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Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 04

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Pippa becomes more acquainted with Mike.
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Part 4 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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Getting ready to meet a new guy is one of the most exciting parts of our 'lifestyle'.

The routine.

That word 'routine', makes it sound boring, but nothing could be further from the truth.

First a bath, or shower. Getting clean is important to me personally. I'm very fastidious about personal hygiene.

I need to be clean... before I get dirty.

Then there's choosing an outfit, my clothing is very important too.

Usually it's John that decides my attire but since going to visit the dogging site I've chosen for myself.

In keeping with the venue I've opted for tarty.

Black stockings with a short black skirt, boots, no knickers.

On top either a t shirt or if it's cold a jumper, no bra, and to finish off a black leather jacket.

The boots and jacket are mainly chosen because of the terrain, you can't traipse across a field in flimsy heels.

And the jacket comes in very handy for moving through woodland, thicket etc.

I don't get scratched to bits with that on.

It was a friday night, a week after that first encounter with Mike the gamekeeper, and I was halfway through this routine of getting ready, having already been washed and now getting dressed into my slut wear in our bedroom.

Letting my mind wander back to the previous friday.....

After our initial encounter with this new guy...the mysterious...strong silent...Mike, we were both lost in a pea soup of awe with no idea how to react.

Hence why we'd felt the need to leave the dogging site, with what had just happened it suddenly seemed unimportant.

I'd walked back across the fields in stunned silence beside my equally stunned hubby, both of us in quiet contemplation.

It was John who finally spoke up as he unlocked the car, staring at me across the roof before we both got in.

"What the fuck just happened Pip?.....that....that was....oh fuck me!"

He shook his head in disbelief, then as we both got in he showed me his trembling hands, "Look....look at that....I'm still buzzing."

I felt it too, what indeed had just happened?

A totally spontaneous, very exciting encounter with a complete stranger....is what.

And I too was still trembling with excitement from the experience.

But it hadn't all been a rush of pure arousal, there had been an element of danger mixed in.

Mike's initial hostile stance for example, and the gun of course, a large double barreled shotgun no less.

I don't know much about guns, John explained on the way back what sort it was and what the 'clack' noise had been.

I thought he'd been preparing to shoot us, but in fact he was closing the barrel up to make it easier to rest against the tree.

This danger element, only added to the experience...enriching it.

He, Mike, was clearly very dominant and in a commanding position, we were after all on his private land....trespassers.

This fact created a vulnerable feeling within me, which appealed to my submissive nature.

As I finished getting dressed I continued to wallow in the arousing memory of last friday, and in particular one aspect of it, another first.....my first stranger.

I recall what seemed like an age ago during our initial tentative steps with Alan.

A night out for myself and John, and a taxi ride home.

John going a bit too far on the backseat with me....the taxi driver watching us.

Arriving back home, the guy cheekily offered to come in with us.

Both myself and John were so turned by the fact the taxi driver was a stranger.

But, at that time we weren't ready for a stranger to join us and so, declined.

During later discussions with John it was clear we both felt that it was a missed opportunity, we should have gone for it.

There were other examples of reluctance and subsequent regret.

Neil the painter was one of these.

At the time I was picky and hadn't fancied Neil enough to let him go all the way with me.

Then, later when we realised he was probably a virgin....oh my...how good would that have been? Me taking Neil's virginity, all caught on our secret camera.

There were other examples that I won't go into here but suffice to say I could kick myself for not being braver!

So, when the opportunity with this stranger came along.....we were rather keen to not let it go to waste.

As soon as I'd seen him there stood close by in the dark, playing with himself, I knew what to do.

What I needed to do.

This opportunity was not going to slip by.

It had paid off, and now here I was getting ready to go see him again.

Even though excitement filled my veins, an air of caution was also present. There were uncertainties, perhaps it had been a one off?

He may get cold feet and not turn up.

It was as I juggled these contrasting thoughts and emotions that John's voice from downstairs suddenly cut in, startling me, "You ready love?....come on....we don't want to be late."

Finishing brushing my hair, standing back to take one last look in the mirror.

I'm never fully happy with my appearance and this night was no exception.

