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Confirming Carter Bk. 03 Changes Ch. 02

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Book Three of the Confirming Carter series.
18.2k words

Part 19 of the 30 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/19/2015
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Another unexpected visitor shatters the calm of the city...and his appearance brings out Carter's dark side.

A new character is added, Steven (Cisco) Carter. I see Gerard Butler in the role, mainly because he projects the attitude I wanted, and has a kewl accent...


Confirming Carter3 Changes02

The Next Day


0650 Hours

The vortex burst from the gate, consuming the makeshift pyre they had put up, along with the body. As the vortex receded, a man stepped from the gate.

"Whore!" He shouted, his face twisting into a mask of rage as he drew a handgun, pointing it at Carter as he began firing.

"Don't kill him, we need him alive." Tammy shouted as she pushed Sam to the floor, covering her body with her own. Her hand pawed at the personal shield as they tumbled off the platform.

Ronin stepped forward, his own gun whining as he set it to stun. Weapons fire sounded from all around him as the marines opened up on the man. Walking forward slowly, he fired again and again, not taking his eyes off the man until he lay limp on the floor.

"Are you and the colonel okay, Tammy?" He called, glancing over at where he had last seen them. He kicked the body lying on the floor in front of him, rolling it over. He kept his gun trained on it the whole time.

"I...I took a hit...I couldn't get my shield up. Sam...Sam's okay." Tammy panted, rolling off of Sam onto the floor.

"You're hit?" Sam cried out as she scrambled to her knees beside her. "Where, baby? Oh god." she moaned as she saw blood soaking Tammy's vest, just above her waist.

"I need a med team in here right now!" She shouted as she ripped Tammy's vest open, and felt around the wound. She looked up at the marine closest to her. "I mean now, goddamn it! Move!"

"They're on the way, colonel. They'll be here in two minutes." He said calmly, pushing her aside as he knelt beside her, then pulled a battle dressing from his flak jacket and tore it open. "Roll her toward me so I can get this on the wound." He said as he shook it out, then pressed it to her side, applying pressure.

"What's your name?" She asked him as she sat back on her heels, watching him work.

"Carter, ma'am. Steven Carter." He said. "No relation."

"Did you shoot at him?" She asked.

"Two hits. Hip and thigh." He said as he lifted the dressing and looked at the wound. He smiled as he glanced over at her. "In and out, it just grazed her." His face got hard again and he added, "I'm sorry ma'am, I had to pull low when she yelled not to kill him. That let him get off more shots."

"You did your job. Thank you." She said softly, leaning over and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, Sam." Tammy groaned, trying to sit up. "I should have had the shield on. Thank god you did."

"I know, he scored two hits on me, both center chest."

"Oh god." Tammy gasped, tears rolling down her face.

"It's ok, baby. We're both gonna be okay." She said softly, brushing her hair away from her face.

She looked up at Ronin as he stood over the man's body. "Is he alive, Ronin?"

"He's alive. How's Tammy?"

"Flesh wound. It looks like it just grazed her."

He nodded, his face clouding up with anger. "What do you want me to do with this?" He asked, kicking the man as he began to stir.

"Take him to detention. I'll be with you as soon as I can." She said as the med team came up behind her. "I want to know what's the hell is going on, but there's something I have to do first."

"Carter." She said, looking back over her shoulder as she strode across the gateroom. "You and your squad, on me."

* * * * *

Sgt. Carter stood with his back to her as he waited at the door to her office. Sam was at her desk, going through the logs of the STM bridge. Her face paled as she saw the entries in the logs matched the gate events. There was no doubt that it was the bridge that was causing all this.

She got up, and moving quickly, she pushed past Carter and went into the kitchen, digging in drawers for the biggest knife she could find. She ran the blade across the back of her arm to test the edge.

"Colonel?" Carter said softly behind her.

"What?" She grunted as she pulled open another drawer, looking for a whetstone.

"If you want that knife for what I think you do..."

"Shut up marine." She grunted, looking back over her shoulder at him. She stopped, then turned around when she saw what he was holding in his hand.

"This'll do a better job for what you have in mind than anything you have in here." He said quietly, holding his fighting knife out to her, butt first.

"Bowie. Not standard issue." She said as she took it and turned it in her hand. She smiled at him, then turned and walked out of the kitchen. "Come on. I'm going to ask that asshole some questions."

