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Colton Stories - Gus and Adi Ch. 02

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Gus and Adi explore their new relationship.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/23/2022
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My apologies to any, and all sailing enthusiasts. The part of the country I hail from is not sailing-friendly, and I've never even set foot on a sailboat. Outside of being a huge Jack Aubrey/Horatio Hornblower fan, I know exactly Bo Diddly about sailing. That said, please enjoy. Plausibly realistic is the goal here.

Gus woke up to the sounds of whispering and giggling. He looked down, and saw Adriana's lovely brown eyes looking up at him.

"Morning, Odin-son," she said softly.

"Good morning, Miss Prince," he replied.

"Wow! Look how adorable the two of you look," said the first mystery voice.

The announcement startled him. Gus looked up and saw his sister, with Haylee Larson. They were grinning madly, so Gus returned the smile.

"Alright lovebirds, you've got 45 minutes before you need to clear out of here. We brought clothes for both of you, so we're going to take Adi and get her cleaned up and presentable. I hear you're having breakfast with the Glass clan, so chop-chop," Eowyn said with obvious glee.

"Here's the deal; I'll be there shortly, but you need to go back inside. I need two minutes with my boyfriend before I can deal with the two of you," replied Adriana. She wasn't mad, but there was a no-nonsense tone about her.

"Two minutes, and then we get the buckets of cold water," giggled Haylee.

The duo disappeared, and shut the door into the Commons.

"I'd kiss you, but I'm afraid a stray cat crapped in my mouth last night," joked Gus. "No use breaking the magic so soon."

Adi giggled. "Thank you, Gus. You're always a gentleman."

"Are you OK this morning?" Gus asked haltingly. "No buyer's remorse?"

Adriana snuggled into her man and kissed his cheek.

"I had the best night of my life. My boyfriend gave me like, 100 orgasms, and then I got to sleep in his arms. A girl could get spoiled that way."

"How about you?"

Gus felt her body tense as she posed the question.

"Lady, you're a damn dream. Sleeping with you is the bestest thing ever," he grinned.

He felt her body relax, and she kissed him on the cheek again.

"So, there is one thing I need to tell you," he said.

She looked up apprehensively.

"I fully intend on talking to your dad this morning. I want to talk to both your parents and your brother. If you think that's a bad idea, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I think it's an amazing idea," she smiled and then paused. "I feel very loved, Odin-son. I know we're not saying that yet, but I want you to know how you make me feel."

It was his turn to kiss her cheek.

"Good. I feel the same."

Adriana moved her leg to rub against Gus's morning wood. She smiled impishly at him as she did so.

"For a woman who feels loved, you're killing me," he protested.

"I know," she cooed. "Now I know why my parents kept gum in the nightstands beside their bed," she giggled. "I'm so turned on for my man, I can hardly stand it. Besides, I want Mjolnir to know I'm his biggest fan. If my bestie and future sister-in-law weren't lurking inside, I'd let him know just how much I adore him."

She moved her hand and began stroking him. Gus groaned.

"The woman you love wants you. I want you to be my first, and my only. You could have had me last night, and you didn't. I love that about you. I love that you want to talk to my family, and I love that you put up with me teasing you. But you need to know I'm not just teasing. I want you." She spoke in a soft and seductive voice.

Gus reached down and grabbed her hand to stop her ministrations, smiling reassuringly as he did so.

"Lady, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I will absolutely make love to you. I want you so bad it physically hurts me. We have a lifetime of this ahead of us, so I don't want to rush our first time. Can we agree to that?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright, do we need to get the hose out?" chided his sister as she and Haylee walked onto the balcony.

Adriana slid out of the covers, and as she walked away, gave Gus some extra wiggle. Once the coast was clear, he sat up, desperately hoping that his raging erection would grow quiet. He rubbed his face, trying to wrap his brain around all that had transpired the last 12 hours. He'd met the woman of his dreams. He was certain of that. She felt the same, so it was good so far. Still, he'd been here before, or so he thought at the time. That realization troubled him deeply.

"How was your evening?"

Andy's words startled Gus. He looked up and smiled at his host, and gladly took the offered cup of coffee. This brew was strong, which was good. He needed all the bolstering he could get this morning. Andy sat in an Adirondack chair and allowed his guest to gather his thoughts.

"Man, she's . . ." he paused. "This sounds insane, but I think she's the one. Which is nuts, right? I mean, I've known her for like 12 hours. Dude, I'm sorry. I'm just babbling here."

