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Corrupting the Innocent: Lisa 02

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Lisa embraces her new self.
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6th Hamilton Street, 1 p.m.

"...Come on, sleepy head, you should get up... Lisa... Lisa!"

I grumbled into my pillow and opened my eyes groggily. Immediately, a sore feeling around my crotch made itself known.

I frowned and turned to face the culprit.

"You manhandled me as you took my virginity, Danny!" I said this as I lovingly shortened my first boyfriend's name.

"My pussy's sore, and I've never been more tired, all thanks to you. Can't you at least let me sleep?"

I complained while looking at the grinning, sadistic man. He didn't apologize; if anything, he looked quite content.

"I'm glad your first time was memorable then. I'm waking you up because you shouldn't sleep all day; it's lunch time already. C'mon, get up, wash your hands, and join me downstairs. You have 10 minutes, baby."

He said as he left my room, his tone leaving no room for argument. I sighed and dragged my aching body to the upstairs bathroom, where I quickly put on light makeup and straightened my messy copper mane.

I noticed my body glowing in the mirror.

"I guess it's true that females glow up after sex." I smiled.

It felt natural at this point to refer to myself as a female. I didn't think much of it and joined my man at the lunch table, where he had prepared a lavish assortment of dishes: Lasagna, hard-boiled eggs, spicy chicken wings, and steamed veggies.

He even made my favorite drink, strawberry juice.

I felt like a pampered princess as he served me, and I ate with relish. Surprisingly, neither of us said a word during the meal, appreciating our budding romance and the pleasant silence.

Which made the sudden ringing of my phone especially jarring.

I thought of hanging up, but I looked at Danny for his orders first. He nodded towards the phone, so I answered and put the call on speaker, my voice laced with irritation at having my tender moment interrupted.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hey, um, it's me. I hope I'm not bothering you."

I made an active effort not to comment on the idiocy of saying "it's me" on the phone. Thankfully, I did recognize this meek, insecure voice.

"Oh, hey Ken! You're no bother at all." I lied.

A quick peek at Daniel told me that he was interested.

"Great. I-I was wondering why you didn't come to class today. I hope you're okay?"

How sweet. My irritation melted away as I truly appreciated his concern. Yes, he was a pervert, but he treated me kindly, unlike that bitch, Stephanie.

"Wow, Ken, you're so thoughtful. I was tired and slept through my alarm, but I feel better now."

"N-Nice, I'm glad. Um, the professor also gave us a project to do; I'll send you the instructions if you want."

As I was about to thank him, Danny mouthed 'invite him over', and, while shocked, I was also thrilled as I obeyed.

"How about you come over and we do it together instead? We could put our last conversation into practice, too. Are you free, say, this weekend?"

"Oh. OH. This weekend I have a date with Steph..."

The disappointment in his voice let me know I had a chance. So I made my best attempt at seduction with what little experience I had.

"Ah... I see, so despite saying my feet were prettier, you still chose her. Stephanie isn't going anywhere, but I don't think I'll give you another chance if you miss this one, Ken. Wouldn't that be a shame?"

His reply quickly came through, obviously panicked.

"Y-you're right, I'll give Steph an excuse and come over. Besides, homework is more important, right?"

"You'll do that for me? Oh wow, you're a good boy."

"Haha, t-thanks."

I unconsciously addressed him as I would a dog, but he didn't seem upset. Once I hung up, I curled my lips at Daniel.

"Isn't he fucking pathetic?"


He looked pensive for a moment as he gazed at me. Did he figure out that I don't actually dislike Ken?

Feeling guilty, I couldn't help but blush and look down.

"You have quite the talent as a Domme; how interesting. I will say that Ken sounds like a perfect practice dummy before you try corrupting his girlfriend. That'll be the real challenge, because she already hates your guts. I'll trust you won't do anything I don't approve of with Ken."

I appreciated his praise and trust, and I let him know by gently rubbing my stocking-clad foot against his upper leg. I certainly wouldn't be doing much with Ken; my small, delicate feet were more than enough for the cheating mutt.


Once I finished clearing the table and washing the dishes, I laid with Danny on the living room sofa.

He softly spoke in my ear.

"Now that we're dating, I have a few things to say."

I tensed up, but he gave me a tender, loving kiss on the neck and helped me relax again.

