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Couples Yoga


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"Yes," I told her.

"Yes, what?" she asked.

"The answer, to whatever you want to ask me, is 'yes'."

She glanced at my sister and asked, "What did Cassie tell you?"

"A week ago, she told me that you might be coming to see me about (*ahem*) private lessons."

"You're okay with that?"

I ran my eyes down over her body - not because I needed to - but because I felt like she needed me to.

"Very okay with that," I said, trying to make it sound sexy.

She giggled at my lame attempt at flattery and said, "I'll pay..."

"No money," I told her, bluntly. "I feel like I owe you - but I want this to be just for you - and not me paying off a debt. Is that okay?"

Her eyes bored through my own - and into my soul.

"Are you sure?"

"Really sure, sexy woman," I told her. "Would it be okay if I slept over tonight?"

"Oh, God!" she gasped. "I can't believe this is happening!"

"Should I follow you home - or do you want to follow me to my place?"

"You and Cassie don't live together?" she asked.

I was sure she knew the answer already - since my sister had been living with Steve - or vice versa - but I knew she was asking if there was anybody at my place.

"I have my own small house," I told her. "We can be as loud as we want."

She looked down at her clothes.

"I'll follow you to your place," I told her, "and you can grab a bag. Then you can either follow me home or I'll drop you off in the morning after we eat breakfast and I have my dessert."

"Dessert?" she asked.

"You," I clarified.

Her eyes lit up and she giggled.


In the end, I followed her home, waited for her to grab a bag, held the car door for her, and drove her to my place. We had a glass of wine and then we moved to my bedroom.

She praised my looks, brains, and talents the whole time I fucked her. I waited until she relaxed from her first orgasm and then I started driving her towards her second. She kissed me hungrily as she endured that one.

The last time, I fucked her hard until she was nearly there and then I came inside of her without a condom and told her that I hoped I was knocking her up. She squealed and her channel clenched and her body trembled and she held me tightly as she came hard. She was panting for breath by the time she was done.

I rolled her on top of me and we kissed as my cock finally started wilting inside of her. I pulled the blankets up, turned off the light, and held her naked body against mine as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning, as she helped me cook breakfast, she warned me that she planned to call some of the others and tell them about her private lesson. She told me that they would probably want a chance for the same. She asked me if that was alright.

"You're sharing me?" I asked her.

She laughed and said, "I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle you every single night - and I'm not the only one who hasn't had a cock inside of them in a year or two. It wouldn't be right to keep you all to myself - assuming you aren't opposed to the idea."

"You all have been amazing," I told her. "Even without the money, it's been a lot of fun."

"Besides the blowjobs?" she asked, smirking, and bumping me with her hip.

"Even without that," I replied.

"Are you planning to fuck each of them for free - like you did me?" she asked.

"You started all of this," I told her, "so I felt like I owed you. Plus you're dead sexy."

"You are such a horrible liar," she said, giggling.

"You should check a mirror, hot stuff," I told her.

"Alright, alright," she said, giving in. "How much are you charging for private lessons? I'd be very surprised if you don't have every woman in the class signing up."

"I'm not sure," I told her.

"You're getting $300 for a classroom assistant, the chance to get you to cum, and for you to get your helper to cum. I think private lessons should be at least that much."


"You should probably offer," she said. "Even if any of them are still able to have kids, I doubt you'll manage to knock any of them up - but feel free to whisper that in their ears as you fuck them. We all dream about having a baby with a handsome young brute like you."

After breakfast, I took her back to my bed and ate her through two orgasms. She tried to get me to let her reciprocate but I told her that I had gotten my dessert and didn't need anything else. We snuggled together and kissed for a while before she said that I needed to get her home. I dropped her off and still made it to work on time.


Couples Yoga, six nights a week, still involved an evening of dry-fucking one of the women as Cassie put us through our paces. No one complained that we were repeating material that they'd already seen. In fact, some of them seemed to be anticipating seeing me perform the same positions and poses with a new woman - to see if we changed anything.

After Cassie declared the night's lesson to be done, the evening's paid volunteer and I got each other off. By the middle of the third week, the women had started stripping off their clothing as soon as my sister had left the room. There was an unwritten rule that no penetration would happen in class - but we pretty much did everything that led up to that.

