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Consequences Pt. 03C

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A boytoy and a sex olympian.
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CONSEQUENCES 03 continued


Olivia's recalls her thoughts and motives

I don't know why I do it, my needs exceed all my common sense and regard for David. The devil in me invited Daniel and I knew I wanted to play with him in front of David--as if I am punishing him. How could I punish someone who is so good to me?

When he came in that last time I was enjoying playing with Daniel and Jo but I know the devilish part in me is thinking only of Daniel and not being with David. I move my lovers so that I can lick Jo again and I kneel so that Daniel can lick me and push his fingers inside. He will want to push his lovely cock inside me and I am not sure if I will stop him, not sure if I have that much self-control.

I push Jo on to her orgasm and she rests for a moment, then I tell her to check on David and look after him. I wink at her and hope she gets the message.

Daniel has two fingers inside me, pushing them faster. I reach to caress my clit, needing release soon. Then I feel his hardness pressing against my lips and he pushes. 'He mustn't,' I think, but all I say is, "Don't cum inside me." He pushes as deep as he can and I am already near my peak, the excitement of breaking all the rules is pushing me on. He speeds up--driving into me--and I know he won't last. It doesn't matter because I am already there, cumming hard. The depth of pleasure is something different and fills my need for all that is bad. Then I come back to what he is doing. Daniel is out of control and I push him out, take his cock in my hand and stroke it fast. He is very near and ejaculates into my hand.

I relax in my euphoria for a while, my hand still holding his withering penis, giving it time to recover. I reach over to explore his body, wanting to savour him, imprint his body in my memory for my fantasies. My hand roams all over him; down his torso, his legs, and feet, and of course his cock. Then I tell him to turn over. While he does, my hands go to my pussy that has all the lubricant I need. I drift one hand down his back while I explore his buttocks with the other. As I near his anus I sense he wants to pull away and I whisper into his ear, "I won't hurt you. This is going to be the greatest moment ever for you." I start to rim his anus but distract him by wrapping my other hand around his penis and pumping him back to full length. "If you're a good boy I might even give you a special treat," I say huskily and feel his body shiver in anticipation.

"Stand up," I say, and as he does I kneel before him, then slowly I feed his hardness into my mouth. I get all of him in and let the finger that has been rimming him penetrate his anus. His cock kicks forward, gagging me. I move my head back but I'm determined to have my way, and we soon get a rhythm going. My finger fucks his anus as his cock fucks my mouth. I feel him boiling up again and work in a second finger to ramp him up. He lets out a huge gasp as he pushes deep into my throat, jetting his semen for me to swallow. I savour the feeling that he is completely mine--I can do anything I want and he will accept it as an honour. The feeling makes me wet again.

I wipe my mouth and say, "Good boy. Do you think you have one more in you?" He nods hopefully. Then he watches as I swirl his fluid around in my mouth before swallowing. It tastes disgusting, but I like to see men react to me swallowing; and he does react, such a good pet. My hands return to exploring his body. I think a little attention with my tongue to his neck and ear should help him along. I listen to the noises of sex drifting down from above. I can hear David and Jo and that makes my inner demon very confident that we will not be interrupted while I pleasure myself with my new pet. It's time I was getting more orgasms and I reach to stroke his cock again, then smile wolfishly as it responds to me. I am such a dirty girl, what shall we do next? Oh yes, I promised him a special treat, but as I look at him I am reminded of my own want of orgasms, lots of them. And I don't have time to teach him how to treat a woman's anus, he wouldn't have a clue. So I sit back on the sofa, stretch my legs wide and draw his mouth to my wanton centre. "Make me cum with your mouth and fingers," I order and he does his best as I manoeuvre his lips to my favourite places.

Jo had appeared again and stood--watching. Daniel has been slow to make me cum more than twice and I am getting frustrated, so I told him to lay on the couch. I took his cock in my hand and stroked him to full size again before hitching my leg over him, then savoured the slow feel of his penis sliding into me. It was so deliciously bad that I started to cum almost instantly. I let out a little cry of pleasure then looked across at Jo and grinned. "Come here," I said and she did, standing beside me. I reached up and ran my fingers along her pussy and found her open and moist. "Your turn," I said but she shook her head. "Just try," I said, "do a little comparison." Then seeing reluctance, "Give me your hand." I raise myself up and bring her hand around his length, stroking it up and down. But she pulls back, so I place her hand against my clit as I move up and down on him again. She delights me, rubbing as she might do to herself, always looking to my eyes--never to Daniel. I close my eyes and delight in this double pleasure of sex and power. Orgasms come quickly and the intensity builds with each one until I at last feel satisfied enough to finally lift off.

