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Christmas Day Fire

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Despair turns into hope after an unexpected fire.
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This is one of my entries into the Winter Holidays Story Contest 2022. I hope you enjoy it and please vote!!!

All characters in this story depicted in any sexual situation are 18 years of age or older.

Christmas Day Fire

David sat on the sofa, looking past the twinkling Christmas tree, and out the front window of the house he and his wife shared for nearly thirty years. The tree was decorated with all the ornaments that they had collected over the years, and the brightly colored lights blinked and winkled gaily. The presents were wrapped and under the tree, exactly where they had been for the last week. Everything was ready for their usual Christmas celebration, though this one would be anything but usual. He still wore the same suit he had put on this morning, even though now it was nearly dinner time. He could hear his daughters bustling around the kitchen, putting finishing touches on a dinner he really didn't feel like eating, and heard his grandson playing with his cars on the floor behind the sofa he sat on.

He barely noticed the moving van pulling away from the house across the street, the young woman walking toward the undecorated, white house with her arms crossed against the cold and the light snow that had started to fall. It was a blustery Christmas eve, but the day barely registered for David. He'd always enjoyed seeing snow for Christmas, it happened so rarely anymore. This year though, the snow and cold air were hardly even noticed by him. The only thing that made any difference to him at the moment was the sight of his one and only true love being lowered into the ground. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back in exhaustion. He hadn't hardly slept the whole week, and now he could barley keep his eyes open.

David sat at the round table with half a dozen other people, his date, he hesitated to call her his girlfriend, sitting beside him. He noticed the female server, all the way across the room. The short black skirt and white blouse looked incredibly sexy on her, though the red Santa hat on her head looked silly with the skirt. He watched her walk around the tables, setting salads down in front of each person along with several other young woman her age. At first she didn't even notice him and then, she looked across the room and their eyes met. It was several long seconds that they looked at each other, the other realizing they were staring and both of them looked down at the same time, blushing at being caught staring. David wondered what it was about her that made him even notice her, but he had. He felt guilty looking at another woman with his date sitting next to him, but then, while she wanted their relationship to blossom, he wasn't sure he did. He asked her along because he didn't feel like coming to the company Christmas party alone. In retrospect, ever since he asked her, she'd talked about nothing else but their upcoming date. She wore an elegant red dress that he suspected was new, and her makeup was applied in just the right amounts to give her eyes a sultry look and her hair the appearance of glamour.

She sat next to him with her hand on his thigh, almost possessively, while she chatted with the woman next to her. David chatted about business with woman on the other side of him, trying to appear interested in what she was talking about, but his attention kept drifting to look at the girl bustling about the room refilling drink glasses. He couldn't help but notice her glancing his direction frequently, quickly looking away any time she was caught by him looking her way.

Conversation waned as everyone began eating their salads, David included. His date, Maggie, ate with her right hand, leaving her left on his thigh, as if she were afraid to let go of him. It didn't bother him particularly, but her fingers stroking the inside of his thigh lightly was making him reconsider his evening plans for after the party. He'd planned on taking her straight home, feeling more than a little tired after a full day of work, but now, maybe a little after party entertainment wouldn't be out of the question.

The young woman was suddenly beside him, reaching out to pick up his now empty salad plate. He reached for the plate and held it while she gripped it, the two of them staring at each other from only a foot away for long seconds, at least it felt like it to him. He stared into her green eyes and felt his face flush at the sensations that suddenly ran through him. As he let go of the plate and she pulled it slowly away, he couldn't help but notice the two bumps of her nipples poking more prominently though the thin, white blouse and the white lace bra he could just make out through the white, satin-looking material. She stepped away and he looked over at Maggie as she squeezed his thigh slightly to draw his attention back to her.

"Someone you know?" she asked with a cross look darkening her features.

"Huh? Oh, no. No idea who she is," he answered. It was true, he had never seen her before tonight, and didn't know anything about her, not even her name, not that the look on Maggie's face showed she believed him.