"No worries, it's nothing bad. First, the whole experiment wasn't completely useless. Yes, I like tattoos and piercings, but it seems that the one you got also boosted your confidence. I find that wonderful, so we should get you some more soon. We won't do anything above the neck, so you can avoid questions when face-timing your mom. At least for now. Understood?"

I nuzzled into his embrace and smiled. I looked forward to what piercings and tattoos he would choose for me.

"Second, I won't interfere in your whole "Revenge" plan, but I want to fuck Stephanie in front of her boyfriend, so make that happen."

I was slightly surprised.

"That, uh, might take some time, but I'll do my best."

"Good. You're an amazing little bitch."

He pinched my nipple, and I moaned with pleasure. Lacing compliments with insults was sure to make me happy, ashamed, and horny. Still, I pushed his naughty hand away from my boob.

"Stop it, my pussy's too sore for this shit."

He laughed.

"Sure. Finally, I want to set some rules. These are to make sure you know your place as my girlfriend and slave. Go take notes."

I reluctantly left his warmth and started jotting down his rules. They were all sexist and unfair: to always wash the dishes and clean the house; to always do my makeup first thing in the morning and only remove it right before I go to bed; to always be ready to please him sexually whenever and wherever; to always have fresh, extra-long fake nails and immediately replace them if they break... A whole bunch of stuff that cemented me as a housewife bimbo.

By the time I'd written everything, I was already soaking wet and horny as hell. Unfortunately, my soreness hadn't yet subsided, so I tried to work on my homework in the kitchen.

Instead, I found myself too horny to focus and felt stupid, which ironically made me hornier.

I eventually turned towards Daniel, who was still relaxing on the couch.

"Danny, are you interested in... butt stuff?"

I blushed immediately after asking. I was no longer the shy Lisa of the past, but to ask him such a perverted question was still embarrassing.

He looked up at me.

"Well, yeah, but it's not very high on my fetish priority list. I do remember you having an orgasm right after I put my finger in your ass, you dirty slut. If you're that interested, we can start training your asshole right now."

I decided to be honest. "Well, I never thought having you tease my asshole would feel that good. And now I'm really, really horny, but my stupid cunt is still sore."

He smiled condescendingly.

"Alright, let me fetch some toys and lube. But keep in mind that not all bitches enjoy real anal sex. Of course, in your case, you don't get to refuse either way. Now go take a shower, and make sure to properly clean that butt."

I gulped in fear and excitement. I inwardly apologized to my mom for being such a slut of a daughter.


I stood fully naked and freshly showered in my room when Danny came back with a box full of sex toys and a large bottle of lube.

"Get on the bed."

I obeyed.

"On your knees! Good, now stick out your ass and put your head on a pillow. Good girl."

I felt my butt cheeks part as his fingers explored my ass. He lathered the lube on my exposed asshole, which twitched in response. At the same time...


"Ouch!" I yelped in pain and turned back to see Daniel holding a short black whip, which he had just used on my ass.

"I'm sure a masochistic, stupid bimbo like you will grow to love this whip."

I shivered in apprehension. As Daniel used one hand to tease my asshole and the other to whip me, I realized with each successive yelp that he was right; this humiliating position on all fours, and the pain of being whipped both brought me to tears and made my sloppy cunt gush out juices non-stop.

If Daniel noticed me crying, he certainly didn't show any mercy because of it. He soon started alternating between the whip and his hand as he brought me to tears.

"Ah, ah... AH!"

Once the pain and the finger in my ass brought me to orgasm, he stepped back to admire his work.

"Mm, wonderful, your backside looks nice and red. It's time for the main dish."

I couldn't see his face through my tears and smudged makeup, but I could hear the twisted pleasure in his voice; I never thought my first relationship would be like this. I didn't know what to say, but I didn't need to; I just had to shut up and let him

use my body.

Daniel proceeded to insert stuff in my buttocks for my anal debut. For now, I could barely tolerate two fingers, or small beads and butt plugs, but he was determined to loosen my asshole enough to soon accommodate his thick schlong.

That same evening, he went through my closet and threw away some old, prudish dresses and most of my underwear and shoes.

I was quite upset.

"Hey, why are you throwing those away? That was my grandma's gift... Ah! Those are so pretty, don't!"

He stopped for a moment, and I flinched. He glared at me.

"I'm adding a new rule. When I'm busy, you should be on your knees massaging my legs and keeping your whore mouth shut. You fucking brat."

He pushed me down and slapped me.