Andy chuckled. "Not at all. Been there, done that. Sara and I knew about 36 hours into our relationship. I think Brian would tell you a similar story."

"How did you know?"

"It took me about a cigar and a half on the balcony of my room while she was talking with my sisters to figure it out. I need four things: oxygen, food, water, and Sara Jones-Easley. But I get it, Gus. It freaked me out, and brought me a sense of peace I'd never known when it hit me. It's amazing and terrifying at the same time."

Gus nodded.

"Does she know you feel this way?"

Another nod.

"Well, given the fact that she's floating across the Commons floor this morning, I'd say the feeling is mutual. Plus, I see the way she looks at you. She's got it bad, my friend."

"Andy, she's the most amazing woman I've ever met, and I have shit to offer her. I mean, come on! I'm 19. What the hell do I have to offer a woman like that?"

"You have yourself, and the love of a good man. It seems to me that's all any of us have to offer the woman we love," he said calmly. "Besides, I know my four roommates would have gladly accepted what you had to offer last year."

The last statement brought Gus's head up.


Andy nodded. "Gus, you're a good man. You're smart, and you treat people with respect. You're not an asshole. Sadly, it doesn't take much around here to grab a woman's attention."

"Andy, I'm going to talk to her family this morning. I mean, I'm not going to tell them that I'm madly in love with their daughter and that I plan on marrying her, but I am going to let them know I think she's amazing and I want to date her."

Andy nodded. "From what I understand, that will be warmly received. Those skids have been well-greased - from both within and without the family," he smiled.

Gus could only nod in response.

"You good to get up?" asked Andy with raised eyebrows.

Gus chuckled. "Yeah. Dude, that's the other thing. She's so damn hot I can't hardly stand it. I mean, I kept it under control last night, but just barely."

Now it was Andy's turn to simply nod.


Gus emerged from the shower dressed for their day of sailing. Andy stopped him in the hall outside the showers and handed him the bouquet of roses. He smiled, and thanked his new friend.

Adriana was talking and giggling with his sister, Haylee, and the four female residents of the Commons. She absolutely took his breath away. She was wearing yoga pants and his Colton Crew sweatshirt. Her long, black hair was in a ponytail, and she was sporting a BoSox cap. Adi wore her glasses, and he was certain he'd never seen a more beautiful sight in his entire life. She saw him, smiled madly, and bounded to him. He kissed her, and tried his best to hide the roses - to no avail.

"Hello Odin-son," she said sweetly.

"You look stunning," he said softly. "You're absolutely beautiful."

She giggled, and then turned her attention to the flowers.

"These are for you," he said. "The first of many, I hope."

"Thank you. I was afraid you'd see me in my glasses and get scared off," she lamented. "Sleeping in my contacts was not such a great idea."

"You're amazing, lady. Besides, it goes well with your Diana Prince persona. I love the sexy smart look."

She beamed at him, and he kissed her nose.

"Alright Gus-Gus and Tall Girl, show's over," announced Kail loudly. "We got people getting engaged this morning, and the two of you best not be late for breakfast with the familia. We want our Gus-Gus to make a good impression on the parental units. You feeling Power Girl?"

"We are," said Gus. "And Kail, thank you again for your hospitality. I know I will never live certain events down, but thank you anyway."

"No promises, Gus-Gus. I mean, you know you're our bitch, but still . . ." she grinned at them.

Hugs were exchanged, and Eden stopped them both before they left.

"Gus-Gus, you're in Simpson Hall now?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm in the RA's room on the first floor."

She smiled. "I called my mom. The full-size beds are going to be taken to your rooms. The bunk beds will just fit in your room," she said looking at Adriana, "and Gus-Gus will have plenty of room in his. Andy's grandfather got great mattresses for them, and the Chili Pad will change your life. We all love ours," she said cheerfully.

"Thanks E," said Gus as he hugged his friend.

"You two look amazing together, Gus-Gus," she whispered. "She's a very lucky girl."

Haylee and Eowyn were waiting for the new couple in the breezeway.

"If you'll hand me those, I'll go put them in water in our room," said Eowyn, motioning to the bouquet. "Besides, I need to go get Ben. We're having breakfast with Sydney and Cooper this morning."

"I'll go with you," grinned Haylee. "It will give these two a chance to gather their wits before Gus meets the rest of the family."