"Well, you don't need to pay so much attention to the help," Maggie said darkly. David almost chuckled out loud, thinking that she herself was little more than a receptionist where she worked, and was here only because she happened to live in the same apartment building as he did. He nodded his assent, even though he didn't really believe it. He couldn't help but let his eyes follow the server as she moved about, trying now not to look like he was.

The boss stood up and announced that dinner was done, it was time to start the festivities. Secret Santa was all the rage and everyone had drawn names of who to buy a gift for. The limit was three dollars and it could be either a serious or gag gift. The boss started, and they worked down the line by seniority. David watched as people stepped to the small tree on the table, located the package with their name on it, and opened it. Some were indeed gag gifts, including the inevitable rubber chicken that he had been told had been passed around for several years. One of the secretaries got a toilet seat picture frame, which she promised to put a picture of the company president in and hang in her office. David had gotten one of the department managers who liked to golf and got him glow-in-the-dark golf balls. One of the ladies got a pair of handcuffs, making her blush brightly when she opened the package. The woman sitting next to David leaned over and suggested that the handcuffs might be useful, now that her husband had run off with a younger woman. David wasn't exactly sure what to make of that comment, and just nodded in agreement.

As the packages disappeared from under the tree, it got closer and closer to David's turn. As the newest hire, he went last, walking to the tree and finding the package with his name on it. It was a long, slender package, looking much like one would expect to find a bracelet or maybe a pen and pencil set in. He stood near the tree as everyone else had done and unwrapped the long, slender box. He opened the cover and withdrew a small amount of red lace. It took him several long seconds before he realized that it was a pair of bright red lace panties, very, VERY skimpy lace panties at that. He blushed brightly in embarrassment and wadded them up in his hand as comments were made about needing to find out who they belonged to and if they expected them to be returned. It wasn't until David had returned to his seat and his date took them from him, that he realized that that the panties had been worn.

The woman next to him, whose name he couldn't remember, whispered to him that she hadn't seen that in some time, but in her younger days a gift like that was an invitation. The question was, who was inviting him? Maggie was clearly upset about the gift and the suggestion it conveyed. He took the underwear back from her and put it in his pants pocket, hoping everyone would forget the whole thing. He suspected that it would be anything but forgotten in the coming days.

With secret Santa done, the dance floor was opened for the evening and Maggie quickly suggested that they dance. He felt her desire to dance was more about putting her mark on him in front of the other women, especially since one clearly had designs on him. He agreed to dance, and guided her to the dance floor. David wasn't a very graceful dancer, but he managed to hold his own. Maggie glued herself to him, making sure he knew that if he wanted, his hands could wander anywhere he wanted them to. When he didn't, she was unabashed at coaxing him to grip her lower than her waist, pressing her pelvis against him so that she was rubbing her body against his suddenly growing hard-on.

David had known Maggie for several months, having met her when he moved into the apartment for his new job. She seemed like a nice girl, friendly, pleasant, good looking, witty. This was his second date with her and honestly, he didn't feel the connection. He was starting to feel somewhat put off by how possessive she had already gotten after just one date.

It was the third dance that they had shared, this one a bit faster. David was enjoying watching Maggie's breasts, each the size of a coconut half, bouncing tantalizingly in the scoop front dress as she danced and bounced in front of him. He'd suspected that she didn't have a bra on with the dress, and now he was sure of it. Her boobs bounced and the rubbing of the dress on her nipples was encouraging them to grow harder by the second. When the song ended and she stepped to him, leaning on him as she panted for breath, he could feel those same hard nipples rubbing up and down his chest, coaxing his already mostly-hard dick to grow even harder. He was a sucker for a sexy pair of tits, he was pretty sure she'd figured that out after the first date and was using that now to her advantage.

They walked off the dance floor to get something to drink, and were intercepted by a middle-aged woman in a very slinky, very revealing dress: the same one that had gotten the handcuffs. The bright red dress extended from just above her large, full breasts, down to just below her knees. It was long-sleeved, if you call them that, since both sleeves extended only from her wrists up to her biceps and weren't actually attached to the dress in any way. Everything above her biceps and above her breasts was completely bare.

