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Class Trip Ch. 02

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Coeds continue to relieve the guys (a Great 48 Story).
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/25/2016
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This is the second part of story set in the world of The Great 48. The concept is explained in part one, but basically: it's slightly in the future, when a law requires men to orgasm at least once every 48 hours.

What follows is a university field trip where the students become trapped and the ladies reluctantly fulfill their civic duty and assist the guys.

As always feedback in the comments section or via the feedback tab are always appreciated.

Kim and Eugene

Kim and Eugene stood just outside the makeshift stall. Kenneth passed them on his way to the storage area as Kim opened the curtain and the two stepped inside, Kim closing the curtain quickly behind them. There was barely any room between them, so their bodies touched. The lighting was dim, but Eugene could make out Kim's small but perky tits. She was wearing shorts, but he couldn't fully enjoy her long, tan legs given how close they were to one another.

"Thanks for, y'know, doing this." He told her.

"Shut up and let's see what we're working with." She told him curtly.

Eugene was a nice guy, but she definitely did not want to do this. She understood the importance of men having regular releases, but she had no interest in being involved with it. Sex was something she had often enough with guys when she was dating someone but it wasn't a priority for her when she was single.

Eugene shut up and began to undo his belt. His pants dropped around his ankles and despite the relative darkness she could see his bright, cartoon "Fantasy Force" themed underwear.

"Jesus Eugene, what are you, twelve?" She asked.

"Sshhh." He tried to quiet her, but the chuckling from the seating area made it clear everyone in the room had heard her comment.

He shook his head in shame, knowing everyone had assumed she was talking about his penis, not his underwear.

"Sorry." She offered, genuinely.

"Whatever." He grumbled. "Neither of us wants to be here, let's just get this over with."

Kim realized what she had done. She may not have wanted to help the guys ejaculate, but she should have respected that they didn't exactly have a choice either. And now she had humiliated one of the nicer guys in class.

She reached down into his briefs and told hold of his flaccid dick.

"Holy shit." She said knowing her voice would carry. "Now that is what I call a grower!" She said with a wink.

He looked at her and smiled, appreciating what she had just done for him.

"Now let's see how much this bad boy can unload." She said, trying not to laugh.

He shushed her again, genuinely embarrassed even as he began to stiffen in her hand.

Kim stroked Eugene's cock up and down. It wasn't big enough to call for her false excitement, but it was a decent size.

The confined space was awkward for them, made worse by the fact that he was still wearing his briefs. He reached down to remove his shorts and nearly lost his balance. Kim had visions of him pulling down the temporary curtains and everyone seeing her hand wrapped around his dick, exactly the show she was trying to avoid. Luckily he caught himself before that happened.

"Don't move." She ordered, once he has settled back into place. She released her hold on his cock and dropped to her knees, where she pulled his boxers down around his ankles, and had him then step out of his pants and underwear.

Outside the stall Larry elbowed at Daniel and motioned to the curtain. From their vantage point they could see Eugene's pants and feet through the few inches of space between the curtain and the floor. They could also make out Kim's movement and that she had dropped to her knees.

Larry silently mimed oral sex but Daniel shook his head, mouthing, no way. Still, it did seem like Kim could be giving Eugene a blowjob from where they sat.

Inside the stall, Eugene was finally free of his pants and briefs. The confined space forcing his dick unbelievably close to Kim's face that he could actually feel her breath on it, which caused it to spasm on its own. It almost hit her chin so she reached out took hold of it, pointing it away from her as best she could. She may have felt bad about accidentally making it sound like he had a small penis, but not bad enough that she was willing to put his dick in her mouth.

She awkwardly stood up again, and this time it was her nearly losing her balance. Only her grip on his cock kept her from falling out of the stall.

"Fuck." Kim cursed. "There's not enough room in here."

She looked around, and leaned into him, whispering. "Put your arm around me."

"I'm not suppose to. I mean, at a relief station men aren't supposed to.." He whispered.

"We're not at a relief station, are we?" She half barked, half whispered.

Eugene put his arm around Kim's shoulders and she leaned in further as if they were cuddling. It looked far more intimate than it was, but the important part was they were a lot more balanced. She began pumping his cock up and down. Slow at first but steadily picking up speed.

Eugene tightened his grip on her shoulder, unconsciously encouraging her to keep going. She wrapped a second hand around his shaft, double pumping him for a bit before resuming stroking him with one hand. She used the other to play with the crown of his cock occasionally.

Eugene's arm slid off Kim's shoulder and to her back. Her hand continued to pump his cock, and his hand slid down her back to her ass. This was forbidden at a relief station, there the agents simply manually masturbated you while you sat in a specially designed chair. Touching an agent was forbidden, but as Kim had already pointed out, they were not at a relief station.

Kim was surprised to feel his hand on her ass, but it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Plus, if it helped get him off faster, she figured it was worth it. She still had three more guys to beat off. She leaned her head against his chest and redoubled her efforts.

