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Creating Ginger Ch. 01

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A wife decides her cross dressing hubby needs to go further.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/05/2023
Created 05/07/2020
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Author's note: This is a story of a loving, married couple who wanted to expand their boundaries. It involves crossdressing, gender play and their foray into cuckoldry, dominance and submission. If these are not topics you are interested in, then please move along.

In the below story I refer to the male character several ways but try to maintain a consistent in referring to ginger in female terms. With that said, the reader will definitely see some possible confusion when I refer to "Michelle's husband" but also refer to "her" and "ginger" in the same sentence. Also, because ginger's sexual excitement is still based on a genetically male organ, it was unavoidable to use the term "her hardon". I hope this will alleviate confusion, enjoy the story.


As you can imagine, I am contacted by more than a few people regarding stories. Most of them are sissies who are struggling to find a Domme, and while I play with them for a while most usually disappear after about 6 months or leave because I'm "trying to make them too gay". Yes, that is an actual complaint I received more than once. A couple of women have also reached out for one reason or another, as usual they have more staying power then the genetic males, but sooner or later they disappear as well. One woman, Michelle, reached out a few years back about her husband who had a panty fetish.

She knew about his fetish before they married, he wasn't quite honest and upfront with her, but it was difficult for him to hide his arousal over what she had on. Shortly after they started being intimate he started gifting Michelle panties as well or requesting specific pairs for her to wear. She was okay with it and went along with his requests. One day, when she wasn't in the mood to deal with his silliness about underwear she suggested; "if you want that pair worn today, maybe you should wear them!" According to Michelle there was a very tell-tale glimmer in his eye and a deep blush that gave his secret away. Michelle kept nudging, but he always managed to get out of it because he wouldn't fit in her bottoms. Amazon was able to eventually solve that for her, the conversation went something like this.

"Good morning sweetie!" The soon to be Ms. Michelle said sipping her cup of coffee.

"Good morning to you," The soon to be ginger replied sitting hear her, "what's in the box?"

"It's a small gift for you," Ms. Michelle answered, "but you have to promise me two things before I give it to you!"

Michelle knew ginger would not last long knowing there was a gift with her name on it. She also knew ginger would go crazy until she couldn't find out what it was. The promises would be forthcoming.

"I have to promise something to find out?" ginger asked tentatively.

"Yes you do," Ms. Michelle replied with a hint of cockiness in her voice, "two things to be more accurate."

"Okay," the soon to be ginger replied, "I promise."

"Pinky swear!" Michelle said holding out her pinky toward ginger.

"I pinky swear." ginger replied showing a bit of anxiousness.

"Promise one," Michelle said suppressing the butterflies in her stomach, "is that you will wear what I've purchased for you today right after your shower until I tell you that you can take them off." She received a nod in response. "Second promise," Michelle continued steeling her nerve as she blazed into uncharted territory for her, "you'll wear them whenever I want you to wear them!"

"I promise on both accounts," ginger replied sensing her own nervousness rising about what she'd just agreed to, "I will wear them today and whenever you want."

Michelle was beside herself with excitement as she pushed the small gift box toward her fiancée. Taking her time, the soon to be ginger opened the box, gasping at the contents. Pulling them out, she held up a pair of red satin feeling hipster panties with a sheer ruffle along the hem and a delicate little bow in the center. They were ginger's favorite pair for Michelle to wear, and now she was holding a pair in her size!

Michelle watched as ginger's face burned almost as brightly as the panties she held up. Looking down, Michelle could see his cock reacting to the panties. Just as she hoped, her fiancée was getting rock hard while holding up and thinking about wearing the panties.

"What do you think?" Michelle heard her voice crack as she spoke.

"I love them!" Came the excited reply.

Michelle breathed a deep sigh of relief, she had numerous reactions to her gift running through her head to this point, and only one of them was positive. As she conveyed to me some years later when we began chatting, ginger raced upstairs to shower then proudly came downstairs wearing just the red panties which did nothing to contain her excitement. Michelle and ginger love oral sex, that morning before ginger left for work she licked Michelle to two orgasms. That night Michelle had to push her fiancée away as she'd licked her through too many to count while wearing just her new panties.