"How about I borrow your boyfriend for a quick dance?" she asked Maggie, turning him by the arm and steering him toward the dance floor before Maggie had any chance to object. Maggie stood rooted in place and fumed as she watched the maybe forty-year-old woman guide "her man" back onto the dance floor.

"You remember me?" she asked sweetly as she slipped into place in front of him, her big breasts almost brushing his chest as they started moving to the modestly fast-paced song: not quite a slow dance but not a disco speed either.

"Not really," David admitted as he rested his hands on her hips, not wanting to invite too much familiarity.

"Joanne Lane. I'm the head of HR. I handled your interview?"

"Ahhh, yes ma'am," David nodded. "I remember now."

"Please, just Joanne. No ma'am here. This isn't company time."

"Um, okay Joanne," he agreed awkwardly as she slipped one of her arms from where it rested on his shoulder down around his back and pulled him toward her until they were touching. The beat of the music was just fast enough that as she pressed herself to him and swayed to the beat, Joanne was able to grind her tits into his chest and her pelvis against his mostly-hard cock. The effect was clearly what she intended, his dick growing harder in his pants despite his best efforts.

"So, have you figured out who gave you the sexy, little panties?" she asked quietly, leaning in until her cheek rested against his. He could feel her breath against his ear, tickling it slightly, making his dick twitch in his pants at the sudden sensation.

"I haven't," he answered, equally quietly.

"Did they embarrass you?" she whispered, pressing herself even tighter against him, her soft tits flattening against his chest as her other hand slipped down his back to cup his butt cheek.

"A bit."

"Do you want to know who your secret Santa was?" She asked with a squeeze of his butt.

"Um, I guess," he answered awkwardly, pretty sure now he knew exactly who had sent the panties.

"How do you suppose you can find out?" she whispered, her tongue flicking out to stroke his earlobe.

"I'm not sure," he answered her nervously, not sure it was a good idea to be doing this with the head of the HR department, let alone anyone at the company.

"Well, presumably, whoever it is, wouldn't be wearing panties, if she gave them to you, now would she?"

"Probably not," he agreed. "But it wouldn't be a good idea to go around sticking my hand up under ladies' dresses to find out."

She giggled softly and squeezed his butt again. "Well, maybe not here. But I'm sure an enterprising young man like you could figure out a way to accomplish it."

"I suppose I could," David agreed. "If I had to guess, since you're making the suggestion, you'd have to be my first guess."

"Hmmmmmm, could be. But then again, one should be sure, don't you think?"

"I'd hate to be wrong."

"Then you better be sure."

"Are you suggesting I do it here?" In response he got another soft, girlish giggle. David took a deep breath and used his hands on her hips to slowly bunch her dress up, pulling the material up in his hands as he hiked the hem of the dress higher and higher. He felt his fingers reach the bottom of the dress, now bunched up over her butt, and the tips of his fingers touch her bare cheeks. He was sure everyone who wanted to was now looking at her bare butt cheeks, but she didn't seem to care as she wiggled herself against his hard-on. He let his fingers slide down her bare cheeks, under her butt until his finger tips felt her bare, wet pussy lips.

"I think I need to go to the ladies room. Would you like to escort me?" she whispered, as he stroked his fingers across her lips. She abruptly pulled her body from against his, her skirt falling back down in place as she hooked her arm in his and turned him. She didn't give him a choice as they walked across the dance floor with his arm in hers, guiding him more than him guiding her. It didn't take long to leave the room the party was in and walk down the hall toward the bathrooms.

"Here we are," he said, pausing outside the restroom door, feeling her grip his arm tighter in hers, rather than releasing it. She stepped toward the door and pulled it open, drawing him along into the bathroom. "I shouldn't be in here," he whispered as she continued to pull him along across the tile floor toward one of the stalls.

"I suppose that's true," she whispered as she coaxed him into one of the stalls and then stepped in with him. She pushed the stall door closed behind them and then leaned her face toward his. "Now that you know they're mine, what are you going to do about it?"

