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Claiming Myka

Story Info
Young woman is claimed by a dominant man.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 03/15/2013
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Jason watched the girl walking slowly down the sidewalk. Her name was Myka Roberts and she was eighteen years old. He knew this because he was friends with her step-father who often lamented on the hopelessness of "that weird kid". The girl was brilliant, but painfully shy. As far as her step-father knew she'd only been on two dates, both ending in tears. She was a junior in college, having graduated high school early, but she was so socially inept, that her step-father was afraid she'd end up living with him forever.

The strange thing was, if you could look past the shapeless clothes and the mousy posture, the girl was stunningly beautiful. She had long, silver blonde hair, and pale, luminescent skin with very large eyes that changed from dark blue to violet depending on the light. Jason had been obsessing about her from the moment he met her. And he was finally going to take everything he'd always wanted.

He slowed his car along side her now, and hit the button to lower the passenger window. "Hey, Myka! Need a ride?"

She jumped when he called her name, then blushed and smiled shyly when she saw who he was. "It's okay Mr Reed. It's not that far."

"Don't be silly. I have to pick up some files from your dad anyway. Get in."

Chewing her bottom lip, Myka hesitated. It was clear she was uncomfortable, but reluctant to be rude. Finally she shrugged and climbed in.

Jason reached over and patted her shoulder, causing her to flinch. "Good girl," he said with a grin. Slowly he let his hand slide down her arm to grip her wrist. She was a tiny girl, barely five feet tall, and the bones of her wrist were as delicate as a bird's. He gave her wrist a hard squeeze before letting go and pulling the car into traffic.

Glancing over, Jason could see a clear red imprint of his hand on her pale skin. It would bruise, he knew, but she ignored it, staring out the window as if he hadn't touched her. Gently he caressed her cheek as he drove, then traced her lips with his thumb. She didn't try to pull away, but she didn't acknowledge his touch either, other than trembling slightly.

"Such a sweet girl," Jason murmured. Driving with one hand, he began to explore the young girl with the other, stroking her face, her arm, her thigh. He brushed his hand across her breasts through her t-shirt and she jumped, though he didn't linger there.

A block from her house, he lifted the hem of her over-sized t-shirt and deftly unbuttoned her jeans one handed. As he slid a finger inside the band of her panties she grabbed his wrist with both hands.

"Don't," she whispered.

"Myka, I didn't say you could touch me." Jason spoke quietly, but firmly. "Take your hands away."

She let go slowly, moving her hands to her sides. He unzipped her jeans.

"That's a good girl." Jason pulled into the girl's drive, and at the same time, shoved his hand into her panties, all the way down between her legs, cupping her sex roughly. She whimpered and tears stained her cheeks, but she made no further move to stop him.

"You're so beautiful, Myka. I've wanted you for a long time. I know your parents are out of town, so this is what is going to happen. We're going inside, and we're going to have ourselves a date. If I have a good time, maybe we'll have more dates in the future. If I don't have a good time... well, let's not talk about unpleasant things. Now," Jason moved his hand away, "leave your pants undone. Get out of the car, and don't hold them up when you walk. Let's go."

Jason got out of the car and strode to the front door of his friend's suburban home. When he reached the door, he turned to find the girl just getting out of his car. She slammed the car door and took one awkward step toward him. He grinned in delight as her baggy jeans slid down to puddle around her ankles. She nearly tripped, but managed to regain her balance without falling.

For a moment she just stood there with a horrified expression on her lovely face. She bent as if to pull her jeans up, but when her eyes met Jason's glare she straightened quickly. Instead she tugged her t shirt down far enough to cover her panties and shuffled as quickly as she could to the porch. As far as Jason could tell, there was no one else around to see her, but she didn't even try to see. She had her keys in hand, and when she got to the door, she pushed past him in a rush, darting into the house.

She stood just inside the door, looking so adorably lost, that Jason wanted to take her right there. Instead he took her keys and book bag and tossed them in a corner. Then he took her by the elbow and pulled her along with him into the living room.

"To show you what a nice guy I am, I won't spank you for covering yourself with your shirt." He smiled. "I will explained each rule once, before I punish you for breaking it. That's fair, right? Right??" He shook her roughly by the arm.

