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Climax Container

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A stuck up girl gets trapped inside an orgasm box.
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Karen walked past the countless storage lockers in the basement. She was looking for her uncles, which was lot number 39. He had passed away a few weeks ago, and she was asked to help out with cleaning up his remaining belongings. Not that she wanted to; she was never really close to her uncle. He was a very quiet man up until his death, with an unknown source of income. But to make her mother happy, she agreed to sort out the storage locker a few towns over. The air was stale and cold, and not a soul was in the building. Karen sighed and turned another corner. She had been given a key in the mail along with a number, but no map on where to find the thing.

"Where the hell is it?" She thought, her hands clenching as she stomped from locker to locker. She had better things to do as a 26-year-old accountant fresh out of university with high distinctions. The numbers seemed to follow no reasonable pattern. It would go from 28 to 84, then to 83, then back up to 110. Karen had no choice but to scour every locker until she found 39, and sure enough, tucked away far away in the back corner, she found it.

She slipped the old key into the lock. Naturally, it didn't work at first and took a few enthusiastic jiggles before finally clicking and letting her open the fenced door. She stepped in, and as soon as she moved her hand, the door swung back and locked itself once more. This caused her to initially panic, but she realised she could easily reach through the bars and open the door back up. But the new concern was the light; it was nearly pitch black except for the rays of light through the steel mesh of the fence door.

Karen turned on her phone and rotated it around the cramped space. It couldn't have been any bigger than 3 by 2 metres. Inside were only a few items of noticeable description: an old bike caked in dust, some old paint buckets, and a large box covered in a thick grey sheet. She sighed, looking at the remnants of her uncle's past life. She was hoping there would be a motorcycle she could hide from her mother and sell for some quick cash. Or maybe jewellery. But alas, all she found was useless old equipment and a bike held together by rust. The box was all that remained to be inspected.

She pocketed her phone and adjusted her eyes to the dark as best she could before slowly pulling the sheet off the box. She turned her phone back on and tried her best to make out what it was. Despite how dusty everything was, it was very clean. A dark black marble box with smooth corners and what looked to be some sort of electronic panel on the front. There were four holes, two on the top and two on the front, on opposite sides of the panel. Below the panel were also a series of buttons and dials. Whatever this was, Karen had no idea what to make of it.

Karen inspected all sides of it and found an electrical cord. Thankfully, there was an outlet covered in dust, so she could plug it in and see just what she was dealing with.

"Perhaps it was some kind of portable clay oven? Or 3D printer? But that wouldn't explain what the holes are for. She thought to herself. She flicked the outlet switch, and the machine hummed to life. The panel lit up with the words:






The machine then suddenly unlocked, and the sound alone caused Karen to jump back. The lid of the box had opened up, and out poured a cloud of humid air. Using her phone to see past the fog, she was able to make out what was inside. The interior was lush, with pink cushions sown into the walls and a grove for someone to sit in. However, the size of the box didn't mean that someone could easily fit.

"Unless..." Karen thought to herself, looking at the holes in the box. "Someone stuck their hands and feet through these." An eerie silence filled the air, the low humming of the machine being the only thing to fill it.

"What the fuck kind of shit was he into?" Karen pondered, her face twisted up in disgust. She figured it was some kind of weird BDSM setup. She rolled her eyes, feeling like she had seen too much for today. Maybe she could sell it to some after-dark pawn shop? That is, if she could even move the thing. She went to turn it off until disaster struck.

Her heel had slipped on the sheet.

Losing her balance, she tried to grab onto the box behind her, but the lid was no longer there; it was wide open.

And just like that, she fell back. Her legs flew into the air above her own head as her ass hit the soft cushions of the box. Causing quite an audible thud.

And like a Venus flytrap, the lid closed tight.

And the tarp used to cover it had been kicked up into the air and fell squarely back down onto the box, obscuring it completely from view.


