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Crazy Little Thing Called Sex Pt. 05


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He was gripping my ass hard. He had to because the damned thing had a mind of its own and there was nothing I could do to stop it twitching and bucking in his grasp as his oral loving of my cunt continued.

The climaxes came suddenly. One. Two. Three. One after the other and I knew I was flooding his mouth with my secretions. He didn't turn away. He stayed with his mouth pressed firmly against my sex and sucked down everything I had to give him.

My mind was ablaze. I felt my legs trembling as the muscles reacted to the wonderful heat flowing through me as another climax peaked and passed to leave me panting out loud. And we had barely started. I was already feeling the pace when I heard him get to his feet behind me and present his large penis to my already pulsing sex. Oh, wait. Give me a moment...

It was too late. He grabbed me by the hips and thrust his hard cock right up my quivering chute in one strong thrust. Oh fuck. I threw my head back and yelped out loud as he skewered me and I danced agonizingly on his long pole. He pushed harder and forced himself even deeper into me until the root of him kissed the lips of my pussy. I clasped my hands together as if in some desperate prayer as we both savored the first fuck of the day. He held me still and I could feel every twitch and throb of his organ way up inside me.

I tried to roll my buttocks to lift the pressure on my pelvic bone but I couldn't move as he kept me in place. He was pressing down so that my spine curved upwards giving him more access to the wet pouch of my whole sex.

"Like that?" I heard him say from somewhere above me.

"Uh huh," I groaned. I sure did, you big cocked bastard.

"Want me to fuck you harder?"

Oh shit yes. I was so far gone I didn't care.

He kept his word. He slid out of me quickly then returned in a slam dunk that had me squealing out loud. NO. NO. Noooooo. WAIT! AGGGH! Let me just. EEK! Then out again. Back in HARD. Out again. Back in HARDER. Until he was pounding me without mercy in our first animalistic "angry" fuck.

This was too much. My whole body jolted with his thrusts as he began to press forward so that I was forced further and further down onto the bed. My pussy ached with the assault of his cock. He was pounding me into the bed until I was flat on the mattress and he basically mounted me from behind and began fucking me with everything he had.

I was in the bright light again. All I knew was the ball of heat in my sex burned brighter and brighter with each thrust of him. I gave out a loud cry in sheer wanton delight as I came loud and long. I became that light and let the joy of it overwhelm me as my lover gave a final thrust and emptied himself deep within my sex. I gasped and smiled at him as he collapsed on top of me with an exhausted and satisfied groan.


"Do you want me naked?" I asked him.

I stood with my back to him as he undid the laces of my dress. We had taken a moment to recover from our first fuck before preparing for our next coming together. He had already unbound my hair and it fell in auburn waves across my shoulders and down my back.

He stood back and watched as I stepped out of the dress to leave me in my white chemise, bloomers, and stockings. I put the dress carefully on the back of a chair and returned to stand in front of him.

He shook his head. "No, I don't want you to take these off. I love looking at you dressed like this."

I raised my right hand and placed it flat over his heart feeling the dull throbbing of it against my palm. I smiled as I felt it speed up and slow down as he stood there watching what I was doing.

After a moment, he did the same and placed his hand on me as we both listened in silence to the thing that made us tick.

"Feel that?" I asked him.


"Only you can make it do that," I said as I let my eyes wander over him.

I let my hand drop to his slack penis and gently played with it. I moved against him and slipped my hand up and down his rubbery length in a slow sexy wank. I could already feel his heart pumping it into hardness.

I gracefully knelt down in front of him and continued to work on his cock as I ran my other hand up and down his thigh. He stiffened quickly as I leaned forward and licked him from head to root before pressing him up against his abdomen and then did the same to the underside of his member.

It was then I had an idea.

I let his organ drop and I got to my feet. "Won't be a second!" I told him, running out of my bedroom and down the stairs to our junk cupboard. Now, where was mom's sewing box?

I ran back upstairs and burst out laughing at the sight of Rick standing there in my bedroom looking slightly disturbed with both his hands covering his sex.

"Sorry," I said, biting my lip, "There's something I want to do. Hold still," I dropped back down in front of him, grabbed his swinging dick in my left hand to hold him straight out and rolled my mothers tape measure along the top with my right.

Just how big was he? Enquiring minds needed to know. I held the metal tipped end against his bloated purple head and counted each inch as we went, "Okay, let's see here. Five, six, um...six and a half, ooh seven, wow eight, eight and a bit!" I exclaimed.

Eight and a half inches. That was big right? I had no idea. I looked up at him to find him staring down at me. My face was completely pink as I asked him a silent question.

