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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 03 Ch. 02


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Cindy raised and spread her legs and drew them up, exposing her cunt to Katie's enthralled eyes. She had seen Jane in the same position with every detail laid out before her, but it had been darker then. In addition, this time she was able to study those details without Matt behind her, eager to get to the main event. She looked carefully at the clit, slightly protruding above the moist folds of Cindy's cunt below. Her eyes traced a path down between the engorged cunt lips into the inter recesses and the hole going into her body. On past that she saw the perineum, and, then, the asshole. For the first time she was able to clearly see what a woman was like between her legs.

That curiosity-fueled observation didn't last long, of course. She reached in and began lightly massaging the clit with the fingers of her left hand, while she stroked through the lips with the index finger of her right. She dipped the finger into the opening for a moment and then slid it backward over the perineum onto the asshole. She paused there momentarily and circled the tip around the closed opening. She continued teasing Cindy's clit while stroking back upward to the entrance to her vagina, sinking the finger into her again. Briefly finger-fucking the cunt opening, she dragged the finger back between the lips to the asshole where, this time, the lubricated tip penetrated to the first knuckle.

The trip between cunt and ass was repeated a number of times, the finger going deeper and the finger-fucking being more rapid and lasting longer. Cindy began moving, matching the rhythm of the probing finger, jerking upward most strongly when the finger was in her ass. Finally, Katie had the finger completely inside and she just left it there, gently flexing the fingertip deep in the passage.

At the same time, she lowered her face in close and began licking Cindy's cunt. She flicked her tongue over, and briefly sucked, the clit before running it through the very moist, swollen lips. She pushed the tip of the tongue as deep into the opening as she could before returning to the clit. Cindy's moves were more pronounced by this time, her hips flexing upwards to meet Katie's licking tongue. It was apparent that the climax was close. Pulling her finger out of Cindy's ass, she moved her hands to the back of Cindy's thighs, pushing against them firmly as she began licking from her asshole to her clit, pausing at each end as she ran her tongue between the lips. Cindy's motions became less controlled, jerking upwards while squirming against the stroking tongue.

As the orgasm began, Katie just fastened her mouth over the clit, frantically licking and pushing hard against Cindy's pubic mound. Cindy was thrashing around so hard that it was almost impossible for Katie to stay in place. When it was over, she released her grip on Cindy's thighs and her legs fell to the bed with Katie still between them, her head resting on the mound of soft hair. Finally, somewhat recovered for her physical efforts and postponing her mental self-analysis, Katie crawled up beside the almost comatose Cindy and kissed her. This time it was Cindy who tasted her own cunt on another woman's lips. It was almost with regret that Katie forced herself to say 'jasmine.'

She sat there for almost five minutes, looking at Cindy's nude body, knowing what she had just done – and what had been done to her – hardly able to believe what her eyes and memory told her. She looked between Cindy's still opened legs and thought, "I was right in there licking her. I had my finger in her cunt and...ass!" She suddenly was aware that she had actually done more to Cindy than Cindy had done to her. She had been totally lost in a sexual enchantment, a non-hypnotic trance that led her to do things beyond her comprehension.

Finally, she was able to get herself together, wash away the evidence of her sexual endeavors and dress. She carefully thought about her next step and prepared her instruction for Cindy. "Cindy, get up. Go into the bathroom and fix yourself up and come back and get dressed." Katie fixed the bed, which quite obviously had been well used, and waited for Cindy. Once again, she had a funny feeling, an indescribable feeling, as the nude woman came out and dressed in front of her – a woman she really hardly knew but with whom she had shared one of the most intimate experiences of her life!

"Cindy, you and I have had a long session of trying to overcome your difficulty in having an orgasm. You just lay there and had a long and effective fantasy about having sex with Judy. Nothing happened here, just you fantasizing. You're sure that you made real progress and feel very good." Katie hesitated, having a strong internal struggle and started down that slippery slope by adding, "You will want to have sex with Richard tonight and feel excitement. You will have a small orgasm which will encourage you. You will want to have another session with me to continue your improvement. None of this will feel strange to you." Katie, putting down a surge of guilt, repeated those instructions until they were engrained in Cindy's mind and then awakened her.