After things had ended with Dave I'd been a bit down, and when I'm feeling sorry for myself I eat things that I shouldn't and drink too much.

I had put on weight that much was evident, but at least no grey hair...yet.

"Oh well...here we go." I said quietly, then blew my reflection a kiss before heading out the bedroom and downstairs to a very excited hubby.

John was in the hallway all ready to go, holding my jacket out for me to put on.

His eyes broadened a little and a cheeky grin formed as he took in my appearance, "Come on missus... we need to get going."

Drawing level with John I put one arm in the jacket then turn with my back to him to place the other in.

Turning my head to one side I ask, "How do I look?"

There's a slight pause then I feel his breath on my neck, quiet sweet words in my ear.

"Good enough to eat."

Turning around, looking right into his eyes I speak softly but with confidence, "If he's there...and I sincerely hope he is...I want him to fuck me tonight."

I have teased John plenty before, but the fact that I swore and the casual, almost nonchalant way that my words are delivered, takes him by surprise, inflaming my hubby's already highly aroused state.

He stares back, the grin faltering a little, then returns with a vengeance....a wolfish grin if ever there was.

"Say that again."

His words are full of excitement.

Putting my arms around his neck, leaning in close on tip toes.....whispering in his ear.

"I want him to fuck me tonight....and I want you to watch him doing it."

Moving back in front, John's expression is a picture.

A portrait of pure undiluted lust.

His eyes full of that determined hungry look that gets me so wet.

For a second we just watch each other closely, acknowledging one another's arousal.

And then John loses it, suddenly lunging forward pinning me to the hallway wall at the same time as pushing his lips against mine in a very passionate kiss.

Tongues writhing, breathing hard, hands groping.

The attack takes me by surprise, I've underestimated just how eager he is.

Normally John is good at taking my little teases but it appears this time I've gone too far.

For a brief moment we both lose control, and sight, of our objective this night.

Our passionate embrace very nearly leading to an impromptu 'quickie' up against the wall.

But somehow, John comes to his senses and regains some control.

His kiss softening initially, then a gradual peeling away from me.

We stand there staring once more, panting.

John slowly begins shaking his head, "Ooh you little minx....you nearly had me then."

He moves in for another kiss, this time soft and gentle, controlled.

Moving back smiling, a warm and loving look in his eyes.

"But...I know it's going to be worth the wait."

A fervent passion is just detectable in his otherwise calm words, expertly hidden to all... but me.

Then in an instant, all is back to 'normal'.

The spell is broken.

I put on my boots as John gets the car ready. And while walking to the open passenger door I have to hide a smug grin.

I love it when they lose control like that, all because of little old me.

It gives my wicked side a great sense of satisfaction.

Pippa 1....John....0.

Anyway, our little interlude was over, order restored for now.

I got in, reached over and kissed John again, then we set off into the night.

Arriving at our destination late, it was gone 11 when we finally got to the same spot as the previous week.

Progress through the woods had to be cautious especially near the car park.

We could hear them as we got close, a good sized group.

Excitement levels quickly rise upon hearing their noises.

However, observing this late night carnal debauchery was no longer our main attraction, that, was waiting somewhere in these woods....hopefully.

Fortunately we weren't kept hoping for long. Within minutes of arriving, and despite our alert state, Mike still managed to surprise us.

My heart leapt into my mouth and I spun around at the faint snap of a twig underfoot.

Actually making me jump as he suddenly appears from behind a tree.

Towering above me, the tall dark figure looms.

How does he move through the woods so quietly?

"Hello Pippa....hello John...I'm glad your here...I was worried you weren't coming."

His hushed words come with a genuine and welcome warmth, compared to last weeks introduction.

And no gun too, I see.

As a result I'm feeling more relaxed, more confident.

He approaches, close.

We say our hushed hellos back and make a little small talk.

Mike commenting on the good attendance tonight, I count 6 cars and a van, three separate groups of men gathered around three women.

Provocative noises fill my ears, primal, natural...human.

Busy figures I see.

A smell too.

I've smelt it before but not acknowledged it till tonight.

Cannabis, wafting up and in amongst the trees in which we hide.