Since Kim hadn't objected to his hand on her ass, Eugene decided to press his luck. With his free hand, he reached over and stroked her hair. Her hand, pistoning up and down his dick, wavered for a second, but quickly resumed its movements up and down his shaft. As he continued to stroke her hair, he shifted his other hand off her ass back up to her lower back. Kim started to grunt from the exertion, and Eugene slid his hand back down to her ass, this time slipping his hand inside her shorts.

He squeezed her tight bare ass and in response she tightened her grip on his cock. He had to stifle a groan and she continued to pump him at an astonishing rate.

"Come on." She whispered. "Cum already, damn it. Just fucking cum."

He pulled her head in against him and squeezed her ass once more.

"Cum Eugene." She whispered. "Give me your cum."

He fondled her ass more, her left cheek, then the right.

"That's it." She told him. "Let it all out."

He came with a loud grunt. "Gguuuhhhhh!"

She aimed his cock towards the floor as his cum shot out of his dick, still pumping as she did so. Her movements slowed as his spray subsided, and eventually he released the hold he had on her head and pulled his hand back out of her shorts.

"Thank you." He told her.

"Whatever." She said, trying to act like she didn't care, when in fact she had enjoyed how he had both gently held her head and roughly squeezed her ass as he climaxed.

"You have to clean that up." She told him, pointing to the ground where his semen was as she stepped out from behind the curtain. The rest of the guys, having heard her grunting and his climax tried to ignore her, save for Larry, who stood from his seat, clapping. A one man standing ovation.

She flipped him the finger, grabbed the next relief journal from the pile and simply said "Richard. You're up, five minutes."

Miss Ophelia in the Seating Area

Miss Ophelia exited the bathroom along with Sean. She walked over to the pile of relief journals, signed and dated his and gave it back to him. The next journal belonged to Ferris. She looked over to the seating area and saw he was pretty much dead centre, surrounded by other guys. She looked around the room more, and realized there was no where even semi private available.

Dawn was in the bathroom, about to assist a guy alone for the first time. Brenda was in the storage area, so there was a space in the doorway there but that would put her pretty much beside Brenda and whatever guy she was assisting. Kim was still in the stall with Eugene and standing in front of the stall seemed like a worse idea than beside Brenda. She could go half way between the storage area and the stall, but then she was beside the open end of the seating area. The space available between the stall and the bathroom placed her directly in front of the seating area, and that was worse. Using that area would be tantamount to putting on a sex show for everyone. Basically, there was no where private for her to be.

Miss Ophelia took a deep breath and accessed the situation. Sometimes being a leader meant having to do things that you didn't enjoy. In this case the whole situation sucked. Bad enough she had to beat off several men, but now she was going to have to do it out in the open. She could wait for one of the designated areas to become available, but given there were still so many men to assist, that would either cause a backlog or force one of the other women into Miss Ophelia's current predicament. As a leader, she couldn't justify passing the buck, so she swallowed her discomfort and made the best of a bad situation.

Miss Ophelia walked into the seating area. As she approached Ferris, she passed Larry, who was elbowing Daniel for some reason. She ignored him, and picked up a blanket that was laying across the empty chair behind him. She continued through the guys in the various seats.

"Ferris, dear. It's your turn." She told him when she reached him.

Ferris was conversing with Charles and Will. The trio fell silent as Miss Ophelia took Ferris by the hand and lead him further through the seating area.

At the far end, up against the wall, Mel and Edward were sharing a love seat styles set of seats, watching a movie on a small portable screen.

"Gentleman, can I ask you to move to another seat, I'm afraid Ferris and I require these seats right now." Miss Ophelia asked then politely.

They collapsed their screen and moved without a word.

"Miss Ophelia?" Ferris asked.

"Ferris." She replied as she sat, patting the empty chair beside her.

"Miss Ophelia, you can't be suggesting I obtain relief here!" He told her.

"I'm afraid we don't have much of a choice." She told him.

"Now sit."

Ferris sat beside her, but was clearly upset. "But Miss, everyone can see us."

"I'll put the blanket over you while I, assist you. No one will see anything." She tried to assure him.

"But they'll know. It's too weird." He told her.

"Ferris. Of course it's weird. It's weird for me too. This isn't exactly an ordinary set of circumstances for any of us. But you won't be any more exposed than Kenneth or Eugene are now. Or are you saying you don't know what Kim or Brenda are doing right now?." She patiently explained.

"I know, I just mean...I don't know about this." He said.

"Ferris, do you find me pretty?" She asked him point-blank.

"Of course. You're like the hottest professor of all time." He told her.

"Then why don't you just focus on that. Will you at least try?" She asked, putting the blanket across his lap.

"Um. Okay. I'll try." He relented.

"Okay. Then just listen to me. Listen to my voice. Ignore the rest of the room. Close your eyes and ignore everyone else." She instructed.

He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

"Take your penis out of your pants." She told him softly, so her voice wouldn't carry.

While Ferris reached under the blanket, she made eye contact with several of the guys that were watching intently. She pointed for them to look away, mouthing "Do something else". They looked away, embarrassed having been caught looking.

She turned back to Ferris and reached under the blanket. She quickly found his penis with her hand.

"That's good Ferris. That's a great penis." She told him, whispering in his ear so no one else could hear.

