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Cocksleeve IG

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Robbie is a virgin - until Saffire takes him in hand...
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[For Dex, who loved women with enormous breasts as much as I do.]

The first clue that you have an Instagram Goddess as a neighbor is she wears low-cut tops or tight t-shirts and films herself walking along. Why? Because she has the biggest boobs imaginable and it's that which makes subscribers pay money simply to see her walking along wearing low-cut tops or tight t-shirts. Capisce? The second is she drives a BMW, wears spectacular clothes, and isn't married. She has as many boyfriends as she can handle and doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks about men spending the night because she's financially independent and owns her own house. Being an IG pays well, believe me.

I'm black, 18-years-old and in my final year of school, live in a suburb of south LA and have more hormones than is good for me, meaning I have a semi-erection most of the day and, I suspect, during the night as well. I have two things on my mind: sex and everything else, so you can be damn sure I'm tongue-tied with shyness and total adoration if the IG walks past me on the street or the grocery store and winks, pausing long enough from filming herself to purr, "Hey there, Robbie," which, sad to say because I can be deeply shallow when it comes to her humungous boobs, is enough to make me spring wood. Embarrassing if it's during the summer vacation and I'm wearing just a cut-off t-shirt and shorts because I go commando to enable easy access to my johnson.

I've been told by girls I've dated that I'm good-looking and have a nice body, toned by leading the school's basketball team so there are muscles under my cut-off which bulge when I flex them which I tend to do a lot when I'm hoping to get laid. By all means call me shallow but hey, it works. I wear glasses which ought to make me look like a geek and get hit on by bullies but I also practice martial arts so nobody tries that more than once, and my dad, who's an airline pilot, bought me a pair of designer tortoiseshell frames in Venice, Italy, so my glasses are really cool, believe me. (Ever had a babe admire your glasses so much she borrows them to film herself on her knees giving you a blowjob so you can come on her face and she doesn't have to worry about getting splooge in her eyes...?)

Now this talk about blowjobs and cum (I often climax five times in a session and always heavy loads, even the fifth) might lead you to think I'm a cocksman par excellence but that isn't true because I have a problem. Not a minor problem, quite the reverse: I'm very well-endowed, around ten inches when fully erect, so have a dick that's really long and thick which might sound boastful but is frightening as hell to the girls I know so I'm still a virgin which is a major bummer, believe me.

Anyway, back to the IG. Now I said I'm black, ebony in fact, which I really like because my dick looks like a sable flagpole, but the IG's skin is a gorgeous coffee-and-cream, stunningly beautiful when you can worship the silky-smoothness of her giant breasts, tipped by the darker skin of her nipples. I can come simply from fantasizing about suckling those beauties, and often have, staring at the nude photos of her I've found on the 'net. But, you know what?

I prefer the ones where she's not nude because she looks more relaxed; like she loves the way her tiny bikini top leaves her boobs bulging out the sides or her low-cut blouse shows her nipples through the thin material, her immense cleavage capable of enfolding even my dick effortlessly, the soft warm flesh masturbating me to spurt the contents of my balls out over her beautiful face... That's why I really love seeing her photos on Instagram, because they don't allow nudity which means she gets to laugh in the clips she posts, winking at the camera when some guy she passes slams into a streetlight because he's so mesmerized by the jiggle and bounce of her magnificent mammaries. Could easily be me if I didn't take care not to...

Now the Goddess's IG name is Saffire but our family know her as Ms. Jolene Baker so that's what I call her whenever we meet. "Hello Ms. Baker," I say and she usually gives me an admiring glance, running her eyes down from my hard pecs and bulging biceps to my six-pack stomach and then following the arrow of the black curls at my groin to where my erect cock is outlined against the tight material of my shorts. I do my damnedest not to stare at her breasts while she does this but it's abso-fuckin-lutely impossible because I know exactly how big they are, 36-F, and that she has a voluptuous booty under the spandex capri pants she likes to wear that outline the lips of her pussy like the gateway to heaven.

I was just about to say my usual greeting to Ms. Baker, who was standing by a tree planted on the sidewalk, when I saw she was staring up into the branches with a really worried expression on her face.

"Everything okay, Ma'am?" I asked, wondering what she was looking at.