Standing there together all three watching the display, Mike on my left this time, John to my right.


Just a word but, in the moment....it's deep.

Trust me, it penetrates to the core.

Who will make the first move?

We know why we are here It's just a matter of time and nerve.

Glancing to my left at our new friend, he stands near to me staring at the nearest group.

We can't see much of the lucky lady as she is surrounded, but she appears to be on all fours enjoying the attention at both ends.

Studying Mike I see he's dressed differently, no long trench coat this time just a jacket.

His lower half is covered by camo army trousers, black boots on his feet.

As I take in Mike's appearance he suddenly turns and looks down at me.

Craning my neck looking back up, god he's tall, at least as tall as old Harry maybe even taller.

Twinkling eyes under the brim of a cap, watching me.

I don't look away, neither does he.

A loud moan from the lucky lady in the car park does not distract.

Then Mike breaks eye contact briefly to look back past me at John.

There is some acknowledgement, a slight nod of the head.

And although I can't see him at that moment, I know this is in reply to a nod from my husband....permission granted.

This tiny act causes the most intense reaction, a surge of pure excitement barrels through me.

As I've mention before, it is these small, seemingly insignificant things that affect me the most.

I'm so turned on at this point, so focussed....nothing else matters.

The doggers are gone.

It begins with a kiss, Mike stooping down to meet me.

It's forceful, eager, full of pent up desire from us both.

That smell of alcohol again, I remember it from our previous encounter.

Fresh stubble prickles my face as his tongue explores mine.

I'm quickly lost in the moment, eaten up by my own hungry desire, very aware of John watching us from close behind.

Mike's hand on my head, his fingers through my hair....my hand groping his crotch....I can feel it...a hard bulge straining against material.

The inner slut takes over, that part of me I keep well hidden.

Tonight, she is in full control.....and she is ravenous.

Once it's begun there's no stopping and things quickly progress, we all know why we're here and what we want.

There is no holding back.

I soon have his hard on out the trousers and in my hand, steady strokes up and down.

A muffled groan and an increase in breathing from my lover, encourage me on.

John's presence from close behind...his hand up the back of my skirt....going straight for... it.

Now a muffled moan escapes me as he easily sinks a finger in, a tickle down my inner thigh....oh god....I'm leaking already.

My head spins with urgent need... breaking off our kiss and going straight down on my knees....gobbling our new friend in a frenzy....

A gasp from Mike and excited words from John, "Oh fuck yeah!"

The comments from my hubby keep coming as I greedily consume our friends cock.

Hushed but just audible, filthy....degrading words.

My husband soon joins Mike, side by side with our new friend, eagerly offering his familiar hard on next to the new one.

I take it, one in each hand, alternating between one and the other.

They both go down on their knees before me....to worship.

And I am so.....very grateful indeed.

A busy girl.

I make them gasp and tremble, bringing an inner....confident grin.

But I want more, not content for long with this.

I need to feel him.

To know him.

John knows, he doesn't need any signal from me, it's already written.

He breaks away, standing and retrieving a blanket we've brought with us, laying it down ready.

Then he speaks quietly to Mike, so quietly that I cannot hear.

The mystery of their conversation adding to my aroused state.

I'm later informed by John what passes between them.

He tells Mike that I want him to fuck me, at this Mike becomes noticeably more excited and then asks rather crudely if he can, and I quote, "Nut in her."

John replies in the affirmative, "Oh yeah mate....she fucking loves that....go for it."

Shortly after this private exchange Mike withdraws his glistening cock from my mouth.

I know what's coming and quickly get into position on my back laid on the blanket.

Watching from my horizontal perspective as Mike looms between my open thighs, undoing and taking down his trousers.

A long hard shaft waves at me briefly before disappearing from view as he gets down into position on top.

This is it, the moment I've craved all week...my cunt is salivating in readiness....to receive her meal.

I'm mounted roughly, his weight pressing down, a fumbling hand guiding.

I feel its head pushing, parting my lips....sliding inside.

It's always very special allowing a new man inside me for the first time, and this is no exception.

I'm instantly impressed by how hard he is.