He has done well and is still standing firm, so again I say, "Your turn."

She shook her head again. "I'm David's," she said. "I won't be unfaithful to him." Then she burst into tears and ran.

I take pity on Daniel and glide my hands again along his length and across his crown, faster and faster. I tell him, "Cum for me." And like a good slave boy he does as he is told his seed filling my hand. My head suddenly comes back to the real world and I hope that Jo won't cause a row, at least not just yet. What's the saying? 'Three strikes and you're out.' Whatever, I thought I had probably already exceeded the number tonight but I am not ready to even consider the consequences.

Jo had been gone long enough so I coaxed Daniel to dress. It's probably sensible for him to leave and I head upstairs. I check the rooms, Ana and Bree look satisfied with their partners and are laying, playing with their flaccid penises. Jane is still stroking and sucking hers. I can see she'd had no trouble reviving him if the mess was anything to go by. Jeez, how many times had he ejaculated? She motions me to join her. She holds it up in all its glory and offers it to me. My evil side rises again to a massive peak as the Daniel experience has left me wanting even more, so what the hell. I go to the bed and I lift myself above his impossible size and try to lower myself. It's so thick I have to spread my lips apart, but I won't be beaten and begin to push down. It's painful but that heightens the thrill from being so evil. I push down as far and hard as I can and can't avoid the squeal of pain, and then I am driven on to fuck this monster as fast and furiously as I can before someone stops me.

I'm lost in my reverie, my sense of time and place is gone as my orgasms run one into another. Jane is shouting at me to stop. She slaps me and pulls me off, and I fall flat on the bed looking back at the monster and watch as he ejaculates into the air. She brings me around, stroking me and there are tears in my eyes. 'What have I done?'

"If you are trying to lose your husband you're making a very good effort at it," is all that Jane says.

"It's time the guys went home," says Jane, and I realise it can't be soon enough. We search out the others and cajole them to dress their man and get them downstairs. "I need a drink," says Jane and we head for the kitchen. The four of us usher the men out and sit around the kitchen, all with freshly fucked smiles on our faces. We are very satisfied with our evening but gradually we change the subject, heading back to normal. Then our world changes when we hear steps marching down the stairs heading away from us.


The Sex Olympian

Olivia tells what happens next

All four of us ran to the front door. We had long since got rid of the men and had been chatting in the kitchen, losing all sense of time. Then we hear David coming down the stairs. We arrive as he is about to leave and our question falls on deaf ears. When I hear the front door slam, my stomach drops. Jo comes running down the stairs. "What happened?" I ask her.

"He feels like you've been playing him for a fool and cuckolding him. Is that the right word?" she says through her tears. Hurriedly she tries to summarise. "He says he feels like a pervert, and I'm frightened of what he might do." We look at each other, worry across our faces.

"Tell us more about what happened," Jane says, and we file together to sit with Jo in the living room.

Jo rushed on, "Well, he told me about how much he loved you all. He tried to say he needed to accept stuff if he wanted to help you all to satisfy your needs, except for Olivia of course." At which Jo turns to stare at her.

Jo catches her breath before continuing, "But I could see he was hurting badly as so much time had gone past. He was just unhappy at first but he was getting more and more suspicious as it got late. I'm afraid I told him I couldn't answer some of his questions and I wouldn't lie to him. He accused me of having sex with him just to keep him busy while you fucked Daniel. He was nasty to me, suggesting I did it with Daniel. But I didn't, did I, Olivia? Only you did."

The others all turned and looked at Olivia, not so much accusing but questioning strangely.

Jo took a breath, the tears streaming down her face.