"Hello!! HELLO!!!!" Screamed Karen. It was nearly pitch black. She had dropped her phone and was stuck in this box with her knees up to her chest. She had been in there for nearly twenty minutes. Trying to rock herself out of the box, kick the box open, and look for any sort of panel. But it was useless. She was, in every way, trapped. She couldn't even hear the outside world; it was almost like the interior was vacuum-sealed. Karen looked up, and through the dim light the box provided, she could see the two holes leading to the outside of the box.

"Of course! Maybe I could reach the panel on the front of the box and push something on it to open it back up? Or maybe yank the cord out of the wall?" Unfortunately for Karen, the holes in the front of the box were out of reach, and she wasn't able to rotate her body. All she could do was barely scrape the holes with her fingers. She sighed and decided she might as well try sticking her hands up outside of the box. Maybe then someone at least might see her?

She summoned up her strength and slowly pushed her right and left hands through the holes. They were hard to break through, considering the box was almost sealed off to the outside world. But sure enough, she broke through the seal and, for a brief moment, was able to hear the humming of the box again and the buzzing of the fluorescent lights. She had just gotten her wrists past the holes when, suddenly, the machine roared to life.

The rings on the lid lit up a bright neon pink and clasped around her wrists tighter than ever before. In a moment of panic, she tried to pull away, but she was now even more stuck than before.

"No!... No no no no NO!" Karen protested. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes as she kicked and screamed in rage. Her hands tensed up into fists and released over and over again as she used every bit of energy she had to try and escape. But it was futile.

She must have sat there for at least 5 minutes in silence before pondering what to do next.

"It has my hands... and it won't let go. And there's room for my feet at the front..."

"Maybe... maybe if I just put my feet through, it will do whatever it has to do... and it will let me leave."

Her mind started racing with what it might do to her. But she sharply inhaled and suppressed her thoughts. This was survival. And in survival, actions are more important than pondering what might be for hours on end. Karen decided to surrender herself to fate. She pushed her feet slowly through the holes, her heels awkwardly breaking through the seal, until finally her ankles poked through. And like it did with her hands, the machine sprang to life and clasped down hard around her feet, locking them in place.

Karen's heart began to race, the machine was getting louder, and just what it was planning was still a mystery. When suddenly a small panel flipped open from one corner of the box and a red laser scanned her body. It must have done this for a few seconds before it stopped. Karen couldn't see it, but on the front panel, it now read:



"...ERROR X04!"



Karen's head darted around the box once more, and this time a new panel had opened up. But this time there were two long steel rods. One with what looked to be a surgical knife on the end and a hook on the other. Karen didn't even scream; her blood went cold as the arms mechanically went towards her and lowered to her waist. Then, with surgical precision, the hands hooked themselves into her leggings and cleanly sliced them off.

"HEY, GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Karen screamed; the arms didn't even flinch as they made their way up to her dress, the hook lifting and the knife cutting away at the fabric.

It seemed to know exactly how to remove clothing with the smallest of cuts. In under a minute, she was down to just her bra and underwear, in her panic, she had also kicked off both of her heels. The hook spun around her back and unhooked her bra, and it fell to the bottom of the box, along with the rest of the clothes. While the knife made cuts on both sides of her underwear and quickly yanked them off, exposing her privates.

Karen was now completely naked.

"GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF THIS THING!" Karen screamed. Her voice now wasn't one of a strong, confident woman, but one laced with fear.

Her chest heaved up and down; despite the panic coursing through her veins, she was still comfortable, and the warm humidity in the box meant she wasn't cold. The hands folded away her cut-up clothing and took it with them to some unknown storage panel. Once again, Karen was left alone. The panel outside once again lit up.






The machine began to whirr louder, but Karen could not anticipate what would happen next. The humid air was beginning to make her sweat. Beads ran down her bare c-cup breasts. Some ran down past her stomach and softly traced her mound. She had a light amount of pubic hair that was trimmed neatly, despite her empty sex life. Work and climbing the corporate ladder meant she was a very pent-up woman who only found relief by humping the daylights out of her pillow. Sometimes even in her own sleep.

