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Claimed and Praised Pt. 01

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A woman gets stretched and utterly claimed by a intruder.
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This story contains non-consensual sex, and if that's not your vibe, please stop reading now. Everyone is over 18 and so on, also I obviously don't condone non-consensual sex in real life.


My home is a small apartment within a short distance from the city center. Today was the last day of work before the weekend and I sighed in relief as I sank down into a hot bath with a glass of wine, wine that I bought on impulse on my short walk home. Slowly, I can feel my muscles relax into the water one by one, and I sip my wine while relaxing against the tub. All too soon the water starts to get colder, and I feel tiredness overtake me. I don't want to fall asleep in the tub, so I pull the plug and slowly stand up and get out. Wrapping myself in a towel and making my way to my bedroom I take the time to walk around the apartment, turning off all the lights and checking that the door is locked.

Much later something wakes me. I try to shake the confusion and sleepiness off as I open my eyes and move my arm towards the lamp on the bedside table to turn it on. Except I can't. My hands are stuck, bound above my head and fastened to the headboard by something.

Suddenly I am wide awake, and my heart starts beating frantically. "Finally, you're awake" a husky voice purrs into my ear. I jerk in surprise and look to the side where a dark figure is kneeling on my bed. I draw in a breath to scream but a hand covers my mouth and transforms my scream into a muffled cry.

Terror seizes my body and I start shaking as I take in the man next to me. I don't recognize him, but he is watching me intently. "Shh, calm down" he says and moves his hand from my mouth to stroke my cheek softly. I pant and watch him with wild eyes as he continues, "There's no need to scream, don't be afraid."

But how can I not be? This man is large and I know instinctively that I don't have a chance of getting away if he really wants to hurt me. He is wearing a suit, and his blue eyes bore into mine while my brain tries to process and take him in. All of him. Some part of my brain acknowledges that he is attractive, brown hair, straight nose, and sharp jawline. But the fear quickly extinguishes that thought as I further take in the situation I am in.

"Who are you?" I whisper shakily. He doesn't answer my question but instead whispers;

"How I have been waiting for this moment. Every day I see you walk past me, and I knew from the first time I saw you that you were special. I could barely restrain myself from taking you then and there, but I knew I had to wait. Wait for the right moment to claim you, to worship you and make you mine."

My eyes go wide, and as I realize what his intent is I start kicking out and wriggling on the bed to try to get away while tears start streaming from my face. He quickly subdues me by crawling up and straddling my thighs but leans forward and frames my face with his big hands and starts talking to me. I can't hear what he is saying through my panic, but it sounds like he is trying to calm me down. He slowly starts stroking me, my arms, throat, and upper chest while mumbling soothingly. Then he pulls down my silk nightgown and lightly brushes my nipple with his thumb.

My breath hitches as my whole body goes still. I don't move all while he slowly gives one breast, and then the other, attention. He tweaks one nipple softly while leaning down and taking the other in his mouth, licking and sucking until they are both erect. My brain scrambles to catch up, even though he is an intruder here to take me against my will, he is excruciatingly gentle as he slowly makes my body react to his touch. He then suddenly bites my nipple, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make me squeal as he laughs huskily and sits up.

He gets down from the bed and picks something up from the floor, a long red silk ribbon. I don't understand what he is about to do until he already has it wrapped several times around my thigh just above my knee, but when I do, I start resisting. But by then it is too late. He chuckles and easily drapes the ribbon around a bar in the headboard and pulls strongly. I let out a cry of protest as my leg is pulled up and out but to no avail. He secures it to the headboard and moves to the other side, all while stroking my inner thigh.

I kick out with my other leg to prevent him from getting a grip on it but he is too quick, too strong, and it's not long before I find myself tied up and completely opened up to him. He then uses the end of the ribbon on both sides to secure my ankles to the top of my thighs. I am completely opened up to him and the stretch in my inner thigh and groin is brutal.

He moves to sit between my legs and starts slowly stroking my clit with one hand while playing with my breast and nipple with the other. I wriggle to try to get away but to no use. To my horror, his increasingly demanding strokes on my clit makes my body react and to my embarrassment, an unwelcome heat starts spreading in belly. A while later, I feel a trickle of wetness between my legs and my cheeks burn in embarrassment while I whimper softly in denial.

He notices with a smile. "Such a good girl, you are doing so well. Just relax. Your body knows what it wants, don't fight it princess."

I close my eyes and my mind reels at all the conflicting emotions and sensations. Maybe it would be easier if I just gave in? No, I don't want this, I don't even know him. But no matter what I want, his touches continue to make my body react until I feel the muscles in my pussy start to contract, searching for something to clamp down on. He stops rubbing my clit and my closed eyes pops open. He is staring at my core with a hungry look in his eyes, "You are so beautiful like this, so exquisite" he says almost reverently. "I need to taste you now, be a good girl and be still for me" he chuckles, as if I have any other choice.

He then slowly lowers his mouth, all while holding my gaze. I start protesting but my protests are cut off with a gasp as he sucks my clit into his mouth, hard. An involuntary moan makes its way out, but I am too shocked to feel embarrassed.