I looked at the girl, knowing what I had done and that she knew a lot of it. He hadn't stopped me and that was the excuse I had given myself, but I knew it wasn't what he had given me the ok for. No, I had definitely stepped a long way over the line. Then I finally got my head together and it came to me in a flash of understanding. I realised that it had been a test, that's why he hadn't said anything. He wasn't sure whether he could trust me ever again and I had failed miserably. I had such a good time that I didn't think about rights and wrongs or about getting caught and the consequences. I know I hurt his fragile pride and his belief in our relationship,but I don't know why I do it; especially as last time he threw me out.

"It sounds like he's hurting really bad," I say, at last thinking of who I should have already been thinking of. "I think I've pushed him too far."

"Me too," said the others.

"What did he say he was going to do?" I asked Jo.

"He said he needed a walk and to get a drink," she replied.

"I am sorry," said Jane, "I feel responsible too because I cheated on him when we were young, and I don't think his pride ever recovered."

"You can't keep blaming yourself for that, Jane. I take the responsibility here because I shouldn't be so bad and I most certainly should have gone to him. He didn't get a chance to..." Her words trailed away as more and more of her reality began to recognise what she had done. "I have no excuse for that and I made it worse by stopping to chat with you guys."

"How could I do such a thing? He's my fucking husband," I ramble on. "I'm supposed to love him and care for him and..." again I trail off weakly. " faithful to him. I have been trying so hard to curb my needs and be a good caring, fun wife. It's fun butting against rules, and I thought he loved it too. The sex afterwards is out of this world, isn't it Jane?"

Jane looked at me scathingly because she knew I had more than butted against the rules, I had been unfaithful more than twice tonight.

Jane decides to rub it in. "Woo-Hoo, and then some. David could fuck for a porno film," Jane says, piling on the criticism with a lascivious grin that only Olivia would understand.

The other ladies look slightly jealous, and the looks she is getting are more along the lines of "How come Jane gets to fuck our man and Olivia gets to commit adultery?"

How they came to claim him was beyond my thinking at this very moment.

"What can I do?" I asked everyone in desperation. Their faces said how they were thinking, but I suspected they didn't want to say something that might hit the truth and cause an upset. They were right, man were they right; I'd lost control, then I had forgotten him. And I had some serious rescue work to do, either that or pack my bags.

"We could try messaging or phoning him but I suspect he'd turn his phone off," someone tried sagely.

"Yes," I agreed.

"I think," Jo said out of nowhere, thinking more clearly than the rest of us, "that you should leave him alone for a while. I don't know much about men, but if I'm that unhappy I just want to get drunk and roll up in a ball and sleep. So, I reckon he's in a bar somewhere."

"Well he hasn't taken his car," Jane added helpfully,

"That's good," I said. "So, he's in walking distance and he's not so likely to do something that might get him killed." Then my mind realised that wasn't quite true. I think everyone else thought so too, because no one said a word.

"Ok, so if he went to get drunk, where could he go?" someone asked.

I was just hearing voices now, not knowing who was saying what. My mind was in turmoil.

"He might go to my house later," Jane suggested, "if he still has the key."

"I think that's probably right once he's got drunk," someone said.

"Ok," I said, "let's have a look at where the nearest bars are."

Everyone checked their phones for the nearest bars. A while later I summarised, "So, we think we've narrowed it down to 2 bars within easy distance, but they are in opposite directions. Ok, we better take a car, but we'll have to squeeze in when we find him. Who hasn't been drinking much?"

Jo puts her hand up.

"Well, I guess you're the nominated driver."

"Does that mean I can be part of your family?" Jo asks hopefully.

"It's a big thing for you to decide," I say, playing for time. "We'll have to talk about it soon, is that ok for now?" Her face looked happier; I think because I hadn't said no. 'My replacements are starting to line up already,' I thought ruefully. 'One thing at a time.' I counter, realising I might not have a family by morning.

So we head for the car, with Bree in the front because David is less likely to be cross with her and might be persuaded to sit in front, with her on his lap. My only thought is to wonder what she might get up to on the way home. Still, what could she do in 5 or 10 minutes? She was tipsy on alcohol and sex and I guessed she was enjoying her new freedom while she could.

