a number to call and I wrote it down and then went on with my day.

During the day I found myself thinking of Claire. Looking back I remember walking through campus and wondering if I'd see her.

When I got back to my dorm there was an announcement for the same softball league. It seems my dorm was putting together a team. I put my name on the list. Later that night I got a call from the girl organizing the league team from my dorm. She told me there was a meeting that week of everyone who was interested and asked if I could be there. I assured her I could and hung up.

The next two days were fairly normal except that whenever I saw a tall blonde I wondered if it was the blonde from the student union. I found myself looking for tall blondes.

To be clear, I am now, and was then, straight. I had dated a few guys in high school. I was still a virgin, but that changed in college. I liked boys (men?) and still do but for some reason I kept thinking about Claire.

It was Thursday evening so I headed down to the room for the softball meeting. I reached the door just as two other girls did. One held the door for me. I thanked her and then turned to enter the room. That's when I saw her. Claire was standing near the front of the room talking to some other girls. This time she was wearing jeans and a tucked in T. Her back was turned to me, but I knew it was her. She was as beautiful as I remembered. The jeans hugged her perfect ass.

I stopped in the doorway and kind of zoned out on Claire. I was jostled out of my stupor by a girl behind me trying to get in the room. I tripped a bit and yelped. The girl grabbed me to steady me.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine," I replied. "Thanks for catching me. Just like me to fall over my own feet. Call me Grace."

She laughed, introduced herself, and did call me Grace. I told her my real name was Tina. She laughed again realizing she'd missed the joke and then went to sit down. I turned to find a seat. When I did, Claire was looking straight at me.

She held out her hand, "Hi Grace," she smiled. "I'm Claire, nice to meet you."

"Hi," I stammered. She was even prettier up close. "I'm not really Grace, I'm Tina," I said as I shook her hand. Her skin was so soft. I'm sure it's not true, but to this day I swear she smelled like cookies.

"I'm not really Grace," I started to explain again.

"I know," she said. "I heard, but I kinda like Grace."

I gave a nervous laugh. Claire took a step back and looked at me.

"Do you even have a strike zone?" she asked laughingly.

Like I said, I'm barely 5'. At barely 100 lbs I was dwarfed by her. Don't get me wrong. I had curves. I was a 34c and proud of it. With my long brown hair, I got checked out a lot, but Standing next to her I felt like no one could see me.

I mumbled something. She laughed and said, "Well, thankfully I'm not a pitcher so it's not my problem." She gestured me to take a seat.

Claire started the meeting. She introduced herself and the girl next to her who was our dorm organizer. She told us about the league. It was a very casual league, anyone could front a team as long as it was school affiliated. My dorm had a team, her sorority, there was even a math department team. There were 15 teams in the league. There was no money involved. If you wanted team jerseys you bought them. The school loaned all the equipment. Any student could reserve certain sports equipment so someone from each team was assigned getting the equipment for each game.

The whole time she spoke I took her in. She was obviously not just beautiful but a leader as well. She spoke with confidence but not attitude. She would joke along the way using some self deprecating humor even though it was obvious that she knew how good she was.

The meeting lasted a little while as we learned the details and planned the next step. The meeting ended and we said our goodbyes. As I walked out the door Claire shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Grace. I'm glad you joined us." She gave me that huge smile.

I have no idea why it popped out of my mouth but I responded "You're so beautiful." I immediately wondered how I said such a stupid thing.

She gave me a smile. "See you soon," she said.

I walked to my room. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid' going through my head.

After that I would see Claire on campus. She'd wave and I'd wave back. Often when I'd see her I'd wave and bump into someone, or trip over something or my own feet. I was living up to Grace. For her part she would just smile, shake her head and move on.

The league games started and I learned a bit more about Claire. Claire was the league's power hitter. Universally liked and feared. I hadn't played her team yet, but it was already a topic of conversation.

At about the same time I met Becky. Becky and I shared a class. It seems she had missed a core course and was doing it Junior year. Becky was really fun and easy to talk to. We opted to work on a class project together.

During this time my team finally had a game against Claire's. When she saw me she came over to say hi. I shook her hand and said, "You smell nice."

Again, what was that? Why did that come out.

She just laughed and said, "Show us what you got Grace."

The game was fun. I got a hit my first time up. As I headed to first base I saw Claire covering the base in front of me. She was in yoga pants and I was amazed at how long her legs were. Running at top speed and looking at Claire I tripped over my own feet. As I fell I reached for the base. I practically face planted a foot short but my fingers tagged the base. I was safe. I got up and looked around. Everyone was laughing and applauding.