His hands are stroking my thighs while his mouth attacks my core and suddenly I feel something at the entrance to my pussy which makes me tense up. He draws away a bit and teases only the outside of my opening until he manages to lull me into a false sense of safety. As soon as I relax, he pushes his thick digit into me, not leaving my muscles any other choice than to yield and allow him entrance. He and I groan simultaneously and he growls out "Fuck princess, how are you so tight?"

Without thinking I answer "its been a while."

He stills and looks at me with a whole new predatory gleam in his eyes. "How long?" he asks. I just stare at him, chocked over my own comment. "How. Long." he grinds out while pinching my clit painfully, making me answer him.

"Three years" I squeal quickly as I feel him release my clit again and start petting my lower tummy soothingly while the other finger continue to slowly stroke in and out of my pussy, making me tremble.

"You really are going to be only mine princess, your pussy has forgotten all about anyone else that has ever been near it, and it will be only mine."

He then continues his ministrations on my clit while slowly pushing another finger into me, I groan and grind my teeth together as the slight burn makes my pussy tense up. The stretch is harsh, he really has big hands, and I am desperately trying to move my pelvis from side to side as if I could escape him. But he just chuckles and continues to pump in and out of my pussy while licking and suckling on my clit. My inner muscles slowly start relaxing and the burn turns into a firm pressure. I feel an orgasm building and I am suddenly desperate not to come.

I start protesting and begging him to stop but he just continues while humming softly with his mouth on my clit, the vibration adding to the torture. Suddenly I am coming, my orgasm slamming into me without my permission and I am left spasming around his fingers while he continues to stroke my insides and my clit to prolong the orgasm. As the orgasm fades, he stills and slowly pull his fingers out of my pussy, I groan at the relief of the pressure inside me and my whole body goes lax as I try to recover.

"So fucking beautiful princess. Absolutely perfect, and all mine. I wonder, if feeling you come all over my fingers makes me feel like this, how would it feel having your pussy strangling my cock while you come all over it?"

His words sink in and I whimper, suddenly feeling cold. I look down at him, my eyes slowly lowering to his pants and I let out a gasp. He is clearly aroused, and there is no fucking way. No fucking way something that big is straining against his pants and zipper. Tears start trickling again as I realize that he is going to take me, and by the looks of it, it's going to hurt.

"Shh, no baby, don't cry." he says.

"I can't do this" I sob, and a sigh escapes him.

"Listen to me," he says, his voice suddenly sharper, "LISTEN," he growls loudly as I continue sobbing which makes me startle so much that the tears stop trickling down my cheeks. "You can take me, I promise. I am a big man, and no doubt your pussy will need to open up very wide to take me. But I will prepare you, you will be wet and ready when you finally take me. And yes, it will hurt, but I would never damage you, never harm my beautiful princess. Do you understand?"

Pitifully, I nod. "Good girl" he says softly and caresses my cheek.

He gets off the bed and starts undressing. Peeling off layer after layer, until he is completely naked before me. His enormous cock is erect, the hefty weight of it counteracting its straining upwards. He is BIG. Bigger than anyone I have seen before. Fuck, this is going to hurt.

He sees my expression and chuckles. "Don't worry, you will take me, and you'll learn to like it before we are finished. But first, I need to teach your pussy how to open up for me properly."

He bends down and opens a bag, placing a number of items on the end of the bed. He then chooses one, and with trepidation I watch him lube up a large dildo, larger than anything I have ever taken before, but still slightly smaller than his enormous cock.

He gets on the bed and moves towards me, and I am again reminded of my vulnerable position, completely restrained and opened up without any chance of avoiding him or whatever he wants to do to me. His hand pushes the head of the dildo towards my opening and I tense. "Relax, or this will hurt more than necessary" he says before firmly pushing the toy past my tight opening.

I let out a scream but he doesn't let up the pressure until I can feel the toy bottoming out inside of me. I start shaking and panting, trying to cope with the painful stretch and the horrible cramps originating from the firm pressure towards my cervix. For a while he is completely still, and through my whimpers I hear him talking to me. "Good girl, such a good girl" he praises me.

"It hurts" I whine pitifully.

"I know baby girl, I know, but it will feel better soon. Just relax and don't fight it." He then starts stroking my clit and withdraws the dildo before pushing it all the way inside in one long stroke. Groaning, I have no other choice than to take it and let him claim my pussy with the huge toy.

After an eternity of him thrusting it in and out of me and me breathing to try to deal with the intrusion, the feeling of tingling in my pelvis caused by stimulation inside me and the pressure on my clit makes me groan in despair. I know now that I have no control and no energy left to fight the upcoming climax. I hopelessly give in to the electric sensation of pleasure inside of me and immediately come with painful spasms, my body trying to expel the intruder, or draw it in, I'm not sure anymore.

After my orgasm my inner muscles relax and the sensation of the toy inside of me is now intense, but not as painful. I draw a deep, shaky breath and he immediately smiles at me. "Absolutely beautiful, I knew you could do it. And I think you are ready for my cock now princess."

