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Couples Yoga

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Young man helps teach yoga to class of mature females.
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One minor warning: the main character ends up being involved with two members of the same family. If that's going to be a problem for you, this is your exit...


"Adam," my sister said, "I need your help."

"You're moving AGAIN?!" I asked.

She laughed and said, "No."

"Alright, then," I asked, "what is it?"

"I need you to help me with my yoga class," she said, sounding exasperated.

"You know that I..."

"I know. I know. You hate yoga. I need a male partner and Steve left."

"Steve left?"

"Yeah. My class starts tomorrow. It's a bunch of my older regulars. I don't want to disappoint them."

I brooded over the situation. On the one hand, I hate yoga. My sister had tried to get me into it when she started teaching. I don't mind the eye-candy of being in a classroom that's dominated with fit females in tight clothing but stretching my body through all of those contortions inevitably leads to air squeezing from my body as noisily as possible - and I die of embarrassment every single time. On the other hand - if Steve is finally gone.

"What happened with Steve?"

"Ran off with one of the other instructors," she said.

I switched the phone to my other ear. She sounded like she was finally well and truly over him. That was a good thing - at least in my opinion. She might not think so right now. I really didn't want to be anywhere near a yoga class but my sister sounded desperate and I don't want her trying to grab another 'Steve' out of desperation.

"How long?"

"You'll do it?!"

"How long?" I repeated.

"Two weeks."


I stood next to my lithe younger sibling - in her standard yoga-instructor outfit - an ash-colored sports-bra and a pair of charcoal and ash leggings. She was whip-cord thin. She had always been skinny. She didn't have much for tits but she was cute - too cute to be stuck with Steve. Her dirty-blonde hair was pulled up into a pony tail. She was holding my hand - probably worried that I was going to run out of the classroom. I had on a pair of boxer-briefs - JUST a pair of boxer-briefs.

I felt like a poor man's Chippendale, standing (nearly naked) in front of a room full of middle-aged women. They were all wearing their yoga outfits. There were a couple curvy ones but every one of these women - obviously - was serious about yoga. Cassie had said they were some of her regulars and it was pretty evident. I was a little intimidated by some of the looks I was getting. I felt like I was standing in the livestock-market and I was the next item up for auction.

"Ladies, this is Adam. He's my brother. He's going to be helping me out."

"What happened to Steve?" one woman asked.

The woman was slightly graying, a little on the short side, hair in a business-pixie. She looked like somebody I wouldn't want to piss with.

"Took off with Wendy," Cassie told her.

"Fuck him," the woman said. "He wasn't good enough for you, Cass."

"Thanks, Wanda," my sister replied.

"I always thought he was a cock-sucker anyway," another woman said.

My sister snort-laughed. Several of the other women tittered, giggled, or grinned.

"What did you think of him, Adam?" one woman asked.

I looked from the speaker to my sister and back again.

I raised my hand to my face and pretended to be talking behind my fingers - directly to the woman - so that my sister "couldn't" hear - even though I spoke loud enough for everyone in the room to understand my words.

"He was a twit," I said. "Cassie can do much better."

The woman looked straight into my eyes and nodded. I got the impression that - if I decided to hunt Steve down and kick his ass - she and Wanda would willingly lend a hand.

"Alright, alright," Cassie said, "enough about my poor life-choices. Let's get back to why you ladies are here."

The yoga platoon fell back into ranks, waiting for their commander to direct them.

"I need to warn you that my brother hates yoga because he gets embarrassed every time he farts. I know you'll do your best to help me try to make him feel at ease. Obviously, this class is much easier to teach with a male instructor, so we need Adam to stick around."

"It doesn't hurt that he's scrumptious," someone snickered.

My cheeks pinked a little as several women reacted to the comment.

"Let's do some warm-ups and then we'll get started," Cassie told them.

I only stood by and watched for a couple seconds before realizing that I was the only one in the room that was not following my sister as she went through the forms. I fell into sync with them. Thankfully, the one fart that escaped didn't come with an audible report.


"Okay, so - obviously - since Adam is my brother - there's only so much he's going to be comfortable with me doing to him..." Cassie began.

"Wait," I interrupted. "What class is this?!"

A few snickers reached my ears.

"Couples Yoga," my sister told me, matter-of-factly, barely hiding a smirk.