"How do you feel, Cindy? It looked that your fantasy had a good effect on you."

"Oh, Katie, That was wonderful. I don't think that I have ever fantasized about Judy in such detail! I remember things she did to me that ... well, I don't know where they came from, but I must have a mind that is more original than I thought to dream up such a fantasy!" She looked at Katie and, embarrassed, went on, "I feel funny about this in a way. It must be peculiar for you to sit here and watch me lying there having a wild sexual fantasy. I do anything that bothers you? I'm not even aware of you being here, of course, but when I'm out of the...trance, I guess, I'm self-conscious about it."

"Don't worry about it! You certainly are not doing anything to disturb me. This specific problem is a first for me too, but the cure most certainly is to get rid of your mental block and we definitely are making progress. I was going to suggest that since you normally would be undressed when sexually fantasizing you might be less inhibited in that condition. You seem to be doing well, so that may not matter. Anyway, we should look at the schedule and have another session tomorrow."

"Yes, I definitely want to work at it tomorrow for I really think that's it's working! For the first time in months I can feel excitement when I think of sex! Maybe undressing would help if you wouldn't mind."

Cindy left shortly afterwards, full of enthusiasm, and Katie fell into a stupor, her mind a morass of conflicting thoughts and ideas. In the foreground was a bewildering set of images, like a slideshow, recalling the things she had done and the things done to her. She recalled the feeling as another woman made love to her – the feeling of her lips and fingers bringing her to a tremendous orgasm. Then the unbelievable reality that she had more than matched what she had received as she returned the favor. She was there to bring Cindy to orgasm, as she planned, but she recognized that she was doing a great deal more than that.

When she was kissing Cindy and working between her legs, she wasn't doing it to help a client, far from it! She was having sex with another woman, making love to another woman – and completely lost in it. These thoughts and pictures were warm and pleasant and she had enjoyed every part of it. But, alongside of and mixed in with this stream of memories was a darker element. In the background was a menacing wall of guilt. Intermixed with those memories was the realization that she had deliberately taken advantage of Cindy and her problem and had gone far beyond what her ethical standards would permit. She had even arranged for further immoral activities tomorrow!

Shortly afterwards, Matt came in and found her still sitting there, staring blankly at the wall while her mind raced. She jumped, startled out of her contemplation as he spoke, "Hi honey. I saw Cindy going into the elevator and she looked quite cheerful. How did it go?" Before she could reply he saw the rather tremulous smile on her face as she turned toward him. "Uh oh, you don't look happy. Did something go wrong?"

"I talked about being on a slippery slope. Well, I'm on skis going down it! You said to let go and enjoy it and quit worrying. Well, I did! I had sex with her. We went all the way and I loved it. I've been sitting here, my mind chaotic. It seems that whether or not I want to be bisexual, I certainly was that today and the feeling was almost euphoric. But balancing that is a tidal wave, a tsunami, of guilt flooding over me. When she came in, I was determined to act professionally and not get involved personally, but I deliberately told her to have sex with "Judy" and I undressed and got on the bed with her and, of course, I was Judy!"

"Wow, that's something! However, I'm not surprised and I'm certainly not unhappy. I'm sure that she enjoyed it as much as you and, undoubtedly, she is further along toward solving her sexual problems than before you started working on her. You talk about those ethical standards which are there to keep your client from being harmed. How is she being harmed? She's living out her fantasies for heaven's sake! What's wrong with that?"

"I know all of that and...and I think you're right. However, somewhere in my mind is my conscience telling me that I'm rationalizing to get what I want. Well, conscience or not, rationalizing or not, she's coming back here tomorrow and I'm sure I'll do it again." Smiling ruefully, she continued, I guess I'll just have to get used to be, as you described yourself, 'ethically challenged!'"

As would be expected, the conversation went on for a long time with Katie divulging all of the things that had gone on between her and Cindy. Reviewing those actions in explicit detail changed her mood. Describing the things she had done and had done to her brought back the wild excitement and sexual arousal that fueled her plunge into female-female sex. By the time that her review was finished, both she and Matt were hot and ready for their more traditional male-female version of sexual engagement.