"Y..yes sir!" Myka squeaked.

Jason nodded. "However in the future, you will NEVER try to cover yourself when a man is looking at you. You exist to be looked at, fondled and fucked. You don't pull away, or cover up, or say no, EVER. Are we very, very clear on that, Myka?"

Tears were streaming from those amazing eyes, but she nodded.


She whimpered, but answered in a rough whisper. "We're clear."

"Sir," Jason said, with a grin, tapping her nose with a finger. "Remember your manners."

"We're clear, sir."

"That's my good girl. Now there's just the matter of your rudeness on the porch. You practically knocked me down getting into the house. And that was the second time you touched me without my permission. Sweetie, I'm afraid I can't just let that slide." Jason pulled the girl over to one wall. "I want you to bend forward until you nose is touching the wall. That's right. Now, lock your hands behind your head. Spread your legs a bit more, there you go, good girl."

It was an obviously awkward position. She was just far enough from the wall to make balance an issue. She had to lean forward on her toes to keep her nose against the wall. He tugged her panties down to her knees. She sobbed, and shook but did nothing he could take as protest. Jason was unsure if he was pleased or disappointed. She had a lovely ass, but the damned t shirt hid the curve of her back. He solved the problem by having her unlace her hands long enough for him to hook the back of her shirt over her head.

"I think a 15 minute time out is a pretty lenient punishment for rudeness, don't you, Myka?"

Choking back a sob, she answered, "Yes, sir. Th..thank you, for being lenient, Mr. Reed." Her voice was only slightly muffled by the shirt pulled down over her face.

Jason traced his hand down her back, feeling her tremble. She had the most beautiful skin, flawless white flushed pink now with her humiliation. It was too lovely to keep his hands off, so Jason explored her freely.

"So soft," he moaned. Suddenly he pinched one ass cheek sharply, making her cry out. "So sensitive to pain, and so easy to mark." He smiled as he admired the bright red whelp his pinch had made. "You really are a treasure, Myka." Jason sighed. "But I'm distracting you from your punishment. While you're in time out, I'm going to have a drink and get those papers I need from your dad. Do not move."

Myka listened as Mr Reed poured himself a drink at the bar across the room. Then she heard him moving down the hall, towards her dad's study, she assumed. She had time, maybe, to jerk her pants up and make a dash for the door. She might even make it across the street to Mrs Hampton's house before he could catch her.

Sure, and then what? Call her parents? The police? What would she tell them? That the man she'd had a crush on since she was fourteen spoke to her one minute as if she were the most beautiful creature in the world and the next as if she were a child tracking mud through the house?

Could she convince anyone this was not what she wanted, when she'd moved her hands away to let him shove his into her panties? Were there witnesses that saw her walk, pants around her ankles, into the house with him, rather than running away? Could she explain why, even now, she struggled to keep her nose against the wall, despite the growing strain in her calves and back and shoulders.

Everything was just so jumbled. She was terrified of Mr Reed, at the same time she was desperate for his approval. She honestly felt that at any moment she could die from shame. She was practically naked; she truly hated being this exposed. But the way he'd touched her had set her on fire. She wanted to crawl away and hide. She wanted him never to come back. She wanted him to see what a good girl she was being.

She thought again about running away, listening intently for his return. She shifted to try to relieve the strain on her back, lost her balance and took a step back from the wall to keep from falling. With a panicked whimper she quickly forced herself back onto her toes, praying he hadn't seen her slip.

Jason stood in the hallway watching. He saw her stumble, and he saw how quickly she got back into position. He moved back into the room and took a seat on the sofa. He was certain she knew he was there, but she kept her place. As the minutes crept by, her effort became apparent. A sheen of sweat covered her body and her legs were visibly quivering. Her breath came in short pants. When the time was finally up, he approached her slowly, wanting to savor every moment.

He reached between her legs with one hand, not surprised to find her wet with more than sweat. He'd always known she'd been made just for him. "Oh my," he murmured in her ear, "what a dirty little girl you must be. Are you enjoying being punished?"

"No, sir," she said, her voice tight.

"No, you're not, are you? Are you in pain?"

"Yes, sir." She choked back a sob.

"And yet you're so wet. Why is that?"