As I stood Claire said, "Nice work Grace."

She started dusting me off. Every time her hand brushed my ass I was aware of it. Finally she pinched my butt and said, "All done, good work."

I yelped and looked at her. She just laughed and said, "What?"

Claire batted in two runs. In bottom of the ninth we were up 4-3 and Claire's team was at bat. If we held them here we'd win. There was one girl on base and Claire was up.

Standing out in left field I just stared at Claire and I lost track of the game. Even dirty, up to bat, and crouched over, she looked gorgeous. I heard the crack rather than saw the swing. Even looking at her I was too lost to realize she swung but the crack brought me out of my trance.

I saw the ball heading my way. It was between me and center field. We both headed for it as it sailed through the air. As I got closer I realized it was easily going to clear the fence bringing in the winning run.

I headed to the fence with all my speed as I watched the ball. It was up there. At my height I doubted I could grab it. As I approached the fence I jumped, glove extended, I heard the plop. I felt the ball hit my glove. I had it. She was out. Applause burst out from both teams.

As I headed back to the bench Claire intercepted me.

"We're going out to get something to eat. Want to come?"

I nodded, found my voice and said yes. That was the start of our friendship. During our conversations I learned that she and Becky belonged to the same sorority. The next day in class Becky asked me to pledge the sorority.

Needless to say I did. I joined and Becky, Claire, and I became great friends. College life went on. I had a boyfriend or two, dated some, lost my virginity. Claire had a boyfriend for a while. Claire and Becky graduated. I was still at school. Normal life for a girl.

Then came word of Becky's wedding. As the date got closer and closer we all got more excited. We started to think about a bachelorette party. We all wanted to go to Vegas but I was only 20 and Mark's sister was 19. We figured I was all set. My older sister said she'd take the risk and I could use her ID for the weekend so Mark's sister was the only other issue. We checked with her mother to see how she'd feel about getting her daughter into bars. She was ok so the search was on for an ID.

The good thing about a sorority is it creates a large circle of friends. One of the ones who could not make Vegas looked enough like Mark's sister to pass. Knowing we had the IDs we made plans.

Since we were going to Vegas, the guys made plans to go also. It was a wedding party weekend in Vegas.

We all arrived in Vegas Friday evening. There were 10 of us Friday night we dressed to kill. We had all bought matching outfits for the weekend. Down to matching thongs and bras. After all. Who knew what someone might see. Friday night the outfits were all black, short, sleeveless, and showed a lot of skin. Friday was the actual night the party was scheduled for. Mark's mom and stepmom and Becky's mom were also was also invited.

We met in the lobby. Mark's mom was the last to join us. Becky's mom and Mark's stepmom were going to meet us in the bar. When Mark's mom stepped off the elevator we all just stared. She was wearing a matching dress. We all knew Mark's mom was a knockout but we did not expect this. She was in her early 40s but looked around 30. She looked hot.

"What?" she said as she joined us. "Too much?"

That knocked us out of our trance. .

"God no," said Becky. "You can totally rock that dress."

We all agreed. We started dressing Becky in typical bachelorette accessories. Tiara, feather boa, a white garter on one leg, and a veil. Everyone was laughing and having fun.

As we started to head off Clair said to know one in particular, "Do you think she's wearing the whole outfit?

We all turned to look at Mark's mom. She just laughed. She turned away from us, flipped up her skirt, and showed us the matching thong. We all laughed, made the Woo noise, and started shouting at each other. We headed to the bar.

First stop was one of the hotel bars. We decided to exchange presents and have cake there. That way we could drop presents off and not carry them with us for the rest the night.

We found a table and with a lot of noise started to open presents. The usual bunch of bachelorette party gifts were there. Lingerie, vibrators, gag gifts, and some other fun stuff. We also played typical bachelorette party games. We were loud obnoxious and having fun.

Of course a bunch of loud, pretty girls, dressed to kill, and waving around lingerie and vibrators drew attention.

Lots of men came up and tried to engage us in conversation. We were not interested in men but we were interested in having fun. We spent the party teasing the men, asking them what lingerie they liked, and making them think they had a chance. We were having a blast.

After the cake it was time to head out dancing. To the protest of many men we went back up to our room and dropped off all the presents. Then we grabbed a couple of cabs and headed for one of the most popular nightclubs in town.

There was a line when we got there. We had the cabs drop us off right in front of the doorman. He took a look at ten attractive girls and let us right in.

The music was loud and the beat was meant to dance to. We headed to the dance floor and started dancing together. At one point I was dancing with Claire. We must've been quite a sight, a 5'11" Amazon with a midget like me.