"Now let's make it hard, shall we? Let's make that nice penis become a rock hard cock. A rock hard cock that with give me all that cum that's built up over the last 2 days. Doesn't that sound nice?" She continued.

Her hand fondled and squeezed his dick and he responded with a barely audibly "yes".

"Great, now picture me. Picture your hot prof. I've taken all my clothes off. No dress, no bra, no panties. I'm naked and I'm waiting for you. I'm waiting for your cum. Will you give me your cum Ferris?" She asked as she stroked his stiffening cock.

"Yes" he whispered

"Thank you. Thank you for being willing to give me your cum. I need it. And I'm going to pump your cock till I get it" she whispered into his ear.

Some of the guys in the room were stealing glances, they couldn't hear her but they could definitely see that their teacher had her hand under a blanket where she was clearly giving Ferris a handjob. The sexual tension in the room, already thick, became palpable.

Miss Ophelia began describing what she was doing. "Do you like Miss Ophelia's hand stroking your hard cock? Do you like the way she runs her hand all the way down your hard shaft and then back up? The way she plays with your crown. How she twists her hand over the head of this cock?"

"Yes" he whispered.

"And don't you just wish she would take her full, plump lips and run them up and down your shaft too? Kissing and the licking your balls before running her tongue up that long, hard cock? Don't you just need her to take this fat dick into her mouth and swirl her tongue around the head? Don't you just want to slide your cock in and out of her mouth?

"Yes," Ferris moaned.

"Yes. Of course you do. You haven't had a release in two days, you need some relief. You need to cum. " she told him, tightening her grip on his cock while she spoke. "And my hand, jacking you off feels good right? You can feel the cum building up. It wants to explode out of you, doesn't it."

"Yes" he moaned again

"But you don't want to cum yet do you? You want to prolong the feeling. You want Miss Ophelia masturbating your big dick forever, don't you?"

"God yes" he told her.

"But Miss Ophelia needs your cum, and you agreed to give it to her didn't you?" Her hand sped up, milking him at full speed.

"She needs your cum. She is naked and desperate for your cum, so desperate that she is going to let you fuck her mouth. Do you want to fuck her mouth Ferris? Do you want to slide this hard cock into her lips?"

"Yes" he said, loud enough to make a couple of the guys turn to look. They still couldn't see much, but the movement under the blanket was no longer a simple stroking, it was a mad frenzy of movement throwing the blanket up and down.

"That's right. Miss Ophelia is hot and wet and naked. She wants to suck your cock with her big, beautiful lips. Are you ready for her tongue? Are you ready for her mouth?" She asked, still whispering in his ear.

"Yes." He told her urgently.

"Okay, here it comes. Miss Ophelia is going to suck your rock hard cock. She's going to slide your dick into her warm, wet mouth and you're going to explode aren't you? Your fucking cock is going to fill her with your cum. Are you ready Ferris? Are you ready to cum for her?" She asked

"Yes" he said, the desperation in his voice clear.

"Okay, here we go." She told him, as she pulled the blanket away, exposing her still pumping hand and his rock hard cock to the room. The heat, trapped under the blanket, dissipated and the cool air made his cock tingle. She leaned over his crotch and exhaled along the length of his shaft then, with her free hand Miss Ophelia clamped down on the tip of his cock with a tissue. The temperature changes combined with her promise of a blowjob was too much for poor Ferris.

He exploded into her tissue filled hand, yelling "FUCK YES!" to the entire room.

Miss Ophelia continued to milk his cock until he was dry, and once it was clear he was finished she pulled the blanket back over his crotch. It was only then that he opened his eyes.

"Wow, Miss Ophelia." Ferris said. "I thought for a second you were actually going to, y'know..."

She smiled back at him, whispering "I'd appreciate it if you kept our little conversation here to yourself"

He nodded in agreement.

"I'll sign your relief journal, and bring it back to you in a bit" she told him, before leaving him to put himself back together.


Next up:

Dawn helps a guy all on her own!

Thanks for reading, I'd love to know what you think, what's good, what's bad, so please send constructive comments via the feedback tab or in the comments section.

There is still loads more to this story...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Please continue!!!!

Please continue!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Was there more parts to this story at one time? I have read something very similar to this, but remember the teacher servicing two students at one time, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
She aimed his cock towards the floor...

How does that work? Are they not standing, in front of each other, in a tight space? Mine doesn't bend downward when it's hard.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

It's a great story, I really hope you keep posting it.

PTWintersPTWintersabout 8 years agoAuthor
Venn Diagram??

Your Venn diagram is flawed, in that I'm not into incest porn at all

(Respectfully, that isn't of interest at all and doesn't appear in any of my stories so I'm not sure where your comment is coming from)

Space elevators however are fascinating and I'm legitimately bothered that one isn't being built or at least planned!

tbm624tbm624about 8 years ago

I can't believe there's someone else that's into incest porn and is a fan of space elevators. That's not a Venn Diagram you see everyday...

bellesveritesbellesveritesabout 8 years ago

...drawn in and addicted and now I need the rest of the story. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Double hj/bj endging with facials would be nice twist

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