From that day the panty collection grew and gradually replaced most of ginger's male underwear. Michelle and ginger wore matching panties the day of their wedding. While ginger was perfectly fine with this simple, small step into crossdressing Michelle eventually realized she wanted to try more but was unsure of how to push ginger in that direction. Then she came across the stories about amber and reached out.

We spent considerable time talking by Email, I needed to figure out what Michelle wanted but also what she could possibly figure that ginger wanted as well. There are limits after all and they should be respected, if they are to be pushed they need to be pushed slowly with understanding and compassion. I let her know that she may never get ginger to wear lingerie and heels every day, and she wasn't honestly sure if that was what she wanted. It was going to take time to discover each of their true wants. Step one was getting ginger out of her comfort zone and thinking about wearing something more than just panties. With Christmas coming I suggested a new bathrobe. Michelle and I found one at Victoria's secret, it was brushed cotton on the inside with a floral print satin outer. The satin was black with the lining, lapel and cuffs a rose color.

After a good month or two of back and forth Emails, I settled on a "pace" with Michelle. Those items we felt were not as big changes would need at least 4 weeks to settle in before we started laying the ground work for the next change while big changes would need 6 or more weeks. The first change would require 6 weeks, but would almost align perfectly with Valentine's day. Christmas morning I anxiously awaited Michelle's message. The conversation as I remember it follows;

"I hope you don't mind, I know we usually don't exchange these kind of gifts at Christmas," Michelle said sliding her husband's special gift over, "but I thought this would work a lot better for around the house."

ginger took the box, looking over his wife's face not quite understanding the look of concern on her face. What she didn't know was, this was a big first step in the plan that had been laid out between her and me, with a definite goal in mind. Next Christmas would find ginger in a much different position with a greatly expanded wardrobe.

"Around the house?" Came the reply as she opened the box. "Oh this is," ginger's fingers tentatively touched the robe, "it's so soft!"

"I hope it fits!" Michelled beamed, knowing it would fit but using those words as a prod for ginger to try it on.

"I'm sure it does," ginger slid out of the chair dropping her blue terry bathrobe and holding out the longer, more feminine one, "it feels amazing!"

Slowly sliding her arms into the new robe, Michelle watched intently making sure she was gauging the response properly. There was no resistance in ginger's action. The blue robe was crumpled on the floor while the other was quickly being pulled on, but not before she could see her excitement growing in the black satin bikinis ginger had on that morning. Pulling the sash tight, ginger slowly turned in the women's robe waiting for Michelle's words of approval.

"Oh that looks fantastic on you!" Michelle's excitement burst forth. "It even matches your bottoms today!" Her words were calculated, she deliberately did not refer to them as panties so ginger wouldn't equate the robe to being feminine as well. The day prior Michelle had also made sure ginger's panties would be black on Christmas morning so they would match the robe perfectly.

"Is this pink?" Came the question Michelle had prepared herself for with my help.

"It's called rose," Michelle replied calmly, "I figured it was because of the flowers in the material on the outside, plus, it will match your bottoms better." Then she had to set the trap, just in case. "It's okay right?" Michelle's voice now more timid, questioning her decision. "You don't think it's too much do you? I mean," Michelle looked down, trying to look embarrassed, "I can return it if you don't like it."

"Oh no!" Was the hoped for response. "I love it! It's perfect," ginger quickly moved to Michelle's chair, kneeling before her, "I'll wear it every day!"

"I'm so happy!" Michelle said throwing her arms around ginger.

As planned, ginger's reward was a loving massage of the front of her crotch followed by Michelle guiding ginger's mouth between her legs. With each step, regardless of how large or small, Michelle had to not only communicate her happiness but reinforce it by teasing ginger then having ginger service her. It was key to continue to ingrain submission and that pleasing Ms. Michelle had its distinct rewards.

New Year's Eve the couple spent at home with ginger in her favorite robe and a very sexy thong that was more for special occasions. After a bit of wine, and an intimate evening, ginger fell asleep with her robe on. Michelle managed to get ginger to fall asleep in it a few more times which would play into Valentine's Day perfectly.

"Honey," Michelle started, "I just, well, I don't know."

