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Colleagues with Benefits

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Ingrid walked over to her husband's desk and closed the lid on the computer he was working with.

"What are you doing? I was working. It was important."

"And your wife is not?"

"You could have called me."

"I did, you asshole and you ignored me, as usual."

"Okay what's so important?"

"I'm seeing someone."

Prescott turned his head around. "I don't see anyone. Are you saying you are hallucinating?"

"For an intelligent person, you sure are dumb. No, I'm not hallucinating. I am having sex with another man. Sex that is exciting, varied and long lasting for a change."

"Oh. Is that all?"

"Isn't that enough?"

"Do you intend to keep having sex with him?"

"I do unless you want to do something different."

"Like what?"

"Like have sex with me more often and put some emotion into it."

"You want sex more than one a week? We do it every Saturday night at 9:00 just before we go to sleep. Are you some sort of sex addict?"

"No. I'm normal. Normal people want sex more often and not according to a schedule."

"Oh. I suppose I could review my schedule to see if I could work in another time during the week."

"Aaaggghhh! Just forget it. I'll just get my sex quota from my lover." She starting to leave the room.

"Be sure to use a condom. Venereal diseases are increasing in frequency."



"Roxanne, we've worked together well for several years. You're the closest think I have to a best friend. Do you mind if I ask you something personal?"

"I feel the same way. I would be glad to hear what you have to say, but shouldn't we wait until lunch break? I don't think we should use company time for personal discussions."

"You're right. Will you join me for lunch in the cafeteria?"

"Be delighted to."

They sat together at lunch away from any eavesdropping threat.

"Okay, Prescott, what did you want to ask me?"

"We've never really talked about our spouses. Do you mind if I tell you about mine?"

"No, that's up to you."

"My wife evidently is very attractive to other men. There seems to be one man who has been attracted to her and now she is attracted to him. They are having sex."

"How do you know that? Suspicions are one thing and proof is another."

"She told me they were."

"What's your question then?"

"What do I do about it?"

"Did she tell you why?"

"Sex. I don't have sex with her enough and, supposedly, I don't know how to do it very well. I guess I considered it a big deal. Since we didn't want children, it was just sex. It's been enjoyable. At least for me it has been."

"I know what you mean. My sex life has become less and less as the years have gone by. Don't misunderstand - I like sex. I guess it's just that there is no 'lust' anymore. I think it's the social media and entertainment businesses that hype sex up beyond what should be its real level of importance."

"So, what do you think I should do?"

"Do you want to stay married to her?"

"I guess. I thought everything was fine at home until now. You think I should divorce her?"

"If you're not that unhappy with how things have been going, let her make that call."

"I guess I could try having sex more often with her. What do I do about having better sex?"

"I can't give you advice about that. I don't know how well you perform intercourse."

"I just got an idea, but I'm afraid to say it. You could sue me for sexual harassment."

She chuckled. "Nothing you could say would cause me to be upset. Go ahead and say it."

"Roxanne, would you be willing to have sex with me. I don't mean for my personal enjoyment, but so you can give me an informed opinion on how well or how badly I perform coitus? Just one time."

"I thought that's what you might be hinted at. Prescott, I really like you and I hope that if we did have sex, you would enjoy it. I'm not all that experienced with sex although my big boobs did give me the opportunity for several sex partners during college. Of course, I would like to help you. When and where would we do it if I agree?"

"There's a motel down the road. We could go during lunch break one day."

"Okay, how about tomorrow? My husband does not usually want sex after his bowling night."

"About your husband - will he be upset if he finds out you have had sex with me?"

"Not as long as it doesn't interfere with his bowling night. He is in love with my tits and tolerates the rest of my body."



"Do you want to have any foreplay first, Prescott?"

"We don't have much time."

"Really, Harold usually doesn't last longer than five minutes. How long do you last?"

"I don't know. I never really timed it. Not really long, I think."

