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Colton Stories - Gus and Adi Ch. 02


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Gus laughed nervously. "Well, it doesn't feel easy."

"What do you love? I mean, apart from my niece," John grinned.

"I love to sail. That's why I row crew. I love being on the water - even if it's just a lake or river. I love being around people. My dad is in sales, and he loves what he does. I guess I just thought that's what I'd do too," Gus admitted.

"Here's the good news: you're smart, you think fast on your feet, you know how to act, and you are good with people. You've managed to charm - and I mean that in a good way - two of the pickiest people I've ever met when it comes to their daughters. And that was before you saved my son's life. The bad news is that you could probably do whatever you damn well please and be very good at it."

"I just want to be with Adi and make her happy," Gus admitted. "At the end of the day, I would shovel manure if it means I can be with her. I also realize that she's been brought up with a certain lifestyle. I'd be kind of stupid if I didn't take that into consideration."

"That's the least of your concerns. Al Glass, that's Jack's dad, is loaded and he dotes on his granddaughters. Money won't be an issue," said John matter-of-factly.

"What you need to know is that three men who are all very good at what they do think you'd be damn good at their professions. Jack is glowing at the thought of you and Jacob taking over the dealerships. Hell, he's got the whole thing worked out in his head already. Judge Carlson is freakishly good at spotting legal talent. He overhead the glowing report of your breakfast conversation with the Glass clan. When they mentioned your affinity for 'Catholic natural law' his eyes got big as dinner plates. You should take that seriously. The last option is the one that I think is intriguing because I think you and Adi could make a life doing this together," he paused and smiled.

"OK, you're killing me here," admitted Gus.

"Institutional advancement is a vocation that few people do well. Tom Ringenberg is damn good at his job, and he thinks you and Adi are the bee's knees right now. You'd have to do further work - and by that, I mean a PhD - but Jen assures me that would be no problem for you. You'd be doing sales - of a sort - but there would also be some estate planning and other pieces of financial services that you'd need to have a command of. But again, that should be no big deal for you."

"How does Adi fit into that?" asked Gus.

"That young lady is a closer. If you repeat a word of this, I'll say you're a liar. Our women's volleyball team ought to win multiple national championships. You know what kind of player your sister is. Believe me when I tell you that there are now three other young women on that team who are her equal. They will be damn salty, and all four of those young women take losing personally. When they add Emma Steele next year, they'd beat some good DI teams," he paused. "Plus, the two of you make a damn striking couple. You're both great with people, and you can both get things done."

"Dad! Are the brats about done? Jen-Jen says we're ready to eat when the brats are done," said Marty from the sliding door.

"They are. We'll be right in," replied John. "Let's talk some more, Gus. But I think you have three pretty good options in front of you. Which door you walk through is kind of up to you and Adriana. I know she'll love having that conversation with you," he smiled. "Gus, you're way closer than you think to having the kind of answers you want for my friend Jack. You don't need them, but the fact that you want to have them speaks volumes for you."


Dinner was wonderful. Jen Land was a stunningly good cook, and the brats were outstanding. Gus inhaled three, plus two helpings of hash brown casserole.

"Somebody wants to win that bet," whispered Adi.

Gus looked at her and grinned. "You have no idea."

After dinner, the doorbell rang, and Marty led Ralph Carlson and Ellen DeGroat into the family room of the Moses home.

Ellen was armed with a sketch book full of designs for Adi's formal dress, as well as few ideas for her dress for John and Jen's wedding. Her sketchbook included a few of Gus and Adi together in different iterations of her design ideas. Jen and Adi looked on in awe at the beauty of Ellen's designs.

"Ellen, when did you do all of this?" asked an awed Jen Land.

"On the boat. When I saw Gus and Adi together, the Muse struck. I'm afraid when the Muse hits, I kind of lose my mind," she smiled. "My grandmother says a woman in love looks good in just about anything next to her man. While I agree with the sentiment, Gus and Adi are different color palettes. Adi's darker complexion means she's a fall color palate. Gus is really fair complected, but the sharp contrast of his eyes means he's a spring. The trick is finding the few combinations where they overlap. Gus is harder - spring complexions can look washed out in some of the colors that Adi would look amazing in. But conversely, Adi could look ashy in some things that would flatter Gus."

Adi and Jen nodded, completely dumbfounded by Ellen's skillful work.

"Odin-son, would you come here, please?" asked Adi softly.