"Hell, no, Robbie, it isn't," she said, casting a murderous look at the house across the street. "My friend Marlene asked me to look after her Persian cat for a week while she's in Cancun and I was just carrying his cage into the house when Ms. Abernathy's fuckin' huge St Bernard bursts out his front door looking to eat the poor baby. I was so scared I dropped the cage, it sprung open and Ming, that's the cat's name, took fright so bad he skinned up the tree and now I believe he's stuck up there. I swear right know that bitch is standing behind her lace curtains, a fuckin' smirk on her face..."

"Hey, no problem," I said with a swagger that implied I'd do anything for my Goddess if it meant I could sneak glances at her incredible boobs while I was doing it, and just how hard can it be to get a cat down from a tree? "Do you have a ladder in your garage?"

"Ha, Robbie to the rescue," Ms. Baker said with a sly grin, reading me like a book and knowing full well I'd be climbing upward while staring downward into her sumptuous cleavage displayed to perfection by the tight sweater she was wearing. "Gimme a sec, babe, key's in the kitchen."

She disappeared into the house, reappearing waving the key and a minute later I was climbing slowly up the ladder while she stood at the bottom holding the base to keep it steady. We both knew she could have done nothing if it slipped sideways, the fully extended ladder was too unwieldy and I was too heavy for her to catch, but we did as advised by safety manuals and a moment later I was face-to-face with the petrified Persian who looked desperate to get down and retreat into the house to escape the rampant canine.

I put my hands out slowly to take hold of it and got a swipe with extended cat claws for my pains. So I decided more forceful measures were needed and I suddenly reached up and grabbed it. The cat was duly ensnared but coming down with an armful of spitting feline was a hell of a sight harder than climbing up and my foot missed a rung when I was less than two feet from the bottom of the ladder, so while I managed to hold onto the Persian, I fell heavily against the bark of the tree.

"Oh god, Robbie!" Ms. Baker cried, unsure whether to secure the struggling cat or see whether I was hurt so I did my best to reassure her through gritted teeth that I was okay and handed her the Persian and she hurriedly ran into the house to stow the ungrateful beast in its cage before coming back to help me up.

And help me up it had to be, my arm around her shoulder, because I was badly bruised down my right hand side, especially the cheek of my ass, my hipbone and my upper right thigh.

"Let's get you inside, baby," she said, pressing her humungous breast into my side. "We have to make sure you didn't break anything."

A couple of minutes later I was laid out on her sofa, Jolene, as she insisted I call her instead of the formal Ms. Baker, fetching me a glass of water and a couple of extra-strength Tylenol, her gigantic breasts a symphony in motion as she hurried back and bent over to hand me the pills, making sure I got an eyeful of her amazing cleavage as she did so.

"Turn a little," she said and pulled up the leg of my shorts to see I had skinned the flesh of my upper thigh. "I need to fetch cotton wool and antiseptic to clean it," she said. "Slip your shorts off and turn on your side?"

"Umm, Jolene?" I said hesitantly. "I go commando?"

"Nothing I haven't seen before, babe, I'm sure," she said, laughing as she went back into the kitchen, her booty jiggling as she walked. Just seeing that amazing ass of hers up close meant my dick was hard as a goddam iron bar and, while I quickly shucked off my shorts, a little horrified to see the extent of the broken skin extending from my upper thigh to the small of my back. It wasn't bleeding, but antiseptic was a necessity whether I was bashful about Jolene seeing my erection or not.

Back she came carrying a bowl of water with wisps of steam coming off it, a bottle of Band-Aid and a chunk of cotton wool. As requested I was turned on my side, my cock pressed into a pillow which, I suddenly realized, might get badly stained by the mass of precum I could feel seeping from the tip. Oh fuck, I thought, damned if I do and damned if I don't...

Despite having bright orange false nails over an inch longer than the ends of her fingers, Jolene was surprisingly gentle at cleansing the scrapes, turning my body so she could reach everywhere that had been in heavy contact with the tree. That meant she could see the rondures of my ass which made her whistle softly and say, "Basketball give you that gorgeous tush, Robbie?"

To which I could only answer, "Yes, ma'am," my face inches away from the perfumed softness of her massive breasts, their smooth, coffee-and-cream skin showing no retouching had been necessary for the photos I'd seen where their weight and fullness was exposed in all their sumptuous beauty.