"I guess we can skip most of the foreplay, but I am kind of dry. Did you bring a lubricant?"

"No. I could lick you with my tongue and let my saliva lubricate you."

"You don't mind that? My husband would never lick me where my pee comes out."

"I've never tried it myself, but I don't mind trying. It's kind of an experiment for me to see if my tongue could be a useful tool in pleasing a woman."

"Okay. Let's see." Roxanne took off her clothes and stood in front of Prescott. He was only partial naked when he stopped to look at her.

"Holy Moly, those are HUGE tits. I mean I could always tell they were large no matter what you wore, but I never thought they would be this big. Can I play with them a little?"

"I guess, but no biting on my nipples. They are extremely sensitive."

He took one breast in his mouth and sucked gently. Then he flicked his tongue over each nipple.

"Ummm, that feels good. You can go a little harder than that."

"Okay." He followed her directions, and she increased her moaning.

"Roxanne, I'm ready to, what do they call it, oh yeah 'muff dive.'"

Prescott started with a long, slow lick up her labia being careful not to penetrate between her lips yet. Each time, his tongue penetrated her deeper. Once he found her clitoris, he started flicking it like he had with her nipples. Before long his tongue was roaming up down and left right. Roxanne's body began to respond.

"Oh my God, Prescott. That feels so good. Keep doing what you're doing. Yes. Yes. That's it. Aaahhh. DAMN!" Her body started shaking and jerking. "I've never cum like that before. And we haven't even had intercourse yet."

"I'm ready for that now. Are you?"

"Hell, yes. Excuse my language."

Prescott eased in without any problem. His saliva lubricated her channel well enough to enter yet she was tight enough for the tightness they both needed. He thrust in and out. She pushed back and back again in rhythm with his thrusts. Both reached orgasm within a few seconds of each other.

"I don't know what your wife was complaining about. That was the best sex I ever had."

"Thank you. Sex with my wife has never been that good."

"I guess we need to get dressed and go back to work."

They went back to the lab where they had been working. Their supervisor, Dr. Zimmerman came up to them. "Where the heck have you two been?"

Neither Prescott or Roxanne were prepared for the confrontation. Before they could think of an answer, Zimmerman went on. "Never mind. I just got a call from Sheffield Industries. They want that prototype ready tomorrow. They moved the date up a couple of days. Can we do it?"

Roxanne answered, "If we worked late, we should be able to." Prescott nodded assent.

"Good. You two are working late. We really need them to be impressed by the prototype so they will continue the funding."

Prescott and Roxanne called their spouses to let them know they had to work late. Almost immediately, the two colleagues noticed that since their romp at the motel their senses seemed heightened and their energy level was higher. There was some kind of creative aura that joined them together. By midnight, they had the prototype ready. They relaxed in their lab in the otherwise empty building.

"Wow. I wasn't really sure we could do that, certainly not that rapidly. You were wonderful, Roxanne."

"Please, you know I couldn't have done it without your help, Prescott."

They drew each other into a celebratory hug. Still holding each other, they stared into each other's eyes. Their lips seemed drawn to each other. Lips parted and tongues searched. Touching and fondling followed. "Desk. Clear it." Prescott and Roxanne started sweeping thing of the lab table. Roxanne pulled up her skirt and removed her panties. Prescott pulled his pants and underpants down. He inserted his penis with force that was met with an equal counterforce from her. They both seemed in a race to finish first. It was a tie.

"Oh my gosh, that felt so incredible, Roxanne. You are a great lover."

"Prescott, I think I may be in trouble."

"What's the matter?"

"All I want to think about is doing it again and again and again."

"I feel the same way. What are we going to do?"

"Right now, I want you to fuck me again."

"I don't know if I can yet."

"Here, let me help. I do this when Harold has trouble getting it up."

She traded places with Prescott and sucked on his shriveled penis. A few minutes later, she was on the top of Prescott riding his dick like a bronc rider. Twenty minutes later, they were both exhausted.

