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Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 07

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Playtime at Mike's place ends in disaster.
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Part 7 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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During our stays over at Mike's place, there was something that always bugged me.

Something seemingly trivial, that once observed amid all the excitement and expectations of the evening ahead, it was immediately pushed to the back of my mind.

There to brood, like a sulky teenager craving attention.

This trivial 'something' concerned the way in which Mike locked his front door.

In discussions with both my hubby and Dave after the unfortunate event I'm about to relate, it was suggested that perhaps my registering of Mike's error and subsequently alerting him, may not have made much difference to the outcome anyway.

I'm inclined to believe this to be the case.

However, it would have saved us all a big chunk of embarrassment.

Mike's error?

After locking the front door of his cottage, Mike removed the key from the lock.

Thus enabling anyone else with a key to just come along and open up.

In a practice myself and John had gotten used to at our house while 'entertaining' we left the key turned in the lock.

So, if one of our sons came back unexpectedly, they would not be able to gain entry even with their own key.

Thus buying us valuable time to get dressed etc.

But, with us not having anyone over at our house for many months, this precaution was not forefront in our mind's.

Hence my uneasy feeling while watching Mike lock the door.

Funny isn't it? How something so small and seemingly trivial....can have such big consequences.

This is going to be difficult for me to relive, I've tried hard to forget what happened.

Anyway, here I go.

The following friday night after Mike's big reveal, we paid him another visit as requested at his cottage.

And this time he had another surprise for us.

While there in his living room relaxing with drinks, Mike telephoned his niece.

To let us hear just how alike me, she sounds.

Informing us beforehand, asking that we don't make any noise, Mike activates the speaker on his phone.

We hear the ringing tone for a moment and then, well, I answer the phone.

It's literally like listening to a recording of my own voice.

My mouth drops open and I gaze at John in astonishment.

He stares back wide eyed, silently mouthing an obscene exclamation of surprise as Mike chats with his niece...about everyday things.

Amber does sound eerily like me, it's uncanny.

Later that night, after drinks and good conversation, Mike's dominant side comes out to play.

This time I'm ordered to strip, right there in the living room, then Mike has me get down on my knees and suck him to a firm erection while John looks on.

Mike goading my hubby with dirty comments and explicit descriptions of what he's going to do to me once the little back bedroom.....and...just how much I will enjoy it.

Once he's ready, I'm practically dragged upstairs to Mike's back bedroom where I'm thrown down onto the squeaky old bed....and used by my bull.

Driving him nuts with my impersonation of his niece is hardly needed but, I do enjoy playing the part....and receiving a vigorous seeing to for my efforts.

And boy does he make me scream.

It's so nice to let myself go and be vocal.

Before, at the dogging site, I had to be quiet while they fucked me, which did have its own attraction, but I do prefer being able to make a racket, it's

John as before, obeys mike and leaves us to it. Happy to wander about the cottage listening to our noises.

He's done this before when we were with Dave, loves to hang back and just enjoy the auditory stimulation, listening to how we sound from different rooms in the house....varying distances...angles.

John does sneak upstairs too, for a peak through the door crack....spying on us....stroking himself...

Mike doesn't seem to notice, either that or doesn't care.

Like the previous week, my husband is allowed to join in later that night as Mike tires.

My bull relaxing his control, happy to sit back and watch.....hubby and wife...together in harmony.

Eventually, we do all tire.

Myself and John staying in the small back bedroom to sleep, Mike retiring to the master bedroom.

And this, becomes our new routine over the next few meetings, the night being split into two.

First half is Mike and me, or rather....Mike and Amber.

Then for the second half it's all three of us together.

This part sees the boys interacting more like it used to be with Dave, good pals instead of role playing, Mike more relaxed and easy going.....after I've taken the edge off him.

Everything was going fine, perfect even....and then...well....this is the bit I wasn't looking forward to.

Our last night at Mike's place was in full swing.

Mike had just finished his quality time with me, John had recently joined us and was busy enjoying sloppy seconds with me on all fours on the creaky bed.

