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Crazy Ex Pt. 02

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His crazy ex continues to torment him in bed.
3.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 05/09/2024
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"If I give you a hug, will you leave?" Vince asked, seeing a little opening to get her to set him free. He was tied to his bed with his current girlfriend, Caroline, lying beside him. She was sleeping heavily, apparently, somehow drugged by Emmanuelle.

Emmanuelle... a rich, daddy's girl. When they first met, he was in heaven. Not only was she rich, but she was wild... in and out of the bed. He was living a dream, traveling around the world and having some incredible sex. He couldn't ask for a better life.

But then things changed. She started having more sudden mood swings and she started having these fantasies that he was cheating on her. It started slowly enough, with their first arguments only being once a month or so. But then they became more and more frequent and it seemed like nothing he did convinced her that he wasn't cheating on her. To her, everything was just some elaborate scheme or setup, that she was now just seeing for the first time.

When her mood swings started becoming more common, down to once a week, then almost every other day, he knew this wasn't going to work. No matter how much he pleaded with her daddy to get her some help, he believed everything his daughter said and refused him.

So, with no other choice to save his own sanity, he broke up with her. He tried to break off contact with her, but somehow she always found a way to find him and control him. Having a filthy rich, crazy stalker, he found, was extremely difficult to deal with.

And now, it was two years after they broke up and he found Emmanuelle in his living room late on a Friday night, naked and masturbating. When he tried to force her to leave, she jabbed him with a syringe and he fell into a deep sleep.

While he was unconscious, she managed to drag him to his bed, and tie him up. She had a plan. A plan that Vince wanted no part of... but at the moment didn't have much choice in the matter. She was now on the bed with him, naked except for crotchless, black hose and she was teasing his hard cock.

"I miss you so much... I just need to feel you." Emmanuelle sat up, moving up the bed to give him a hug, then suddenly stopped. "Are you... are you staring at my boobs?" she asked playfully. She grabbed her breasts with both hands and squeezed them while looking at him, showing them off. "Getting one last eyeful? Do you miss my body? It's really too bad that your new slut isn't anywhere nearly endowed as me."

Emmanuelle started getting excited, knowing that Vincent really did want her, really did love her. His physical reaction to her and now his lustful stares, really showed his love for her. She started bouncing on the bed.

"I feel your love, Vincent! I feel it! Don't you want to have sex with me?"

"Emmanuelle... Emmanuelle... shh... just... be calm, ok?" Vince was suddenly scared that she changed her mind... she wasn't going to free him just yet.

"I'm calm... I'm calm," she said and stopped bouncing. She smiled at him, her face beaming with joy. "And I... I have an idea... my love. I want to have sex with you one more time. I just need closure."


"Yes... I just need to feel you inside of me one last time," she said. Her hand slid over his abdomen, her fingers wrapping around and slowly stroking his cock. "Then I'll go away forever. Just... please. That's all I want."

"Emmanuelle... stop. I'm... I'm with Caroline now," he said. In no way did he believe she'd just go away forever. And, unfortunately, he could tell her he didn't want her, but his body was saying something completely different. Emmanuelle always had a way of getting him excited on a moment's notice. And today, she was doing it perfectly. He was rock hard.

"Vincent... your cock is sooo hard for me right now," she said laying down, her head on his thigh as she slowly stroked him. "Are you not getting laid enough? Are you not getting your... release?" She leaned forward and kissed his shaft, then slid to the top and sucked on the head, moaning. "Don't tell me you have to jerk off all by yourself."

Vince shook his head. "No, I don't Emmanuelle, that's not true. My life with Caroline is great. And my sex life with her is great, too."

"It's not true? Oh... yeah.. I believe that," Emmanuelle nodded, rolling her eyes knowing that was definitely a lie. "I bet the whore doesn't give you anywhere near the amount of sex you need. I know how you are. You need it multiple times a day. She probably fucks you less than once a week... and she probably schedules it. Is that what the circled X's are on the calendar in the kitchen, Vincent... sex nights with the prude? There aren't many of them at all."