* * * * *

"He's not going to last long if we don't get someone to look at him." Ronin said as she walked into the detention center.

"He doesn't have to." Sam grunted as she stared at the man in the cell. He was kneeling, bound hand and foot. A short piece of wood spread his knees apart, and a long pole ran up his back to keep him upright. "Open the door."

"Are you sure?" Ronin asked, then hit the control as she glared at him over her shoulder.

"Who are you?" She asked the man as she backhanded him in the face with the butt of the bowie knife, knocking him backward and making him topple to one side.

Stepping over him, she grabbed him by the hair and jerked him up, getting him settled back on his knees.

"Who are you?" She asked again. She drew the knife back, getting ready for another swing.

"Sulan Qint, Knight of Atlantis." He shouted at her. He spat a mouthful of blood at her. "But you know that, you witch whore! I served you faithfully before you betrayed us!"

"Who wants us dead? And why." She leaned down, her lips brushing his ear. "And if you call me whore again, I'll cut your balls off and let you wear them for earrings."

"It doesn't matter what you do to me, witch." He grunted, staring up at her. "The Dorquan will see you dead before this is through. Your demon spawn as well."

"Who is this Dorquan, and why does he want us dead?" She asked as she squatted in front of him and dug the blade of the knife into one of the wounds on his leg.

Qint screamed, and she pulled the blade back and stood up. "I asked you a question. Who and why. Tell me, or I start cutting off pieces."

"You know, but I'll play your game witch." He groaned. "The Dorquan decreed that you and the child must die when it was discovered that you had mated with a demon, replacing your husband's legitimate heir!"

"And you believed that bullshit?" She laughed. "Where the fuck are you from, Oz?"

"Ronin, my brother knight, I beg you! Slay this witch and her demon spawn so our people will know peace." Qint cried out suddenly. "Why do you serve her? You kno..."

Carter backhanded him across the mouth with the butt of the knife again, sending blood and teeth flying across the room.

"Shut up!" She screamed as she kicked at him. "He serves me because it is just and right that he serve me you piece of shit! Now tell me why your master wants her dead!"

Qint fell in a heap on the floor, staring at her. "You..."

"You're finally getting it, huh asshole?" She whispered harshly. "This isn't your Atlantis. You jumped into a different universe on your way to wherever you were going." She leaned closer, her face a mask of hate. "But I'll tell you this. You succeeded. She's dead, we were having her funeral when you came through the gate and started shooting up my city."

She leaned even closer, her hands resting on either side of him, her face inches from his.

"But you only did half the job. The child lives." She paused, smiling down at him as his eyes got wide. "That's right. And I'm going to raise him as my own, as I hope my sister would do for me."

She stood up, holding her hand out behind her as she looked down at him. "I'm going to kill you now. Not because you killed her, but because you shot my wife you piece of shit!" She said, her voice rising to a shriek. She kicked him again, looking back as Ronin put his gun in her hand.

"Thank you." She said softly. "What's it set to?"

"It'll do what you want to do." Ronin said softly as he stepped back.

She nodded as she stepped right up over Qint, her feet straddling his body. She looked down at him, her eyes blazing with hate.

"If you thought she was a witch, you ain't seen nuthin yet, asshole." She said quietly. "After I kill you, I'm going to go kill your precious Dorquan, your family, your world. I'm going to go kill your whole fucking universe. And when her son is old enough to understand, I'm going to tell him about you, and how I avenged his mother."

She stared him in the eye as she raised the gun and fired point blank at his face. The blast disintegrated his head, sending pieces of flesh and shards of bone flying in all directions. Her next shot hit him at the neckline, and she continued firing, working her way down the body until it fell in half. She started shooting at the pieces, moving the gun from side to side.

Ronin stepped over and grabbed the gun, jerking it from her hand. "He's dead, colonel. You can stop now." He said gently, putting his arm around her shoulders and leading her out of the cell.

"I'm not done yet." She said as she shook him off and walked quickly toward the porter. "Come with me, both of you."

The rest of Carter's squad was waiting for them just outside the detention area, and they stared at her as she strode passed them. She stopped at the porter and looked at the marines.

"Give us your weapons and ammo, and go back to your quarters." She said as she looked from man to man.

"What happened in there, colonel? Are you okay?" A corporal asked, staring at her.

She looked down, noticing for the first time that she was covered in blood.

