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Class Reunion: The Bet


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Amber entertained me that evening in our hotel room sharing stories she had heard about my absent best friend from the women's table. Apparently, most of the women weren't especially shy about revealing personal details of their relations with Peter, and couldn't gush about his lovemaking enough, or the pride they felt at bearing at least one of his innumerable children. This certainly aroused Amber's interest in finally meeting my friend tomorrow!


It couldn't have been a nicer day for a luncheon picnic! The school had set up several rows of folding tables with chairs out on the lawn in front of the building and the late spring weather was predicted to remain perfect for the day. Amber was wearing a nice (and short) halter sundress that showed off her long legs and perfect tanned shoulders to perfection, and revealed just the right amount of ample cleavage. Her choice of panties for the day, a lacy red French cut, indicated that she was very much in the mood to play.

"For your friend, the master of seduction!" She said with a wink as she slid them on and I joined her laugh. My lovely Ice Princess would certainly not be lowering this delicate flag of surrender without a serious fight!

Arriving at the picnic, I found that my friend Peter was already there, along with the complete collection of the 'calendar girls', complete with their large brood of children. From the looks of all of the bright red hair scattered among quite a few of the other children of my classmates, I decided that Peter had been very busy cross-pollinating other flowers indeed! By my rough guess, nearly half of my female classmates had given birth to at least one red-headed child in the last ten years. Sure, other than Peter there were a few other redheads in our class... but not nearly enough to spawn at least one hundred ginger-haired children!

Peter and I started to get caught up on events and Amber sidled over to join the calendar girls for awhile, undoubtedly to compare beauty tips. This gave us a chance to coordinate a bit before we started the Bet a little later on.

No, I had no intention of asking Peter to throw the bet by deliberately not trying his best. Like everyone else, I was really curious myself about what the natural outcome would be. In fact, more than anything, I had to reassure Peter that I didn't mind and that he had my full permission to ooze his full charm and let's see exactly what would happen.

He did take a little convincing to go along with the plan. Like I said earlier, Peter is really a pretty stand-up sort of guy and tries not to use his "powers for evil", as he sometimes jokes. Knowingly going after a close friend's girl was very definitely against his normal rules, but I assured him that even if the worst came to pass, I'd try and stop things before she started to forcibly rape him right there on the lawn in front of everyone.

The luncheon was good, but hardly anyone was paying too much attention to just the food. By the time the final late latecomers had arrived and our judges determined that we had a quorum to start the bet, it was almost mid-afternoon. Many couples were chaffing at the bit to get the show started so the ladies could make their salon appointments later that afternoon, for getting their hair dolled up before the big banquet and dance later this evening.

The judges, Pat and Sarah Matthews, checked that I was ready to go and they received a nod in return from Peter, and the contest began!

We started the contest off by my taking Amber in hand over to Peter and asking him if he could 'escort' her around for at least the next ten minutes so that I could go over to the parking lot and take a look at a friend's car that was allegedly having some engine trouble. He assented and offered Amber his arm and together they took a promenade around the school grounds... with about three hundred witnesses watching their every move.

I was confident enough of my Ice Princess that I remained absent in the parking lot for a full fifteen minutes, instead of the agreed ten. Judging by the sea of disappointed and confused faces of our witnesses, I knew immediately that my faith in her had been upheld. Our undisputed king of romance had just suffered his first ever defeat!

Amber had never even snuggled up to Peter's shoulder and most definitely had not tried to kiss him, let alone done anything else more exotic.

Most of the losing betting pool took things in pretty good stride, but there was a small group that was certain that Peter had deliberately thrown the match. Several folks, including the cabal of the richer guys that had bet more heavily than most on this match, were insistent upon a rematch, but without odds – a straight up bet this time. I was tempted — I did need the money badly to make the initial down payment for the machine shop, but there was no way that I was going to go through this again!

Amber had resisted once ... but could she do it twice? I told the rich bettors to go coordinate amongst themselves and make me an offer I couldn't refuse later on, at the banquet and dance this evening.

