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City of Slaves

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A reporter and her sister become slaves.
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"Have you heard of Ciudad Esclavas? Well, if you haven't heard, it is a small unincorporated community that enslaves all adult females."

"Where is this place? Colombia? Paraguay?"

"It's here in the US. In fact there is a local reverend who recruits women to join. He has a non-denominational church. I want you to attend and to write an article about them. And, if you can, I'd like you to get an invitation to Ciudad Esclavas to live there."

"Live there? As a slave?"

"Yes. But you are married so you would be taking your husband."

"But I would legally be my husband's slave."

"Yes. But you should be able to trust him to not get too weird. We have seen a rebirth of slavery since the Troubles began in 2021 when the Dollar Died and inflation permanently cut wages 60%. But at first it was just breeder slavery which was aimed at finding men to breed women too poor to raise children. But this seems to be a more voluntary movement of the remaining middle class women to accept slavery or at least submission. It seems to be based in romance."

"I see lots of women in slave collars.The New Government wants more women to accept slavery so they can't vote. I have seen the new driver's license for slaves. Those women in their photos are nude from their breasts up on the front and nude from their red bottoms up on the back. I don't know how long a woman has to be paddled to get to be red enough for her DMV photo."

"Yes but you can attend a service and a seminar without getting a new driver's license. And we can play it by ear when you get to Ciudad Escalavas which literally means city of female slaves. Oh. And your sister is still living with you? I want you to take her to Dr Culpepper's church on Sunday. His website says he has an upcoming relationships seminar. You can bill us for it but they have a concept called pairing so you will need to take Melissa with you."

"What is pairing?"

"I don't want to bias your reporting so the less I say the better."

"Your husband has to attend the seminar. He still has a flexible schedule as a crime novelist?"

"I'd have to run it by him. He is blocked and hasn't written anything for 3 months, maybe a weekend away will help him. And my sister might find a job so I am not sure about her. You know she is younger than I am by two years and already has her first divorce."

"Dr Culpepper claims that women in his church don't have divorces."

"She might learn something."

Later at dinner Diane explained to her husband Jack and to her sister Melissa her new writing assignment.

"So the church service is at 10:30 AM Sunday. But on assignment I have to go with another woman who is my pair whatever that means and my husband. Apparently, Dr Culpepper thinks of husbands as owners of their wives."

Jack's ears perked up with the suggestion that he would own Diane. And Pairing sounded to him like he would own Melissa as well. "I can go. I have two crime novels and I'm not getting anywhere on either one. So maybe a Sunday and a weekend retreat will fit my schedule."

Melissa said, "OK by me because all the jobs I applied for are Monday thru Friday."

On Sunday morning, Diane saw all the paired couples. Men with two women. And one man with three. Diane talked to some of the women while her husband talked to a couple of men.

Jack said, "So I see you are paired with two women."

"Yes. These two women are old best friends from high school. I met them here at church. Men are not full members until they own two women."

"So you own those women?"

"This is Debbie and this is Sandy. Of course. Freedom is a concept that does not apply to women. They are emotional beings not rational like machines. Women function on feeling. Their goal is to be happy so they can be the best possible woman they can be. All you have to do is to tell a woman 'I love you. You have been a naughty girl and are under arrest for the crime of unhappiness.' She wants to be emotionally congruent to the male. She wants to worship her Man."

"Debbie. You are insufficiently happy today. You are under arrest. You will have to wait until we get home for me to treat you like the naughty girl you are."

"So Sandy, you don't mind not being arrested right after the service?"

"Master arrests me as often as he does Debbie. And most men are not worth worshiping. That is why pairing is so important. Master has the power of life and death over us. He tells us whether we are loved or unloved. Most men do not wield their power of love to deal with us."

Diane and her sister Melissa were talking to Dr Culpepper's two wives, Barbara and Andrea. Unlike most of the other women, they wore slave collars.

"The two of us signed up for your retreat next weekend on relationships."

"That's great. But there is another workshop you should attend before that. Here, I can give you a DVD."