"I really appreciate what you did, Robbie," Jolene said in a soft voice, laying her hand on my thigh and pressing down gently. I knew it had nothing to do with wanting to clean my scrapes but was just feminine curiosity and I turned onto my back, my dick, fully hard and feeling like it was about to explode, rearing up and making Jolene's eyes widen in surprise.

"Well, honey, I take back what I said earlier," she said in a breathy voice, her immense boobs visibly rising and falling. "I haven't seen one as impressive as that in a long while and that's a fact..."

Hardly daring to breathe, I watched intently as Jolene slowly reached out her hand and closed her fingers round the shaft making me moan softly, suddenly aware I was perilously close to climaxing. Jolene said nothing but smoothed her fingers down to expose the bulging purple tip, slippery precum oozing from the dilated opening, and I moaned in ecstasy as my orgasm started, whether I wanted it to or not.

Whatever heaven I might encounter when I die, it will be one hell of a disappointment compared to feeling the soft, full red lips of my Instagram Goddess closing around the head of my cock as I jerked my hips up, powerless to hold back the most intense climax of my life bar none and I'm including the sperm facial babe who borrowed my glasses.

Time after time my hips spasmed, my balls pumping out spurt after spurt of cum into Jolene's suckling mouth which she did her best to swallow as quickly as I flooded her throat with more hot, gooey liquid. Finally the pulses ebbed and I fell back against the cushion, drained, shocked and thrilled by what she had done.

Jolene seemed a little shocked too, because she reached for the glass of water she'd brought me with the pills and took a big glug, washing down the mass of sperm I had pumped from my balls into her gullet. "Wow!" was all she could say.

I grinned. "The virility of a young man face-to-face with the star of his fantasies, Saffire," I said, my eyes meeting hers as I took a chance and reached out my hand and gently cupped her nearest breast, stroking my thumb across the stiff nipple.

Jolene laughed and put the glass on the coffee table. "You know who I am, then?" she said, arching her eyebrows and smiling at me, seemingly content to let me fondle the heavy weight of her boob.

"I have every picture you've ever posted on Instagram and some of the ones from OnlyFans," I said. "I went on the site because it said your page was free but the shots cost big bucks to view so I passed. And besides, I love seeing you wearing tiny bikinis and revealing tops more than the nudes."

"You aren't missing anything," she said with a sexy laugh. "I prefer my Instagram clips and photos too but OnlyFans is where the revenue is. I'll only look as good as this for a few short years and it makes sense to make as much money as I can while I can."

"You'll always be beautiful to me," I said in a soft voice, loving what she was letting me do to her nipple.

"You're sweet, you know that?" she said, leaning close to me so her lips could brush against mine, her mouth opening so our tongues dueled as we kissed. Then she said, softly, "Thank you for what you did earlier. I'm sorry you got banged up as a result."

"After what you did to...er...repay me?" I said in a voice hoarse with desire, hoping desperately she would caress my cock which was again standing rigid as a flagpole despite the intensity of my orgasm only moments before.

"Man," Jolene said, glancing down. "Does that thing ever go soft? You must make the babes you fuck extremely happy with that monster..."

"Well..." I started to say, my voice trailing off because I didn't want to admit I was still a virgin. But Jolene guessed. "No..." she whispered in surprise. "Really?"

"Blowjobs but nothing more," I said. "Word got round, I guess."

"Ha, teenage girls aren't experienced enough, that's the problem," she said with a sly grin. "Or maybe the fear of getting knocked up. I'm not surprised, I must have swallowed at least of pint of your potent swimmers."

I knew I could confide in Jolene and did.

"What if I get married and my bride barricades herself in the bathroom on our wedding night?"

Jolene roared with laughter which was infectious and I joined in.

"You ain't putting that monster in my pussy, mister, let alone my ass!" she said in a mock frightened voice.

"Oh god, anal..." I breathed, my voice showing just how turned on I was by the thought of fucking a woman in the ass. Jolene could see my reaction because she reached down and, very gently, closed her fingers once more round the shaft of my cock, obviously aware the intensity of my desire brought me perilously close to climaxing.

"You want to fuck a woman in the ass that much?" she asked, her face only an inch or so from mine, her soft breasts filling my palms to overflowing.

"More than I can say. I've jerked off forever at the thought of that..."

"And were you fucking me in the ass when you did it?"

"Well..." If a black boy could blush, Jolene would have seen it happen right in front of her eyes.