He shrugged self-consciously. "Er, I dunno. I think I read somewhere that over here five inches is the average."

Really? Oh, my. It looked like my man had it where it counted. Not that anything less would have been a problem at all. It was kind of cool to know what he was packing in those jeans of his. Just saying.

"So, now you know how big it is. What are you going to do about it?" he asked as he did his best Superman pose with his hands on his hips.

What was I going to do about it? I slowly licked my lips and looked up at him sexily. I'm going to suck you till you beg me to stop. And then I'm going to come back for more.

And that's exactly what I did.


It had just gone four and the only sound in my bedroom was the sound of our breathing. I lay flat on my back with my breasts rising and falling as I gasped for breath. I could hardly move. I was naked now. Those Victorian garments had long been stripped from me and tossed on a chair. Beside me, my lover was face down completely exhausted due to his exertions these past few hours and minutes.

Determined to improve my blowjob skills, I had blown him juicily until he spent himself in my sucking mouth. We rested again and I took the opportunity to raid the fridge for the bottled water which we gulped down in seconds to ease our thirst.

Once he was ready to go again, I had ridden him with the most intense fuck imaginable until he came with a strangled curse. He was blowing hard and lay crucified on the bed with his penis flopping around like a beached fish. He looked at the end of his tether. His face was flushed and he was twitching all over.

I rolled on top of him and rubbed myself wantonly against his damp skin. "Just one more," I whispered in his ear as I nibbled on it. I felt sexually voracious. At my peak. I couldn't get enough sex out of him. I needed him to satisfy me again.

He let out a long groan and closed his eyes as I slipped down to kick start his engine for another lap - hopefully.

This last time, I spent an age coaxing another erection out of him. It took a double hand job and outstanding oral dexterity to stiffen him up and I lay on my side with him spooning me and shoving his delicious cock in and out of my slot until the last dregs of his spunk oozed out of him and into me.

We were done. At least he was. I could last all day. It was orgasm city in my well-filled womb. I idly wondered if mom had a secret vibrator hidden anywhere in her bedroom I could borrow later. Maybe I should ask her. Now there was a thing.

I sat up and ran both hands through my wild hair and down over both breasts which felt raw with each abused nipple still blood hard. For a second, I thought he'd fallen asleep and I gently shook his shoulders making him groan out loud.

"Leave me alone. I ache all over!" he complained, "I can't feel my dick!"

I started to giggle and slipped off the bed to go take a quick shower.


I opened the fridge door and gasped at the blast of cold air as I stood there totally naked looking for something to eat because I had an appetite to die for.

I reached in, grabbed some sliced ham from a container, the butter, some vegetable spread to add to the taste and closed the door as I hopped from one foot to the other shivering slightly. I took everything over to the bench where the bread was kept and got to making us a sandwich each.

"Need a hand?" asked Rick, yawning as he wandered into the kitchen to come stand behind me and give me a kiss on the left cheek.

I shook my head. "No, nope. I'm fine. We're fine. Won't take a minute."

He did a tour of the kitchen and it was then I realized we were both naked. In my house. In the kitchen. Making sandwiches as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Luckily, the kitchen window looked out into our garden which was bordered by large trees and bushes.

As I buttered the bread, I glanced over at him as he stood to check out our larder with his back to me. I looked him up and down and got this big stupid grin on my face as my attention fell on his tight ass. All in all, he was pretty God damned fit. If he turned around, I'd probably forget all about making us something to eat.

Oh, shush. Listen to you. You little sexpot. Let the man rest. He'd done more than enough to earn his sandwich. He had done a man's job this day. Still, the thought of both of us wandering around in the nude brought on a fit of the giggles. He turned around and I burst out laughing. Oh God. Ha ha ha.

"What?" he smiled as he spread his arms wide and looked down at himself.

I put the knife down, turned and leaned back against the bench. Oh boy, he looked so good and silly. Men would never not be funny when their be all and end all is dangling down like that. Stop it, woman. I had to bite my lip to shut up.

It was his turn to look me up and down. I loved that way he just appreciated me as his lover. A sort of "you're mine" attitude that made your heart skip a beat. I had a pretty good figure. Good tits. Firm thighs. Tight eager beaver. Great ass. Long legs. Fucking outstanding as Sally had once put it.

I watched him intently as he walked over to the kitchen sink and took the small radio which was on the window sill. He turned it on and went up and down the dial looking for stations. Most were either news or current pop channels but then the sound of an old time big band melody burst out of the small speaker. He put the radio back on the sill and turned to me as the mood music filled the room.

To my complete surprise, he took my hands in his and pulled me close until we were touching with my swollen breasts tingling delightfully against the hairs on his chest. He then led me out onto the kitchen floor and we began to slowly dance like they did in those vintage movies of yesteryear.