"I...I don't know, sir."

"I'll tell you, then. You're wet, because I wish it. I am going to fuck you. You know this, so your body is wet for me. The only reason for your existence is to give me pleasure. Your mind may not accept that yet, but your body does, and it's ready for me. You may turn around now."

Groaning with relief, Myka straightened and turned. She kept her hands behind her head and her shirt was over her face.

"Take off your shirt, and bra. I want to see your tits."

When the shirt came off, the girl's face was flaming, and tears streaked her cheeks, but she didn't hesitate. She threw the shirt aside and reached behind her to unfasten her bra. It slid off and landed at her feet. She quickly moved her hands back to her head. Jason moaned aloud. She had beautiful breasts, nice big handfuls, seemingly enormous on her tiny frame. She had long upturned nipples just made for him to torture.

"Have you always kept your cunt bald?" Jason asked, suddenly curious about such a shy girl's hairless pussy.

If possible she blushed even redder. "Yes sir. Since I started shaving my legs. My mother said all girls do."

Jason smiled. Of course, he should have known Larry's wife would be well trained. They were friends because they had things in common, after all. But for the life of him, Jason couldn't understand why his friend had never shown an interest in his step-daughter. She wasn't his kid, but maybe it had something to do with raising her since she was eight. Jason didn't get it. But whatever, his friend's loss, his gain, and all that.

"All good girls do, she's right about that." Jason stepped back to the sofa and sat down. "Take the rest of your clothes off. We'll have to do something about your wardrobe, if we're going to have a future, but for now you'll have to stay naked. Clothes should enhance a woman's body, not hide it."

She managed to get her shoes, and socks, pants and panties off without falling. That was the best he could say for her striptease. "Myka. Have you listened to anything I've said to you?" She flinched as if struck. "Yes sir. I... I've done everything you've said!"

"Yes, obedience is crucial. But I don't want a robot, I want you." Jason sighed. "Myka, tell me why you exist."

She looked away and bit her lip.


"I... exist to be looked at and touched, sir, and... and f..fucked." The girl was obviously terrified and making no effort to control her tears.

"In other words, you exist to please men. To please me, since I'm claiming you. Your every thought, when I'm with you, should be about how to give me pleasure. Every movement you make, every word you say, every expression on your face should be calculated to best please me. You should be hyper-attuned to my moods. You need to study my body language for clues, know what I want before I know it myself. Of course you're not to touch me unless I allow it, but within the confines of the rules, you should seek out opportunities to delight me, surprise me, entice me. It is your only purpose."

"Mr Reed, I don't know how to do that. I.. I don't know anything."

Jason sighed. "I know, sweetheart. I'm going to teach you. But it's the attitude that's the most important thing. As long as my pleasure is more important than anything else in the world to you, I can forgive a few mistakes. Just keep telling yourself that I am all that matters. Your own pain or pleasure, any wants or needs you may have, only matter if they serve me in some way."

"I... I can remember that, Mr Reed."

"That's my good girl. Now, come closer and kneel in front of me." She knelt slowly on the hardwood floor facing Jason as he sat on the sofa. "Spread your knees as far apart as you possibly can."

She opened her knees, but Jason grunted sourly. She was deliciously compliant, but she needed to show more eagerness. He gripped a lovely tit in one hand, digging his fingers into the soft flesh until she cried out. "Myka, I said as far apart as you possibly can. I hate repeating myself." She shifted spreading her knees wider. "Not good enough, girl." He tightened his hand into a claw tunneling into her left breast. "When you're spread so wide that you're hurting yourself more than I am hurting you, I'll believe you're trying."

This time he could see the muscles of her inner thighs quivering with strain. Her body was coated in sweat, and her breathing was harsh, labored. Jason released her tit and patted her head. "There's my good girl. Now, put your arms to your sides, and lean forward until your tits and face are pressed into the floor. Lift your ass higher, really smash those tits in the floor. Mm mm... perfect."

It was an utterly degrading pose, and Jason loved it. Not only was she opened completely to him, but were he to fuck her in this position, her face would be smearing across the floor, further demonstrating her abasement.