Before indulging in that activity, however, there was one more reminder of Katie's afternoon experience. As she undressed and removed her bra, Matt, watching her, laughed and said, "If you're going out and having wild sex orgies in the afternoon, you had better be careful or your husband may get suspicious!"

"What on earth or you talking about?"

"Look in the mirror!"

Katie went into the bathroom and almost immediately cried out, "Oh my god, I don't believe it!" The excitement and embarrassment mentioned earlier was shown on her face as she came out. There on her breast, right beside the nipple, were several dark spots that could only be illicit love marks! "And I was careful not to mark her so the Richard wouldn't know anything and she got me! Another woman put hickeys on my tit! Damn, you're right – my husband might be suspicious! Fortunately, he's not too bright or observant, so maybe he won't notice. Ooh, that makes me feel sexy – come on, fuck me!"

Lying in bed afterwards, Katie grinned at Matt. "Well, I guess that proved one thing! I may not be completely straight, but I'm damn sure not a lesbian! I still prefer a hard cock in me! Like it or not, however, I'm afraid that I am bisexual, at least to some degree. Even after this I am still looking forward to seeing Cindy tomorrow!"

Matt leaned up and looked down at her. Twirling an imaginary moustache and using the evil voice of the old black hat, black caped cartoon-like villain, Snidely Whiplash, leered at her and said, "Sure, and when we're greeting the new passengers next cruise, you'll be right there with me, lusting after the hot women, just waiting to get them in your clutches. We'll both be checking for new victims for you to seduce with your mysterious hypnosis. They'll be in your power and you'll have your way with them!"

Before he was ready for her reaction, Katie gave him a shove and he, literally, was pushed off the bed onto the floor. "Ok, wise guy! I'll use my mysterious power to replace you in bed! You make a lousy Snidely Whiplash. Anyway, I'm not going to be lusting after anyone – I'll leave that up to you. That you are good at! I'm not going to be looking for victims and I have no clutches. However, after making a fool of myself with my 'no more Janes' mantra, I have no intention of saying 'no more Cindys.' I'm not going to be looking for something, but I know that if something like this comes along, I'm likely to give way to temptation."

"See, you're not pure Little Nell either. More to the point, I'm certainly not righteous Dudley Do-Right, so tell me about that other fantasy that Cindy uses, the one with her neighbor. I wouldn't mind working with her on that one! I'm more Snidely than Dudley."

"Well, I won't argue about that! Ok, Snidely, he played around with her in the pool and generally felt her up. I know that you have been fascinated by her tits since that first night on the stage and I'm sure that I could make her see you as him. However, as far as I know, Richard always goes into the pool with her. Regardless of that, the pool is never empty of people and the pool lights are always on if it's night, so standing there feeling her might be pretty obvious! Other than that, I see no problem!"

"I get the picture. Anyway, that's not much of a sexual experience to build a fantasy on. Didn't they do any more than that?"

"No, that's all they ever did, but she has built up other scenarios where he actually fucks her. She described a couple of fantasies in detail that were very erotic, one where she sucks Lyle and one where he fucks her in bed." Katie recounted the elaborate fantasies that Cindy had recounted to her, ending with, "She said that she embellished the mild experience she had with Lyle and, boy, did she!"

"Gods, she may not have had much real experience, but her imagination works well! You did say that she did have an orgasm, didn't you?"

"Oh yes. Actually twice now, once yesterday and once today. I don't think that there is going to be a problem overcoming her mental block if it isn't gone already. That's one of the things I feel guilty about. I'm holding her back just because I want to play with her – actually, after today, have sex with her. However, I did tell her to have sex with Richard tonight and have a small orgasm. I...I want them to see progress, but not think that she's cured. That really wasn't fair of me, but I did it!"

"Any way you look at it, though, they are both getting what they want. She's getting a great deal more."

"I know. I'm going to muzzle my conscience. They have a tour tomorrow in Naples, so she's going to call later for us to make arrangements. With this cruise having only two 'at sea' days, it's hard to fit everything in – as you well know since you do the scheduling! Anyway, we'll be going ashore sometime, just to walk around, but we can be back any time."