He put his cheek against mine as we moved together in an intimate waltz as the late afternoon sun shone in through the window. He lifted my right hand to him and I did a little twirl under his arm and came back close to him as we both smiled at each other as we danced around in the nude.

This was perfect. I was just floating dreamily in his arms and didn't want the music to end. Somehow, we knew this was the moment. It was just us. Together. The sound faded and we kissed each other tenderly as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Love you," I whispered.

"Not as much as I love you," he grinned.

Then he did something that I would never forget. He went over to the fridge and took out a can of coke. He opened it, snapped off the ring pull and removed the tab. I looked at him puzzled. What was he doing?

He turned and came to stand before me. He was up to something. Something important. Then he knelt at my feet, took my hand in his and slipped the metal ring onto my finger as I gasped out loud.

"I'm going to marry you one day, Jen," he said with feeling, "If you'll have me."

I couldn't breathe. I was nearly hiccupping with fright. I stared at the metal ring on my finger and the way he was gently rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb. I was completely choked up and just let out this long "Ohhhhhhhh!" of surprise.

What are you talking about? Of course, I'll have you, you twit. Oh, my. I had a major case of the vapours and was a quivering bundle of shivers. I knelt down and lifted our hands between us.

"Are you asking me now?"

He blinked and nodded. "Consider this a dry run."

"Good," I said firmly, "Don't ever expect me to say no."

And I didn't. Everything that happened subsequently was as it was meant to be and just as wonderful as I had imagined it.


The End of Days.

There was a gentle breeze dancing through the trees as I bent down and placed the flowers on his grave.

The sound of the waves crashing on the rocks was the only thing to be heard as we all stood paying our respects. He was now forever where he always wanted to be with his stone facing out to the sea as I looked up into the deep blue sky and remembered all the good times we had shared during our fifty-five years together.

Those years had been filled with love, laughter, and children. I stood up and brushed down my skirt as I stepped back onto the grass.

"Mom?" said a voice behind me to my left.

I turned to see both of my daughters standing there behind me. Born mere minutes apart. Eve and Juliette. Auburn haired twins who turned out to be a reflection of me. Behind them, stood their own children. Two boys and a girl for Eve. A boy and a girl for Juliette. All the girls bore some of my essence in them. The "Jennifer" bloodline would continue long into the future when they had children of their own.

I turned to my right where Sally and Debbie were standing. Each holding flowers for my late husbands grave. We were still the three musketeers and they had been my constant companions throughout my life as we had grown old together. I still smiled at the memory of when they first told me they were an item. Their marriage had been a most wonderful affair.

They both came to me and we hugged and kissed as good friends do and I watched as they laid their flowers on the marble plinth.

Over head, the clouds rolled in from across the sea and a light rain began to fall as we all made our way out of Church Point cemetery to return home.



It was another ten years before the bright light came for me one cold Winters morning in early December. My time had come to an end and the life I lived became a cherished memory for those held close and dear.

I stood for a moment surrounded by that light and waited.

Then I saw them. Walking towards me like white ghosts. I smiled as they took shape in front of my eyes and surrounded me with their love. My parents. Grandparents. Relations. Those long gone. My Gran hugged me and then turned to hold out her hand for someone.

Her own mother came out of the light and she was as beautiful as I remembered her in that photo I had seen so long ago. My ethereal twin. She smiled at me and placed a finger against her lips as everyone turned to look into the distance as if waiting for someone. That someone who I had missed the most in life.

Then I saw him and I started to cry as he came up to me. We were both young again and he took my hands in his.

"Hey, you." he smiled.

"Hey, you yourself," I whispered as we looked into each other's eyes. He kissed me on the lips as the bright light slowly faded and we all stood in a field of grass that stretched as far as the eye could see.

We held hands as we walked together into eternity.


The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
50 years

My wife and I have been together that long, and we each dread being eventually alone. Belief in an afterlife would be a real comfort, but as rational beings we don't have that comfort.

That last paragraph was surplus to requirements, and tended to devalue what had gone before, I think. Not only existence beyond the grave, but an authorial voice completing the narrative.

Still gave the story 5*, however. Thank you Ian.

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sover 6 years ago
Great story

Wonderful job. Wish you would continue the story about their marriage having the twins.

NaughtyNaughtyNurseNaughtyNaughtyNurseover 6 years ago

...an outstanding story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Sadness Vs Happiness

OMG ! I'm a sobbing wreck. I don't whether to curse you or kiss you. I lost my first, my only true love over 45 years ago and I never recovered. Oh to have known love like your characters throughout my life.

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