"I can't take birth control pills because they make me gain weight," she murmured, her eyes meeting mine as I hardly dared breathe. "So all my lovers have to fuck me in the ass which happens to be my preference anyway. Oh sure, I like being plowed into the mattress by a thick hard dick pumping my pussy, but it isn't what I really enjoy. Nothing feels as good as my tiny asshole stretched to bursting by a big cock, the guy's shaft sliding slowly up into my rectum until his glans is buried in my bowels."

"Oh god, Jolene!" I gasped, and then jerked in acute discomfort, my imminent climax stopped dead by the expert way she clamped her thumb and forefinger hard at the base of my coronal ridge like a vice clamped onto a firehose.

"Oh no you don't, young man," she whispered in a firm voice, her mouth against my ear so I would take in what she was saying despite my lust-crazed state. "I want that monster fucking my booty so I can come too, you understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am," I said and feared my face would crack I was grinning that much in sheer, overwhelming excited anticipation.


"Oh man, what have I done to deserve this?" I said as I lay back naked on the king-sized bed, my dick quivering as Saffire as she now was by wearing the outfit I most admired in her Instagram shots of a series of gold hoops around her long neck attached to gold chain mail that flowed down between her magnificent bare breasts leaving her pussylips exposed, pumped out a thick line of lube onto her fingers.

"Rescued my friend's cat and always treated me with respect," Saffire said in a breathy whisper, leaning forward to smooth the lube onto the shaft of my rampant cock and slowly, teasingly slowly, covering my bulging glans with the oily gel. She leaned close as she did it so our lips could meet, mine hungry with passion, hers with a gentle affection, and then leaned back so I could see she had oiled her breasts which glistened bronze in the soft glow of the afternoon sun streaming through the closed shutters, an oil which, I suspected, she had also used to oil her lower body, the cheeks of her ass and her thighs, her pussy and the tiny opening of her anus, in preparation for taking my slippery cock into her back passage.

Satisfied with her handiwork, Saffire knelt up and looked at me as she asked, "How do you want me?"

"Can I watch my cock fucking your asshole?" I said reverently, awestruck that this was happening to me...

"Reverse cowgirl. I like the sound of that," she said with a soft purr and moved to straddle my body, exposing the lips of her smooth-shaven pussy to my rapt gaze, droplets of her cream falling onto my belly showing she was every bit as turned on by the thought of sitting astride my cock as I was looking forward to her doing it.

I stared in wonder at her gorgeous backside as she raised herself on her haunches and reached a hand back to take hold of the slick shaft of my cock, positioning it against the opening of her rosehole. If I expected her to experience any discomfort as she lowered her body, forcing my glans past the opening and enveloping the first inch or so of my shaft with her rectum, I was mistaken because she seemed completely at ease, gently gyrating her hips to force her rectal walls to expand and swallow up the thickness of my dick until every last one of the ten inches was swallowed up by her ass, the super-sensitive tip buried deep in her bowels.

"Oh my god," she moaned in ecstasy. "I've trained my asshole to take just about anything but your cock feels fucking incredible..."

"Mmm, yes, it does," I gasped, unable to say more, my eyes riveted to the sight of her voluptuous ass undulating as she flexed her internal muscles to milk my sperm inexorably into my all-too-close-to-climaxing cock. I had to do something to stop that happening too soon; I knew if it did then this incredible event that might never again be repeated would be over and I wanted to be able to savor these moments for the rest of my life.

Tightening my chest muscles to lift my upper body off the bed, I reached down and slid my hands under the plump rondures of Saffire's gorgeous booty. Lost in her world of pleasuring herself sitting on my cock filling her asshole to capacity, she squealed in surprise, even more so when I closed my fingers on her buttocks and lifted her effortlessly so my cock slid along the walls of her rectum until only the tip was still inside her ass. Then I lowered her down, effectively using her magnificent backside to masturbate myself, an anal cocksleeve that felt indescribably good every time I brought her down and ground the head of my dick in the depths of her bowels, slick with the lube and precum. The erotic sensation was indescribable: a smooth, velvet sheath encasing my cock that I could raise and lower at will, unbelievably tight when her sphincter was stretched taut by the thick base of my dick, the pressure easing slightly when I almost pulled free of her sphincter. Saffire screamed and shook and shuddered, her whole body spasming as she experienced one rectal orgasm after another, each one seemingly fiercer than the last.


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