Jen and Ellen shared a knowing look, and both grinned at their younger friend.

Ellen walked Gus through her work, and explained the method behind her design ideas.

"That one looks amazing," said Gus. "Adi would look stunning in that. But I'm just the arm candy, so I'm not sure my vote counts."

"You have very good taste," observed Ellen. "That's my favorite, too. The fact that the two of you are both tall works in your favor. It's been really fun thinking through how to dress the two of you as a couple."

Adi looked at Gus and smiled. "You heard the man, that's the one."

Ellen laughed. "You two make this ridiculously easy. I have my tape measure, so Adi, if we can get some measurements, I'll email the design specs to French and English and they can begin work. We can do a first fitting for you when we're there on Thursday - if that's OK?"

"OK? Ellen, that's freaking amazing," said a flabbergasted Gus. "I only wish you could do something like that for her poor date."

Ellen smiled. "Don't worry. We'll give Carmine your color palate and let him work his magic. Drew's tux for the wedding looks amazing. You'll both be the belles of the ball."

"My mom will freak out," admitted Adi. "Ellen, this is amazing."

"Thank you," she said humbly. "As I said, the two of you are easy to work with, and it's how we build the business. When stunningly good-looking people are wearing your work, it sells itself. Plus, it's lots of fun. Way more fun that designing an entire line," she said wistfully.

"CeCe says you're a once-in-a-generation talent," observed Adriana. "She kept telling Eowyn and I it's too bad we weren't around for Misfit."

Ellen smiled dutifully, but Gus could tell there was something not being said. He helpfully prodded, "Maybe you should stop talking and go get measured?" he asked playfully.

That got him both a hug, and a punch in the arm. When he protested, Adi whispered, "You just want to get me out of my dress."

He kissed her on the cheek. "Can you blame me?"

She grinned at him, "Not at all. I want the same thing, Bub."


At 8 PM on the nose, Alistair and Annika McLeod pulled their RV - which was towing a 2017 Highlander - into the Moses family driveway. Gus went out to greet his parents, before bringing them into the house to introduce the assembled crew.

Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and good-natured family banter about his dad's road warrior driving habits flowed freely. Alistair and Annika McLeod had never gotten over their awe at the size and scope of their adopted homeland, so they were quite intentional about seeing as much of America as they could via their well-appointed RV.

"So, I need to give you a heads-up before we go inside," Gus said with an excitement that he didn't even try to hide.

"Is this about the fact that you're already dating Eowyn's best friend and roommate?" grinned his mother.

Gus looked flabbergasted as his parents laughed heartily at his expense.

"Your sister beat you to the punch, I'm afraid," said his dad. "She's incredibly excited for the both of you. And I, for one, am so glad that you listened to your old man that I won't even say 'I told you so,'" he grinned.

"Well, I'm really excited for you to meet her, and Dr. Moses. That guy is about nine different kinds of awesome. This looks like it could be a really amazing year," Gus grinned.

"So, why are we standing out here? Let's meet the lassie already," protested his father.

Gus pulled out his phone and texted Adriana. She came out to meet her future in-laws feigning a confidence she most certainly did not feel. Jen Land and Ellen DeGroat had been standing behind her as the folks waiting in the house watched discreetly from the front windows.

"Holy cow," muttered Jen when the McLeod's disembarked from their RV. "Adi, those are some stupidly good-looking people. I mean, your family is no joke, but Dr. McLeod is like Nordic Barbie. His dad is a damn good-looking man."

Her fiancé heard her commentary, and cleared his throat reprovingly. Jen laughed, and then put her arm around Adi.

"You're a beautiful and smart young woman. They're going to love you," said Jen reassuringly.

"She's right, Adi," echoed Ellen. "You have nothing to worry about."

When Adi walked out of the house, Gus had eyes for only her. He smiled at her, and her entire body felt the warmth of his affection. She stifled a giggle. Gus and Adriana were so wrapped up in one another that they missed the knowing and approving grins shared by Alistair and Annika. Their son had done quite well for himself. It was their turn to feel a palpable sense of relief.

"Mom and dad, I'd like you meet my girlfriend, Adriana," said Gus proudly.

Annika McLeod spoke some excited Norwegian to her son, and Gus chuckled. Adriana stepped forward to shake their hands, only to receive a warm hug from Annika.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Adi," she said kindly. "You're even more lovely in person."