But equally so the length, definitely longer than John's...oh now that...is deep.

Stifling a squeal of pure delightful satisfaction, despite my fulfilment I must be quiet.

He is so long in body as otherwise, Mike's head still way above mine even in this most intimate position.

I'm laid prone staring up at his jacket collar.

His thrusts are eager, vigorous, powerful.

And for a brief moment I believe he's about to come, all too soon.

But, he's just getting started.

Giving me a good working over as way of introduction, his actions speaking to me....

'Hello sweetheart.....this is what's in store for you.'

'I may be older but I've still got it.'

Is the message I receive loud and clear.

Mike slows to a stop and we kiss, tenderly this time, there's no rush.

We take our time, enjoying each other...absorbing everything.

I'm aware of John to my right, knelt down beside us watching.

Reaching out with my right hand, grasping my hubby's hard on, wanking him as he watches Mike break our kiss and settle into a steady rhythm.

Oh god! It's so fucking deep, he's 'bumping' me with every in stroke.

For the next several minutes we remain locked together and despite my initial fears of a premature problem, Mike proves his staying power.

He soon has me gasping and writhing beneath him.

I can hear John goading him, urging Mike to keep going.

Squelching sounds come from below and between us....a squeal of delight off to my left in the car park followed by cheers and clapping....

It all proves too much.

It happens fast, the speed and power overwhelming.

My face is buried within his jacket... a muffled scream of satisfaction.

I feel him tense up and for a second think that he too has come, but this is a flinch of pain.

I don't realise what I'm doing at the time, but in the throes of ecstasy I've sunk my teeth into his chest.

Coming to my senses and quickly letting go, breathing hard, my body trembling in the wake of such a powerful climax.

John beside me is congratulating Mike, his hushed words contain a tremble.

I know at that moment my husband is in the grip of the most intense excitement.

He loves to watch me with another guy, it's the ultimate, but adding to that is the fact it's my first time going all the way with Mike.

We are both in awe.

But I don't have much time to recover, Mike is almost there, beginning to hump like crazy.

I want to look him in the eye as he does it but can't, his head is over my left shoulder.

So instead I turn to my other side... and John.

Locking eyes with him in the gloom.

During my recent climax I'd stopped wanking him, and now I see, he has resumed himself.

Shaking his swollen cock in hand while staring into my eyes.

Even in the dark I see his fervent determined look.

He knows what's coming too.

I don't waist the opportunity to tease.

Keeping wrapped around my lover, whispering to him....just loud enough for John to hear.

"Come on.....that's it...come on."

Mike immediately responding by groaning, speeding up....it's any second now.

Never breaking eye contact with my husband I continue goading Mike.

"That's it keep going....I want it....come on Mike....please."

It's while I'm whispering the word 'please' that Mike growls into my shoulder.

His muffled deep groan vibrating through my jacket collar.

A quick, powerful jerk forward, so deep I open my mouth wide in surprise....still staring at my hubby.

Both of my men cum at the same time.

Mike deep inside me, John in the undergrowth near the blanket.

It has all been too much for him to see this.

I lay there panting with a great sense of satisfaction.

Mike's heavy pulses and flow of liquid warmth inside me causing a gasp of delight.

Squeezing him tightly with my legs once more, bucking my hips, milking him.

John's right, I do love it, absolutely fucking adore it more like....that sensation of being filled....it's the best.

And it almost starts me off again, but not for Mike starting to pull out.

A little too soon for me, he's still going, and I like to keep it in for a while to....savour the experience.

I don't resist his departure, unwrapping my legs from around him and letting him go.

His sudden withdrawal leaving me a little frustrated.

I recall that previous week, once he'd climaxed Mike didn't hang around.

He seemed anxious to leave, as was the case now.

I watch as he retrieves a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and cleans himself before getting up and pulling the trousers back on.

He glances at John then turns to look at me, he's about to say something but I beat him to it.

Sitting up on the blanket, whispering up at him, "Stay for a while....don't go yet....please?"

Mike hesitates, another glance at John then looks back around at the doggers.

Returning slowly to me he nods and I destect a smile just visible in the dark.


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