A lot of people were around us and tried to penetrate our group. We would let them in for a while and then blow them off. Men kept buying us drinks. As the night went on we flirted and danced sexier and sexier.

We were having a blast. Although we all danced with each other and with some of the cuter guys Claire seemed to spend more time with me. We would shake our bodies, grind against each other, put our arms around each other, and make all the boys jealous.

Every time Claire touched me I felt electricity through my body. I was loving the whole night. This was my kind of party. I could see the other girls doing the same thing. It was a bit weird and exciting when Claire would pull me to her. At my height my chin practically rested in her cleavage.

We danced late into the early morning. It was getting time to head back and we started gathering all ranks. Claire noticed that Mark's sister Misty was stuck between two guys grinding at her. Claire went up to get her. She grabbed her hand and pulled her away. One of the guys protested and pulled her back. Claire grabbed the guy by the collar, got her leg behind him and pushed him to the floor.

As the bouncers approached we grabbed each other's hands and headed out the door laughing.

We returned to the hotel and said our goodnights. As we headed to our rooms we agreed to meet the next day by the pool.

Since we had decided to wear the same outfits all weekend we had determined that white bikinis were the outfit of the day. We didn't specify what bikini. We had decided to meet by the pool bar until we were all there. As we hung out waiting, men were hitting on us from all over. We practiced the same thing we did the night before flirting and teasing and blowing them off. Again we were having fun.

I didn't see her as much as see the reaction she was causing. A bunch of heads turned to look back at the hotel. I turned to see what they were looking at. They were looking at Claire. Claire was wearing a barely there bikini. The thong bottoms hid almost nothing. The top may have covered her nipples and a bit more. She was wearing high heels and sunglasses. Her hair was down cascading around her shoulders. She looked amazingly hot and it was obvious she knew it.

With Claire having joined us the whole group was there. If you've never been to Vegas around the pools many people rent cabanas. Especially men who want to get young women to hang out with them. OK their intent was try to get young women to fuck them but we didn't care free drinks and food were good enough for us. We had plenty of offers.

Just to annoy all our suitors, we chose one rented by three men in their 50s and 60s. They were pleasant enough and although they flirted with us did not pressure us. In the meantime they bought us drinks, food, and fun. We, being obnoxious, made big shows of dancing in our bikinis and rubbing suntan lotion on each other. Not just to entertain the guys in our cabana but to make the guys around them jealous of the guys in our cabana.

At one point Claire asked me to rub suntan lotion on her. She lay down in front of us on a lounge chair. From the back she looked practically naked. I started to rub it on her back. She squealed and swatted at me when the cold lotion first hit her back. I laughed hopped out of the way and squirted more lotion on her back. She swatted again.

I started rubbing the lotion on her back. I noticed a couple guys trying not to look.

"We've got an audience," I said.

Without looking she said, "Well give them a show."

I slowly rubbed oil on her back and legs. I would arch my back as I did and slide my hands close to her naked ass getting closer and closer as they looked on. For her part Claire made 'mmmm' noises, pushed her ass up a bit, and wiggled it a bit.

I finally actually got to her ass. She relaxed and made a soft sound. I quickly lotioned her cheeks and then went back to my lounge. I have to admit. I needed a cold drink. I wondered to myself if anyone would notice if I put it between my legs to cool me off down there also.

We had a great day. We danced, we tanned, we drank, and we ate. We had a blast and it cost us nothing. Truthfully I was ready for a nap before we went out for the evening. We made plans to meet after dinner and then go out. I had eaten so much during the day there was no way I could eat dinner. I had plenty of time to catch up on sleep.

The outfit for Saturday night was red, bright red. It was a sheath dress that clung to every curve of my body. It was short, had short sleeves, and a very low scoop neckline. I was showing a lot of leg and a lot of cleavage and I didn't have a lot of either.

Mark's mother was not going out with us tonight. Again we met in the lobby. Becky was wearing her bridal veil, tiara, and feather boa. we grabbed a couple cabs and headed out. I noticed that Claire's dress barely covered her ass. As tall as she was the dress was not meant for her.

We tried another club. Again being dropped off outside the door. We had the same luck as we did the night before. The bouncer was going to let us right in. Just then I heard someone yell Becky's name. It was Kevin, Becky's brother, and Sean, one of the Groomsmen. They were in the line waiting to get in. We asked the bouncer if they could come in with us. He must have figured the girl to guy ratio was still good and let them join us.

Saturday night was pretty much a repeat of Friday night. We all hit the dance floor, started dancing, and were immediately attracting men.


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