"What is it Michelle?"

"I bought this on a whim," Michelle deliberately staggered her words as she spoke, "it just seemed like something, and I loved how it looked, but now I'm not sure."

"What are you talking about?" ginger asked. "What did you get?"

"I just don't want you to be mad if you don't like it," Michelle's panic was in part very real, "and you have to tell me if I've gone too far." Michelle clutched the gift she was holding as ginger reached out for it. "I don't know, I shouldn't have."

"Let me see it," ginger pleaded, "I want to see it so I can decide if you went too far. Is that fair?"

"Okay." Came Michelle's sheepish reply as she handed over the box.

Michelle held her breath as she watched ginger open the box. This was going to be a giant step, she immediately regretted going against my advice knowing one push too far could send all her plans crashing to failure. She was lightheaded as ginger took the top off the box. Finally, taking a deep breath as ginger took the item out of the box, Michelle tried desperately to regain her composure.

"Is it too much?" Michelle finally blurted. "It's just you've fallen asleep in your robe so many times," gulping in air before continuing, "and you always seem to be happier the mornings after you sleep in it, I just thought maybe."

What ginger held up was a pale blue satin feeling nightgown with spaghetti straps and a lace swath that started just under her right arm, cutting across her tummy and ending at her left hip where it met a high slit. My recommendation had been a plain nightie, something understated, then have ginger graduate to that particular nightgown but once Michelle saw the nightgown she had to buy it. What she was met with was silence. Had she pushed too far? Would her slowly blossoming ginger die on the vine and be replaced by the boxer wearing George?

"I'll take it back." Michelle said reaching out for the nightgown.

"Hang on a second," came the promising but cautious reply, "I think I want to at least try it on."

"Really?" Michelle's eyes grew as she watched new life returning to her plans.

Just as she expected the nightgown was snug through ginger's chest to the hips where the slit gave it a flowy look and feel. As she'd done before, she made sure ginger's panties coordinated with the color. The white lace bottoms did nothing to hide ginger's growing excitement, which caused her to have to adjust herself twice. The hook was obviously set! For the next 5 night's ginger wore her nightgown to bed, when Michelle mentioned that it needed to be washed, ginger asked if she could have more than one.

Over glasses of wine Michelle and ginger went nightwear shopping online. At Michelle's suggestion they also added a short robe that didn't have the brushed cotton lining so ginger could wear it during warmer months. As ginger's female wardrobe expanded her outside world clothing had to be moved or reduced to accommodate.

With that change now set, a couple months passed before Michelle mentioned a friend going to cosmetology school that needed to practice. The friend would come to their place to "practice" manicures and pedicures. After some apprehension ginger agreed to help out. The friend came over, giving both of them facials, manicures and pedicures and "mistakenly" applying clear polish to ginger's toes. On one of their next trips to the mall Michelle pointed out that there were a couple men in the mall spa getting pedicures and that one was having clear polish on his toes. It seemed to get ginger back on track.

Simple suggestions then continued progress, but it was taken very slowly, knowing ginger could end it all if pushed too far. Statements such as "Those panties would look so much sexier without all that hair." Or, "The razors for your face are expensive to shave your body with, use the razors I use." And, "Oh, I have a great cream that will help with that skin irritation from shaving, and it doesn't smell overly feminine." Over the course of the summer ginger was shaving and trimming her pubic hair and chest, using lavender scented moisturizer and changing into her nightie shortly after dinner each night. Additionally, ginger was orgasming once every 12 to 14 days while Michelle was having multiple orgasms a day thanks to ginger's talented tongue.

At my insistence Michelle let things stay that way through July, August and September. Michelle wanted ginger to go the full distance, and become a heel and wig wearing sissy servant, but she needed to be patient to get her there. Truth be told, Michelle still had no idea of ginger's true limits. It was only when I told Michelle my plan for October that she finally gave in. I was able to find them a Halloween party at a bar relatively close to them. Based on the pictures from past events it was a bit raucous with some fairly over the top outfits. The outfit for ginger would be tame, she certainly wasn't going to spend her first night out en femme wearing a miniskirt and 5" heels after all. Michelle even found a hotel close by so they wouldn't have to worry about one of them remaining sober.