More and more of the women were restlessly fidgeting as I made out with my partner and sucked or fingered them or fucked my length along their slit. I came in their mouths or throats - or sprayed it across their bodies. Some of them scooped it up and sucked it from their fingers themselves - while others invited their friends to help them clean away my sticky offering.

I was almost always rock-hard once more by the time they helped me get dressed again so that my sister could return to the classroom. We were down to the point where I was giving away two dozen kisses and hugs at the end of every session. I tried to make it special for each one of them - not hurrying through it like it was an ordeal.

Their straying fingertips and whispered affections had my stiff prick aching when the last of them left. When I got to my car, there was almost always someone waiting to see if I was available for private lessons. I never told them 'no'.


The last day of the class, Cassie sent the ladies (and me) a text. She had created a calendar for my private lessons. I was booked solid for the next month. The girls were told to make their reservations, supply their phone number, and specify whether I would be coming to them, picking them up, or giving them my address. There was no mention of money but the understanding, among all of the women, was that $300 should be tucked under one of the legs of the toaster on the kitchen counter as they left.

Only two or three of the class' participants had opted not to ask for private lessons. Even those women texted me and thanked me for helping with the class.

I wondered how long it might be before someone invited a new person to the group but - so far at least - it hadn't happened. As I looked over the calendar, I noticed that Wanda had claimed my Monday nights - every other week - for the next year. The next time we were together, I asked her about it.

"I wanted every Monday," she admitted, "but I thought that was probably being a little greedy."

After the first "free" night, she had started paying me $300/night - like the rest of my "students".

Wanda was one of my favorites. She always knew what she wanted. It always changed just a little - but it always ended up with us in the missionary position - with me pounding into her to deliver the finale. Afterwards, we would kiss and cuddle as she lay on top of me.

Actually, several of my lovers liked to sleep that way - with my prick buried inside of them - as they rested in my arms, lying on my chest.

More than a few of them wanted to be fucked in the shower. Afterwards, we would dry each other off and lay together, kissing and chatting, until we fell asleep.

A few of them wanted to go to dinner before our evening together. They always insisted on paying the bill. I didn't usually eat much. I didn't perform well on a full stomach. Most of the ladies, however, wanted to show up just before bedtime and be fucked to sleep - and then wake up in my arms.

Breakfast with my lovers was always a team-effort and I loved spending non-sexy time with them almost as much as I did between their thighs. Almost.

Each of them had their quirks and I found that I enjoyed spending time with all of them - whether we were chatting, snuggling, or fucking. They continued to treat me like I was some kind of celebrity. I still felt guilty about taking money from them - which was how they got into the practice of just leaving it under the toaster.


A couple months after the class ended, I was looking at my calendar - to see when I had a night free to myself. Lately, there had been very few. Often, if one wasn't claimed, it would get snapped up within that last 24 hours.

In looking over my schedule, I noticed two unusual appointments. One was a Saturday - with Wanda as my partner - but was labeled "reunion". It ran from 6:00 to 9:00pm. The other weird one was a private lesson appointment that listed my sister's name. I called her.

"Why are you in my calendar?" I asked her.

"It was the only way I could get you a night off so we could have dinner," she told me. I could tell from her voice that she was grinning.

"You're not planning another class, are you?" I asked.

"What?!" she asked, laughing. "No! I just wanted to spend some time with my brother - but the ladies seem to never give you a night off."

"Okay, I just wondered," I said.

"Wanda called me about it too," she told me. "She asked about my appointment and then invited me to the class reunion."

"What's that about?" I asked her.

"She's rented the YMCA for a private party," she said. "From what I understand, I'll be the only one - other than the lifeguards - who has clothes on. It's a nude pool party for everybody from the Couples Yoga class."


As soon as I was done talking to my sister, I gave my favorite yoga student a call.

"Hi, Adam," she cooed.

"Hi, sexy," I replied. "What's up with this pool party?"

She laughed and said, "So, apparently, you've talked to Cassie."

"Yeah," I said. "I called her when I saw her name in my calendar."