Adriana handed the flowers over, and hugged her friend. She hugged her future sister-in-law, and grabbed Gus's hand.

The new couple walked slowly towards the Dining Commons, both trying to find the right words. Adi spoke first.

"Gus, you don't have to talk to my dad today. I mean, I can't imagine how awful that would be. So, it's OK. We can wait," she said resignedly.

"Not a chance," he smiled. "If I did that, what would I tell our three beautiful daughters? That their dad wussed out on talking to Grandpa Jack when he had the chance?" he stopped and looked at her. "Look, I may be struggling with saying three words to you, but that doesn't mean I can't show you those three words. This seems like a good way to start."

She hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Odin-son."

He kissed her forehead.

"OK, Gus-Gus's turn for words. I don't want my silence to be sending a mixed message. I'm overwhelmed. But it's not that I doubt my feelings for you, or that you're not absolutely the woman of my dreams. Here's the deal: you're awesome, and you come from an awesome family. I'm more than a bit worried that your parents will look at me and realize that you could do so much better than some tall dufus from Minnesota. Adi, I'm a 19-year-old dude with very little to offer you. I want a life with you, but I'm realizing I need to seriously get my shit together to give you the life you deserve. I want to do that. I really do. I don't have an idea in hell as to how to do that, but I absolutely want to do it. I will get my shit together; I promise you that."

She hugged him tightly, and tears filled her eyes.

He lifted her chin.

"Adi, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I didn't mean to freak you out," he paused, not finding the words he wanted to convey his frustration.

She began to laugh and shook her head lovingly at him. She hugged him, and kissed him fiercely.

"You're not a dufus," she said finally. "You're my man. That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. But please, promise me one thing: promise me we figure this out together."

She looked affectionately into his eyes. He nodded to her.

"I promise. We'll figure this out together: Gus-Gus and Tall Girl."

She wiped her eyes, gladly accepting the handkerchief he offered her.

"Gus, I know your dad had to figure everything on his own. Eowyn and I have talked about that. But you don't. I know my Uncle John. He'll help you. Grandpa Ralph will too. You're not alone in this."

He nodded.

"And please don't worry about telling me you love me. I know you do. Like I told you last night, I feel very loved. I had friends on my club volleyball team whose boyfriends talked a good game, but then never backed it up. You blew my mind about nine different ways last night, and that was before we ever got to the balcony."

"Thank you for understanding," he said softly.

"You're very welcome. It seems the least I can do. I mean if giving his girlfriend 5 orgasms on their first unofficial date can't earn a guy a little understanding, he may have the wrong girl," she smiled and giggled.


Gus and Adriana stood hand in hand in front of the sculpture of Andy and his family at Disney World. Both felt the weight of the piece anew and afresh. Adi had never heard the story about Andy's parents being in the north tower. Gus had never met the subjects of the sculpture. Adriana put her head on his shoulder as they stood there taking in the scene before them.

"Well, this is not the member of the McLeod family I envisioned accompanying Adi to breakfast," said Jack Glass. "And apparently someone forgot all of her sweatshirts back in Boston," he added chuckling.

Adriana looked at Gus and smiled, and then turned proudly to face her parents.

"Yes, well, surprise!" she giggled.

To Gus's immense relief, both Jack and Julianna wore huge smiles.

Gus found his voice, "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Glass. It's good to see you again."

"Thank you, Gustav," said Julianna sweetly. "It's lovely to see you, too."

She came forward and hugged Adriana, before giving Gus a hug as well. Jack shook his hand.

"Come Adi, let's go find Jacob and Haylee. We'll let your father and Gus talk for a moment," she said smiling.

"Actually, Mrs. Glass, I was hoping to talk with both of you, if I may; and Jacob," Gus said with much more confidence than he felt.

"Well then, this sounds interesting," said Jack teasingly. "I wonder what the young man holding our daughter's hand would want to talk with us about?"

"Daddy! Stop."

Jack smiled at the young couple. "That would be great Gus. By the way, Hal and Doris Jennings would not stop telling us about the handsome young man our beautiful daughter was dating. Doris called you a striking couple so many times I lost track," he teased lovingly.

"Yes sir, I'm afraid that was my fault," interjected Gus. "I found out later that I really should have talked with you and Mrs. Glass first. Please allow me to apologize."

"Gustav, we appreciate what you're trying to do. But I know what my eyes saw last night. I'm afraid both our girls get rather high-spirited around the young men they fancy," said Julianna with a wide smile on her face. "Adriana has come clean to me on that front."