"Is there any chance that you can arrange for me to see her? Maybe like we did with Janine? You said that you were sure that you could arrange that she couldn't see me. I'd love to be there when she's naked and when the two of you are together. That would be wild! I really liked seeing you with Jane! With her fantasies about Lyle, maybe I could do something with her!"

"I've been thinking about that. Actually, I was thinking about it this afternoon when I watched her undress because I knew that you would love to see her naked." She turned away, obviously conflicted, as she avoided his eyes. "I...I don't know what to say...I feel so foolish." Forcing herself to turn and face him, she continued, "It's one thing to have you there to see her, but another when I'm having sex with her. I don't mind that you watched me with Jane, even when I licked her. But I'm hesitant – scared, actually – to have you watch me really having sex with another woman!

"Wait, before you say anything. I know I stood there watching you fuck Jane. I got so excited that I joined in. What's the difference with you watching me? Nothing really, but somehow me having sex with another woman still seems wrong while you fucking Jane was perfectly normal. You know that I never had any prejudice against lesbians – god, my first roommate, Cathy, was a lesbian! As you said earlier, our very dear friends, Julie and Susan, are lesbians. I say that I seem to be bisexual, and I've come to accept that! But, damn it, the idea of you seeing me with Cindy changes everything! I'm afraid that I will be too self-conscious, even too embarrassed, to let myself go with her if you're there. I guess that, somehow, the whole business still seems perverted to me, and I'm reluctant to have you see me doing something aberrant!"

Matt stared at her, speechless, for a full minute before exclaiming, "Katie, you never cease amazing me – and not necessarily in a good way! Where the hell to these ideas come from? Julie and Susan sleep in our guest room and, I assume they have sex. Have you ever thought that they were perverted? You do the same thing with Cindy and it's perverted? You described all the things you did with Cindy. Did I do or say anything that makes you think that I disapproved? Didn't I encourage you? Now, I can understand that my being there might inhibit or embarrass you since this is all new – but perverted? You've got to be kidding!"

"Oh, I know all of that and I know that I'm being completely irrational. Just yesterday you said that I think that my feelings and emotions have to be rational and that it was wrong to feel that way. Now here I am going the other way and I'm sure that's wrong too! I don't know why these ideas are messing up my mind! Maybe it's my guilty conscience sneaking in a different way – I don't know. I do know that many people would consider what I'm doing with Cindy to be perverted, but I don't care – and I really know that you don't either.

"Ok, I think that I'll be able to get over any self-consciousness I feel when you're watching, so let's go ahead with it. We'll do the same thing we did with Janine so Cindy won't know that you're there. I still have serious reservations, though, about you doing anything physical with her. I...I guess that feeling her a bit would be ok, but, damn, I don't know about doing anything more. I'm going to have to do some real soul searching about that!"

Cindy and Richard took a tour of Naples and they met Katie and Matt that evening. Katie and Cindy had arranged a session for after dinner and they headed for the suite, leaving Richard to go to the casino. He loved playing poker and Katie had "suggested" that he would like to go there that evening while the session was going on – which is what he wanted to do, anyway – and that they would meet him there later. Matt already had reached the suite and was waiting when the two women arrived. As she had with Janine, Katie already had used the trigger word putting Cindy into a post hypnotic trance and had ensured Cindy that they would be alone. She then released her from that brief post hypnotic trance so that she would act perfectly normal in all other ways.

As soon as they were in the room, Cindy erupted. "Oh. Katie, I couldn't wait to tell you! Richard and I had sex last night and I actually got excited! I actually went off! It wasn't a big orgasm, but it was the first I've had at all in the last six months! I didn't want to talk about it in front of Matt – I really don't know why because he knows of my problem – but I'm thrilled! I'm really hopeful that by the time we get off in Venice that I'll be back to normal!"

"That's wonderful, Cindy! Did you use a fantasy and, if so, which?"

"I used the one with Judy. I started using fantasies about Lyle, the ones I described yesterday, but they weren't working. Then I went back to the best one, the one I used with Judy that was so good yesterday. It worked fine although, as I said, it wasn't a major orgasm.

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