I have little energy left to protest and just shake my head but with plenty of my juices trickling down around the dildo and aiding its intrusion, I have no doubt he will manage to get inside me, no matter the size of him.

He gently pulls the dildo out of my abused pussy and throws it on the floor beside the bed. He then strokes his cock, a drip of precum already visible on the tip. He settles his body over mine and I suddenly panic again and start pulling on my bindings. He ignores me, lines up his cock against my opening and slowly starts pushing.

"Nghh!" I groan while I feel my pussy desperately trying to stretch around the head of the monstrosity, but it won't go in. He doesn't seem bothered and just increases the pressure until I feel a pinch that rapidly turns into intense burning. All while stroking my body in a soothing manner. His hand move down to my clit to try to aid me in relaxing and my inner muscles twitch in confusion.

"FUCK" I grind out while I helplessly pull at the ribbon that ties my hands together above my head. Suddenly the steady pressure makes his thick cockhead pop through my opening and I scream at the same time as he lets out a groan.

I start desperately thrashing against my bindings until I hear his soothing voice through my panic. "Take it easy princess, easy. Just relax, it will feel good soon."

"SHIT!" I hiss out between clenched teeth as tears again starts trickling down my cheeks.

"Don't cry baby girl" he says almost regretfully while holding himself completely still, his cockhead the only part of him that is inside of me, reaching up with one hand and wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, but it will soon stop hurting, I promise. And after that I will give you endless pleasure. I will make you come until you don't care how much it hurts when I claim you with my cock. You can take me, I promise. Take a deep breath for me."

His words simultaneously soothes me and worries me, but either way I will submit to this man, he will make sure of it. I obey him by taking a deep breath and he instantly praises me by murmuring "good girl, such a good girl." I feel my inner muscles relax a fraction as something inside me revels in his praise.

He then starts slowly moving inside of me, pushing in slowly until he is bottomed out inside of me. I pant while he again withdraws until he is almost completely outside of me, before again pushing in, harder this time. There's pain, intense pressure. But also something else. Raw, crackling pleasure zings up my spine as his thick cock touches every part of my pussy, forcing it to mold itself after him.

A sudden feeling of being completely and carnally claimed washes over me, and I moan as my pussy spasms painfully around his thick cock. "Princess" he growls out in a warning. "Don't do that except if you want me to take you, hard. Do not test my patience."

I can't control it, his words makes more juices trickle down around his cock and another spasm of my inner muscles makes me moan and him groan. He then draws out of me and immediately slams into me, and I no longer have any control over my body. The moans leaving me is no longer under my control and I wriggle on his cock, trying to get away and simultaneously get closer. But it is not my choice, his hands is holding my hips down in an iron grip while he slams into me again and again.

There is pain, pleasure, and everything in between. But I am too lost in the moment to reflect over the situation anymore. I feel another orgasm building and I just let it happen. I don't even care about the pain I know is going to come from my muscles tightening around his enormous cock. I hear him talking to me, hear him praising me for taking him so well, being a good girl, and my pussy melts around him before I start coming in intense spams.

I seize and seize again and again until I hear him let our a roar and feel warmth bathing my insides. It registers that he didn't wear a condom but I am too out of it to care. Slowly I come back to reality and feel his warm body draped over mine. He is mumbling soothingly in my ear about how beautiful I am and I feel my body relax.

He slowly starts withdrawing his half-hard cock and I whimper, the pain now making Its way into my consciousness once more. He shushes me and soothes me with kisses and gentle caresses while slowly pulling out of me as carefully as he can.

My whole body aches as he starts to untie my legs. Slowly he lowers them, massaging my sore muscles gently and kissing every part of me. He is mumbling about how I am his now, his woman that he is going to pleasure again and again but I am too far gone to care, I feel strangely blissful and utterly exhausted. When he has untied me completely he suddenly leaves the bedroom but it's not long before he comes back with a washcloth, a glass of water, and two pills.

He carefully cleans me, soothing me when I whimper from my soreness, and then supports my head as I swallow the two pills he says will help with the pain. I close my eyes as I feel him lay down next to me, pull the comforter over us, tucking us both in and pulling me close to his body. I fall into a deep sleep with his body engulfing mine, my mind and body too exhausted to do anything else.


Please comment if you guys want a part 2 where he takes her back to his mansion and make her give in to her inner submissive and give him complete control over her mind and body, even though there will be some uncomfortable stretching ;)

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Great start! Thanks

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Got to have a part two and three but the look of things, I need more for sure 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

nthusiasticnthusiastic3 months ago

What was most enjoyable for me was how he spoke so sweetly, instead of the usual stream of nasty insults and putdowns. He certainly contrasted sharply with the run-of-the—mill rapist. More please, and thank you for sharing your creative talents with us.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yes part two please 🙏

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

a second part would be awesome

Crusader235Crusader2354 months ago

Yes, more parts. He has all weekend to educate all of her holes.

DeusdarkDeusdark4 months ago

Great slow burn, love it!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Really like it being told from the woman’s perspective

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yes! Part 2 please!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yeah part 2 sounds good

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