Wanda's hand went up.

"Yes," my sister asked.

"I'm sure you'll have no problem getting volunteers to grapple with your brother to serve as the models for this class but I'll give you - or him - $100 if I can be first."

"Fuck!" someone growled.

"I'll take tomorrow," another woman said. "$100 is fine with me. I'd like a hug at the end though," she added, snickering.

"You've already paid for the class," Cassie said. "If Adam's okay with the bribes, I'll just pretend I don't know anything about it and continue with the lesson."

Wanda went to the back of the room, dug in her wallet, and carried a hundred-dollar bill to the front of the class. She tried handing it to me. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just gaped at her.

She smiled at me, pulled the front of my underwear out, looked down the gap, looked back up into my eyes, smiled, tucked the bill into my waistband, and released her hold on my shorts. Several titters, giggles, and at least one wolf-whistle erupted from the class. I was stunned - and slightly turned-on. I looked at my sister - who fell into a fit of giggles.

"Okay, so, it looks like Wanda will be helping Adam and me tonight," Cassie announced.

With that, my sister began putting my new, assistant and me through the beginning positions, forms, and poses that she was introducing to the class.

Apparently, the ladies in this particular group had decided that they wanted to spice up their yoga a little bit. From what I gathered, none of them had "regular" partners but they were interested in what couples' yoga was about - and how they might be able to use it to either entice or entertain a partner - while maintaining their daily regimen at the same time. They had asked my sister to offer a special class and this group were the ones that had signed up to see what she could teach them.

Our forms started out fairly simplistic but, soon, the two of us were becoming more and more intimate with each other - while the rest of the class looked on. The other class members then performed their parts of the poses that Cassie had Wanda and me doing.

As weird as it was, the intimacy wasn't unwelcome and Wanda was a sexy momma and the looks from the rest of the class told me that they were more interested in the material - and watching me and Wanda perform - than in making fun of stray fart-sounds or of my repeated failure to shift my body into some of the poses without assistance. Between Cassie's guiding hands and Wanda's fit body, my cock was pretty stiff.

As we wrapped up for the night, somebody asked, "How was he, Wanda?"

"Worth every penny," she stage-whispered.

The cat-calls, giggles, and laughter were back again.

She turned to me, opened her arms, and asked, "Can I get that hug that Cindy asked about?"

I awkwardly looked down at my hard-on and then back to her face.

"He'll be fine," she assured me. "We'll just tuck him in here."

Her left hand went behind my back, pulling us together. Her right gripped my ball-sack within my shorts and then slid up my rigid staff, pushing it against my body, as she trapped my aching appendage between our stomachs as she stepped up, and pressed her lips to mine.

The room was dead-silent as she kissed me. By reflex my arms went around her body. She was a really good kisser. I felt myself reaching to grope her ass and had to stop myself.

Her hand was still on my shaft. She squeezed the head of my dick and whispered, "I'll give you another $100, right now, if I can suck this cock in front of all of these women."

I just stared at her.

"Last chance to say 'no'," she said a second later.

She waited a half-second longer and then rolled onto her tip-toes to give me another peck on the lips. She dropped to her knees, pulled the $100 bill from my waistband, and handed it to my sister.

"Hold this for the boy, Cass. You may want to turn your head."

I was thankful that my sister turned her back as my yoga partner grabbed my underwear and dropped them straight to my ankles.

"Hands on my head, dear boy," Wanda ordered. "I'll get you warmed up and then I want you to USE me. I like my man taking charge."

One hand went to my shaft; one to my ass. Half of my cock disappeared into Wanda's mouth. She tasted me, licked me, sucked me, and then swallowed me down her throat.

"Aww, fuck!" I gasped as she swallowed around my flesh-prod.

The tightness of her throat combined with the stimulation of sliding in and out of her esophagus - and the constrictive milking of her gullet as she repeatedly swallowed - led to my balls erupting straight into her stomach.

I groaned as my semen pumped down my length and into Wanda's body. I held her head in place as blast after blast shot down her throat.

"Fuck, that was hot!" somebody gasped.

"Is there a sign-up sheet yet?" another asked. "If Cindy's already called second, I want to be third. I'll take the Full Meal Deal as well."