"This DVD says it explains how to give your man the best blowjob he ever had."

"Yes. All women who want to join our church must attend our workshop or watch this DVD. Women must learn to serve the Male. All women serve the Male. Most women are poor servants of the Male. We serve men well in this church."

"We just came from our daycare center. The two of you don't have children. And like most women in our church you don't wear slave collars. We both work and wear them to work. It doesn't bother us that we wear slave collars. We are evangelists for slavery. It takes a while for professional women to adjust to the new reality. Women serve men. Breeding slavery began locally only two years ago. We want slavery to become the condition of most women. We are just beginning to change the curriculum in the schools. We are recruiting more teachers to become slaves and wear their collars proudly to serve as exemplars to the girls in their classes."

"Diane can't have children. I am living in their nursery. Neither one of us has thought of wearing slave collars. It's a new concept to us."

"Your owner Jack will be getting you pregnant. It is good that you will be coming to our relationships weekend. We want to counsel with women before they have children. Maybe we can get you temporary collars to wear just for the weekend."

"It's time to enter for service. As paired women, you will sit next to your owner, Jack."

After the services, Jack wanted to go straight home saying he had been inspired with changes to both novels. They would both be ready for publication in 2 to 3 months. He was very excited. Diane had seen him pick up a pamphlet with the title Captured Female over in a section of books reserved for Males with a capital M. She thought as a slave girl she should stay away from that area reserved for men.

When they got home he went into his den to work.

The sisters went their separate ways. Diane made sandwiches as Jack would be too busy to eat a formal meal and Melissa wanted to listen to that DVD. Diane had been counseling Melissa to give in to her ex-husband's demands and give him a blowjob. It was good that she watch that DVD. Unbeknownst to the sisters, there was a subliminal recording on the DVD telling women they were natural slaves and they must serve the Male.

Three hours later Melissa talked to Diane in the backyard.

"I have been all wrong. I need to give a blowjob to a man. I don't want my ex back. He is not the sort of man I can worship. You know that while we are on this temporary assignment I am supposed to be paired with you to Jack. I want your permission to let Jack be my first blowjob."

"OK. Jack has a lot of extra energy. I suppose it is alright if you serve him until this assignment is over."

When it was 30 minutes before dinner, Melissa went in to Jack's den. She said, "The church gave us a DVD on how to properly serve the Male. It tells us that we must learn to give a good blowjob. My sister says it's OK with her for you to be my first. May I serve you? Will you be my owner at least until that weekend seminar is over?"

"Come here, slave girl. I am going to treat you like a slave until next Sunday night. Now kneel and serve your owner."

At dinner, Jack decided to broach the subject of the enslavement of Melissa because he knew if Melissa became a slave then Diane would too but maybe not immediately. It might take a week for her to accept her future.

"Diane, I want to thank you for giving permission to Melissa to serve me. I also want to thank you Missy for becoming my very own slave girl until next Sunday night. I have decided to change Missy's name just to let her know that she is owned. I picked up a pamphlet from the church today. It teaches men the theory of the Captured Female. Women naturally look for a man to love them. He has the power of life and death over them, that is to say whether they are loved or unloved. I have decided to love Missy and to capture her. Men do not ask women if they want to be captured. They just take them. Women naturally serve the Male. That is what they do. I have captured Missy and she belongs to me. I did not ask for her consent. Missy and you Diane and the church this morning have inspired me to change my crime novel into something a bit different. A detective with two slaves who help him solve cases."

"So you own my sister?"


"Do you want to keep her?"

"Yes. We can accomplish more together with her than without her. She can give birth to our children."

That made the room silent for a moment.

"I want to have children. I would have to think about it for a while. The whole idea of slavery is new to me. And children. I want children but getting pregnant next week is a little soon."

"Not next week. The church had a pamphlet telling women to change their diets at least 90 days before getting pregnant to minimize birth defects. They start with a blood test to correct deficiencies. No defective children for us. If Missy does have children, we will need a bigger house. I was thinking she should have 4 children as I can't have any. But I am jumping the gun. I do want to start a serious discussion of Missy's slavery. Breeder slaves are common enough now."