Vince had to admit, Caroline's desire to schedule everything, even their sex life, made things rather boring and dull. He wished there was more spontaneous passion... but they just weren't there yet. He knew he'd open her up soon. Sometimes it just took time.

"I bet you're sooo backed up," she said, sucking him into her mouth again and then stroking him. "I remember everything that excites you, Vincent. How could I possibly forget? High heels... black stockings... short, short skirts... slutty tops that show so much titty. I remember all the lingerie you bought me when we were together. Do you recognize these hose?" she asked stroking her thigh and attracting his attention to them.

Vincent had noticed and those black stockings were definitely a favorite of his. He remembered the first time she wore them... when they went to the movies... and she didn't wear panties... and he fingered her. God, that was hot!

Emmanuelle giggled as she felt his cock lurch in her hand. "You bought them for me. And I love to wear them as often as I can to remember you. They make my legs look so great, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Vince said softly. He was so screwed... all he could do was going along with this until she untied him.

"And I bet you want to touch them," she smiled deviously. "I know you want to. You can say it... it's not betraying anything. You're just telling the truth. Come on, she won't know. Just for old-time's sake. Go on, touch my legs... I know you want to."

Emmanuelle moved her leg up to his face and hands so that he could touch her leg and foot. He stroked her leg slowly, feeling the silky fabric. He couldn't hide the fact that he did love the look and feel of hose.

"They feel so good don't they?" Emmanuelle smiled, knowing that she was getting to him. She knew he wanted her... she just had to bring out the real Vincent. "I know you want to kiss them. Yeah... hold my foot... and give it just a little kiss. Don't be shy about it. I've seen so much more from you. Come on... don't be shy... I can see you want to. That raging hardon from seeing my sexy body. It's not the first time that's happened. Go ahead... admit it."

Vince kissed her foot and felt her wiggle her toes against his cheek. She giggled playfully.

"What other parts of my body do you miss?" she asked, seductively. "Come on, tell me."

"Your... your lips," Vince said, playing along.

"My lips?" she smiled. "What about them do you miss? Hmm? Come on... you can tell me. Tell me why you like them. You owe me that."

"I like... kissing them," he said softly.

"You like kissing them? Mmm... You like the way they feel on your lips?"

"Yeah... kissing you was awesome," Vince said, obviously not really excited by all this.

"You're not telling me the whole story, Vincent," she said angrily, not liking that he wasn't being very truthful. Then her face softened as she sucked on the head of his cock again. "I know you love them wrapped around your cock. You miss that, don't you? You miss my mouth on your cock. I know she doesn't suck you like I do. You can't keep anything from me."

She slid him deep into her throat several times, her hand stroking beneath her lips, then kissed and licked all along his length making Vince groan.

Emmanuelle giggled and smiled like a naughty little girl. "Remember all those times we fucked while I wore these hose? Do you? How could you forget? Wouldn't you like to do it again? I know you would. You miss my pussy, don't you? Don't you?" she asked smacking him on the thigh.

He nodded... more in fear than anything else.

"It's been a while," she said, turning her attention back to his cock for a second to look at its rock hard length. "Long enough to yearn to feel it again... to fuck it again. Isn't that right? I know you want to slip yourself inside of my pussy... my legs on your shoulders, against your cheeks, so you can feel them against your skin. You still want to feel my pussy, don't you?"

Vince nodded. He'd agree to just about anything she said at this point. "Yeah."

"You know what?" she asked, smiling like she had a super secret, super fun plan. "I have a secret I haven't even told my daddy yet. I'm ready."

"Ready for...?" Vince asked.

"I'm ready to get pregnant, silly! And I know I'm going to get pregnant in no time with your help. I know daddy wants to have a grandson, but I'm hoping for a little girl."

Vince was terrified and his face showed it. This whole thing had taken a serious hard turn. "I'm not going to get you pregnant, Emmanuelle. Caroline's right here!"