She laughed again and said, "Yeah. I got worried for a bit that she was going to steal you away from us."

I couldn't quite wrap my brain around all of the suggestions that went with that line - so I backed away quickly and moved back to my original reason for calling.

"So, skinny dipping?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she said. "You okay with that?"

"At this point, sweet momma, you probably know me better than I know myself," I told her.

"Alright, then," she said. "I'll let the girls know that you're in. They're gonna need to clean that pool by the time the night's over."

"You're a sick woman," I told her.

"You know you love it," she purred.

"I love what you do and I love doing it with you, beautiful," I replied.

"Love you," she said.

"Love you, too," I said, hanging up.


The evening of the pool party, I pulled into the YMCA parking lot wearing a Hawaiian shirt, swim trunks, and beach shoes. I pocketed my car keys and headed for the door. There were signs, warning the usual YMCA patrons that the place was closed for a private party.

Cassie and Wanda were waiting at the door with a clipboard. Cassie gave me a hug. Wanda groped my cock and gave me a lusty kiss.

"There's a buffet in the party room," she told me. "Grab something to eat. You're gonna need your strength tonight."

"Oh, God!" my sister moaned, hiding her eyes.

Wanda laughed, squeezed my ass, and got one more kiss before sending me on my way.

I arrived at the buffet to find a few of my students munching on appetizers and chatting. I made my way through the group and collected kisses and ass-grabs. One or two of the Couples Yoga students who weren't in my calendar were there. They got equal treatment to my regulars. We stood around and greeted more and more of the new arrivals.

After several minutes, Wanda showed up, told us to get to the pool and get naked and then she went back to her post.

I, of course, ignored the instructions - and dove into the pool still wearing my trunks. I was feeling a little self-conscious about streaking in front of the two female life-guards and I really wanted one of my lovers to come MAKE me get naked - that always made it more fun.

I was fooling around, lazily swimming laps, when a few naked beauties glided through the water to join me. Some of them were coasting along at my speed - but several were moving faster. There was soon a game of "shark" or something going on - where they would swim past me, grab or stroke my cock, and then swim away for someone else to have a turn.

This went on for several minutes and then Cassie flagged me down to see if I wanted a bottle of water. She handed over the bottle and then quickly disappeared as one of the students took advantage of my inactivity to drop my shorts and then shove me back into the water to pull them from my ankles.

I surfaced to find her holding her prize in the air as the ladies all cheered. Any of them, who still had their suits on, began peeling them off. A kiss-and-grope line soon formed and everybody came to formally greet me as the two lifeguards watched us.


When the line had thinned, Maureen - who had never shown up in my calendar - came over and asked if she could suck me off. I took her hand and led her to the side of the pool, in the shallows. I pulled her into my arms and told her that I'd much rather cum inside of her pussy than her mouth.

"I don't have money for that," she whispered, looking down - but not at where our bodies were touching.

"You let me worry about that, then, hot stuff."

"Are you sure?"

"You're asking me if I'm sure I want to spill my seed inside of your gorgeous pussy?" I asked her.

She finally quit questioning me. I grabbed her hips and lifted her into the air - and towards my lap. She put one hand on my shoulder. Her legs went around my hips. She used her free hand to guide my penis to her entrance. Her vagina was already getting ready for me.

I glanced down, between our bodies, to where the thatch of thick auburn pubic hair crowned the slit that I was about to bury my cock within. Maureen leaned forward - blocking my view and pressing her gravity-defying breasts against my chest.

As I lowered her onto my lap - and settled her hidden entrance onto my cock-knob - she bit down on the top of my shoulder. As soon as the head had slipped into her gripping tightness, I speedily dragged her all the way down onto my shaft. She was snug. She felt amazing. She screamed into my shoulder - between her clenched teeth.

She leaned back, to look into my eyes, and glanced over at my collarbone.

"Oh, fuck!" she gasped.

I snickered.

"I bit you too hard!" she clarified. "You're bleeding."

I ignored her tone of alarm and began sliding her up and down on my cock.

"Lick it clean and lay your hand on it," I told her. "Then hang on - cuz I'm about to fuck the ever-loving shit out of this wonderful pussy."