We arrive at the bar and try to decide who's going in to see if he's there and persuade him to come out. At first, Jo gets the nod because she had been with him and can't be accused of so much--we hope. Personally, I am a mess as what I have done keeps rolling around in my mind. I realise just how much I had taken him for granted at a time when our relationship was at a low point and that I have pushed things too far. Again I think, 'If I were him I'd throw me out.'

In case he is in there, we continue to discuss who's going to try to talk to him and persuade him to come home. In the end, Jane gets the job because I am a definite NO, Bree is obviously too tipsy, Jo is too new, and Ana hasn't really established a proper relationship with him yet.


Recovering their man

A while later, probably time enough for another drink, Jo comes out and behind her is David, not looking paralytic but definitely worse for wear and extremely cross. Jane goes forward, but he sees Olivia in the background so turns around to head back to the bar, but Jane stands in his way. Jane says, "David, there's been a terrible misunderstanding. Will you give me 5 minutes to explain what happened?" He doesn't answer immediately but turns his body to look at the other women, looks down and turns back. "It can be any one of us you talk to, you decide, but we just want you to give us 5 minutes."

He thinks and he thinks, then begrudgingly says, "OK, 5 minutes. My beer is getting warm, but you keep that bitch who is supposed to be my faithful loving wife well away from me."

About that time, 2 guys come out of the bar, obviously even worse for wear on alcohol. They say, "Are you alright, friend? We had to check. It's not every day that a lovely young woman comes into the bar and drags one of us out."

"I'm fine," says David, but the men aren't about to move. They are standing there looking at the group of gorgeous women, some of whom are scantily dressed.

"Have all those women come for you?" they ask.

Jane's getting slightly frustrated by now because her 5 minutes are disappearing. "Yes we are," she answers testily,

"Well he's a lucky beggar," they slur. "How come?"

Now getting sarcastic, Jane repeats a similar silly thing to what she had said earlier. "Because he's the state champion fucker and he's training for the Olympics," she says with a snarky tone and a smirk. They both shut up for a moment.

Jo tries to explain how she had had trouble getting their man out of the bar to go home.

Meanwhile, Bill and Bob, the drunks, have got really interested in what's going on. Bob says to Bill, "Did you know there was Olympics for sex?"

"Naahhh," says Bill, "must be one of those Porno events."

"So, how do you think our friend got to be on the team?"


"Maybe there's special training. That must be fun."


Jane tries to continue explaining what had happened, avoiding any reference to Olivia and trying to avoid the subject of what happened earlier with the men.

Bill and Bob are now finding it hard to stand up, but no way are they going to miss what's going on. Trying unsuccessfully to go unnoticed, they sidle up to a lamp post and attempt to lean on it, one on either side. They miss the lamp post completely and end up shoulder to shoulder balanced precariously on each other.

Jane continues, ignoring Bill and Bob who are riveted to the girls, she has reached the point explaining how the ladies had retired to the Kitchen for coffee and catch-up then lost track of time and that's where they were when a little bit later David left.

David stares at her.

"Well, maybe a big bit later."

David continues to stare.

"Maybe a lot later." she concedes.

A passing police car is intrigued by the scene as there's what looks like 5 society women all decked out, or undecked depending how you look at it, one poor guy looking like something the cat might have dragged in, and 2 drunks propping each other up. The scene is beginning to attract a crowd. So the car pulls over. The driver is a mature man, probably been on the force for years and seen it all before, until now. His partner is a rookie, tall, well-built, does gym every night, trying to be an upstanding officer.

Bree takes one look at the upstanding officer and licks her lips. The senior of the two walks forward to find out what's going on. The younger man, playing back-up, hangs back beside the women, next to Bree.

David is saying, "So, let me get this straight. I sat in that bedroom waiting, fretting, worried, wondering, unhappy, angry, and finally finished with you all, for what an hour, 2 hours? And all the time you were gossiping and drinking coffee?. And I'm supposed to believe you? So, how many of you didn't get fucked tonight by another man?"

Jane looks at the others over her shoulder then decides better about responding. Jo knows that she's not had someone other than the pleasure of David, so she starts to raise her hand. Then realises she's the ONLY one and pulls it down again. David watches her then the lamp goes on in his head, and he grins as he remembers the taste of her.

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