Jack saw his advantage and took it. "If Missy were to become our breeder slave, it would mean that you would become head slave."

"Head slave? You think I should become a slave? This morning I was a free woman with a profession. You are expecting me to think through a lot in less than 8 hours. I still have to write a story. Lucky for me this is a weekly magazine and not a newspaper. I don't know what I will write. I have to get back to my editor in the morning with an outline."

Diane spent the evening thinking about her story. She began treating her sister as a slave. She stopped calling her Melissa. "Missy, I am going to take the dog for a walk. The New Government has made the streets a lot safer and Ralph is a big dog. A hundred pounds though he needs a diet. You can do the dishes and clean the kitchen. And do the laundry. I have to come up with an outline by morning."

Later, Jack picked up Diane in his arms and took her into the bedroom. Last week he would have not have been so dominant.

In the morning Diane had her outline. "Hello, Ed. I have come up with an outline for the story but I think you knew more than you let on, especially about pairing."

"I didn't want you to prejudice your story."

"Which is the gradual transition of a former free professional woman into slavery."

"Yes. But I didn't think it would be this quick."

"I am head slave girl. But to do that I first have to become a slave. I really don't want to get a slave photo ID on my driver's license showing my naked boobies and a really red bottom. I've never been spanked even as a child."

"It's a lot to adjust to. Maybe you could write it as slower than it actually was for the reader's benefit. Lots of women are questioning slavery. Women are being asked to give their voting rights to their husbands. That is one step closer to slavery."

"You support the New Government, don't you? They promise elections in 10 months. Will you vote for them? At the rate I am going, Missy and I won't be voting. We will be wearing slave collars and having ID cards showing everyone how red our bottoms can get."

"Slavery for women isn't that bad. It just lets them be women. And it eliminates a lot of the rot in social thinking that destroyed the America that was."

"I just had an idea for the story. It is borderline sex. I have been hearing about naked exercise classes for women. Missy and I are signing up for one this morning."

"Hello. You have clothing optional exercise classes. Do you have room to accommodate two women for today sometime? At 1 PM. Fine. Are there any men in the class? No but men are in the area and might see us naked. If I know men, they will see us naked. I'll have to think that over about being naked, but definitely sign us up for 1 PM. Both of us have the same last name, Richards. Yes, we are sisters but that is not our maiden names. We are both owned by the same man, Jack Richards."

"Missy, we will have to eat early lunch today. We are going to a nude exercise class. No need for gym clothes. I read an ad for them last week. Their specialty is a 90 day guarantee that you will have a perfect ass. We need to get Jack to cease and desist from all wandering. We are both married to the same man so we are in this together. I signed you up for the class under your new name Missy Richards."

The gym had before and after photos of several women's rear ends posted. Very inspiring. They got temp lockers for their clothes and a place at the front desk to leave valuables. The only valuable thing Diane had was her car keys. In the locker room they noticed that half the women exercised naked. In the exercise room they saw their instructor was naked. Diane noticed 3 of the 27 women wore slave collars. And the slaves were all naked. She also noticed CCTV cameras, two of them. knowing men, they probably were watching the entire class. She noticed that several of the naked women had trimmed their bushes. They looked like owned women.

After the class, she told Missy, "When we get home we are going to trim our bushes to look like that woman."

The woman approached them. "You're new."

"Yes. My sister and I want to develop great looking asses for Jack. We both are owned by the same man."

"My sister admired how neat your bush looks. Are you a slave girl?"

"No. but I guess you could say I am in transition. I don't vote anymore."

"Did you notice the CCTV cameras watching all these nude women including you and my little sister."

"Of course. Men will be men. My husband owns me and has been giving me short pamphlets to read from some local church. One says that all women serve the Male but most are poor servants. A woman gives pleasure to the male. If I am pleasuring a man by letting him see me naked so be it. He will get excited and put it inside a woman somewhere who would thank me for the pleasure I sent her if she knew."