I was able to pick up most of my winnings without a problem. The judges were holding a few IOU's that would need collecting, but I offered them a 20% cut of those if they would do all the collecting work for me, especially since I hadn't moved back into town yet.

Peter himself took things in good stride, but I could tell he was more than a bit little confused and puzzled, but then again (as he reminded me) he really hadn't wanted to particularly seduce my fiancée. I mentioned that a few folks weren't too terribly happy and would probably demand a rematch, so I told Peter with a grin to go home and get some extra rest and not tire himself out too much before the probable rematch this evening.


In the end, they did make me an offer I couldn't refuse. Besides, I was still burning with curiosity that was definitely impairing my better judgment.

The final settled terms for the rematch were so challenging that I nearly said 'No' and quit while I was ahead. I would now have to bet $20,000 against their $30,000, and Amber would have to spend at least thirty minutes semi-alone with Peter; their activities together to include at least three slow dances in a row, followed by ten minutes off alone together in a private room next door to the ballroom in the hotel, where our judging couple would be already hiding in waiting — with a low-light recording camcorder.

Ouch! Frankly, I didn't think any woman alive could resist that sort of challenge. I tried holding out for 2-1 odds, but they were firm. I did exact a rule clarification that specifically exempted celibate kisses on the cheek. To win, the pair would have to obviously engage in full frontal romantic kissing and reach second base, at the very minimum. No Mickey Mouse stuff like holding hands or caressing a shoulder. If there was no hot snogging or hands fondling tits or cocks — no win!

We established the start time, which would be at about the halfway through the dance, and arranged with the DJ a set list of gushy romantic songs perfect for slow grinding on the dance floor. With more 'neutrals' available for this contest, it was arranged for a number of folk to keep coming by to distract me and keep me too busy to dance with Amber, thus giving Peter full rein for his full allotted time.

Peter, to his credit, was less than happy about the terms of the rematch.

"Damn it, you really do want me to try and fuck her! You're going to screw up the best relationship you've ever had ... just for this stupid bet! Not to mention after three slow dances with her my cock is going to be harder than a nun's buns. Hell, by then I'm going to be wanting to fuck her and it's going to screw up our friendship bad when I return her to you slightly used and soiled." Peter was right, my brain was stupidly only thinking about the money! Still, I held firm and coaxed him into trying to do his best to seduce her, and we made a side bet agreement of our own.

"Pete, just do your best — really put some effort into this one. If you can nail her — do it! Twice even, if she wants it and into any place she wants it put. If she comes back loaded full of cum, then it's my fault not hers. I'll forgive her ... I just hope she forgives me for setting the whole thing up! But if you fail — then I'm going to want something from you instead. Not money, but a big chunk of your time! I'm hoping to take over Bert's business and I'll want your help to do a bit of salesmanship for me, getting some existing business accounts transferred over from my old job to this new business." Peter was one of the very top Sales Managers for his national chain and was reputed to be able to sell refrigerators to Eskimos. Men trusted him the very same way that women wanted to bed him. If I could get him to seduce away several lucrative contracts from my old company, the new business would be rolling in dough for a good many years and I'd easily be able to buy out the remaining ownership shares in less than five years.

Amber didn't need an afternoon at a hair salon to look her very fuckable best. She was wearing a lovely off-shoulder little black cocktail dress that displayed lots of her ample cleavage and was scandalously short enough to attract numerous looks of admiration while we did a few fast dances on the dance floor. Her panty choice for this evening was a flimsy black lace thong that was virtually see-through and let her butt cheeks do what they do best, gyrate and wiggle ... especially when wearing six-inch fuck-me pumps.

She was hot for action the moment we arrived at the party, and the four or five stiff drinks she threw down only seemed to prime her pump for a full night of partying. Amber was very much in the mood for playful fun tonight, and I was now rather fearful that it wouldn't be only later with me.

It was way too late to be worried about second thoughts now, but I was pretty sure that I had been really, really stupid!