There were a few giggles but, as I pulled my cock from Wanda's mouth, my sister was hunting down a piece of paper and a pen and a line was forming.

Wanda gave my cock-head one last strong Hoover-job and then she pulled my underwear back into place and stood to accept a hug from me.

"You're a bit of a hair-trigger, Adam," she said, smirking.

"It may have been a day or two since I've cum," I told her, returning her smirk. "Thanks."

"Thank you," she said. "We wouldn't have this class without you and this is a hell of a lot more fun than sitting on the couch and watching 'Bachelor'."

"I guess," I said.

"You'll be back tomorrow?" Wanda asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

"Not if we have anything to say about it. You okay with this?"

"I feel guilty taking money to get my cock sucked," I said.

"Don't worry about it," she replied. "I'd just spend it on something stupid. I'm glad Steve's gone, and Cassie needs your help with this class. I set the entry fee for the others to play. The rest of the girls will cough up if they want a piece of you. Did you enjoy it?"

"Immensely," I said, chuckling. "I'm a little embarrassed about how quickly you got me off."

"I've had a little practice, dearie," she said. "Can I have another kiss?"

"Anytime," I said, pursing my lips.

"Really?" she asked, giggling, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down for a real kiss. "Let me go get the rest of your money," she said.

"You don't have to," I argued.

"I most certainly DO," she replied. "First of all, I promised it - and second of all, the others need to pay their dues if they want their chance with you. You see the line of women signing up over there, right?"

I looked to where Cassie was holding a clipboard and a pen. Nearly every woman in class was either waiting to sign-up - or was standing to the side and chattering with classmates after already getting their name on the list. Wanda returned with my other $100 bill, squeezed my ass as she claimed another kiss, and then went over to hug my sister before heading out of the door.

A half-hour later, my sibling and I were the only ones still in the classroom.

"Well," Cassie said, looking at me, "That took a sharp turn."

She handed me Wanda's other $100 bill.

"Sorry," I said, not sure how to respond.

"It's not your fault," she said. "You okay with this?" she asked.

"I get to help my sister with class, have dry yoga-sex with a sexy MILF - and then get paid to get my dick sucked? Yeah, I guess."

"I can't believe Wanda did that," she sighed. "Actually, yes, I can," Cassie recanted. "She's a cougar."

"Definitely cleared my plumbing in no time," I said.

"Alright, enough about my student sucking my brother's cock," she growled.

I helped her finish getting the room cleaned up and then we headed to our respective homes. As I emptied my pockets into the basket on the nightstand to get undressed for bed, I shook my head, thinking about the unexpected $200 I'd made for the night. I also reminisced about how nice Wanda's mouth and throat had felt on my cock.

Once the light was off and I was pulling the cover up to go to sleep, the POV replay of her enthusiastic blowjob cycled over and over again in my brain.


Cindy and I performed the next night. Once again, by the time we finished going through the forms, poses, and positions that my sister guided us through, I was rock-hard. It didn't hurt that I was already anticipating the 'after party'.

At first, I thought Cindy was reticent to come up with the second $100 because she didn't want to blow me. As it turned out, she still wanted a mouth-full of my jizz - she just wanted to go about it in a different way.

I was naked, on all fours, above her as she laid face-up. She sucked my cock-knob and milked my cock towards her open mouth. She massaged my balls and teased my ass-crack with her other hand. My sister had left the room as soon as Cindy had ordered me to strip.

The rest of the women sat on the floor around us and watched as the blonde MILF milked my cock until my balls erupted and I groaned as my gooey jizz splattered across her lips, nose, and cheeks before she caught the rest in her mouth and swallowed it down. She sucked my knob and squeezed the last few drops out to make sure she got it all.

I felt a little guilty that I was getting all of the attention. I settled my mouth onto Cindy's leggings-covered twat and started gnawing on her sex through the thin material. Soon she was writhing beneath me and she was, once again, licking, stroking, and sucking my cock. I stayed at it until she trembled through a small orgasm. By then, she had me stiff and aching again.

Cindy's mouth wrapped itself back around my cock and the suction mounted. Meanwhile, somebody else was licking and sucking my balls while they teased my taint and ass with a fingertip. I went back to chewing on Cindy's clothed cunt, making her squirm as the two women dragged me closer and closer to my second orgasm of the night. If they managed to pull this off, it would be a first for me.

