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COVID Precautions

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All she was wearing was the mask
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I was sitting on a couch in my office looking at my co-worker Tasha. She was wearing a mask per the COVID protocols we were required to follow. But that was all she was wearing. She was naked except for the mask. Tasha is of Japanese ancestry and I love the way she looks. She has cute little body, modest but wonderful titties and a nice dark black bush between her legs. The black hair framing her pretty face comes to her shoulders. She has a thin athletic frame. He eyes sparkle. She's beautiful.

We'd worked together for a number of years before COVID started. We had always been friendly to each other, but nothing more. We'd worked in different sections, but recently, we had come to work more closely together on a project. One of us had to make financial entries or approve invoices and the other had to provide a second, confirming approval. While everyone in the office worked at home during the pandemic, some of the staff had to come in to the office periodically to do things on the secure office computers. It worked out that Tasha and I often had to come in at the same time. Usually, we were the only ones in the office. As we worked together, we got to know one another better, including knowing a bit about our personal lives. Neither of us was married nor currently in a serious relationship. As time went by, we would work a few hours together each week and would often eat lunch together. We'd even had a quick dinner together at a food truck a few times.

We were sitting in my cubicle one day. Tasha said, "We're the only ones here and there are no cameras or anything. We could do anything we wanted."

I said, "The computers are protected, so we couldn't embezzle a million dollars or anything."

She said, "Yes, but we could have a wild party or an orgy and nobody would know."

I noted, "Sometimes Mr. Rossi stops in." Rossi was the supervisor of all of us in the office. He would come in to do something every now and then.

She said, "He hardly ever comes in after lunch." It was after lunch.

She said, "We could play loud music, invite people in or run around naked."

I was sure she was kidding but said, "You first."

"Me first what?"

"You first to run around naked." I said.

She looked at me without saying anything. I could see her thinking about what had been said.

I said, "I dare you." Now, this was really taking a chance. If she complained about inappropriate comments, she could have me fired.

"Dare me to do what?"

"What you said."

"I could get you fired for harassment." She said.

I started to answer when she said, "I dare you to go first."

Going first implied she would go second. I laughed and asked, "Go first with what?"

She said, "Run around the office naked."

That surprised me and I didn't know what to say. Tasha was attractive and I had watched her move about and noticed the hint of her nipples on her blouses and the attractiveness of her legs and her cute butt. I said, "If I go first, are you going to go second?"

She smiled and said, "You'll have to take that chance."

I asked again, "You want me to strip right here in the office? You're serious?"

She said "Yes, you are kind of cute and I've noticed your tight ass. I'd like to see what you're hiding."

I was surprised to hear her talking about my 'cute ass'. I know women get that all the time, but it was first for me.

I said, "I'll do it if you let me take you to dinner."

She said, "Sure. I've been hoping you would ask me out. Strip."

Wow, she wanted to go out with me. I'd always been afraid of saying anything to any of the women in the office for fear of being accused of sexual harassment or something.

I'd never done anything like what she was asking. I'd been naked with a couple of women that I'd been intimate with, but just stripping in public setting was unnerving. I considered my options. Suddenly, the possibility of dating this attractive woman had arisen and if I didn't act, I might not get another chance. I didn't want her to feel embarrassed for asking me to strip and I wanted to take advantage of her bold statement about wanting to go out with me.

I took my shirt off, then my shoes and socks while I looked at her. She sat in a chair smiling and nodding her head in encouragement. I had to build up courage to continue. I removed my pants and was in my underwear. I was getting concerned that my dick was starting to get hard. I was embarrassed by that because it showed my sexual arousal for her. She hadn't said anything about sex and I didn't want to be presumptuous.

She lessened my concern when she said, "I see you're getting excited. Show me what you've got."

I was nervous as could be when I removed my undershirt and was standing in only my boxer shorts. My uncontrollable dick was trying to poke out the fly hole. She giggled and said, "Come on, do it." I pulled my shorts down and stood there naked. I tried to hold my hands over my dick, but couldn't comfortably do it without touching it, which would've been weird. I pulled my hands back a stood there naked with a hard-on.

Tasha motioned for me to come closer and she reached out and grabbed my prick with her hand. She looked at it closely and said, "Very nice." She pumped my dick a few strokes and asked, "Does it hurt to be like that?"

I said, "Only if it goes unrelieved for a while."

She said, "Maybe it won't have to."

I said, "Your turn."

Tasha smiled and began to remove her shoes and socks. She winked at me and stood up. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She undid one button, then another. The top of her chest and her delicate bra came into view. She continued and pulled her shirt open to reveal her lovely chest. She shrugged the blouse off her shoulders onto the chair behind her. When she pulled her slacks off, I could see the shadow of her dark pussy through her thin underpants. I sat and tried to keep from playing with my prick. Then she unhooked her bra and removed it while keeping her hands over her tits. She dropped her hands away and her pretty little breasts popped out. She had small, dark and very hard nipples. She moved toward me so I could reach out and hold her tits and run my fingers over her little nubs. She had really nice tits and I wanted to kiss them, but she backed away. She turned her back and with one quick move she pulled her panties off and threw them to me. Her bare ass was very nice to look at. When she turned around, I saw the naked pussy I described above.

That was when she said we needed to follow the office protocols and put on the masks. The black mask matched the black hair on her head and on her pussy, it was an unforgettable sight. She was beautiful.

"Let's run around the office naked." She said. I was learning that she was an exhibitionist.

We walked from my office out into the main part of the office, through the reception area, into the boss's office. She sat on his desk nude. I said I wished I had my phone camera and she told me to go get it.