While she collected the items for their costumes, Michelle and I kept in relatively constant contact. Before showing new items to ginger, she and I discussed her possible reactions and how to best quell ginger's fears. On the surface, the idea of wearing matching lingerie with his wife, was a great idea, the fact he would be wearing it out to a strange place full of people ginger didn't know was frightening. Then there was the lingerie Michelle had picked out.

The soon to be ginger entered their bedroom with her arms across her body, unable to look at Michelle. "I don't know how I'm going to wear this out Michelle." Came the pleading voice.

"Oh my God," Michelle said standing behind the bed wearing a bathrobe pulled tightly to her neck, "you look so damn sexy!"

"Thank you," Came the blushing, embarrassed reply, "but this is too much, or too little to wear."

"Oh relax," Michelle said chastising her husband, "that's only part of the outfit, what do you think of how it looks on me?"

Michelle slipped off her bathrobe and stepped from around the bed to face the already sexually excited ginger. She had on black leather and fishnet bustier, which did little to contain her ample chest, a matching pair of low slung bikinis, black lace-top fishnet stockings and a pair of black patent high heels.

"Holy shit!" ginger replied.

Michelle noted that ginger had already started leaking from her surging hard-on, sensing the return of control, she slowly turned stopping with her back to ginger. Flipping her hair, Michelle looked seductively at ginger over her shoulder while bending one leg and arching her back to stick out her nearly bare bottom.

"Are my seams straight Baby?" Michelle said watching ginger's eyes roam her body. "Honey!" Michelle tried to sound stern but had to suppress a giggle as ginger's mouth fell open. "Babygirl!"

"What?" ginger asked finally snapping out of her trance.

"Are my seams straight silly?"

"Ummm, yeah they are," ginger said looking over Michelle's shapely legs, "but you don't expect me to wear those heels do you? I'll fall and break something!"

"Oh no!" Michelle replied, turning and slowly sauntering past ginger while letting her hand graze over and squeeze ginger's trobbing crotch on her way past. "I thought of that," Michelle said opening the closet door, "give me a second."

Michelle bent forward at the hips, bracing herself on the closet shelf, sticking her barely covered butt out giving ginger an unadulterated view. Michelle giggled at the slight moan she could hear from behind her then swayed back and forth a bit while she pretended to look for the shoe box. In truth, Michelle already had her other hand resting on the box.

Standing there, mouth agape, ginger adjusted the front of her panties for the fourth or fifth time while she watched Michelle's fishnet bikini bottoms disappear between her butt cheeks. Michelle always had good looking legs and a sexy butt, but the combination of heels, stockings and bottoms set ginger's crotch on fire. Had ginger been able to process a thought, she would have grabbed Michelle and bedded her immediately, but the months of Michelle slowly taking charge had set in to the point ginger couldn't bring herself to give into such male urges.

"Here it is!" Michelle said as she slowly turned out of the closet keeping her butt pointed at ginger. "Have a seat on the bed Baby!"

Michelle had to giggle as ginger sat, jumped up to adjust herself, then slowly sat again. The tiny, low cut bikinis were barely built to hold Michelle never mind ginger's boy parts! As ginger's erect cock was sticking lewdy up, the tip glistened with precum that was now pouring down the underside.

"Looks like someone is excited!" Michelle teased setting the shoe box next to ginger on the bed.

"I mean my God Michelle," ginger exclaimed as Michelle's finger slid up the underside of ginger's shaft, "have you seen yourself in that outfit?"

"I'm pretty sure you were already hard walking out of the bathroom," Michelle said seductively putting her wet finger into ginger's mouth and slowly withdrawing it, "I think I was just the icing on your cross dressing cake!"

Before ginger could answer Michelle leaned forward, grasping the back of ginger's head with her hand while forcing her tongue into ginger's mouth. After the initial shock, they exchanged a deep, lingering, intimate kiss until Michelle released ginger.

"I bet you've always wondered what you tasted like haven't you?" Michelle teased as she turned her attention to the shoe box.

"Well," ginger's face flushed, "not always."

"Oh do tell!" Michelle replied stopping in her tracks.


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