Mike was sat on the bedroom floor, naked and sweaty, watching us and commenting on how good we look together.

He's particularly keen on watching me taking it from behind, I'm sideways on to him and he has a good view of my whole body.

"Ah fuck.....just fucking love the way your tits jiggle like that.....go on John boy....she's going again pal."

Mike's crude but accurate words are becoming foggy as I slip easily towards another strong climax....John gripping my hips tighter...thrusting harder....making me moan.

And then.....our world comes tearing apart....just like an instant.

A noise over to my left and behind, an insignificant noise in itself but to us three now? It is a horrible last thing any of us want to hear.

This noise? The sound of the bedroom door creaking open.

We all flinch in unison.

Everything stops, all motion, all noise....everything.

All our attention immediately focussed on the bedroom doorway....nothing else exists.

There, in that doorway is a petite, mature woman...short grey hair...

I recognise Sarah, Mike's wife, from family pictures I've seen hung on the cottage walls.

She stands frozen, expressionless for a brief second.

Then, as the gravity of the situation she is witnessing takes hold....a rapid transformation.

The realisation spreading across her face....grotesque to see.

I'd heard the word 'aghast' used before while reading, but never really understood what it looked like until now.

Sarah's mouth falls open at the same time her brow lowers, the utter shocked disgust so horribly displayed.

At the same time her hand is drawn up to her mouth and she begins to back out the room.


Mike's desperate words trail off as his wife begins to turn away, her initial shock being replaced by flight....she flees the scene.

Mike is quickly up off the floor, bolting after her like a deer.

Stupidly, my one thought at this vital moment is...he's naked!

Funny how traumatic situations produce such trivial observations.

Both myself and John remain frozen for a second in our copulating position, still stuck together.

We watch as Mike runs naked out the door and disappears from view, sound now taking over as our only source of information.

His heavy steps down the stairs catching up with

Sarah's, then a loud crash from below, a yelp followed by Mike's desperate words, "Sarah! alri...."

Sarah's screamed interruption finally wakes us up from our initial shocked trance, "Get your fucking hands off me!"

It appears that in her frantic effort to leave the scene she has stumbled down the last few steps.

Coming out of our shocked state, panic now ensues.

I have never before nor since, gone from being naked and very happy indeed.... to being fully dressed and distraught!

I cannot accurately put into words how I was feeling at the time, to say that it was fucking horrible would be a huge understatement.

I'd been in embarrassing situations before but this....this was in another league altogether.

With our clothes back on there followed a brief but bizarre moment, where we just stared at each other listening to what was going on downstairs.

Frozen once more, this time by confusion....what do we do now?

We can't easily escape, Mike and Sarah appear to be in the downstairs hallway, she's having a right go at him.

All we can do is wait, our presence downstairs would only make things worse.

John's face and neck are bright red, and he looks as panic stricken as I imagine I do.

We hear Sarah shouting for Mike to let go of her, then a vicious sounding slap followed by... silence.

Seconds pass....then we hear the living room door being opened...

I don't immediately make the connection that comes along with this particular sound, but John does.

He reacts quickly, I hear the word, 'shit' spat out as he turns toward the bedroom window, runs over to it and frantically tries to get it open.

His actions only confuse me more, Sarah already knows we're here so why try sneaking out the window?

Moving across the room to meet him I ask in a hushed voice, "What are you doing?"

John turns to address me as he strains against the window, "The guns!"

Those two simple words hit me like a freight train.

Here we are, suddenly discovered doing something we shouldn't, emotions running a house full of guns!

Suffice to say that my attention is immediately focussed on that window, and getting it open.

A drop from 20 feet is a much more acceptable situation than facing a shotgun.

Panic once more, reigns supreme.

We both attack the window.

It's an old type wooden frame sash and will not budge despite our combined frantic efforts.

Soon realising we're not going anywhere, John is the first to react, pulling away from the window he puts his finger to his lips in a hushing motion looking towards the open bedroom door.....listening.