"I'm fine." She said smiling at him. "It's not mine."

"You heard the queen! Weapons and ammo, now." Carter barked, holding out his hands. He looked at one on the end and added, "Wilson, gimme your flak jacket, you're not gonna need it."

He looked back over his shoulder at Ronin.

"I'm good, but thanks." Ronin said as he took weapons from the marines, handing one back to Sam.

When they'd collected everything, they stepped into the porter and Ronin keyed in the code for her suite. He grabbed her arm, stopping her as the doors opened.

"Take off your clothes." He said as she looked up at him. "You'll get blood all over everything if you don't."

She nodded and ripped her vest open, shrugging it off, then opened the button on her pants and pushed them down. She looked down, then wiped her feet on the wad of clothes on the floor. She looked at Carter as she stepped out.

"Hold the porter. I'll be right back."

Ronin followed her into the office, and stood watching as she worked at the keyboard of her ancient terminal.

"Are you really going to do it?" He asked her quietly.

"Do what?" She asked him, looking up at him with a bland expression on her face.

He nodded, and stepped over by the door, letting her work.

A few minutes later, she stood up and took his hand as she went out the door.

"Yes, I am." She said quietly.

"Good." Was all he said.

They joined Carter in the porter, and she tapped out the symbols for the gateroom. When the doors opened, He stepped in front of her and held up the flak jacket. "Put this on." He said, holding it out to her. "I'm not letting you go into a firefight butt naked." He glanced over at Ronin.

Ronin nodded, then squatted down, picking up her vest and lifting the shield pendant from it. He handed it to her, and she pressed it to her skin. It began to glow as she ran her fingers down the center of it.

"I'm good." She said as she brushed him aside and walked over in front of the gate. She turned and looked up at the techs on the balcony. "Open the gate, it doesn't matter what address. And give me an open channel. Squeeze as many frequencies onto it as you can."

"Yes, ma'am." The tech answered and a moment later, the gate began to dial.

"Clear the gateroom. Everybody out." She said, looking around. "I'll let you know when you can come back"

The last tech was stepping into the porter as the seventh symbol locked on the gate. A moment later, the vortex burst into the room.

"Fan out, three meter spread." She said, reaching up and touching her ear. "I don't know what's going to...damn, I need a comm."

"Here." Carter said, tossing his over to her. "I want that back."

She put the comm on and pressed the button on it, waiting for the beep. When she heard it, she stepped forward, her arms spread wide, and shouted at the gate.

"Dorquan! I am Samantha Carter, Queen of Atlantis, and I come to avenge my sister, who you have unjustly murdered! Come face me you coward, or face a death you cannot escape!"

She looked at the men on either side of her. "Shoot anything that comes through the gate. Don't give them a chance."

Both men nodded, guns at the ready.

"I'm waiting for you, Dorquan." She said, stepping closer to the gate. "Come face me. Or do you need your minions to do that for you."

"What of the child?" A calm voice asked a moment later. "Does it live?"

She froze, her heart skipping a beat.

"He lives, and I will raise him as my own. I believe she would do the same for me."

"You did not know her. But perhaps you are right, filth begets filth, and clings together."

"Why. I would know why she had to die. It seems such a pointless death."

"She displeased me, and I grew tired of her. As I grow tired of you." The voice said in her ear. She took a step toward the portal, then gasped as she felt a hand grip her arm, pulling her back.

She looked over her shoulder, and saw Ronin looking at her. 'Trap', he mouthed, pulling her further back.

She nodded, and turned back toward the gate.

"I'm sure she tired of you long before..."

"SILENCE!" The voice shouted. "What have you done witch? How is this possible? What magic do you use..."

"There are many forms of magic, little man. What you are seeing is but one." She said calmly. "You will be dead before the portal closes, long before, I would think, but I'm going to wait to make sure."

"How? No such magic exists." the voice said.

"Not in your reality. But I have reached out and touched yours from mine. A fateful accident. But one with dire consequences. For you."

"Stop this! I am Dorq..."

"And I am Samantha Carter, Queen of Atlantis. I come to avenge my sister. You don't fuck with my family." she said softly.

There was no response, so she stood, waiting patiently.

Before she knew it, the gate shut down on its own. She turned and looked at Ronin. "Has it been thirty-eight minutes already?"

He nodded, coming over and taking the guns from her hands, handing them to Carter.