I felt my face burning in pain, shame, and humiliation, but I still obeyed. I didn't expect him to be so cruel towards me, but I suppose that just shows how lightly I'd taken this. My initial thoughts were that we would have a spicy, perhaps unequal, but relatively normal relationship.

Obviously, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I sat on my knees, rubbing his legs, while he threw my precious clothes away. I was essentially his servant. I grew hornier by the second and found myself staring at his feet, as if I were hypnotized. In a trance, I slowly bent down, and before I knew it, I'd fully prostrated in front of him, kissing his feet.

"Mmm, you're much prettier like that. Good girl."

His satisfied hum woke me up, and I felt like burying myself in a ditch. There was no trace of dignity left in me, and I hated how his praise would always make me wet, even in the most messed-up situations.

But I didn't stop kissing his feet, and I felt the joy of being a stupid, servile sex slave.

A few minutes passed in this tranquil state, and I was doing my darnedest not to furiously masturbate. Once satisfied with the state of my wardrobe, Daniel looked down at me and gave his orders.

"I threw away all the plain underwear and dresses, as well as your ballerinas and other ugly shoes. From now on, your underwear needs to be sexy, your dresses short and provocative, and you need to wear heels or flip-flops at all times. I want your toenails pedicured and exposed as much as possible. The only exception should be platform boots, I like how those look on you. If you break these rules, you'll be punished. Understood?"

In shock, I couldn't answer. This displeased Daniel, so he... smacked me.

"Ouch!" Tears fell down.

"I said, understood?" He seemed to soften his tone, but his glare was strict.

"Yes Sir!" I cried.

After he left, I stayed on the floor, my thoughts a mess. I would have to get used to this new, more aggressive Daniel. But what truly concerned me was that I didn't actually mind how violent and oppressive he was; if anything, it only made me more obedient.

Even when he slapped and hit me, the pain felt so good, it made my heart and cunt throb at the same time. The emotional turmoil made me bawl my eyes out that night.


At the same time, in Daniel's office.

"Will it really be fine to let her play with other guys? What if she's stolen away from me? Or falls in love with Ken?"

He'd been agonizing over this issue for a few days.

One must not forget: Daniel Wett was, at his core, an insecure yet charismatic pervert.

Lisa wasn't aware of the struggle her boyfriend faced all this time because he hid it very well. He even encouraged her to contact Ken. This was because his kinky side was constantly clashing with his insecure side.

Eventually, his frustrations built up, and he took it out on his beloved.

Sure, he could be even more violent, but he wanted her to get used to it gradually. Seeing her cry for hours on the hidden camera was heartbreaking.

He decided to find a solution. Daniel wanted--no, needed to make sure she would only ever belong to him. There were a few steps to this process, but first he needed to correct yesterday's mistake.

Losing control of his violent side would surely have shaken her, and it needed to be addressed as soon as possible.


"Wake up, baby."

Lisa woke up feeling groggy with a strong sense of déjà vu. It felt like Daniel was stealing her alarm clock's job.

"Daniel? What's happening?"

She asked as she shook the sleep off, and he looked hurt for a split-second.

'Could it be that he really liked me calling him Danny?' She thought.

That was indeed the case. After they officially became a couple a couple days ago, she never called him Daniel. In Daniel's mind, her calling him by name now hinted at how much he'd hurt her.

In reality, he was right. Lisa's feelings were all over the place; she had cried for so long, and she didn't know how to face her boyfriend-turned-master.

The horny, kinky side of her conflicted with her upbringing and made her insecure about her recent "shameless" actions. The internal conflict in her wasn't any weaker than the one in him.

Fortunately, the astute Daniel was vaguely aware of this, so he quickly shook off his disappointment. He knew that every second was precious at this point; he needed to eliminate Lisa's doubts, break her, and make her fall further into depravity. Only then would he be able to mold her into his possession and eliminate his own insecurities.


He had spent too much time thinking, as always.

Daniel decided to test the waters and suddenly hugged her.

"I'm sorry, Lisa; was I too violent yesterday?"

Her eyes opened wide for a moment before she returned the hug.

"It's okay." She answered tersely.

Her response was lukewarm, so the smart manipulator took a different approach.


I was a bit annoyed that Daniel would always wake me up, and this time I really needed more rest, considering I'd exhausted myself crying the night before (because of him!).