Luckily the lab had showers that allowed the two to refresh themselves before returning home.



The next morning Prescott was at the breakfast table facing his wife. She was not happy. "Where were you last night? Why aren't you getting ready for work?"

"I had to work late. I called and told you. We finished up late so Zimmerman said we could come in late today."

"We? You and Roxanne, I suppose."

"Yes. We have been partners in this project since it's beginning. You knew that. Are you jealous?"

"Well, it's just that I know what I mean when I've told you that I'm working late. What do you mean when you 'work late' with Ms. Big Tits?"

"I am sensing a double standard here. You can call Dr. Zimmerman if you don't believe me."

"You don't think I'll do it, do you? Stay here." She got her phone and called Prescott's office.

"May I speak to Dr. Zimmerman?... Prescott Camfield's wife... Thank you... Dr. Zimmerman, this is Prescott Camfield's wife. I was just calling about my husband having to... No, you don't have to apologize for making him work late... A bonus and a raise! That's wonderful Dr. Zimmerman... Yes, I'll tell him. Thank you so much."

"I apologize for not believing you, Pres. I'm sorry. It's just that when I had my fling I assumed you might be as corruptible as I was. By the way, I dumped him. I don't want to be one of those women who keep cheating on their spouses. I know you would never do anything like that, even with a woman with such gigantic tits. Can you forgive me? I promise that I will never cheat on you again."

"You don't have to apologize - too much. I know now that I need to be a better lover for you. The good news is that I believe I can do a better job."

"You believe you can? How do you know that?"

"Because I want to, more now than I did before."

They kissed and went back to bed.



"Well, Roxanne, how do you feel today?"

"I feel satisfied on one hand but eager to get you alone on the other. What about you?"

"Same. Your husband notice any difference?"

"When I went down on him and swallowed, I could have asked for a new car and gotten it. What about you?"

"My wife had two orgasms from cunnilingus."

"You stud you."

"You vixen you."

"Where do we go from here?"

"Anywhere private."

Just then Dr. Zimmerman called them into the office. "I wanted to congratulate you two in private before we announce the success of our deal because of the prototype. You two make a good team and I will not be breaking you two up. Here is something you might want to have to prevent any breakups."

He handed them a DVD made the night they worked late.



"If he had told my wife about the video... "

"Don't say it. I don't want to think about it."

"So, what do we do about it?"

"We can go on as we have and hope we don't get caught, or we can get divorces and make a new start together."

"Which do you want?"

"Either, as long as we're together. There was a lot of love in our love-making."


In less than a year, Roxanne and Prescott got a joint offer to go work for another company at substantially higher pay than they were getting. Dr. Zimmerman could not come close to matching the offer. They were afraid he would bring up the video. He didn't. The biggest issue in moving would be that they would have to move to California to take the new job.

"Roxanne, what do you want to do?"

"I've always wanted to be head of a lab and the independence it provides. I would rather it be with you, of course."

"What about your marriage?"

"I think moving is a good excuse to call off what's left of my marriage. I just can't make love to him anymore knowing that I would rather be with you. Please join me in California."

"I was thinking along the same lines. My wife and I are lukewarm where we need to be red hot. I have the papers being drawn up now. I don't think I told you that I found out that she and her lover only took a break. I guess my newfound sexual prowess didn't impress her enough. I'm ready to move on. So, you want to go shopping for bathing suits?"

"Why? I hear they have some nude beaches."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Good, light, short story.

Nice to read of love in the process

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


I believe that these days they are known as AI bots!

A typically fun read, thanks.


ViolentKnightViolentKnight8 months ago

Nice story between two androids masquerading as humans.

5 stars.

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyErotica9 months ago

I am enjoying the lightheartedness in your stories.

fredbrownfredbrown10 months ago

A cute story but a bit dumb. Learn muff diving during the honeymoon - if you want to keep her...

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