As soon as her hand was on the wound, I tilted her back - to improve my penetration. Her other hand went around my neck to hold on. Her grip - on both my shoulder and my neck - got stronger, as I sped up slamming her down onto my prick.

"I love your auburn hair," I whispered as I fucked her. "I've been dying to fuck you."

"Really?" she asked, between her panting breaths.

"I'm going to cum so hard inside of you that you'll have triplets," I told her.

"Good luck, honey, but I'd love to carry your children," she said, snickering.

"Kiss me," I begged her. "You're so fucking hot."

Both hands went to my neck and I saw Maureen check my injury - right before her arms went around my neck and her lips savaged my own.

When she stopped to catch her breath, I dropped her onto my lap, and ducked my head to abuse her nipples. She gasped and took my head in her hands, dragging my lips and teeth from one to the other and back again. When she brought my head up to kiss me again, I went back to fucking myself with her cunt.

"I'm close," she cooed.

"Cum for me, beautiful," I whispered. "I'll try to give you one more before I unload in you."

"Seriously?" she exclaimed, incredulously.

"I'm very serious, Maureen O'Hara," I growled.

"How are you even old enough to know who that is?" she asked.

"One of my mom's favorites," I told her. "I've always lusted for her. 'The Quiet Man' was also one of my dad's favorites of all of the Duke's movies."

"Lucky me," she purred.

"Luckier me, beautiful woman," I replied.

She gasped as her climax arrived. I dropped her onto my cock - hard - and kissed and nibbled her neck as her vagina spasmed around my intruding prick.

"Oh, God!" she gasped. "You're killing me!"

As soon as she was coming down from her first orgasm, I went back to fucking her again. In a couple more minutes, I could tell her next one was approaching. I leaned close and whispered into her ear that I was going to cum with her this time. Her breathing accelerated and I just about lost the chance to keep that promise.

I stood up, leaned her back and slammed into her as she cried out and her body trembled. She was losing her grip on my arms and I leaned her back towards me and held her ass in one hand and her back in the other as I buried myself within her and started pumping her full of my jizz.

"Oh, fuck!" she cooed. "It's been so long since I've had a twat full of spunk - and never from such a handsome, young man."

I pulled her close again and whispered, "Put yourself in my calendar and you can have it whenever you want. You're super-hot and a terrific fuck."

She leaned back and looked into my eyes - silently asking about the money situation.

"You let me worry about it," I told her. "It's an honor-system thing anyway. I don't want your money. I want access to this hot body."

"You really mean it," she said, believing me at last.

"I've already told you that," I said. "How many times do I need to cum inside of you to get you to understand how much you turn me on? Now, give me a kiss and then I'll talk to you more later. You've started something and there's a line of hot ass women behind you waiting for a turn."

She turned and saw the queue and said, "Aw, shit!"

"Kisses," I demanded.

I groped a breast as I kissed her one last time - and then I pinched her ass as she climbed off of me and tumbled back into the water to float and relax as she recovered from our intense joining.

"Let me," Sheri said, dropping into the water to suck my cock clean.

"Aw, fuck, Sheri!" I gasped.

As soon as I was rigid again, she was in my arms, settling onto my prick.

"I've missed this, handsome," she cooed.

"I've missed your tight cunt, beautiful woman," I replied.

"I think you tell all of the girls that," she said, giggling.

"Only the beautiful ones with tight cunts," I said, pulling her close for kisses.

As soon as she climaxed, she gave me another quick peck and climbed off.

Jeannie stepped up, hugged me, and asked to be bent over the side of the pool. I kissed her hard and obliged her. I pinned her arms behind her back, pulled her hair, and fucked her - roughly rubbing her tits on the concrete floor. When she finally climaxed and stood to face me, I saw what had happened. I apologized for treating her roughly but she ignored my protestations and kissed me hard as she used the pool water to clean and stroke my cock.

Debbie wanted to be on her back - with her feet in the air. We started on the edge of the pool but her back couldn't take it. She ended up floating in the water as I pistoned her onto my prick until she came. She gave me one last kiss and then floated away to make room for the next woman.

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