"It doesn't matter," Emmanuelle said softly, stroking him again. "She'll be out for hours."

Emmanuelle took a moment to slowly stroke and suck on his cock, all the while looking up at him and smiling. She knew she'd get him hard, get him so full of cum... that he'd fill her pussy and get her pregnant. His cock throbbed in her mouth as she hit a sensitive spot.

"Don't tell me you don't love this," she said, smiling and stroking as she released his cock from her mouth. "'cause I wouldn't fucking believe you. You know I'd do anything for my boyfriend. Especially when you're so good to me. Helping me get pregnant."

Vince moaned. He didn't want to, but she was so good at sucking his cock. Then suddenly she thrust her mouth down, trying to slide his cock as deep as she could. Her nose was almost touching his pubic hair. She was definitely as deep as she ever had him. He felt her swallow, making his cock tingle delightfully.

She pulled off of him, sputtering and gasping, her saliva dripping from her mouth onto his cock and legs. "God, you're as thick as ever," she said when she could breath again. "I can barely get you down my throat. I know you miss that... your cock hitting the back of my throat as I try to shove you deeper. And I knew you couldn't resist. I felt you thrusting up into my mouth," she giggled.

Emmanuelle sat up on her knees, just stroking him for a moment. "Do you know what I need right now?"

Vince shook his head. This was too much for him to take.

"I want you to eat my pussy Vincent." Emmanuelle crawled up his body until she was sitting on his chest, looking down at him. In any other situation, Vince might have liked something like this... a dominant woman wanting to use his body. But... Emmanuelle was a ticking time bomb.

"Ok... ok... I can do that," he said. Anything to keep her from thinking about getting pregnant.

"You can do that?" she said angrily, leaning down until her face was right over his. "Don't you want to?"

"Yes... I want to," he answered quickly. "Let me eat your pussy Emmanuelle. Please let me."

"Yes! Yes!" she said, happily crawling forward and putting her pussy over his mouth. Now he sounded like the old Vincent. Now he sounded like he really wanted her.

She looked down at him again and saw fear in his eyes instead of the desire she wanted to see, expected to see.

"Don't do it like you're scared!" she said angrily. He quickly lifted his head and slid his tongue along her pussy lips,

"Oh... yes," she moaned, closing her eyes for a moment. "That feels so good." She looked down at him and saw her eyes were closed. "Look at me!" she demanded. "I want you to look at my face. I don't want you pretending that I'm someone else. You're licking MY pussy, Vincent. You want MY pussy. We were meant to be together!"

Vincent opened his eyes and looked up at her. God, she was so sexy. If only she wasn't so unstable... so crazy!

"Yeah... just think... you're licking the hole that our baby's going to come out of, Vincent," she said softly, smiling.

"I... I don't think I want to have children," he said, hoping that wouldn't anger her.

"Yes you do... I know you do," she said, palming her breasts and squeezing them. "You're just scared Vincent. You're going to be a great father." Emmanuelle moaned loudly, looking up at the ceiling before looking down at him again. "Oh, my gosh, yes... you're so good at eating me out. Oh my gosh!"

Vincent knew just as much about her body, about what she liked, about what made her cum the fastest as she knew his and he used that knowledge. It was only two minutes before her hips were bucking and she came, violently, thrusting her hips into his face again and again.

"Oh... that was so nice," she said, moving down to sit on his chest. "Oh my gosh... I'm still shaking," she said, holding her hands out to show him. "Oh wow, you really love me Vincent. You're making me so happy."

"That's what I want, Emmanuelle," he said quickly. "I just want you to be happy, ok? Just be happy."

"I feel so... pretty," Emmanuelle said, sliding her hands through her hair. When Vince didn't respond, she looked down at him, angry again. "You didn't say anything, Vincent. Don't you think I look pretty?"

"Of course, Emmanuelle. You are," he said quickly, trying not to let her get angry again.