Silence from below...nothing.

It's this awful silence that fuels my imagination, my worst fears dance before me.

We'd heard a loud slap followed shortly after by the sound of the living room door opening....what did it mean?

In my panic stricken over active mind I imagined that Mike had struck Sarah to check her hysterics, maybe a little too hard.

Was she perhaps laid unconscious on the hallway floor?

Was Mike right at that moment sat in the living room, staring at one of those guns mounted on the wall....contemplating what to do next?

His marriage over, life in tatters.

And the reason for this, both reasons.....upstairs in his back bedroom...

Factor into this scenario that Mike had been drinking heavily.

As insane as this idea sounds now, at the time? It made perfect sense.

I was trembling with fear, so desperate to get out of that bedroom and that old house.

Looking at John, our eyes meet and I see the same fear within my husband.

How can something that was going so well, turn to disaster so quickly?

And now here we are stuck in the bedroom.

There is only one thing we can do.

John holds out a finger pointing towards me, "You wait here....I'll go down first and see what's happening."

His words causing me to panic even more, I don't want to be left alone and make that very clear to him.

"Alright...but let me go first....get behind me."

He says before turning and slowly walking out the room and across the landing, I follow closely, listening all the time.....there's still no noise from below.

Carefully we descend the stairs and soon the hallway is in view...empty.

The living room door is ajar but there's no sign of life.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs and moving through into the kitchen I can see the front door is wide open and now I can hear raised voices from outside.

Mike and Sarah arguing, they sound a little way off.

Seizing our opportunity we escape through the front door and quickly realise we will have to go the long way around back through the woods to our car, as Mike and Sarah are right there in the driveway blocking our exit.

Crossing the garden and making for the dark woods beyond, I'm not to know it at the time but what would turn out to be my very last view of Mike, is a strange one.

Looking back as we enter the woods, I see him stood naked, pleading with Sarah to appears from her body language and hysterical voice that his efforts are not going to work.

In that brief image I see a devoted, innocent wife suddenly confronted with her hubby's infidelity.

Her life thrown into turmoil.....all because of us.

That's the kind of guilt that cuts deep and doesn't go away.

I'll never forget that last image of them, the guilt won't let me.

The night was far from over, we had to find our way back to the old dogging site, the nature reserve car park.

From there we would know our way back across the fields to the car.

But we'd only been through the woods to Mike's place once before.

In the dark, inevitably, we got lost.

It was only by chance that a patrolling police car, checking the doggers had not returned, showed us by its distant headlights twinkling through the foliage, where the car park was.

And thus we arrived back at our parked car around 2am.

I'd never been so grateful to see something as ordinary as a car.

Looking off back down the lane in the direction of Mike's place while John unlocks, nothing could be seen.

An eerie silence hung heavy in the night air.

With the doors unlocked I hastily got in and John drove us off towards home.

Our night, and our time spent with Mike the gamekeeper...was over.

Silence filled the journey home, both of us in quiet contemplation of what had just occurred.

Back at our house we were unable to sleep.

Staying up all night in the living room discussing what had happened and any possible aftermath.

Fortunately Mike did not know our address, not that we feared any reprisal from him.

Now away from that terrible situation of being trapped in the bedroom.

Rational thought replaced over stimulated imaginations.

No, we had nothing to worry about from Mike, but a hysterical Sarah may extract our details from her guilt ridden hubby.

So, that left my phone number.

Perhaps she would call me and have a rant?

I did deserve it after all.

The other topic of conversation that night was just how Sarah had managed to get in the house and upstairs without making any noise, until it was too late.

The key left in the door trick, or rather lack of, was suddenly about locking the stable door....

The creaky stairs?

Sarah did know the house well and perhaps knew which stairs made the most noise.

And the noise I was making would have covered most of her approach anyway.

During my last look back at them as we fled, I noticed Sarah's car parked at the top of the driveway behind a locked gate.

Mike had previously closed this big 5 bar gate to prevent anyone getting in.