All too soon, the DJ played the first song of our set list and Amber was now on the clock with Peter, so to speak. Several other couples had come to keep me occupied and too distracted to pay much attention to Amber, and like clockwork, Peter arrived on cue to escort Amber out onto the dance floor. The first two dances were fast ones to get her motor going, then would come the three slow grinders. After that, the 'private time' in a private suite down the hall.

I gulped my drink and tried to keep my thoughts away from the train wreck that I was now sure would follow.

The two fast dances generated nothing of particular interest, and after a momentary glance over to my table to determine that I was still otherwise occupied, she assented to the first slow dance, then the second, finally the third. I was by then a complete nervous wreck. Peter's hands kept sliding down to caress and grasp her ass cheeks and by the third grinding slow dance Amber hadn't bothered to gently push it back up to her waist.

I was also glad I had insisted upon the exemption for non-smoldering kisses, because before they left the dance floor, Amber gave Peter a fairly lingering but chaste kiss on the cheek. They walked together over to the bar together and refreshed their drinks. Then — all too soon — Peter took my fiancée's arm and escorted her out of the ballroom and down the hall to the prearranged private room for a 'breath of fresh air'.

The waiting was by far the hardest part. I kept imagining the worst, Amber now on her back on top of some table with Peter eagerly thrusting into her, his cum filling her to overflowing for me to discover the sopping creamy mess in private later. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. By then I really began to suspect the absolutely worse. Perhaps it was not just her tight cunt that Peter was now sampling. Would she also suck him off? Or perhaps she wanted his second load in her tight butt instead? Worse still were the fears that once she had sampled the Love God, would normal sex with me ever be enough for her? Maybe now that we were moving back home Amber might even be soon joining his regular collection of wives that he regularly kept satisfied.

The second hand on my watch seemed to slow and minutes felt like hours. Not for the first time I reminded myself that I had been a damned fool and had let my greed get the better of me!


Eventually, Amber and Peter made their long overdue reappearance. Their clothing seemed to be pretty much in order, with no obvious rumples, lipstick stains or clothing wet spots. Both looked happy and cheerful but there were no obvious signs that they had been lovers. Waiting for the judges to reappear with their recorded video was the longest five minutes of my life and they came to give me the news first.

It was the damnedest thing that they had ever seen, but Amber had rebuffed every single probing romantic advance that Peter had made... and he'd been pretty aggressive and given Amber his best seductive efforts. While he had tried kissing her neck and even briefly fondling her tits, she had rebuffed every single one of his advances beyond first base. They had spent most of their fifteen minutes of privacy casually holding hands and just talking about some of their old relationships. At the end, they hugged and gave each other a slight peck on the lips and a friendly hug (and pinch of Amber's cute ass) as they left.

Amber (and I) had won the Bet!


The cabal wasn't so convinced at first but gamely they eventually admitted defeat after they watched all of the recorded footage, twice. With their payments, I would have more than enough money to make my necessary down-payment for the first 25% of the business. It looked like I was now home to stay, but first there was going to be some hell to pay from Amber the moment we were alone together in private!

"You bastard!" Amber shouting, before slapping me in the face. Not really all that hard, but firmly; she wanted to make her point crystal clear. "You pimped me out to your very best friend just to make a bet!" I admitted it and apologized, and tried to explain my logical reasoning and my faith in my beloved fiancé.

"How did you even think to keep it a secret?" She bellowed, throwing her six-inch heels in anger across the room as she hopped out of them. "Even Peter's girlfriends knew all about the game and joked with me about it this afternoon at the picnic! I smiled and bit my lip and let you get away with it the first time, just so that you could win your silly bet... but then you had to turn around and do it all over again! Once was fine, but just to let you know I'd almost decided to let Peter 'win' tonight, just to teach you a lesson you'd never forget! The only thing that saved these little black panties from joining his legendary collection was the fact that once we were alone and he was kissing me and about to pull my tits out of my dress... and I was a moment myself from just pulling the dress down myself to save time, I decided that I didn't really find him all that attractive, and I wanted you to tear off these panties instead... so get to it buster!"