Adi blushed. "Thank you, Dr. McLeod. It's great to meet you in person, as well."

"So, this is the lovely wee Adriana," said Alistair in his rich brogue. "Gus, she's quite a filly."

Unbeknownst to Adi, Alistair McLeod was quoting from the Mike Myers cult classic So I Married an Axe Murderer. Gus chuckled and made a mental note to show Adi the You Tube clip of Stuart McKenzie's antics when they got back to the room.

"I have to admit we thought we'd be meeting you with Eowyn, not Gus," he added.

Adi giggled, "My dad said the same thing when my parents met Gus this morning at breakfast."

"Well, we look forward to meeting them as well," said Annika. "And Adi, please call me Annika."

Adi was saved when the folks inside the house could wait no longer. 'Uncle John to the rescue,' she smiled to herself.

Gus was in awe as he watched John Moses and Ralph Carlson meet and instantly win over his parents. His desire to be Ralph Carlson when he grew up became even more pronounced - if such a thing were even possible. Gus had never seen his mom in action as a doctor, but when she lovingly fussed over Marty and his stitches, he saw the look of relief and friendship from Jen Land and John Moses.

As they were about to move in the house, the rest of the Glass clan, plus Eowyn and Haylee Larson, pulled alongside the curb. Eowyn bounded out, and hugged her parents. More excited Norwegian and Glaswegian passed among the reunited family. Gus saw the smile on John Moses' face, and he returned the knowing nod from the Judge.

Gus had been wracking his brain on how to handle all the introductions, but this proved a needless worry. The other four men in the equation were all skilled at working a room, and John Moses' mastery at connecting people knew few equals. Jack and Alistair became fast friends, and Adi could not contain her excitement as her mom and Annika chatted away like old acquaintances.

As the group moved into the spacious living-room of the Moses home, Gus and Adi sat on a loveseat and were joined by Ellen DeGroat. Gus and Adi held hands, and looked at one another with a sense of love and relief. This was going even better than they had dared imagine.

Gus heard the hushed conversation between Adi and Ellen, and worked hard at suppressing his laughter.

"Adi, if you don't let me dress your two families for the wedding, I will kill you in your sleep," said Ellen in mockingly threatening tone.

Adi looked at her friend and giggled.

"I mean come on!" protested Ellen. "The family wedding photos alone will set us up for years to come. In fact," her voice tailed off as she hunted for her ever-handy sketch book. Gus and Adi sat back and listened, their sense of gratitude and amazement growing by the second.

The conversation quickly moved to the events of the morning, and Gus found himself quite enthralled to hear other's impressions of the day. Marty proudly told of his growing Jedi Padawan powers, and Jack Glass spun a very good yarn related to the entire event. Gus and Adi were both quite moved to hear Ralph Carlson tell his side of the story, and Gus was suddenly aware of how tired he had become. He'd been keyed up, and the surprise of his parent's arrival was now giving way to fatigue. He tried to stifle a yawn, but was unsuccessful in his attempt.

"Gustavo, I'm so sorry. You must be quite exhausted after your day," said Julianna Glass kindly. "We should let you go get some rest."

"Right lad. Let's go unhook your car and you can head back to the dorm," echoed his father.


5 minutes later, Adi and Gus were holding hands in his Highlander on the short drive back to campus.

"Odin-son, I can stay in my room tonight. I know you need to get some sleep, and we'll need to leave about 9:15 to make the 10 AM Mass. By the way, our families are meeting at the Dining Commons tomorrow for brunch," Adi smiled lovingly at him.

"I'm tired Adi; not dead," he deadpanned back to her. "Besides, after what you did to me this morning, there's not a snowball's chance in hell I'm passing on any opportunity to spend the night with you."

"What I did to you?" she grinned. "Bub, you have no idea how worked up my new friend Mjolnir had me. Plus, I'm afraid every female in that house tonight knew how turned on I was. I mean, I could smell the fact that I was in heat."

"Good. It's settled then," smiled Gus.

"If we could please run by my dorm?" Adi paused. "I need to grab a dress for Mass tomorrow, plus throw a few other things in a bag."

Gus nodded. He parked behind her dorm, and the couple walked hand in hand to her room. As they got to her floor, a familiar voice caught Gus's attention.

"Gus-Gus! Don't tell me you're already taken, as well?"