Finally, a panel opened before her, and what she saw looked to be some sort of suction cup vibrator. It had an almost alien design to it, like it belonged more in some sort of the sci-fi horror movie. Karen screamed.

"N-No! NO!" Was all she could say as the toy was lowered down and slowly crept forwards between her legs.

She tried to shift her weight or raise her hips, but it was useless. Even if she shifted an inch or two, the toy would change its approaching angle to compensate. And sure enough, eventually the toy fell plush on her clit. Her whole body tensed up, but nothing happened. She could feel it was now secured tight, and no amount of fighting would remove it.

The light that had given Karen some semblance of comfort was then deactivated. She was surrounded in total darkness.

And that's when it started.

The vibrator activated. It was at a mild frequency, but it may as well have been turbo. Karen was not used to this level of overstimulation. Her body convulsed and twitched. She screamed, but the machine did not show her any signs of mercy.


7 minutes into her session, Karen's body was now drenched in sweat, which was being absorbed by the ground. Unbeknownst to her, the machine had hooked up an IV drip to an unknown spot on her body. This was to ensure she never got too thirsty from all the fluid loss or even hungry. And this machine had quite a surplus to share.

She felt her own orgasm building up. She deeply wanted to resist. To kick off the shackles and climb out of the box. But her consent wasn't a factor. Not in here. She felt it rising. And rising. And rising.

And then the machine stopped and detached the vibrator.

Karen's head shot up in confusion. Why did it stop? Her pussy throbbed and begged for release, despite Karen's objections. She lay there, catching her breath, still fully exposed to the machine.

And just as she felt her body relax, the machine reattached itself and started up once more.

She let out a crying wail. Tears were running down the side of her face. She was being edged.


Over the next hour, this process would repeat. And the intervals between her edges became more and more frequent.

At first, it took 7 minutes of constant simulation to get close to orgasm.

Then it took 5.

Then 2.

Then 50 seconds.

Karen was now experiencing edges every half minute. Her body would convulse. She would throw her head back and scream. But now a change was occuring. She wasn't just screaming. She was moaning. The need to cum was eroding her sanity. But she wasn't yet ready to surrender.

"Do you want to cum?" A voice suddenly asked her. It lacked any sort of emotion, and it surrounded her. The vibrations still lighting up her entire body.

"FUCK YOU!" Was all Karen could shout back as she experienced another cunt-shattering edge. The machine persisted.

"Do you want to cum?" It asked. The vibrations intensified. It wasn't letting up. But she couldn't break. She couldn't let it win.

"Do you want to cum?" It asked. She edged once more.

"Do you want to cum?" It asked. She edged even harder.

"Do you want to cum?" - "YES! YES, I WANT TO FUCKING CUM! LET ME CUM!" Screamed Karen. And just like that, the orgasm finally built up, and up, and up, until something unlike an orgasm hit her harder than she had ever felt before. Her cunt squirted like a firehose. Her hands and feet twisted outside the box. She let out something unlike a scream and more like a primal guttural roar. Her mind no longer had thoughts of guilt and shame. She didn't have any thoughts at all.

Her body went limp as she caught her breath for a few seconds in post-orgasmic bliss. Unfortunately, the box had different plans.

The vibrations started once again, at the same intensity as before.

She screamed in protest. Her clit was so swollen and sore that this was basically torture to endure, especially after such an orgasm. But almost as if her body was trying to spare her the pain, it started to interpret those signals as pleasure instead.

And that's why, within just a minute of her last orgasm, Karen climaxed once more.


On the panel on the front of the box, some diagnostic information could be seen. These indicate what the subject is currently experiencing inside the box, their physical and mental health levels, and the time left.