When I walked out of the boss's office, I heard the lock turning in the front door to our office suite. I whispered loudly, "Tasha, hide. Someone is here."

I was close enough to my office and I ran back there. I quickly pulled my pants on without my underwear and buttoned my shirt. My shoes went on without socks. I heard someone coming, so I picked up my underwear and Tasha's clothes and shoved them into a desk drawer. I immediately picked up some papers and acted like I was involved in reading something important.

Our manager, Mr. Rossi had come in to pick up some papers. "Hi Bill." He said to me (I'm Bill).

I said hello. "Surprised to see you here sir. Can I help with something?"

He said, "Just picking up some papers. Is Tasha here too? I saw her purse on her desk."

I had to think fast, "Yes sir. She's here somewhere. She wasn't feeling well and may be in the ladies' room."

He said, "Should I check on her if she's not feeling well?"

I said, "No, I think it's just a headache, nothing to worry about."

He said, "Hmmm. Well, I like to at least say hi." He walked off to his office.

Now Tasha had run into the ladies' room, but she was buck naked and the boss wanted to talk to her."

I reached into the drawer and pulled out her blouse and slacks and then remembered her shoes. I quietly but quickly made for the ladies' room which was on the opposite side of the offices. I opened the door and whispered, "Tasha, Rossi wants to talk to you. I told him you weren't feeling well." She popped out from one of the stalls and I set her clothes on a sink. She was naked and was giggling.

I came out of the ladies' room just as Rossi walked over. "I told Tasha you wanted to see her." I said to cover why I was at the door to the ladies' room.

Then, Tasha walked out. Her blouse was buttoned, but not completely and it was untucked It was obvious that she was braless. Her tits jiggled under her shirt and her little nipples poked through. Rossi asked how she was and she told him she'd just needed to take a few minutes to rest. He asked her to come back to his office for a minute. I went to my office and noticed that I had missed picking up her bra and wondered if Rossi had noticed.

He kept her in his office for a few minutes while he asked her some routine questions about our work that he could easily have asked me. I figured he was ogling her tits. She came to the same conclusion when she spoke to me after he was gone.

Tasha came into my office after he left and she'd locked the front door. "Thanks." She said. "You saved me by getting me my clothes, minus my underwear."

"Did he notice?" I asked.

She said, "I don't know what he suspected, but he was staring at my tits the whole time we were talking. I didn't want to act unusual so I didn't cover myself. He got a good look, the letch."

I said "He might've seen your naked butt rushing to the ladies' room when he came in."

She said, "That was so scary." She was still breathing heavily. She looked at me and pulled her blouse up over her head and said, "Strip." I pulled off my shirt and pants stood there with my boner pointing at her.

Tasha pulled her pants and shoes off and came at me. I was sitting in my chair and she climbed onto my lap. "That made me so hot. Fuck me."

Whoa! Things had developed quickly and I was glad that my prick had been thinking ahead and was already hard. She straddled my lap and lowered her precious body onto my cock. I felt my dick slide into her slick warm channel. She was tight and my cock was stimulated by feeling the walls of her vagina. She pulled off her mask and we kissed while she rode me. She rocked back and forth, closing her eyes and concentrating on the feeling of my prick inside her. I pushed up to ram my cock into her, matching her rhythm. We held each other and went at it passionately for about ten minutes. I asked where she wanted me to come and she wanted it inside her. I obliged and had the pleasure of feeling my cock shoot semen into Tasha's womb. It was fabulous, she squeezed my cock and I could feel her coming. Her body felt so warm against me. I felt her nipples graze across my chest. Her vagina was continuing to flex around my penis. It was fantastic.

She stood and I took a moment to admire her beautiful sensuous body. She let me admire her petite figure, her teardrop breasts, her fine hips, and her pretty face. I was disappointed when she pulled on her panties, covering her dark pussy.

We got dressed and there was an embarrassing silence. "Are you hungry?" she asked and of course I said I was. She invited me back to her apartment for dinner and "Maybe there'll be something else for you to eat afterwards." I said "I sure hope so."

We spent the weekend together, the beginning of our continuing relationship. I found that we had a mutual appreciation for cunnilingus. I would've eaten her pussy for days if she hadn't forced me to put my cock where my mouth had been. I didn't let her wear any clothes for the entire weekend. It was absolutely a dream-come-true.

One other thing happened. The next Thursday, we were working again when Mr. Rossi came in. We were not fooling around, actually working. After the close call, we'd moved our passion to her apartment and later mine. Rossi came out of his office holding a video disk. He said, "We put in a camera system in the office as a trial. Maybe we'll use it at our warehouses. Would you two like the copy from the other day when I came in and you two were here alone?"

"Oh shit." I thought and Tasha had the same reaction. "Please don't tell anybody, we just got carried away. It was all my fault." I said.

He handed me the disc; it was a music CD. "Gotcha. There're no cameras." He laughed. I saw a bra on your desk and guessed what was going on. I saw you take Tasha's clothes to the ladies' room." Then he said, "Don't worry about it. You two are made for each other. Just don't stain the carpets."

Tasha looked at him funny and he said, "Nice tits." Tasha pulled her shirt and bra up and flashed her pretty tits at him. He laughed and left. He hasn't mentioned it again.

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Sheep_DogSheep_Dog6 months ago

Office romance with a scary start!

lazy_readerlazy_readerabout 1 year ago

Loved it. Lots of fun (and a little embarrassment).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice quickie of a story

AnnalovesitAnnalovesitabout 1 year ago

I love office sex, who doesn't !I

Nice story.


JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 1 year ago

Great story giving one of the rare upsides of the pandemic. 5*~~JB

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