So while I appreciated his concern, it was more of an annoyance than anything. I wouldn't forgive him so easily, and waking me up so early wasn't helping his case.

But then I was dumbfounded as he stood up and grabbed me, pulling me out of the bed and dropping me on the floor.

"Ouch! Are you crazy?!"

I bristled, but he seemed to have actually gone insane. He didn't even apologize and instead forced his foot into my mouth right as I was about to complain.

"Mmmmph! Mmptph!!"

I had a hard time breathing and started tearing up, but most importantly, I was furious.

"Would you look at this stupid slut? We started dating, so you think you can act spoiled?"

His cold tone was followed by a harsh slap, and suddenly my anger turned to fear and lust.

My small body could never win against this tall, masculine, savage beast.

He took out the same whip as yesterday, and my already sloppy cunt throbbed in anticipation, while I trembled and remembered the pain of the day before. His gaze stopped on my tearful eyes and my long pink nails, so I regained some hope; perhaps he'd let me off the hook?

He applied pressure with the foot in my mouth, so I worked my tongue and worshiped it as he spoke.

"You look like shit without your makeup, woman. But I still had the heart to check on you, yet you don't have any gratitude. You're only good if you listen to me, and you're only pretty when you put on thick makeup, fake nails, and fake eyelashes. In fact, you still need some fake boobs to complement that pathetically small chest. So why the fuck are you so arrogant? Huh?!"

I sobbed into his foot as I kept licking and sucking.

Deep inside, I knew his words weren't complete lies, and that's what hurt me the most.

I knew I only stood out in college when I put on makeup and wore flashy clothes, and Daniel, my own boyfriend, also preferred me that way. Regular old Lisa could only be friends with a prude bitch like Stephanie.

I wanted more; I wanted attention from boys, I wanted them to pamper me, to shower me with gifts and compliments, and above all... I needed Danny to love me.

I was just a stupid bimbo, but I thought myself equal to a powerful male like Danny.

'I'm fucking stupid, useless, and ugly. But once I'm fake enough, Daniel, Ken, and even Steph will worship me.'

I didn't notice my anger disappearing, and I didn't notice the obsession in my mind changing.

I licked my boyfriend's feet while my pride took a nose dive and all of my self-esteem shattered. Suddenly, he pulled his foot away, and I panicked; did I not lick it well?

Am I that bad?

Desperate, I clung to his leg and put his foot in my mouth again as I frantically worked my tongue and lips. I looked up to my man and saw the approval in his eyes.

My heart skipped a beat, and my cunt must've flooded like the Nile.

"You're doing good, but I'd rather do something else. Also, I can't look at your face anymore. Go put on some sexy clothes and your damn makeup, woman!" He frowned.

I gave his foot one more lick before reluctantly getting up. I sashayed and could feel Daniel's eyes on my wet pussy as I left.


Almost an hour later, I looked at my face, covered in thick layers of artifice, and giggled. This was how men liked me, and it'd slowly become how I liked myself too. Only like this could I make Daniel happy, turn Ken into my foot slave, and be superior to Steph. As I put on a slutty pink bimbo outfit, I took a look at my bedside table and sneakily slipped a pack of cigarettes into my purse.

'I don't know why I like sniffing cigarettes, but it fucking gets my juices flowing.'

Soon I had breakfast with my boyfriend, and neither of us spoke. I didn't dare look him in the face, and he simply took me in like a painting. I had tried starting a conversation, but he wouldn't answer, so I gave up.

'I should just shut up and look pretty for him.' I thought airily.

I was happy to empty my brain like a good little bimbo. While getting up to do the dishes, obviously the female's responsibility, I didn't forget to show off my turquoise heart and fake nails. Doing the dishes would eventually ruin my nails, but I would just get new ones.

That afternoon, Daniel came into my room and saw me masturbating while sniffing a cigarette, but he didn't comment on it, and I was too into it to stop. So he spoke to me as I flicked my clit.

"Get ready, we're going to get you branded soon."

His watching made me go crazy, so I furiously rubbed my cunt and had my second orgasm of the day. I had my first while sucking his foot this morning.

Seeing Old Mike this time, I just smiled reservedly while he nodded in greeting.

Soon I was "branded", a pink tattoo that said "Danny's" right above my hairy cunt.

Old Mike kept complaining about the pubes getting in his way, but Danny said he liked my cute red tuft, so we both ignored the old man's blabbering.

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