Gus and Adi turned to see Camesha Sanders smiling at them. Camesha was a member of the women's basketball team. She was a 5'9" ebony beauty, with a bust and backside that demanded attention from the males of the species. The tight tank top and short shorts she wore definitely highlighted her considerable assets.

"Camesha Sanders, please meet my girlfriend, Adriana Glass," said Gus pleasantly.

"Nice to meet you, Adriana. You're Jacob Glass's younger sister, right?"

Adi nodded.

"Damn, and there's another fine ass man that's off the market," she lamented. "Hey listen, two things while I got y'all here," drawled Camesha in an accent that betrayed her Atlanta roots. "First, nice work laying claim to your man," she said to Adi.

"Thank you," bubbled Adriana. "When you're 6'3" and you find a handsome 6'5" Viking, a girl has to move fast."

"Well girl, you threw some serious shade on a couple of my teammates, but hey - you snooze you lose, right?" she shrugged.

"Y'all are friends with that Andy DeGroat dude and Sara?" Camesha continued.

Adi and Gus nodded.

"Well, you and Andy need to stay clear of any and all Tri Delts you see coming your way. Those bitches have made it their mission to screw both of you. Wife and girlfriend be damned. Once they heard that Gilbert crazy woman was history, they started scheming."

Adi felt a pit in her stomach until Gus began laughing.

"And they weren't trying that last year? I had two Tri Delts offer to blow me in a study room in the library before Christmas break. And have they not seen Andy and Sara together? Plus, Sara would kick the shit out of any girl dumb enough to try to seduce her husband."

"Yeah, well y'all know how these east coast daddy's princesses operate. It's some bullshit, but I want us to be good Gus-Gus. You saved your girl's ass in Physics last year," she said kindly.

"We are good Camesha. You're a good friend. Thanks for the heads up," smiled Gus.

She nodded, and turned to Adi. "Listen girl, if you're ever dumb enough to cut him loose - there will be a line of ladies at his door - and you best believe I will be at the front of that damn line. You bet your ass on that."

Adi grinned. "I'll tell you what: if I am ever that stupid, I'll give you a heads up."

Camesha burst out laughing. "All right Tall Girl - you're all right. Y'all enjoy your evening."

Gus hugged his friend, surprising her. "Thanks, Camesha. You're the best." He said kissing her on the cheek.

"The hell I am," she chided him. "Second best, it would appear." She kissed him back and walked away.

Gus turned to see a look on Adi's face he had not seen before. She turned quickly and unlocked the door to her room, "In here, right now Bub," she ordered. He nodded and did as he was told.

Gus walked in, and Adi followed him - shutting the door forcefully.

"Does every tall, athletic, beautiful woman on this campus have a thing for you?" she asked abruptly. "Because by my count we're up to nine."

Gus sought for something to say. He'd never really thought of it that way. Every girl on the campus was a non-factor for him last year. He expected this year to be more of the same.

"They can't have you," said Adi as she hugged him forcefully. "You're mine."

Gus smiled at her, and she returned the smile.

"Let me just remind you of that," she smiled coyly, as she pushed him against the couch, forcing him to sit down.

Adi stood in front of him and removed her sweatshirt. She then playfully undid the front clasp on her bra, letting her lovely light brown breasts and slightly darker nipples free for Gus's obvious appreciation.

"Damn you're beautiful," Gus muttered.

Adi smiled at him. "Jake the Jet is not the only one with fairy godmothers. You have four of them, and they all live in the Commons. They warned me this would happen, and they also gave me some womanly advice that I intend to follow to a 't,'" she paused. "Prepare to have your mind blown, Bub."

Adi knelt before him and undid the zipper on his shorts. She tugged his shorts and boxer briefs down to his ankles, and Mjolnir sprang free in front of her smiling face.

"Mmm, momma likes," she purred.

Gus grabbed her head in both hands and looked into her lovely brown eyes.

"You don't have to do this," he said firmly. "I love you. Camesha and the Tri Delts are non-factors here."

She put her hands on his, and lovingly caressed them.

"I know. I want to do this. You're my man - mine. A beautiful woman just offered to screw you senseless in front of me. Now, she was kind about it, but that's what just went down. I told you last night; I will be the best and last girlfriend you'll ever have. That means I will take care of my man. Sara told Andy she will see to it that he never leaves the house horny or hungry. I like that plan, and am stealing it," she smiled. "Now, we will continue this conversation, but I need to pleasure my man."


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