"Don't you think I'm... beautiful?"

"Yes... you're so beautiful," he said quickly.

"You want to please me, don't you Vincent? You want to make me cum," she said, looking down at him. She had all the power over him and it was starting to go to her head. She moved forward again, pushing her pussy down onto his mouth.

"Yes... just let me make you cum," he said quickly again, then started licking her pussy, flicking his tongue over her clit. If he only pleased her enough, then she'd leave.

"You want to make me cum because you love me, don't you?"

"Mmhmm," he moaned.

"Yes... that's so good," she moaned, moving her hips a little. "I love seeing your face down there on my pussy. Don't you feel my love?"

"Mmhmm... yes," he moaned.

"I'm so glad I forgave you for everything that you did to me," she said, closing her eyes. She held her breasts and squeezed them as his tongue sent tingles all over her body. "I want you to make me cum... with your mouth... it feels so good. Oh, that's so nice. Am I the only girl for you Vincent?

"Mmhmm... the only one," he mumbled, trying not to stop licking her. He sensed she was so close now.

"Yes, Vincent... I'm going to cum!" she moaned loudly. "Your love is going to make me cum. I'm going to fill your mouth with my love. Oh my God... oh...!"

She squeezed her breasts harder, pinching her nipples as she came, drenching him with her juices again.

"Yes! Yes!" she panted as she pulled away and sat on his chest again. "You make me cum so hard. I love you." She bent down and kissed him deeply, her tongue sliding into his mouth.

She kicked her leg off him and moved so that she settled between his legs. She gripped his cock again and stroked it. It had diminished a little, but was still really hard. She knew it wouldn't take long for him to get rock solid once again.

"I want to suck on you now and feel you in my mouth," she said.

"You, um... you came, right," he said, sounding uncertain and scared. He was hoping that her orgasm would be enough for her to let him go.

"Yes... you do that so well," she smiled.

"Good. That's... good." He didn't want to mention getting untied, but he really wanted to. There had to be some way to get her to do at least that. And then... he'd figure something out. He had to.

"Why do you look so scared Vincent?" she asked, her anger starting to grow again.

"I... I just wanted to make sure you had an orgasm and that you're happy now."

"I did," she said. "But I'm not finished with you Vincent. Are you telling me I'm ready to leave and should get out of your house?"

Oh God, Vince thought. Her anger just flares out of nowhere. "No... no, just... please... go ahead... yes... go... ahead."

Emmanuelle grabbed his boxers and pulled them down as far as they would go. Then she lay between his legs once more and grabbed his hard shaft.

"You feel so good in my hand," she said, looking at his cock and stroking it. "I missed it so much. I want to suck your dick again. I love it when you let me take care of you like this. You make me so happy. Aren't you enjoying this Vincent? Don't you like my mouth on your dick?"

Vince nodded. "Yes... yeah, it's... it's great."

"Aren't I more fun than she is?" Emmanuelle asked, smiling. "I give you everything you ever wanted. I just want to make you feel good, Vincent." She slid him into her mouth again and heard the gluck noises as she slid him deep again and again. Then she giggled when she spit on his cock. It was one of her famous messy blowjobs and she used her spit to help stroke him even more.

"Mmm, I love drooling all over your cock," she giggled. "It feels so good. Getting it nice and sloppy so I can stick it in my pussy. You like it when I suck your cock like that, Vincent? Getting you nice and ready for my pussy?"

Vince groaned again. God! Why did she have to be so fucking good at sucking his dick?

"We'll have to tell her that you love me more, you know," she said suddenly. "But she'll understand. She'll understand, Vincent, and she'll leave... so we can be together... forever."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

From the sound of her, she's fertile. If he puts love pee in her, he'll be a daddy. She's looney, but that other whore is a piece of work, not always for the better...

AcornocopiaAcornocopia10 months ago

I would have plunged my aching cock into that wet pussy in a heartbeat, common sense and morality be damned. Not saying I'm wise....

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