Gus nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Thankfully, Jacob and Haylee arrived at that moment.

"We having a family meeting?" quipped Jacob.

"Actually, we are. Gus would like to talk with our family," said a grinning Jack Glass.

"Daddy! You're doing it again!" protested Adriana.

"You're right. I'm sorry," said a still grinning Jack.

"OK then," said Jacob. "Well, we're all here. Do you want us to FaceTime Liv, too?" he asked with a smirk.

Gus hemmed and hawed, and looked as out to sea as he felt.

"Gustav, I'm quite sure Adi already knows what you're going to say to us. My son is letting us know, none to discreetly, what his intentions are towards Haylee. Please excuse his sophomoric behavior," said Julianna with a kind smile.

"OK," said Gus. "With your family's permission, I would like very much to date Adriana. We got to hang out last night, and she's amazing. I know how important her family is to her, and please know that her relationship with Eowyn, and my relationship with Jacob is a factor in this, too."

"So, what does Eowyn think about her brother dating her roommate?" asked Jack.

"She's on board with it," said Gus.

Haylee giggled. "On board? Come on Gus-Gus! Eowyn's over the moon excited for the two of you. And for what it's worth, I am too."

Jack nodded. "Alright, how about you Jacob?"

Jacob grinned madly. "If I were to pick a guy on this campus to date my younger sister, Gus would be at the top of the list. I vote 'hell yes.'"

Jack smiled. "Well Gus, don't say we didn't try to warn you," he broke into laughter. "Thank you for asking us. We'd be more than pleased for you to see Adi."

Gus felt a wave of numbing relief wash over him. He felt his hand being shaken vigorously, and was aware that he'd been hugged. Slowly, feeling returned to his body.

"Ladies, if you would excuse us, I need a word with these two fine young gentlemen."

Adi kissed Gus on the cheek and joined her mom and Haylee. Jack waited until the party was out of earshot before he spoke.

"Three things we need to discuss. If you repeat the first two, I will say that you are liars, and I will disinherit one of you," he paused. "The first one is simply as an older guy to younger men. I'm not your dad, and I'm not your girlfriend's dad; I'm just a male of the species," he paused and grinned at them. "Boys, do not 'f' this up. Those are two amazing young women. Handle your business. My swim coach told me that in Barcelona, and it literally changed my life."

Gus and Jacob looked at one another and smiled.

"OK dad. That was weird; what's the second thing?"

"I am your father, and your girlfriend's father. As such, let me remind you both that your mom and I are in no rush to be grandparents. Gus, I'm sure your parents feel the same way. I don't need to know more than that; and I'm not going to say more than that. Be smart."

Gus looked at the ground, and felt his face becoming flushed.

"Now, when both of you are done turning beet red, we need to talk about your Uncle John's wedding. Gus, I don't know how you're set for a suit, but I know that Jacob's suit fit him about 20 lbs. ago. The two of you will also need tuxedos for the Judge and Andy's award dinner. It's black tie," he paused.

"Julianna and I will be back from Rome on Wednesday. I've already spoken with Miss Helen about the four of you taking a helicopter down on Thursday afternoon. We'll go see Carmine at Sordillo's. And Gus, John told me about the $10 million dollars the two of you raised last night. I think that warrants a new suit and a tux on the school's dime. Thankfully, John agrees with me."

He smiled and continued, "This way, Haylee and Adi can help you pick out your suits, and then we'll go have dinner at Abe and Louie's. You can chopper back that night and not miss any practice or training time. How's that sound?"

Jacob grinned, and Gus heard loud ringing in his ears. He nodded dumbly.

"Jacob, would you please give Gus and I a moment?" asked Jack.

Jacob nodded, slapped Gus on the back and headed into the Dining Commons.

"Gus, I wanted to say thank you for talking with us. It was smart on your part to include Julianna. That was very well done," he smiled.

"You should also know that my wife, John Moses, Judge Carlson, and Andrew DeGroat have all been in my ear regarding you. John and Drew hold you in very high esteem. Those are three of the finest men I know, so that's high praise."

"Thank you, Mr. Glass. I'm not sure what else to say," he paused. "Actually, I do. Thanks for raising an incredible daughter," he sputtered. "I mean, it's only been the one night we've hung out, but she's kind and funny and smart. On top of that, she really could sell ice cubes to Eskimos."


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