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Couple's Therapy Ch. 03

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Janet and Bill are tested.
1.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/24/2024
Created 03/08/2024
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Neither Harold or Felicia seemed to be in a hurry. They rose to face each of their subjects.

Their bells jingled as they moved forward.

Harold placed his left hand behind Bill's back and pulled him close. His right hand started to fondle Bill's nipple. Then he leaned in to whisper into Bill's ear.

"I'm sorry," he breathed. "If I don't seduce you, they'll punish me."

Harold gave Bill's nipple a sharp pinch. Bill gasped.

"The things they do to me--they treat me like a circus animal..."

He gave Bill's other nipple an equally strong pinch.

Bill moaned. His cock started to throb.

Harold smiled.

Felicia looked into Janet's terrified eyes with an expression Janet could not read. She just stood there for half-a-minute heedless of the sands flowing down the hourglass.

"Perhaps I can make it," Janet thought to herself. "I have to make it. Just a few more minutes..."

At last, Felicia glided in close and slipped her middle finger high up into Janet's vagina.

Janet squealed through the gag, shocked at the intrusion. Despite all of the terrible things she had endured during this ordeal, it was the first time someone had penetrated into her person.

Felicia whispered into Janet's ear. "I saw the tapes of you two fucking. Bill's a good lover, isn't he?"

Janet whimpered. Now the intrusion was personal as well as physical.

"I know, he's good," Felicia continued. "But...there's something missing, isn't there?"

Even at a whisper, Felicia's voice was hypnotic. Women had tried to seduce Janet several times in her life, but she was never interested. But she had never heard a voice like this before.

Felicia moved her finger around inside Janet's vagina. Janet squirmed and moaned "Mmmpphh!!!"

"He never did this to you, did he, Janet? Never got nasty with you. And you wanted him to get nasty, didn't you Janet? Longed for him to figure it out and probe for your g-spot..."

Felicia suddenly pushed harder and deeper. Janet yelped. She shook her head back and forth, crying out "No!" into the gag.

"Oh, theeerrreee it is. That secret spot. We can't really do it to ourselves as well as someone else can, eh, Janet? It's like trying to tickle yourself. It just isn't the same. But if someone else knows what they're doing..."

Janet struggled in her bonds, desperate to twist away from the constant pressure and titillation. Felicia just matched whichever direction Janet tried to move.

"Believe me, Janet, I know what I'm doing," Felicia whispered.

Jonathan and Alison viewed the scene from several feet away. The hourglass sands were mostly for dramatic effect. On the top of the small device, a digital display showed the remaining time down to the second. Only 1:30 was left.

"Care to make a bet?" asked Jonathan.

"On whether or not they'll crack? Of course not. We know what the outcome is going to be."

"I agree. However, there are two questions I think are a bit harder to answer."

The timer ticked down to one minute. Harold stroked Bill's cock while pinching a nipple. He sucked on the other nipple while teasing it with his tongue. Bill tried to turn his body away. Harold used his grip on Bill's cock to keep him in place. Bill threw his head back and cried out into the gag.

Felicia, interestingly, had not changed her stance at all. She continued to push her finger up Janet's vagina. Like Bill, Janet was writhing in her bonds. She had to get away, anywhere, anywhere else. She felt the tightening in her crotch getting more and more intense. Felicia's finger kept pressing on that one spot...

She had never felt such pleasure.

"Alright, I'll bite," Alison said with some irritation. The conversation was breaking into her own fantasies. "What are you getting at?"

"Well, in the very short run, which one will break first?"

Alison shrugged. She regarded the couple struggling against their tormentors.

"The slut, I think," she finally said. "But it will be close. I'm not going to bet on that one way or the other."

"Hmm. You have a point. Then, I propose another bet--a longer term bet..."

Jonathon spoke for a few more seconds. Alison listened intently, but did not answer.

Harold's hand stroked Bill's cock with an increased frenzy. Bill instinctively thrust his hips in sync with Harold's stimulation.

"The Masters took turns," Harold whispered. "They shoved their cocks in my mouth and my ass, in and out as they held me down, sucked my cock, bit my nipples, made me cum again and again. It went on and on--"

Bill screamed into his gag. A white jet spurted out of his cock through the air in a long arc.

Janet, seeing this in the monitor, could hold back no longer. Her body stiffened as a lightning bolt of ecstasy ripped her from head to toe. She couldn't even articulate any sounds at first.

Felicia pulled out her finger. Janet's vaginal secretions spilled into a puddle on the floor.

Then Janet wailed into her gag for half a minute. Finally, she collapsed on the restraints, defeated.

Jonathan picked up the hourglass and immediately set it back down. The digital display halted its countdown. The sands continued to run out until the top half of the glass emptied.

"Hmmm. Fifteen seconds left. Not even all that dramatic."

Alison frowned, but said nothing. She had been wrong about which one would cum first.

This worried her.

Harold and Felicia, their tasks completed, turned back to Jonathan and Alison, knelt back down to the floor, and took their standard slave positions.

Bill and Janet were both weeping. They hung their heads, unwilling to look at each other or the monitors.

Jonathan turned to Alison.

"Well, my dear, this is where you take over. But, first, what's your answer to my wager? In or out?"

Alison hesitated. The odds were uncertain and the consequences if she lost...daunting.

The deciding factor was Jonathan's arrogant smirk. She so wanted to wipe that smirk off his face--to see him naked before her with his hands behind his head and his knees spread wide...

"Agreed!" she replied.

"Shake on it then?"

With gritted teeth, Alison took Jonathan's hand. How she hated him.

"Just remember," Jonathan said with a gesture to the monitors, "it's all part of the record now."

Alison's breathing quickened a notch. She had forgotten about the cameras attached to the top of the monitors. Everything in the scene was recorded, including her exchange with Jonathan.

It was too late to back out now.

Alison forced herself to smile. "Of course. Have you ever known me to welch on a bet?"

"No, of course not," Jonathan replied with his own smile.

Jonathan released her hand after holding it a beat too long. He walked over to the imprisoned naked couple and looked up at them.

"Hello, slaves," he said. "Welcome to your new life."

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alvinleroyalvinleroy12 months agoAuthor

Thank you for the positive feedback. I am new to this platform, so I am still working on how to pace the story. I'll try to put more material into the next chapter (and there are several coming).

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Love this series but you need longer chapters please.

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