I think I whimpered as the two greedy mouths finally exorcized a second load of semen from my balls. Cindy had orgasmed twice more and her sexy sounds - as she came - were a big part of what had convinced my testicles to whip up another quick batch of little swimmers.

I rolled off of Cindy and collapsed onto the floor. I'm not sure how many sets of lips gave me kisses but it was far more than the two that had already been on my body. Thankfully, somebody pulled my shorts back up so that Cassie could come back into the room. She laughed at the sight and came over to help me to my feet. Once I was upright again, she handed me three one-hundred dollar bills. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Cindy insisted," my sister told me. "She said she hasn't cum that many times in a row in her whole life. She did say, however, that she wants penetration next time."

I looked at my sister - to see how she was taking all of this.

"You realize that I'm your pimp?" she asked, smirking.

"What's your rate?" I asked.

"You can't afford me," she said, laughing. "What do I owe you for helping me with class?" she asked.

"You can't afford me," I replied. "We even?"

"WE are even," she said, glancing at the money in my hand, "but I think you're making way more off of this class than I am."


Each new night, I had a new assistant, and I learned a new woman's name.

Cadence and I performed for the audience - and then we dry-humped. She sat on my lap and fucked herself silly on my tented underwear as we hugged and kissed. She came twice before I told her I was close. She climbed off, shoved me onto my back, pulled my underwear down, and licked and sucked me until she collected her reward. She opened her mouth - to show the others - and then swallowed it down.

Willow wanted what Cindy had gotten. Before these ladies started this whole routine, I had never before been milked. She was the second one in twice as many days and I was becoming addicted to the combination hand-job and blow-job. I greedily devoured her cloth-covered cunt as she worked to get her facial and freshly-churned protein supplement.

I lay on the floor, beneath Sheri, as she crouched above me and deep-throated my cock. My hand was shoved down the front of her leggings and I had two fingers buried in her slippery channel - twisting, flexing, and thrusting. She came loudly, several times, and got a big load in her belly.

Nancy wanted me to fuck her panty-covered pussy. She took off her leggings and I stroked my bare cock back and forth across the front of her clothed vulva. My jizz sprayed all over her stomach and panties. There were a few offers to help her clean up but she pulled her leggings back on, kissed me hard, handed over her money, and headed out of the door - still covered in my spunk.


At this point, I accused my sister of making up new poses and positions - just to extend the class. She assured me that she had enough lessons to last for two full weeks - with Sundays off.

She stood and waited as my brain calculated the number of women in the class versus the 12 days we had for lessons. Cassie nodded at me when she saw that I had figured it out.

"The girls want to know if we can go another two weeks," she said. "That would give everybody time to have a turn fucking or sucking my brother."

She gave me a wicked grin.

"What?" I asked.

"Please say 'yes'," she practically begged. "The girls are crazy about you and I'd hate to leave any of them out."

"Does this not bug you?" I asked her.

"It was... IS... a little embarrassing," she admitted, "but they've all been with me forever and they're such dears. Honestly, I'm so happy for all of them having such a good time. How are you doing?"

"I'm getting paid to have sex," I said, laughing. "I'm pretty sure this is every man's dream."

"They're a little older than you..." she teased.

"Sexy ladies that know how to have fun - who treat me like royalty and hand me money," I replied. "I'm still sticking with the idea that I'm living a dream."

"By Monday," she warned me. "I expect Wanda to proposition you. She is impatient to have you back in her arms again."

"Private lessons?" I asked.

"Something like that," she said, grinning broadly.


I spent the remainder of the first week, cumming on or in, each of my new helpers while the rest of the class watched. None of the spectators touched themselves but there were more and more of them wiggling a little as they viewed the festivities.

Sunday was my day off. Over the last six days, I had earned $1700. By the end of the second week of class, I had added another $1800 to that total.

We had just finished the third Monday night of the class, when Wanda stuck around after the others all left. Cassie bumped me with her hip and told me to talk to the woman while she finished cleaning things up.

Wanda actually looked somewhat embarrassed as I headed over to talk to her. She was such a strong personality that I found it to be a bit funny. None of this would, likely, have happened - if she hadn't been the one to initiate the whole thing.

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