Jason was tempted to circle the kneeling girl, view her from every angle, but he was afraid the temptation to rape her now would overwhelm him. And despite her passivity, she wasn't ready for that yet. He needed to draw this out, ride the line between mere coercion and outright force. The last thing he wanted was for her to freak out to the point of actually fighting him.

It was a razor's edge he was walking, balancing the girl's oh so delicious terror against her natural passivity. He had taken girls by force before, and while it could be sweet, nothing compared to making a girl complicit in her own debasement. The less she defied him, the easier it would be to twist her into believing she had wanted this, deserved this. And she had to believe if she were ever truly going to belong to him.

"Myka, this is pose 1. I enjoy this pose, not only because of its beauty in line and form, the pained muscles, the delicate curve of the back, but also because it blatantly displays two of your fuck holes while hiding your face. In other words, by assuming this pose, you tell me that you know you are not a person, merely an object with which I may pleasure my cock. It is also one of my favorite poses for whipping bad little girls."

Jason smiled as listened to the girl's quiet sobbing. "Now bring your elbows under your shoulders, push up... rest the weight of your upper body on your elbows. Good girl. Touch your heels to your ass. Find your balance... very nice." Jason patted her head, murmuring to her softly when she flinched at his touch.

"You're doing very well, Myka. I'm very proud of you." Jason continued to stroke her hair as he soothed her. He had pushed her hard, and he'd barely gotten started. He needed to give her just a moment to adjust. "Mm... yes, Myka is such a good girl. Lift your chin, but keep your eyes lowered. That's my sweet girl. You're so beautiful."

Jason gently wiped tears from the girl's cheeks. "Now, Myka, this is pose 2. It's your crawling pose. I love this, because it makes crawling so difficult. It proves to me, again, that you know you are less than human. You demonstrate inch by painful inch as you crawl that you are willing to suffer to please me."

"I want you to crawl to the fireplace and back to me. Keep your knees very wide as you crawl, and don't let your feet or hands touch the floor. Keep your chin up, and your eyes down. If your chin drops, or your hands or feet touch the floor, you must return to me and begin again. And Myka, by return to me, I think you know I mean crawl as you are. Now, go."

She made it less than two feet on her first try, causing Jason to laugh loudly in delight. She was trying to go quickly, get it over with, and she was actually making it harder for herself. She back up to him and started again, this time falling on her face with her first "step".

Jason stroked her hair. "Slowly, girl. The goal isn't to get there and back. The goal is to please me. Concentrate on being perfect for me, on keeping your chin high, on keeping yourself spread open for me as you crawl. Let your tits bounce and sway. Take the pain in your elbows and knees, the pain in your back and legs and make it an offering to me. Try to imagine how much pleasure your suffering is giving me. Now, try again."

This time she did much better. She made it to the fireplace, but lost her balance while turning and caught herself with her feet. She let out a wail, and collapsed in a sobbing heap on the floor. Jason let her cry herself out. It took a good ten minutes, but finally the girl began to quiet.

Jason took a box of tissues from a corner table and approached the girl. He combed her hair back from her face with his fingers and wiped her tears with a tissue. Then he wiped her nose, kissed her forehead and returned to his seat. He tossed the box and the damp tissues on the table, leaned back and crossed his legs.

"Here, Myka," he called softly.

She flinched and whimpered, but she pushed herself back into her crawling pose, careful to spread her knees very wide apart, and began to make her slow way back to him. The view of her return trip was every bit as spectacular as watching her ass moving away from him. Her large tits swayed back and forth, bouncing, nipples scraping the floor as she crawled. Her pain was clearly marked on her lovely face, those incredible eyes red with crying, already pooling again with new tears. It had to be killing her, crawling like that on this hard wooden floor. Jason's cock was raging in his pants.

She made it back to him without incident, and he stroked her face, lovingly. "Now, show me how much you want to make me happy, Myka. Be perfect for me." And she was. She kept her cunt lifted and opened to him as she crawled away, ass swaying enticingly. She turned slowly, carefully and made her slow, slow way back to him. She was crying out with each "step" by the time she was half way to him, but she never faltered.

Jason lifted her onto his lap and she collapsed against him. "Thank you, Myka," he said kissing her lips tenderly. "That was so beautiful. Are you ready to learn pose 3 now?"


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