But with hindsight it had made the situation worse.

At least if Sarah could have driven her car up to the cottage we would have heard the engine or seen the headlights.

However, it really didn't matter now, it was all hindsight.

What was done was done.

In the days following the incident, I did try to contact Mike.

Initially texting, but then trying to call.

It just kept going to voicemail.

Mike had told us that he was using an old phone just to contact us, it wasn't his everyday phone.

Perhaps this phone had been lost or destroyed? Again it was just guess work on our part.

Days turned into weeks, and with no contact from Mike things slowly returned to some normality.

If you could call our lifestyle 'normal'.

I had a new man to occupy my thoughts.

Mike slipped to the back of my mind.

And then, 2 months after the unfortunate incident, I found 2 missed calls and one text on my phone after a shift at work.

The number was Mike's old phone, the text said simply....'Pip can we talk'.

A relief washed over me, at long last some information.

I was desperate to call him there and then but what with the outdoor background noise and then the lack of privacy on the bus?

It was an agonising wait to get home.

I so desperately wanted things to be alright.

Eventually, back at our place I rang Mike as soon as I was through the door.

I'd been working the morning shift so had the place to myself.

It was good to hear his voice again, and likewise he told me how good it was to hear me, although I knew that had a dual meaning.

We spoke for an hour.

He and Sarah had been through a trial separation.

But, and this is why he was contacting me now, Sarah was 'mellowing' as he put it.

Being friendly with him again.

They'd even been out together in the past week.

Nothing special, a drink and chat in a café, a walk in the park.

But, this was a big improvement on the way she'd initially blanked him, ignoring his phone calls etc.

I found out the reason Sarah had come back unexpectedly that fateful night.

Her friend had received a call from the hospital, her son had been taken there after being involved in a car accident.

As the lady didn't drive Sarah had offered to take her.

Once there they found out her son was poorly but stable, several broken bones and concussion.

Sarah waited with her for a few hours then, at her friend's request, had left to come home and get some rest.....only to find us....doing that.

I asked Mike about the slapping noise we'd heard coming from the hallway? While we were in the bedroom.

Apparently it wasn't a slap, Sarah had punched him in the mouth, busting his lip.

As for the living room door opening, he couldn't explain that, except perhaps when Sarah flung the front door open to get away, maybe the sudden change in pressure had caused the living room door to open.

I didn't mention the wild idea's these noises had conjured up in our panicked mind's.

Mike continued to describe how his wife had started to mellow about what she'd witnessed that night.....and his betrayal.

There were two reasons for this, the first was time.

As we know it's a great healer.

The second? Quite simply there had been three of us in that bedroom together, not two.

They had begun to talk about what happened, him and Sarah. On the phone at first but as time went by, in person face to face.

If it had just been her hubby with another woman, then that would imply a love interest.

But, as Mike embarrassingly explained to his wife, what he'd done that night had nothing to do with love but everything to do with lust and kinky fetish.

His interest in me was purely sexual.

Bad enough yes, but at least Mike wasn't in love and planning to leave her for me.

He told Sarah the truth about how we met, the dogging site and everything that followed, watching and being watched, cuckolding.... everything.

So, she knew it all.

About us anyway.

There was his other little secret regarding Amber, but we didn't discuss her on the phone that afternoon.

We talked for a long time. Finally Mike had to go, Sarah was calling him on the other phone.

So, it sounded promising between the two of them.

Mike said his goodbyes, wished me and John luck, and promised to phone back the following week to keep us posted.

I put the phone down, feeling much better about myself.

At least Mike and Sarah were talking again, and seemingly getting along fine.

However, despite this thin slice of closure I'd been given, Mike never did phone back. I left it 2 weeks then texted and rang his old mobile, it kept going to voicemail, i didn't leave a message just in case Sarah found it.

I guess sometimes we just have to hope for the best.

I've not seen either of them since but I do often think of Mike and our special time together.

I hope he got back with Sarah properly and they have put the episode behind them.


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