David knew what she wanted. If what the woman sitting next to him had said was correct, at least he wasn't being propositioned by a married woman. Still, he gave a quick thought to saying no, but how do you say no to the head of the HR department? He'd heard all the stories about executives fucking their secretaries and such perks of the job, so to speak. He hadn't ever considered that it might go the other way as well.

He reached around behind her and found the zipper of the dress. He pulled it down and let the dress slide down her body to pool around her ankles. She was completely naked under the dress, her full breasts, large enough to need two hands to cover each one, were sporting extremely-hard, pink nipples. He looked down her body to the blond curls on her mound as she reached for his belt. He started to stroke her body, teasing her nipples and breasts while she undid his pants and pushed them down. His briefs went next, pushed down his thighs to free the hard-on her dancing had encouraged.

David wasn't afraid to have sex. He'd had sex with quite a few girls over the years and through college. This would be the first time with a significantly older woman though. And with his job potentially on the line, he hoped he measured up. She lifted one foot and rested it on the toilet stool, spreading her legs slightly. She grasped his cock and pulled it slowly toward her. "I take it you've never had sex in a bathroom before?" she whispered.

"No, I haven't."

"You'd be surprised how many places a man can have sex with a woman, if the two of them want it," she said with a husky voice as she pulled his engorged head toward her pussy lips. "My husband proved that quite well." She rubbed his manhood between her inner labia and then coaxed his mushroom head to the entrance to her vaginal depths. "Just slide it in honey, fuck me, make me yours," she moaned softly. David pushed toward her, sliding himself slowly into her hot, wet depths. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation as he worked his hips slightly, pushing in and out a little as he forced himself deeper and deeper. "Oh yes. Ohhhhh yes yes," she moaned softly as she felt his head push all the way into her, filling her depths.

David leaned his head down and lifted one of her big, soft tits toward his mouth, eager to suck and tease her nipple. He was a sucker for big tits and hers were fantastically large, Maybe the biggest he'd ever had his hands on. He drew her nipple into his mouth as he began to stroke himself in and out of her. He felt his head caress her vaginal walls and was experienced enough to know how to shift himself to be sure his shaft rubbed her clit. Every woman wanted to climax when having sex, and one of his former girlfriends in college spent many long hours fucking him different ways, teaching him how to please her in each one. He was disappointed that he wasn't the only one that she wanted to please her, or he might have still been with her. Among the positions she had coaxed him to learn was how to fuck standing up. She loved to be fucked in all kinds of places and for many, standing was the only option. But for now, with Joanne, this one would do.

He rocked his hips, dragging his cock along her clit while at the same time forcing the bottom side of his engorged head against her vaginal wall, increasing the sensations that would eventually push his own climax to its limit. In and out he thrust, her bare ass slapping against the stall wall with each thrust. She seemed unconcerned about the noise, her moans and gasps growing loud enough that he doubted anyone coming into the bathroom could miss the fact that someone was having sex. Not that David was particularly bashful, but this was the first time with an older woman and the first time with a company executive, though not the first time in a ladies room. He was reasonably sure that any one of the three could earn him a negative reputation.

In and out he thrust, working to make sure she got what she wanted. He wouldn't have chosen to have sex with her if she hadn't set it up, but he had to admit, it felt good and she did have one hell of a set of tits. He sucked her nipple and drove his cock into her over and over, feeling her growing wetter with each passing minute. Her hips started to push toward him telegraphing her impending climax. He smiled to himself and nibbled her nipple, drawing a gasp and cry of pleasure he was sure could be heard even through the closed bathroom door.

"Fuck yes! Fuck me honey! I'm gonna come. Fuck me! Fuuuuuuck MEEEE!" she squealed loudly as her orgasm reached its pinnacle. Her whole body shuddered and trembled as she clenched herself around his stroking cock, the sudden change in tightness pushing him along with her. David let her nipple go and reached to the top of the stall partition to allow him leverage to press his whole body against hers, trapping her against the stall wall while she shuddered and shook. His body jerked and he felt a surge of cum lance up into her pussy as her spasming pussy teased his cock and tried to draw him even deeper.

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