Peter was my best friend, and she liked him just fine... but didn't consider him at all to be Alpha male prime breeding material. She warned me if I ever pulled anything close to this sort of stunt again that I would regret it!

"Really, I just don't see what the fuss was about regarding Peter!" She commented, later, when we were in bed together in-between lovemaking sessions. "Virtually every single woman I've talked with this entire weekend has slept with him, and would do so again in a heartbeat, and they all say that he's by far the best lover they've ever had. Heck, to hear them discuss it, nearly half of the women in town have had at least one baby by him... but I just don't see why? He's just 'average' in my book; I could have spent a full weekend with him and never once felt any irresistible urges to jump his bones and offer myself for his breeding. I wonder why I'm the only woman that seems to feel that way, just wanting him to stay my future husband's best friend instead of as a lover?"

The secret, as I informed her, was pheromones. Carl had been quite correct indeed! Peter may give out an overpowering aroma of seduction, but for it to be successful the woman would need to have at least some sense of smell.

Amber had none whatsoever, and never would.


Amber had been constantly very sick with constant severe upper respiratory infections as a girl and even removing her tonsils had little effect in improving her health. Her sinuses were constantly infected, with each bout of illness making the bugs more and more antibiotic resistant. Eventually by the time she was twelve, her infections were had become becoming worse and virtually untreatable by any conventional means. Her ENT doctors then performed a radical Ethmoidectomy, surgically removing all of her frontal and interior sinus tissues. It was a complete rotor-rooter job, but that procedure had worked and her health has been fine ever since... but she no longer has any sense of smell, and not much sense of taste either.

Once I had heard Carl's pheromone theory, I was 99% certain that Amber, who could never ever smell anything, would be unable to detect or react to Peter's irresistible scent. Thusly, she would be safe from his powers. It was a good theory for a 'sure thing bet', but very nerve wracking to actually test in practice.


We're happily married and now I'm the half owner of Bert's business. The old (and some new) rich clients that Peter has helped to bring in have doubled the value of the business and I'll be able to buy out Bert's remaining shares of the company entirely in another year or two. Peter is still my best friend, and otherwise still undefeated in his romantic combats with the opposite sex. He became the Godfather to our young daughter Jerri, and Amber is best friends with all of the calendar girls, including the new Miss Sunday, Amber's own best friend from college and the head bridesmaid at our wedding. Peter has fallen head over heels with her and there are rumors that the confirmed bachelor and Love God has perhaps finally met his one true love.

We're quite happy in our marriage but Amber says she will sleep with him and have my balls on a platter if I ever pull that sort of stunt ever again. Not a chance! No one else will ever get within a sniff of her ever again!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
peter's female counterpart

She cannot keep panties on. True story about serial cheating wife near Helena Montana

Details on Facebook profile of

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
nice bit of humor

And I did have a chuckle

In reality at least one husband would have not been kind to Peter. Nor would the courts. He would have to be very good salesman to pay for paternity costs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well that didn't fly

The Ice Princess would have dumped his ass in a heartbeat the FIRST time she learned he was betting on her fidelity. Dumb story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Pheromones do not have an odour

Not too bad as a story but unfortunately you are wrong in your premise that sense of smell and pheremones are related.

Human sex pheromones have no odour and are not "sensed" by the olofactory bulb/ cortex which are high up in the nasal cavity and tell us humans what something smells like. Instead sex phremones, both male and female, are sensed by the vomeronasal organ, which is at the base of the septum in the nose.

The fiance could have lost her sense of smell completely but her vomeronasal organ would still sense male sex pheremones.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Suggestion for Follow-on

Hoping Stultus will answer in comments. I'd love to see a follow-on story where Amber has to have some surgery and somehow redevelops a sense of smell and then ends up totally succumbing to Peter's allure. To be perfect, like this story it should take time to develop and have her really fighting herself not to give in but eventually her body winning out and her end up cumming for him til she is limp like a dish rag.

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