"We attended that church yesterday. It is a non-denominational church. I went to a service and am already accepting slavery and sharing my husband with my younger sister."

"I don't know if I could accept my man having another woman. My owner makes me feel so good."

"I can't have children so we have decided my sister will bear 4 children."

"I want to have children too."

"Pardon me but I wanted to know how long you have been exercising. I want to have an ass like yours. Giving birth to 4 babies will take a toll on me. But exercising will help my recovery. I want to look good for my owner."

"I like saying owner instead of husband too. It implies that he is more concerned with me and my needs than a traditional husband. To answer your question, I have been coming here for 3 months."

"I noticed a woman about my little sister's age who had a red bottom. Do you see a lot of that nowadays?

"I went to college in 2020, the year before the Troubles began. Back then I never saw a woman with a red bottom. Now it is a lot more frequent."

"Would you let your owner spank you?"

"It isn't up to me. It is my Owner's choice. Your man already owns two women. Mine just has me. If my ass doesn't look superb, he can add another woman to the harem. If I don't like getting spanked, he can just add another woman. You might not have noticed, but there was a nude blonde woman about 30 a couple rows over. She is a lawyer and her husband spanks her from time to time."

"A lawyer. Does she still vote?"

"Ask her. She is busy with court so she only drops by once a week."

In the locker room the sisters looked at the other women. They all wanted to look good to please their owners.

"Missy, we have one more stop to make on the way home. We need to buy a breast pump."

"A breast pump?"

"Yes. A breast pump. You and I are going to nurse babies. And we want bigger breasts. I know you won't be having babies until next year. Jack says he has dreamed of drinking my breast milk. We can nurse him. He needs us. We will help him and get bigger boobies."

They arrived at the store to buy a breast pump. Diane handed Missy a photo from an online ad. "Here is a photo of a bra we will buy in a few weeks after we start nursing. It holds up our breasts but does not cover the nipple so our man and our babies can get to us."

On Tuesday Diane made an appointment at the DMV for changes to their licenses. Jack had to be designated as their voter. His name would appear in the space for designee. She managed to get an appointment for two at 8 AM Thursday. They were told to report to the women only line.

Diane and Missy were in line at 8 AM when the doors opened. Diane noticed one mother with her daughter in line ahead of them. They went directly to the Woman's line at the far end of the building. There was a sign that read 'No Persons Under 18 Past this Point. Immediately before the corner and that was a sign that read 'Women aged 16 to 18 only at this window.'

Diane heard a teenage girl saying that she would turn 18 before election day November 7th and her dad wanted her to designate him as her voter. Wow? The New Government was allowing an opposition party to campaign but they would have zero voters!

When the sisters arrived at the adult women's line, the mother and daughter were ahead of them.

"I am here to lend emotional support to my daughter. She has previously designated her husband as her voter. Today she wants to declare her slavery and to give you notarized copies of her voluntary enslavement papers. All she needs to do now is to have her DMV photos taken. Samantha, give me your coat."

Samantha was a lovely brunette. Only clothing allowed were her shoes. She had a neatly trimmed bush. But her rear end was fire engine red.

"Wow! Does he normally spank her that hard?"

"No. Normally he just uses his hand until they both get excited. He used a paddle last night because that red bottom photo has to last a lifetime. I sent her to a gym to get her into shape. A lot of women pay a fee to the state to get enlarged copies of their front and back photos to display at home. I want two copies, one for her owner and one for me. It used to be a lot harder to get a quality husband. Nowadays, women have it so much better. A little spanked ass is not too much to give for a first class husband. In my day during the Clinton years, divorce was everywhere. I have never heard a slave getting a divorce."

"My little sister and I just had our owner designated as our voter. I guess that is one step to slavery."

"It is for some but not for others. Slavery is a unique romantic thing between men and women. Never possible before the fifth year of the Troubles and things went Nationwide for the New Government."

"My owner is writing a new crime series where the hero is a detective with two slaves who help him catch the bad guys."


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