"Come on." He said, taking her by the hand. "Let's go the infirmary, they should have Tammy patched up by now."

* * * * *

Jennifer spotted her as they walked into the infirmary. She hurried over, pointing at her office. Carter started to walk by her, but Jennifer stepped in front of her, stopping her.

"Go in my office Sam." She said softly, looking over her shoulder at Ronin, then back at Sam. "Tammy is fine. It was a clean wound, no damage to any organs. But we need to get you cleaned up, and get you some clothes before you see her."

Sam looked at her, then nodded and stepped into the office with Ronin. Sgt. Carter stopped and stood in front of the door, looking around as he held his weapon at the ready.

Jennifer went over to a cabinet and pulled down a set of scrubs, then got a box of wipes and a bottle of antiseptic, and went into her office, closing the door behind her.

"Sit down, and don't give me any shit." She said as she pushed Sam back onto the couch. She knelt in front of her, tossing the scrubs onto the couch as she tore open the box of wipes. "I don't know what you've been doing, but I'm not letting Tammy see you like this."

Pulling a handful of wipes from the box, she poured antiseptic over them, then began wiping the blood from her face.

"Thank you, Jennifer. You're a good friend." Sam said softly, sitting quietly as she let her work.

"This isn't your blood." Keller said, dropping the wad of wipes on the floor.

"No." Sam said.

Keller looked at her as she began cleaning her neck, then moved down to her hands. She looked up at Ronin. "There's a brush in my top desk drawer, left side." She said. "Get it for me?"

Ronin nodded, and moved around behind the desk. He found the brush, and came back, standing quietly behind her.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Jennifer asked, pulling Sam forward so she could wipe some blood off her shoulder. She examined her quickly as she cleaned her, relieved when she found no wounds.

"A man came through the gate, and started shooting." Sam said quietly.

"I know about that. What happened after?" Keller said, reaching over and picking up the scrub top. She shook it out and handed it to her. "How did you get all this blood all over you?"

"Need to know, Jenn." Carter said as she took the top and pulled it over her head. "You don't." She stood up and grabbed the pants, stepping into them, then holding her hand out to Ronin for the brush.

She ran it through her hair quickly, then shook her head, and looked at Keller, handing her the brush.

"Take me to her."

* * * * *

"Tammy?" She said quietly as she stepped up next to the bed, taking her hand in hers.

"Hi baby." Tammy smiled groggily, squeezing her hand. "I'm so sorry. I should have had my shield on. It was stup..."

"Shhhhh, it's okay. You're going to be okay." Sam whispered as she leaned down and kissed her forehead. "That's all that matters, so don't think about it anymore."

"Did he tell you anything?" Tammy asked her.

Sam nodded and smiled softly. "Who and why. It was pointless, and sad." She shook her head as tears ran down her cheeks. "It was such a waste, love."

"What are we going to do?" Tammy asked her.

"It's done. We won't be hearing from them again." Sam told her.

Tammy looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you."

"I did it for all of us." Sam said, her voice cracking as she spoke. "But mostly for her. She deserved better."

"Sam?" Jennifer said as she came up behind her. "We need to let her rest. The meds should wear off in a couple hours, and I'll let you take her home then. But for now, I want her to try to sleep."

"Yes ma'am." Sam said, looking down at Tammy and squeezing her hand. She leaned down and kissed her gently, then looked back at Keller. "Call me when I can come get her, Jenn."

"Go sweetie, you have things you have to do." Tammy said. "I'll be fine. I'll see you in a little while."

Sam nodded, then turned and walked away. Ronin followed, and as she passed Carter at the infirmary door, he heard her say, "Come with me."


0845 Hours

She told them to wait for her in the kitchen as she stepped out of the porter and went into her bedroom. Pulling off the scrubs, she went into the bathroom, showering quickly, then getting fresh clothes from her closet.

Still buttoning her vest as she walked into her office, she moved behind her desk and checked the STM bridge. The bridge had collapsed, because the universe it had been connected to no longer existed. She looked at the screen for a moment, watching the 'No Target Selected' message flash, then shut the system down, and turned off the terminal. Opening her desk drawer, she picked up her spoon and moved out from behind her desk. She walked out the door and down the hall to the kitchen.

Most of the court was gathered in the kitchen when she walked in. She looked around, then stepped over next to Ronin and Carter.

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