Karen's diagnostic information after 2 hours of being in the box is as follows:

Heart rate: 130 bpm

Mode: Custom Preset

Hunger: ████████▒▒

Thirst: █████████▒

Sanity: █████▒▒▒▒▒

Orgasms Per Minute: 5

Total Orgasms: 000294


The box was starting to break Karen in new ways. While the toy remained clamped on her clit, a dildo was now pistoning in and out between her legs. It seemed every few seconds, her pussy would gush in ecstasy while she let out another pained scream of pleasure.

The vibrations would sometimes cease, and only the dildo would rape her. Sometimes the dildo ceased, and only the vibrations would drive her to her next mind-breaking orgasm. But most of the time, it would be both.


Karen's diagnostic information after 6 hours of being in the box is as follows:

Heart rate: 105 bpm

Mode: Custom Preset

Hunger: █████▒▒▒▒▒

Thirst: ██████▒▒▒▒

Sanity: ███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

Orgasms Per Minute: 6

Total Orgasms: 001744


Another toy had forced its way inside Karen's tight asshole some hours ago. She hardly reacted to it when it happened, letting out another defeated moan. But she began to feel a strange pleasure radiating from her backdoor as time went on.

Slowly, the fat metallic rod dug in and explored her insides, pistoning itself in and out of her.

As she began to accept these new strange waves of pleasure, the vibrator and dildo, focusing on her pussy, slowly lowered their vibrations. The orgasms hit Karen all the same, but now her ass was becoming the cause.

Until finally, the vibrator and dildo were detached entirely, and she was brought to a humiliating pure anal orgasm.

It felt like nothing she had ever experienced. Her pussy clenched as it always did, but this time her ass did too. She tried to cry, but nothing came out of her mouth.

She would repeatedly orgasm this way for another hour. Until finally, the other toys joined back in on the fray.


Karen's diagnostic information after??? hours of being in the box is as follows:

Heart rate: 85 bpm

Mode: Custom Preset

Hunger: ██████████

Thirst: █████████▒

Sanity: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

Orgasms Per Minute: 8

Total Orgasms: 151721



At approximately 8 a.m., a patient was admitted to Grand Oak Hospital via emergency services.

She has been identified as Karen Wilson, a 26-year-old female who had been reported missing two weeks ago.

Karen had been found trapped in a container in an old storage locker with an IV secured to her wrist.

Upon being released, Karen was completely incomprehensible.

Paramedics attempted to calm her down and restrain her, but any contact caused her to convulse and sexually discharge.

Paramedics were then forced to sedate her and transport her to the hospital via ambulance.

Her genitals were found to be highly engorged. And any touch of her skin below her waist results in heavy convulsions.

Karen will stay at Grand Oak Hospital to be monitored as swelling decreases.

Senior neurologists say that the effects of her trauma are reversible but will take months of rest and psychiatric rehabilitation.

As for how this happened, the box that caused it has disappeared. Once the paramedics had arrived and retrieved Karen, someone took the container while the gate was still unlocked. A report has been made to the police, and we should be diligent to anticipate that this may happen to someone else.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was an amazing read! I hope you decide to add more chapters

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

That was so hot. I wish that would happen to me. What a way to go insane.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Machine: "Do you want to cum?"

Karen: "I would like to speak to the manager."

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"She was looking for her uncles."

So, there was more than one uncle? I'm so confused.

CasualnagaCasualnaga9 months ago

Like a contraption out of CoC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ohh my god this was diabolically hot! Please please please make some sequels with this fantastic box being set to the other presets!!

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervover 1 year ago

Well that was fun! Although, in my opinion, ""Do you want to cum?" - "YES! YES I WANT TO FUCKING CUM! LET ME CUM!" Screamed Karen." the machine should have said "Not desperate enough" or something. Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hmmmm.... seems to me the uncle may not be dead after all. BitchBreaker.exe feels personal. Maybe dear Karen lived up to her name one too many times?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I know exactly where you got the inspiration from this. I wish I could find the clip with sound again. It seems to have been scrubbed from the usual places.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


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